Kotlin: How to check if enum contains a given String without messing with Exceptions? - kotlin

Why there is no contains method in enum classes (as well as in Java)? And how to implement it elegantly? Now I'm using this ugly approach:
val contains: Boolean =
try {
MyEnum.valueOf("some string")
} catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) {

You can create an enumContains function similar to Hound Dog's answer but using reified type parameters instead.
You cannot create a JVM independent solution in Kotlin 1.0 but you can in Kotlin 1.1 using enumValues.
Kotlin 1.1
* Returns `true` if enum T contains an entry with the specified name.
inline fun <reified T : Enum<T>> enumContains(name: String): Boolean {
return enumValues<T>().any { it.name == name}
Kotlin 1.0
* Returns `true` if enum T contains an entry with the specified name.
inline fun <reified T : Enum<T>> enumContains(name: String): Boolean {
return T::class.java.enumConstants.any { it.name == name}
enumContains<MyEnum>("some string") // returns true or false
If you also need the actual enum entry then you might consider creating an enumValueOfOrNull function instead.
Kotlin 1.1
* Returns an enum entry with the specified name or `null` if no such entry was found.
inline fun <reified T : Enum<T>> enumValueOfOrNull(name: String): T? {
return enumValues<T>().find { it.name == name }
Kotlin 1.0
* Returns an enum entry with the specified name or `null` if no such entry was found.
inline fun <reified T : Enum<T>> enumValueOfOrNull(name: String): T? {
return T::class.java.enumConstants.find { it.name == name }
enumValueOfOrNull<MyEnum>("some string")

You can just take values Array of your enum and use contains over it. For example:
Planets.values().map { it.name }.contains("EARTH")
But for this you need to have correct string value so you might uppercase it before search.
If you want to find enum by its value take a look at the Reverse Lookup for enums.
As #JamesBassett suggested you can optimize it to stop looking once it finds a match.
Planets.values().any { it.name == "EARTH" }

You could do something like this:
fun <T : Enum<*>> KClass<T>.contains(value: String): Boolean {
return this.java.enumConstants.any { it.name == value }
MyEnum::class.contains("some string")

or if you are really adventurous
enum MyEnum {
MY_1, MY_2;
companion object {
fun isInEnum(someString: String) {
return try {
} catch (e: Exception) {


How to overload function with different return types and the same parameters in Kotlin?

I want to overload function with the same parameters (or without parameters at all) and different return types. Correct implementation should be chosen by the type of variable I assign returning value of a function to.
The only way to do this I found is using reified generics and comparing KClass'es:
inline fun <reified T: Any> read(): T {
return read(T::class)
fun <T: Any> read(t: KClass<T>): T {
return when (t) {
Int::class -> readInt() as T
UInt::class -> readUInt() as T
String::class -> readString() as T
// ...
else -> throw Exception("Unsupported type")
fun readInt(): Int {
// ...
fun readUInt(): UInt {
// ...
fun readString(): String {
// ...
The problem with this approach is that the compiler and IDEA are not smart enough to determine types at compile time for which there is no implementation. The most I can do is throw a runtime exception:
val int: Int = read()
val string: String = read()
val double: Double = read()
// ^^^^ No compile-time error here
Maybe I'm missing something and there is more "correct" way of doing this?
Maybe I'm missing something and there is more "correct" way of doing this?
No. You cannot do this at all. You must name the methods differently.

Compilation throws `None of the following functions can be called with the arguments supplied`

Trying to implement a custom JSONB binding that maps to an object containing a map. Generated code throws a None of the following functions can be called with the arguments supplied error caused by the following line:
val SOME_FIELD: TableField<SomeRecord, Jsonb?> = createField(DSL.name("meta"), SQLDataType.JSONB.nullable(false).defaultValue(DSL.field("'{}'::jsonb", SQLDataType.JSONB)), this, "", JsonbBinding())
Here's my configuration:
class JsonbBinding : Binding<Any, Jsonb> {
private val mapper = ObjectMapper()
override fun converter(): Converter<Any, Jsonb> {
return object : Converter<Any, Jsonb> {
override fun from(dbObject: Any?): Jsonb {
if (dbObject == null) return Jsonb()
val props = mapper.readValue<MutableMap<String, Any>>(dbObject.toString())
return Jsonb(props)
override fun to(userObject: Jsonb?): Any? {
return mapper.writeValueAsString(userObject)
override fun fromType(): Class<Any> {
return Any::class.java
override fun toType(): Class<Jsonb> {
return Jsonb::class.java
override fun sql(ctx: BindingSQLContext<Jsonb>) {
ctx.render()?.let {
if (it.paramType() == ParamType.INLINED) {
} else {
override fun register(ctx: BindingRegisterContext<Jsonb>) {
ctx.statement().registerOutParameter(ctx.index(), Types.VARCHAR)
override fun set(ctx: BindingSetStatementContext<Jsonb>) {
override fun set(ctx: BindingSetSQLOutputContext<Jsonb>) {
throw SQLFeatureNotSupportedException()
override fun get(ctx: BindingGetResultSetContext<Jsonb>) {
override fun get(ctx: BindingGetStatementContext<Jsonb>) {
override fun get(ctx: BindingGetSQLInputContext<Jsonb>) {
throw SQLFeatureNotSupportedException()
Also, it seems like the line causing problems is mapping database data to JOOQ's default JSONB object. Is that what's causing the issue? Is there anything I may want to do about it? Is there some other way of doing mapping database JSONB data to a map by JOOQ?
I think you're confusing the type variables on Binding<T, U> here:
T is the database / JDBC type (in this case org.jooq.JSONB)
U is the user type (in this case Any)
You have to implement the binding the other way round: Binding<JSONB?, Any?>. Since jOOQ already takes care of properly binding the JSONB type to JDBC, you can probably do with your Converter<JSONB?, Any?> implementation alone, and attach that to your generated code instead:
class JsonbConverter : Converter<JSONB?, Any?> { ... }
Also, you don't have to use your own Jsonb type to wrap JSON data here.

What is Kotlin's way to have similar effect as flags enum variable in C#

In C#, I can do this.
enum BeerProperty
Bold = 1,
Refreshing = 2
static void Taste(BeerProperty beer)
if (beer == (BeerProperty.Bold | BeerProperty.Refreshing))
Debug.WriteLine("I can't qutie put my finger on...");
static void Main(string[] args)
var tickBeer = BeerProperty.Bold | BeerProperty.Refreshing;
In Kotlin, it seems that I cannot "OR" two flags. What is the Kotlin's way to do this? Using a list of enum variables?
enum class BeerProperty(value:Int)
fun taste(beer:BeerProperty)
if(beer == (BeerProperty.Bold | BeerProperty.Refreshing))
print("I can't qutie put my finger on...");
fun main(args: Array<String>)
val tickBeer = BeerProperty.Bold | BeerProperty.Refreshing;
Added: Thank you for the answer (which I cannot mark as answer yet, due to time limitation). I modified the code like below and achieved what I wanted.
fun taste(beer: EnumSet<BeerProperty>)
if(beer.contains(BeerProperty.Bold) && beer.contains(BeerProperty.Refreshing))
print("I can't qutie put my finger on...");
fun main(args: Array<String>)
val tickBeer = EnumSet.of(BeerProperty.Bold, BeerProperty.Refreshing);
Using extension functions
import java.util.*
enum class BeerProperty
infix fun and(other: BeerProperty) = BeerProperties.of(this, other)
typealias BeerProperties = EnumSet<BeerProperty>
infix fun BeerProperties.allOf(other: BeerProperties) = this.containsAll(other)
infix fun BeerProperties.and(other: BeerProperty) = BeerProperties.of(other, *this.toTypedArray())
fun taste(beer: BeerProperties) {
if(beer allOf (BeerProperty.BOLD and BeerProperty.REFRESHING and BeerProperty.STRONG)) {
print("I can't qutie put my finger on...")
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val tickBeer = BeerProperty.BOLD and BeerProperty.REFRESHING and BeerProperty.STRONG
I use extension functions to allow properties to be added with and, and allof to check all flags are set.
Indeed, in Kotlin every enum constant is an instance of the class corresponding to the enum, and you can't use 'OR' to combine multiple class instances. If you need to track multiple enum values, the most efficient way to do that is to use the EnumSet class.
You can achieve the same result of c# enum flags in this way
enum class TestType(val value: Int)
fun Int.hasFlag(flag: Int): Boolean
return ((this and flag) == flag)
val myType = TestType.x.value or TestType.y.value //myType = 3
println(myType.hasFlag(TestType.x.value)) //true
println(myType.hasFlag(TestType.y.value)) //true
println(myType.hasFlag(TestType.z.value)) //false
println(myType.hasFlag(TestType.x.value or TestType.y.value)) //true
println(myType.hasFlag(TestType.x.value or TestType.z.value)) //false

Conditional side-effects and optional types in Kotlin

I am trying to perform a simple side-effect in Kotlin:
fun handle(request: Request) {
repository.findByUID(request.userId)?.let {
if (someCondition) return
As you can see, the side-effect should be performed when the repository returns a non-null value and when someCondition is satisfied.
Is there any Kotlin-way of doing this rather than using if{}-return constructs?
In Java 8, it could be achieved by:
Kotlin 1.1 has a method called takeIf:
* Returns `this` value if it satisfies the given [predicate] or `null`, if it doesn't.
public inline fun <T> T.takeIf(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T? = if (predicate(this)) this else null
You can use it this way:
repository.findByUID(request.userId)?.takeIf { someCondition }?.let { service -> }
Kotlin doesn't contain such method in the stdlib.
However, You can define it:
inline fun <K : Any> K.ifPresent(condition: K.() -> Boolean): K? = if (condition()) this else null
Using this method your example can be rewritten as:
fun handle(request: Request) {
repository.findByUID(request.userId)?.ifPresent { someCondition }?.let {
Another option may be to use the built in extensions for list (but there is an overhead of using lists):
listOf(repository.findByUID(userId)).filter { someCondition }.forEach { service.run(...) }
Kotlin's nullable types are very similar to Java's Optional (which is very similar to Guava's Optional).
In Kotlin 1.1 you can use takeIf which "is like filter for a single value" (takeIf() and also() - What's New in Kotlin 1.1 - Kotlin Programming Language):
repository.findByUID(request.userId).takeIf { !someCondition }?.let { service.run(...) }
Kotlin 1.0 does not define map, flatMap, filter/takeIf, etc. for nullable types but you can easily define your own function. e.g.:
inline fun <T> filter(value: T?, predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T? {
return if (value != null && predicate(value)) value else null
Example usage:
filter(repository.findByUID(request.userId)) { !someCondition }?.let { service.run(...) }
I would go without extra libs nor extension functions with this construct:
?.let { if (someCondition) null else it }
After aplying this construct on the code sample from the original question, it would look like:
fun handle(request: Request) {
?.let { if (someCondition) null else it }
?.let {
service.run {
/* ... */
Or at least it looks OK, compiles and have same types in my codebase after defining Request, repository, findByUid etc. :-)

How do I create an enum from a string in Kotlin?

I have an enum with some instances Foo and Bar. If I have a string "Foo", how can I instantiate a Foo enum from that? In C# it would be Enum.Parse(...), is there an equivalent in Kotlin?
Currently, the best I have found is to create a factory that switches on all possible strings, but that is error prone and performs poorly for large enumerations.
Kotlin enum classes have "static" function valueOf to get enum entry by string(like Java enums). Additionally they have "static" function values to get all enum entries. Example:
enum class MyEnum {
Foo, Bar, Baz
fun main(args : Array<String>) {
println(MyEnum.valueOf("Foo") == MyEnum.Foo)
println(MyEnum.valueOf("Bar") == MyEnum.Bar)
As bashor suggested, use MyEnum.valueOf() but please have in mind that it throws an exception if value can't be found. I recommend using:
enum class MyEnum {
Foo, Bar, Baz
try {
myVar = MyEnum.valueOf("Qux")
} catch(e: IllegalArgumentException) {
Log.d(TAG, "INVALID MyEnum value: 'Qux' | $e")
Would do it like
enum class MyEnum {
Foo, Bar, Baz
val value = MyEnum.values().firstOrNull {it.name == "Foo"} // results to MyEnum.Foo
Reusable Exception Safe Solution
The default solution in Kotlin will throw an exception. If you want a reliable solution that works statically for all enums, try this!
Now just call valueOf<MyEnum>("value"). If the type is invalid, you'll get null and have to handle it, instead of an exception.
inline fun <reified T : Enum<T>> valueOf(type: String): T? {
return try {
java.lang.Enum.valueOf(T::class.java, type)
} catch (e: Exception) {
Alternatively, you can set a default value, calling valueOf<MyEnum>("value", MyEnum.FALLBACK), and avoid a null response. You can extend your specific enum to have the default be automatic
inline fun <reified T : Enum<T>> valueOf(type: String, default: T): T {
return try {
java.lang.Enum.valueOf(T::class.java, type)
} catch (e: Exception) {
Or if you want both, make the second:
inline fun <reified T : Enum<T>> valueOf(type: String, default: T): T = valueOf<T>(type) ?: default
If you want to create an enum value from one of its parameters, instead of the name, this funny code does a pretty decent job:
inline fun <reified T : Enum<T>, V> ((T) -> V).find(value: V): T? {
return enumValues<T>().firstOrNull { this(it) == value }
This can be used like this:
enum class Algorithms(val string: String) {
fun main() = println(
?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Bad algorithm string: SHA-256")
This will print Sha256
I think the best solution is enumValueOf<T>(String):
enum class MyEnum { Foo, Bar }
fun test() {
assertEquals(MyEnum.Foo, enumValueOf<MyEnum>("Foo"))