I see many people asking this question here but I didn't see a code that I can execute. I am trying to make two operations, to get dOuput/dInput and to get dOutput/dParameters. I tried
# gradient method 1
jac_Action_wrt_Param = tf.pack([tf.concat(1, [tf.reshape(tf.gradients(action_output[:, idx], param)[0], [1, -1])
for param in learnable_param_list]) for idx in range(action_dim)],
axis=1, name='jac_Action_wrt_Param')
jac_Action_wrt_State = tf.pack(
[tf.gradients(action_output[:, idx], state_input)[0] for idx in range(action_dim)], axis=1,
here state is input and action is output. Both methods give None... What did I do wrong?
I've had a look through and I don't think stack has an answer for this, I am fairly new at this though any help is appreciated.
I'm using an AWS Sagemaker endpoint to return a png mask and I'm trying to display the probability as a whole of each class.
So first stab does this:
pred_map = np.argmax(mask, axis=0)
non_zero_mask = pred_map[pred_map != 0]) # get everything but background
# print(np.bincount(pred_map[pred_map != 0]).argmax()) # Ignore this line as it just shows the most probable
num_classes = 6
plt.imshow(pred_map, vmin=0, vmax=num_classes-1, cmap='jet')
As you can see I'm removing the background pixels, now I need to show class 1,2,3,4,5 have X probability based on the number of pixels they occupy - I'm unsure if I'll reinvent the wheel by simply taking the total number of elements from the original mask then looping and counting each pixel/class number etc - are there inbuilt methods for this please?
So after typing this out had a little think and reworded some of searches and came across this.
unique_elements, counts_elements = np.unique(pred_map[pred_map != 0], return_counts=True)
print(np.asarray((unique_elements, counts_elements)))
#[[ 2 3]
#[87430 2131]]
So then I'd just calculate the % based on this or is there a better way? For example I'd do
87430 / 89561(total number of pixels in the mask) * 100
Giving 2 in this case a 97% probability.
Update for Joe's comment below:
rec = Record()
recordio = mx.recordio.MXRecordIO(results_file, 'r')
protobuf = rec.ParseFromString(recordio.read())
values = list(rec.features["target"].float32_tensor.values)
shape = list(rec.features["shape"].int32_tensor.values)
shape = np.squeeze(shape)
mask = np.reshape(np.array(values), shape)
mask = np.squeeze(mask, axis=0)
My first thought was to use np.digitize and write a nice solution.
But then I realized how you can hack it in 10 lines:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
size = (10, 10)
x = np.random.randint(0, 7, size) # your classes, seven excluded.
# empty array, filled with mask and number of occurrences.
x_filled = np.zeros_like(x)
for i in range(1, 7):
mask = x == i
count_mask = np.count_nonzero(mask)
x_filled[mask] = count_mask
I am not sure about the axis convention with imshow
at the moment, you might have to flip the y axis so up is up.
SageMaker does not provide in-built methods for this.
I'm trying to learn to train a double-DQN algorithm on tensorflow and it doesn't work. to make sure everything is fine I wanted to test something. I wanted to make sure that using tf.gather on the argmax is exactly the same as taking the max: let's say I have a network called target_network:
first let's take the max:
next_qvalues_target1 = target_network.get_symbolic_qvalues(next_obs_ph) #returns tensor of qvalues
next_state_values_target1 = tf.reduce_max(next_qvalues_target1, axis=1)
let's try it in a different way- using argmax and gather:
next_qvalues_target2 = target_network.get_symbolic_qvalues(next_obs_ph) #returns same tensor of qvalues
chosen_action = tf.argmax(next_qvalues_target2, axis=1)
next_state_values_target2 = tf.gather(next_qvalues_target2, chosen_action)
diff = tf.reduce_sum(next_state_values_target1) - tf.reduce_sum(next_state_values_target2)
next_state_values_target2 and next_state_values_target1 are supposed to be completely identical. so running the session should output diff = . but it does not.
What am I missing?
Found out what went wrong. chosen action is of shape (n, 1) so I thought that using gather on a variable that's (n, 4) I'll get a result of shape (n, 1). turns out this isn't true. I needed to turn chosen_action to be a variable of shape (n, 2)- instead of [action1, action2, action3...] I needed it to be [[1, action1], [2, action2], [3, action3]....] and use gather_nd to be able to take specific elements from next_qvalues_target2 and not gather, because gather takes complete rows.
I am trying to build the BiseNet shown in the figure at "https://github.com/Blaizzy/BiSeNet-Implementation".
When I want to use the GlobalAveragePooling2D() in Keras(tf-backend) to finish the Attention Refined Module in Figure(b), I find the output shape of the GlobalAveragePooling2D() is not suitable for the next convolution.
I checked out many implementation of BiSeNet code in github, however, most of them use AveragePooling2D(size=(1,1)) instead. But AveragePooling2D(size=(1,1)) is completely non-sense.
So I define a lambda layer to do what I want (The selected code is shown as below). The lambda layer works but seems very ugly:
def samesize_globalAveragePooling2D(inputtensor):
# inputtensor shape:(?, 28,28,32)
x = GlobalAveragePooling2D()(inputtensor) # x shape:(?, 32)
divide = tf.divide(inputtensor, inputtensor) # divide shape:(?, 28,28,32)
x2 = x * divide # x2 shape:(?, 28,28,32)
global_pool = Lambda(function=samesize_globalAveragePooling2D)(conv_0)
Hope to get suggestion to make this lambda to be more graceful.
This could be done using a lambda layer on tf.reduce_mean.
tf.keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: tf.reduce_mean(x, axis=[1, 2], keep_dims=True))
In cs231n 2017 class, when we backpropagate the gradient we update the biases like this:
db = np.sum(dscores, axis=0, keepdims=True)
What's the basic idea behind the sum operation? Thanks
This is the formula of derivative (more precisely gradient) of the loss function with respect to the bias (see this question and this post for derivation details).
The numpy.sum call computes the per-column sums along the 0 axis. Example:
dscores = np.array([[1, 2, 3],[2, 3, 4]]) # a 2D matrix
db = np.sum(dscores, axis=0, keepdims=True) # result: [[3 5 7]]
The result is exactly element-wise sum [1, 2, 3] + [2, 3, 4] = [3 5 7]. In addition, keepdims=True preserves the rank of original matrix, that's why the result is [[3 5 7]] instead of just [3 5 7].
By the way, if we were to compute np.sum(dscores, axis=1, keepdims=True), the result would be [[6] [9]].
Apparently, the focus of this question is the formula itself. I'd like not to go too much off-topic here and just try to tell the main idea. The sum appears in the formula because of broadcasting over the mini-batch in the forward pass. If you take just one example at a time, the bias derivative is just the error signal, i.e. dscores (see the links above explain it in detail). But for a batch of examples the gradients are added up due to linearity. That's why we take the sum along the batch axis=0.
Numpy axis visual description:
Can you intuitively explain or give more examples about tf.gather_nd for indexing and slicing into high-dimensional tensors in Tensorflow?
I read the API, but it is kept quite concise that I find myself hard to follow the function's concept.
Ok, so think about it like this:
You are providing a list of index values to index the provided tensor to get those slices. The first dimension of the indices you provide is for each index you will perform. Let's pretend that tensor is just a list of lists.
[[0]] means you want to get one specific slice(list) at index 0 in the provided tensor. Just like this:
[[0], [1]] means you want get two specific slices at indices 0 and 1 like this:
[tensor[0], tensor[1]]
Now what if tensor is more than one dimensions? We do the same thing:
[[0, 0]] means you want to get one slice at index [0,0] of the 0-th list. Like this:
[[0, 1], [2, 3]] means you want return two slices at the indices and dimensions provided. Like this:
[tensor[0][1], tensor[2][3]]
I hope that makes sense. I tried using Python indexing to help explain how it would look in Python to do this to a list of lists.
You provide a tensor and indices representing locations in that tensor. It returns the elements of the tensor corresponding to the indices you provide.
EDIT: An example
import tensorflow as tf
sess = tf.Session()
x = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]
y = tf.gather_nd(x, [[1,1],[1,2]])
[5, 6]