Specifying multiple Domain Bases in Rocket.Chat LDAP - ldap

On Rocket.Chat's LDAP configuration page, the helper text for Domain Base states that you should enter (emphasis mine):
The fully qualified Distinguished Name (DN) of an LDAP subtree you want to search for users and groups. You can add as many as you like; however, each group must be defined in the same domain base as the users that belong to it. If you specify restricted user groups, only users that belong to those groups will be in scope. We recommend that you specify the top level of your LDAP directory tree as your domain base and use search filter to control access.
Problem is, I don't know how to enter more than one.
My DN looks like this:
And I want the following users to also be synced:
But I don't know how to add them both, as the docs aren't clear, and the source code is even less clear.
I've tried the following ways:
Space separated
Semicolon separated
Ampersand (and double ampersand) separated
Wrapping them up in an array (e.g. ["OU=Example ...", "OU=IT ..."]) and as a JSON object
Pipe (and double pipe) separated
'Plus' separated (e.g. DC=local + OU=Example)
But no matter what I do, it won't sync users. The logs tell me:
Exception while invoking method 'ldap_sync_users' NoSuchObjectError: 0000208D: NameErr: DSID-03100238, problem 2001 (NO_OBJECT), data 0, best match of: at Object.Future.wait (/snap/rocketchat-server/511/node_modules/fibers/future.js:449:15) ...
I know I can set up a group restriction so only users in a certain group will be synced, but the helper text says I can use multiple DNs, and I want to know how to use multiple DNs

After reading RFC-4514, I discovered I should construct my DN like so:
With the plus occurring between the two OUs I wish to add. Now my users are syncing correctly.


Pentaho Kettle LDAP Output

How do I update the LDAP value using LDAP Output Step in Spoon?
I couldn't find any documentation on Pentaho's website. I am trying to update the group name of a particular user in Active Directory.
Until now, I was able to connect with the AD. But I can't make any changes to LDAP.
In General -> Settings, my operation is updated.
And in Fields -> Search Base, I defined the DC attributes. Eg: dc=xyz,dc=com.
And in Attributes, I defined the OU along with the value it should be changed too.
Is this how it should work?
I am getting an error saying "can not find DN(Distinguished Name) in the input stream!"
My guess is that you are using the values you want to inject instead of the fields containing those values. This step heavily relies upon fields coming in from previous steps.
In the image below you will see I am passing in the 'dn' field which is used in Settings > 'Dn fieldname' to lookup the field I want to alter.
Then under Fields I am mapping the incoming 'new_name' field to the property 'givenName' on the LDAP object identified by the DN.
So my DN to lookup and the value to set the field to are coming from my transformation stream. I only statically identify the Attribute on the LDAP object to be mapped.
the dn is not right. dn is cn + ou-structure like ou + domain-structure like dc.
If you dont know the cn, you cant define the dn. You must take a LDAP-Input with query like your uid for getting dn.
With this dn you can update attributes with LDAP-Output, if you have rights for writing.

Creating Configuration File for DDS Recording Service

I'm a beginner looking for some clarity on how to create configuration files for the DDS Recording Service in two areas.
If you are looking to record a set of specific topics from a domain how do you set up the topic group? Can you list the topics as individual <topic_expr> i.e.
<topic_group name="SomeTopics">
When I tried something like this not all the listed topics would be recorded. Is there something I am overlooking?
Secondly, when you use -deserialize to you need to make any changes to the configuration file you used to record the database? As I sometimes get errors about how "rti dds failed to find" followed by something like X::Y::Z. Thanks.
The XSD schema for the configuration file does not expect you to use multiple <topic_expr> tags, but a single tag with a comma-separated list of Topic names. The RTI Recording Service User's Manual explains it as follows:
<topic_expr>POSIX fn expression</topic_expr>
A comma-separated list of POSIX expressions that specify the names of Topics to be included in the TopicGroup.
The syntax and semantics are the same as for Partition matching.
Default: Null
Note: Keep in mind that spaces are valid first characters in topic names, thus they can affect the matching process. For example, this will match both Triangle and Square topics (notice there is no space before Square):
However the following will only match Triangle topics (because there is a space before Square):
<topic_expr>Triangle, Square</topic_expr>
With regard to the -deserialize option, this is not applicable to the Recording Service but to the Converter tool (rtirecconv). If you want to record deserialized, you will have to indicate that in the Recording Service configuration, via the tag <deserialize_mode>. Again, see the User's Manual for details.

#auth.requires_permission not working ver 2

Good day to all web2py experts!
I can't find a way on how to use the web2py Decorators
def f(): ....
in the pdf manual it says that:
prevents visitors from accessing the function f unless the visitor is a member
of a group whose members have permissions to "read" records of table
"person". If the visitor is not logged in, the visitor gets directed to a login
page (provided by default by web2py). web2py also supports components,
i.e. actions which can be loaded in a view and interact with the visitor via
Ajax without re-loading the entire page. This is done via a LOAD helper which
allows very modular design of applications; it is discussed in chapter 3 in the
context of the wiki and, in some detail, in the last chapter of this book.
This 5th edition of the book describes web2py 2.4.1 and later versions
In my case:
I have list of groups: Admin_Tier_1, Admin_Tier_2, Admin_Tier_3
Admin_Tier_1 - has the highest authority to access all features like adding a school year, set a school year etc.
Admin_Tier_2 - has the authority to add students etc
Admin_Tier_3 - its the lowest level of authority that can only add fines to the students (Organization Officers)
now I use the Decorator code like this:
def add(): ....
now I login the account of the Chairman which registered in the auth_membership as Admin_Tier_1. Then I click the link "List of Students" which redirect to add(): function but the system returned a message:
Not Authorized
Insufficient privileges
The auth.requires() method can take a callable rather than a boolean value as the condition, and this is preferable when it is expensive to generate the boolean value (otherwise, the boolean value is generated whenever the controller is accessed, even if the particular decorated function is not the one being called). So, to avoid calling auth.has_membership unnecessarily, you can do:
#auth.requires(lambda: auth.has_membership('Admin_Tier_1') or
Now the two auth.has_membership calls will only be made when the actual function being decorated is called.
Also, if you need to check a larger number of roles, you can do something like:
#auth.requires(lambda: any([auth.has_membership(r) for r in ['list', 'of', 'roles']))
Problem solved:
#auth.requires(auth.has_membership('Admin_Tier_1') or auth.has_membership('Admin_Tier_2'))
source here.
Whenever I access the page if the user belong to the group of Admin_Tier_3 the system block the acess and redirect it to "/default/user/not_authorized" page :)

LDAP Group Filter for authorization in Activiti

I am using activiti-ldap jar to achieve ldap in activiti. I am able to succeed with authentication but I am not able to perform authorization.
Code is using below filter to authenticate (It is giving result)
Code is using below filter to authorize (i.e search group based on authenticated user). The enunumeration is not giving any result
However when use the same group filter Softerra LDAP Browser, it is giving result.
NamingEnumeration< ? > namingEnum = initialDirContext.search(baseDn, searchExpression, createSearchControls());
while (namingEnum.hasMore()) {
System.out.println("Inside While");
I am sure, I am missing something. Can anyone point out my mistake?
I'm not sure if this answers your question, but something you have to be careful of when using a Distinguished name with Active Directory (I am assuming it is Active Directory because there is a sAMAccountName attribute) is comma's, or other special characters in the DN (an example would be cn=Harley, Gregory). Comma's and other special characters need to be escaped with a single backslash ("\"), Softerra may automatically escape these in the query string for you.
Like I said, it may not answer your question, but may give you an avenue to search.

Apache OpenNLP: How do I implement a dictionary based entity recognition?

I have already downloaded the jar files to eclipse.
How do I do the following:
1.) Be able to add my own names and tags.
2.) Be able to get the names and tags that were in the dictionary.
3.) Configure between case sensitive and insensitive.
For example, let's say, I add the name "Mike Smith" with name tag "Author".
If I have text that has that name, it should be able to recognize that its there along with the tag.
Please give actual java code!!!
I have asked a very similar question here:
Is it possible to conduct 'Context Analysis' for precise entity extraction with OpenNLP?
general concensus is that its 2 steps, first to identify if your sentence contains Author, the second to find the name.
I too would like to do it in 1 step (where the analysis of the corpus includes the words within itself as a way to determine the context of the name)