How to run an specific test case in the selected environment in SoapUI - api

I have multiple Environment and a lot of test cases, but not all test cases are needed to be run in all environment. Is there a way to run only an specific test cases from a test suite based on the selected Environment.
For Example
If I select Environment1, it will run the following test cases
If I select Environment2, it will run only the following test cases

There can be different solution to achieve this since you have multiple environments i.e., pro software being used.
I would achieve the solution using Test Suite's Setup Script:
Create Test Suite level custom property. Use the same name as your environment name. For instance, DEV is the environment defined, use the same as test suite property name and provide the list of values separated by comma as value for that property, say TC1, TC2 etc.,
Similarly defined other environments and its values as well.
Copy the below script in Setup Script for the test suite and execute the script which enables or disables the test cases according to the environment and property value
Test Suite's Setup Script
* This is soapui's Setup Script
* which enables / disables required
* test cases based on the user list
* for that specific environment
def disableTestCase(testCaze) {
testCaze.disabled = true
def enableTestCase(testCaze) {
testCaze.disabled = false
def getEnvironmentSpecificList(def testSuite) {
def currentEnv = testSuite.project.activeEnvironment.NAME
def enableList = testSuite.getPropertyValue(currentEnv).split(',').collect { it.trim()} "List of test for enable: ${enableList}"
def userList = getEnvironmentSpecificList(testSuite)
testSuite.testCaseList.each { kase ->
if (userList.contains( {
} else {
Other way to achieve this is using Event feature of ReadyAPI, you may use TestRunListener.beforeRun() and filter the test case whether to execute or ignore.
If you are using ReadyAPI, then you can the new feature called tag the test cases. A test case can be tagged with multiple values and you can execute tests using specific tags. In this case, you may not needed to have the setup script as that is for the open source edition. Refer documentation for more details.
This solution is only specific to Pro software and Open Source edition does have this tag feature.


Is there a way to test roblox games?

As I started to understand a little bit more about Roblox, I was wondering if there is any possible way to automate the testing. As a first step only on the Lua scripting, but ideally also simulating the game and interactions.
Is there any way of doing such a thing?
Also if there are already best practices on doing testing on Roblox(this includes Lua scripting) I would like to know more about them.
Unit Testing
For lua modules, I would recommend the library TestEZ. It was developed in-house by Roblox engineers to allow for behavior driven tests. It allows you to specify a location where test files exist and will gives you pretty detailed output as to how your tests did.
This example will run in RobloxStudio, but you can pair it with other libraries like Lemur for command-line and continuous integration workflows. Anyways, follow these steps :
1. Get the TestEZ Library into Roblox Studio
Download Rojo. This program allows you to convert project directories into .rbxm (Roblox model object) files.
Download the TestEZ source code.
Open a Powershell or Terminal window and navigate into the downloaded TestEZ directory.
Build the TestEZ library with this command rojo build --output TestEZ.rbxm .
Make sure that it generated a new file called TestEZ.rbxm in that directory.
Open RobloxStudio to your place.
Drag the newly created TestEZ.rbxm file into the world. It will unpack the library into a ModuleScript with the same name.
Move this ModuleScript somewhere like ReplicatedStorage.
2. Create unit tests
In this step we need to create ModuleScripts with names ending in `.spec` and write tests for our source code.
A common way to structure code is with your code classes in ModuleScripts and their tests right next to them. So let's say you have a simple utility class in a ModuleScript called MathUtil
local MathUtil = {}
function MathUtil.add(a, b)
assert(type(a) == "number")
assert(type(b) == "number")
return a + b
return MathUtil
To create tests for this file, create a ModuleScript next to it and call it MathUtil.spec. This naming convention is important, as it allows TestEZ to discover the tests.
return function()
local MathUtil = require(script.parent.MathUtil)
describe("add", function()
it("should verify input", function()
local result = MathUtil.add("1", 2)
it("should properly add positive numbers", function()
local result = MathUtil.add(1, 2)
it("should properly add negative numbers", function()
local result = MathUtil.add(-1, -2)
For a full breakdown on writing tests with TestEZ, please take a look at the official documentation.
3. Create a test runner
In this step, we need to tell TestEZ where to find our tests. So create a Script in ServerScriptService with this :
local TestEZ = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.TestEZ)
-- add any other root directory folders here that might have tests
local testLocations = {
local reporter = TestEZ.TextReporter
--local reporter = TestEZ.TextReporterQuiet -- use this one if you only want to see failing tests
TestEZ.TestBootstrap:run(testLocations, reporter)
4. Run your tests
Now we can run the game and check the Output window. We should see our tests output :
Test results:
[+] ServerStorage
[+] MathUtil
[+] add
[+] should properly add negative numbers
[+] should properly add positive numbers
[+] should verify input
3 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped - TextReporter:87
Automation Testing
Unfortunately, there does not exist a way to fully automate the testing of your game.
You can use TestService to create tests that automate the testing of some interactions, like a player touching a kill block or checking bullet paths from guns. But there isn't a publicly exposed way to start your game, record inputs, and validate the game state.
There's an internal service for this, and a non-scriptable service for mocking inputs but without overriding CoreScripts, it's really not possible at this moment in time.

Using mocks in Karate DSL feature file with stanalone run

I have REST service, written in language different from Java.
It have few dependencies from other REST services.
For example service under development and testing is A, other services are respectively B and C.
I want to run system test for A, some tests require B or/and C to be online and perform queries from A.
I wrote b-mock.featue and c-mock.feature to represent that services in mock.
Also I wrote some a-test-smth.feature files to run test against A
Is it possible to add some information into a-test-smth.feature to enable some mocks for concrete test?
Now I should run standalone karate.jar twice, first - for mocking. second - for run tests. That approach works, but, I can't ceck that:
some API calls to A not required B or C
can't emulate service B down or for example slow or incorrect response answer fetching
Are you using Java ? If so then the best approach is to perform the set-up of your test in Java code. You can start 2 mocks for B and c and then start the main test for your service A. And at the end do clean-up if needed.
You can refer this as an example:
Row 3 shows how you can start a mock and run a Karate test.
If you are not using Java and would like to use only the stand-alone JAR, it is actually possible using Java-interop and quite easy, I just tried it.
EDIT: This API is now built into Karate, so you don't need to write the extra JS code below:
First create this bit of JavaScript code that is smart enough to start a Karate mock:
function() {
var Mock = Java.type('');
var file = new'src/test/java/mock/web/cats-mock.feature');
var server = Mock.start(file, 0, false, null);
return server.port;
And this is how it can look in the Background of your main Karate test. You can see how you can do some conditional logic if needed and you have plenty of ways to change things based on your environment.
* def starter = read('start-mock.js')
* def port = karate.env == 'mock' ? starter() : 8080
* url 'http://localhost:' + port + '/cats'
Does this answer your question ? Let me know and I will add this trick to the documentation !

How to get the browser set in test configuration in VSTS?

I have setup and environment to build and automate the UI test cases using selenium. We can change the test configuration to run the test cases using different browser. However I wanted to know , how can we get the configuration values used during the test run? e.g. If i have three configuration say IE, Chrome, Firefox. I want to run the selected automated test cases using the configuration set. I just need the variable name that can be used to get the configuration. E.g. $(test.rundid), is there something as $(test.configuration)?
You can configure Multi-configuration execution plan to do that:
Add a variable with configurations value (e.g. TargetBrowser=> IE, Chrome, Firefox)
Choose Multi-configuration and specify TargetBrowser as multiplers
Article: Running tests in parallel using VSTS Release Management (apply to build)
Article: Running tests in parallel using VSTS Release Management (apply to build)
Then, you can supply run time parameters to tests.
For example:
The TestRunParameters section in RunSettings File:
<Parameter name="browser" value="IE"/>
Get the corresponding value by using TestContext.Properties:
String app url=TestContext.Properties["browser"].ToString();
//TODO specify UI Test browser.
Specify the parameter in Override TestRunParameters of Visual Studio Test task:
I also couldn't find a way to call on Test Configuration variables.
But expanding on #pabrams, I've implemented a release with multiple stages, each overwriting the Pipeline Variable 'TargetEnvironment' with desired environment to test against
Release Structure with Stages
Where 'TargetEnvironment' is overwritten
And I expanded to configure on browser. I created another release-pipeline that sets a 'Browser' variable.
Where I set the variable in the new Pipeline
Lastly, I had to edit my source code to read these when the pipeline runs. I Call the following method where I set the environment:
public static string GetUrlBasedOnEnvironment()
switch (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TargetEnvironment").ToLower())
case "development":
return Development.url;
case "staging":
return Staging.url;
case "preview":
return Preview.url;
case "production":
return Production.url;
default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("TargetEnvironment");
And here for browser:
public static IWebDriver getDriverBasedOnBrowser()
switch (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("Browser").ToLower())
case "chrome":
return new ChromeDriver(ChromeDriverService.CreateDefaultService(), new ChromeOptions(), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5));
case "edge":
var options = new EdgeOptions();
options.UseChromium = true; //needed to test on new edge w/ chromium
return new EdgeDriver(options);
case "firefox":
return new FirefoxDriver();
default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Browser");
You don't need a variable for this, you can just use different test plans or test suites. You set those to only run certain configurations, and associate each one with a different release. In each of those releases, you just pass the override parameter, specifying the browser explicitly based on test plan/suite.
If you want to get fancy, you could use variables to pass to task groups to save on duplication.

How to write same codeception acceptance test case with many different set of inputs

In codeception acceptance testing, how to run/write same test case for many different set of inputs.
Here is my sample acceptance test (I am using page object oncept)
loginCept.php code
$I = new AcceptanceTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('perform actions and see result');
Acceptance.php file
class Acceptance extends \Codeception\Module
public function login($I)
How do I run same login with multiple set of inputs in acceptance test.
However, I have tried passing inputs in an array by calling the test case in for loop by passing array values as input parameter. In acceptance.php, multiple set of inputs can be passed using if loop.
This runs the test as only 1 test case with different assertions.
But, it runs the test case until it fails for any inputs/assertion. If it fails for any of the assertions, then test case stops executing further & says test case failed.
You can pass parameters through to your login function just as you would with any php function:
loginCept.php code
$I = new AcceptanceTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('perform actions and see result');
Acceptance.php file
class Acceptance extends \Codeception\Module
public function login($I,$username,$password)
You'd then want to create a separate cept for each aspect of login that you are looking to test.
What you're looking for in relation to one test running through a number of assertions, this breaks the conventions of automated testing. Each test (or cept in this case) should only ever test one aspect. For instance in logging in, you might have one for invalid username, invalid password, too many attempts, etc... Then when/if one test fails, you as the developer knows exactly what aspect has failed and which continue to pass. If all the aspects are wrapped up in one test, then you as the developer don't know the full picture until you start to debug.

How can I determine if Grails application under testing?

I need to determine if my Grails application is currently under testing. I cannot use if (Environment.getCurrent() == Environment.TEST), because my current environment is Environment.CUSTOM with name jenkins. Is there an other way to find out if it's currently under testing?
One approach I've used is to set an environment variable by hooking into the eventTestPhaseStart GANT event. You can do this by creating a script named Events.groovy in /scripts.
<project dir>/scripts/Events.groovy:
eventTestPhaseStart = { args ->['grails.testPhase'] = args
You can use it like so to determine if the app is under testing:
if (['grails.testPhase'] != null)
println "I'm testing!"
You can also use it to have specific behavior for a particular test phase:
if (['grails.testPhase'] == 'integration')
println "Do something only when running integration tests."