Relationship between code optimization and data compression - optimization

I searched on the Internet about this question and Found that some researchers used data compression algorithms for compiler optimization like Huffman coding.
My question is more general :
Can we consider code optimization as lossy type of compression?

At a concrete level, it's apples and oranges. But at an abstract level it's an interesting question.
Data compression deals with redundancy, which is the difference between data and information.
It seeks to reduce needless redundancy by revising the coding of the information.
Often this coding works by taking a common substring and making a code that refers to it, rather that repeating the substring.
Compiler optimization (for speed) seeks to reduce needless cycles.
One way is if the result of some computation is needed twice or more,
make sure it is saved in some address or register (memoizing) so it can be re-used with fewer cycles.
Another form of encoding numbers is so-called "unary notation" where there is only one digit, and numbers are represented by repeating it. For example, the numbers "three" and "four" are "111" and "1111", which takes N digits.
This code is optimized by switching to binary, as in "011" and "100", which takes log(N) digits (base 2, of course).
A programming analogy to this is the difference between linear and binary search.
Linear search takes O(N) comparisons.
Each comparison can yield either a lot of information or very little - on average much less than a bit.
Binary search takes O(log(N)) comparisons, with each comparison yielding one bit.
With some thinking, it should be possible to find other parallels.


How does a nested if statement affect actual runtime before f(n) simplifies to O(g(n))?

I am aware that constant coefficients and constants are simply ignored when calculating runtime complexity of an algorithm. However, I would still like to know whether an if statement nested in a while or for loop adds to the total actual runtime of an algorithm, f(n).
This picture is from an intro to theoretical computer science lecture I am currently studying, and the algorithm in question counts the number of 'a's for any input string. The lecturer counts the nested if statement as one of the timesteps that affect total runtime, but I am unsure whether this is correct. I am aware that the entire algorithm simplifies to O(g(n)) where g(n) = n, but I would like to know definitively whether f(n) itself equals to 2n + a or n + a. Understanding this is important to me, since I believe first knowing exactly the actual runtime, f(n), before simplifying it to O(g(n)) reduces mistakes when calculating runtime for more complicated algorithms. I would appreciate your insight.
Youtube clip:
Knowing the actual runtime, as you say, before calculating the time complexity in big-O is not important. In fact, as you continue studying, you will find that in many cases it is ambiguous, annoying or very, very difficult to find an exact number of steps that an algorithm will execute. It often comes down to definition, and depending on how you see things, you can come up with different answers.
Time complexity, on the other hand, is a useful and often easier expression to find. I believe this is the very point this video is trying to make. But to answer your question: Yes, in this case, the if statement is definitely a step that the algorithm has to make. It only compares one character, so it is clearly a constant-time operation. The author considers this comparison to take 1 step. And since it will execute n times, the total number of steps that this line of "code" will be executed is n. So yes you can see the whole algorithm as taking 2n + a steps.
However, what if we are working on a computer where we can't just compare a character in a single step, but we need to copy the character variable to a special register first, and then do the comparison. Perhaps on this computer we need to see that line as taking 2 steps, so 2n in total. Then the overall number of steps will be 3n + a, yet the time complexity is still O(n). When we study complexity theory, we don't want to go down on that level of counting, because just different ways of counting will give you different results.
You will soon learn to automatically filter out the constants and terms and identify the variables that contribute to the time complexity. When you study different algorithms, you find that as the input grows, those differences become negligible.

Optimising table assignment to guests for an event based on a criteria

66 guests at an event, 8 tables. Each table has a "theme". We want to optimize various criteria: e.g., even number of men/women at the table, people get to discuss the topic they selected, etc.
I formulated this as a gradient-free optimisation problem: I wrote a function that calculates the goodness of the arrangement (i.e., cost of difference of men women, cost of non-preferred theme, etc.) and I am basically randomly perturbing the arrangement by swapping tables and keeping the "best so far" arrangement. This seems to work, but cannot guarantee optimality.
I am wondering if there is a more principled way to go about this. There (intuitively) seems to be no useful gradient in the operation of "swapping" people between tables, so random search is the best I came up with. However, brute-forcing by evaluating all possibilities seems to be difficult; if there are 66 people, there are factorial(66) possible orders, which is a ridiculously large number (10^92 according to Python). Since swapping two people at the same table is the same, there are actually fewer, which I think can be calculated by dividing out the repeats, e.g. fact(66)/(fact(number of people at table 1) * fact(number of people at table 2) * ...), which in my problem still comes out to about 10^53 possible arrangements, way too many to consider.
But is there something better that I can do than random search? I thought about evolutionary search but I don't know if it would provide any advantages.
Currently I am swapping a random number of people on each evaluation and keeping it only if it gives a better value. The random number of people is selected from an exponential distribution to make it more probable to swap 1 person than 6, for example, to make small steps on average but to keep the possibility of "jumping" a bit further in the search.
I don't know how to prove it but I have a feeling this is an NP-hard problem; if that's the case, how could it be reformulated for a standard solver?
Update: I have been comparing random search with a random "greedy search" and a "simulated annealing"-inspired approach where I have a probability of keeping swaps based on the measured improvement factor, that anneals over time. So far the greedy search surprisingly strongly outperforms the probabilistic approach. Adding the annealing schedule seems to help.
What I am confused by is exactly how to think about the "space" of the domain. I realize that it is a discrete space, and that distance are best described in terms of Levenshtein edit distance, but I can't think how I could "map" it to some gradient-friendly continuous space. Possibly if I remove the exact number of people-per-table and make this continuous, but strongly penalize it to incline towards the number that I want at each table -- this would make the association matrix more "flexible" and possibly map better to a gradient space? Not sure. Seating assignment could be a probability spread over more than one table..

Performance characteristics of a non-minimal DFA

Much has been written about the performance of algorithms for minimizing DFAs. That's frustrating my Google-fu because that's not what I'm looking for.
Can we say anything generally about the performance characteristics of a non-minimal DFA? My intuition is that the run time of a non-minimal DFA will still be O(n) with respect to the length of the input. It seems that minimization would only affect the number of states and hence the storage requirements. Is this correct?
Can we refine the generalizations if we know something about the construction of the NFA from which the DFA was derived? For example, say the NFA was constructed entirely by applying concatenation, union, and Kleene star operations to primitive automatons that match either one input symbol or epsilon. With no way to remove a transition or create an arbitrary transition, I don't think it's possible to have any dead states. What generalizations can we make about the DFAs constructed from these NFAs? I'm interested in both theoretical and empirical answers.
Regarding your first question, on the runtime of the non-optimal DFA. Purely theoretically your intuition that it should still run in O(n) is correct. However, imagine (as an example) the following pseudo-code for the Kleene-Star operator:
// given that the kleene-star operator starts at i=something
while string[i] == 'r':
accepting = true;
while string[i] == 'r':
accepting = true;
// here the testing of the input string can continue for i+1
As you can see, the first two while-loops are identical, and could be understood as a redundant state. However, "splitting" while loops will decrease (among other things) your branch-prediction accuracy and therefore the overall runtime (see Mysticial's brilliant explanation of branch prediction for more details here.
Many other, similar "practical" arguments can be made on why a non-optimal DFA will be slower; among them, as you mentioned, a higher memory usage (and in many cases, more memory means slower, for memory is - by comparison - a slower part of the computer); more "ifs", for each additional state requires input checking for its successors; possibly more loops (as in the example), which would make the algorithm slower not only on the basis of branch prediction, but simply because some programming languages are just very slow on loops.
Regarding your second question - here I am not sure on what you mean. After all, if you do the conversion properly you should derive a pretty optimal DFA in the first place.
In the discussion the idea came up that there can be several non-minimal DFAs constructed from one NFA that would have different efficiencies (in whatever measure chosen), not in the implementation, but in the structure of the DFA.
This is not possible, for there is only one optimal DFA. This is the outline of a proof for this:
Assuming that our procedure for creating and minimizing a DFA is optimal.
when applying the procedure, we will start by constructing a DFA first. In this step, we can create indefinitely many equivalent states. These states are all connected to the graph of the NFA in some way.
In the next step we eliminate all non-reachable states. This is indifferent to perfomance, for an unreachable state would correspond to "dead code" - never to be executed.
In the fourth step, we minimize the DFA by grouping equivalent states. This is where it becomes interesting - for the idea is that we can do this in different ways, resulting in different DFAs with different performance. However, the only "choice" we have is assigning a state to a different group.
So, for arguments sake, we assume we could do that.
But, by the idea behind the minimization algorithm, we can only group equivalent states. So if we have different choices of grouping a particular state, by transitivity of equivalence, not only would the state be equivalent to both groups, but the groups would be equivalent, too. So if we could group differently, the algorithm would not be optimal, for it would have grouped all states in the groups into one group in the first place.
Therefore, the assumption that there can be different minimizations has to be wrong.
The reasoning that the "runtime" for input acceptance will be the same, as usually one character of the input is consumed; I never heared the notion "runtime" (in the sense of asymptotic runtime complexity) in the context of DFAs. The minimization aims at minimizing the number of states (i.e. to optimize the "implementation size") of the DFA.

How to use bitmask operations in SQL

I'm already quite familiar with the concept of bitmasks, and also with the bitwise operators used to modify them. However, I have one specific problem that I can't solve. Here's the problem:
I have a large number of relatively large bitmasks (something around 10,000,000 bitmasks, each 256 bits long). Generating an SQL index that will allow me to search for a specific one in log(n) time is simple enough. However, what I need to do is to match a given 256-bit query against the entire dataset and find N (variable) data items that are "least different" from the given query, least different meaning the number of bits that don't match should be minimal. For example, if the database contains {0110, 1101, 0000, 1110} then the closest match to 0100 is either one of 0110 and 0000.
Given the number of entries, a linear search would be very inefficient, which is, I believe, what would happen if I were to use aggregate operators. I'm looking for a way to improve the search, but have found no way to do it as of now. Any ideas would be highly appreciated.

Use of cached hash value to speed up equality tests

My target language is C++, but this is a question over object oriented programming in general.
Suppose I have a class for which testing equality takes a non-trivial amount of time, but I also have a hash value that I have computed over it. I can rely on the data to stay the same for the life of the object.
Is it common practice to cache the hash value, and use that to test for inequality?
To make this example more concrete, I have a class that contains a potentially long list of 2D locations, and I expect to make many many equality comparisons over it. I create the hash value upon construction by mixing the hashes of all of the locations.
When testing for equality, I check the hash values first. If the hashes are equal, I do the exhaustive, point-by-point equality test. Otherwise I call them unequal.
Sounds good to me as long as your hash algorithm is guaranteed to produce the same hash for the same input data. Then your check should speed things up considerably at the small cost of extra memory of storing the hash value (and a 1 time cost of computing the hash)
I think you meant to say, "If the hashes are unequal, I do the exhaustive, point-by-point equality test."
In any case -- yes, you've got a good idea, this is a perfectly reasonable design. You're trading a bit of cheap storage for a chunk of expensive CPU and/or wall time. A design like this can give enormous performance benefits. For example, consider the case where each individual point test requires a database query.