In Sylius, how to choose the user role depending on user data? - authentication

In Sylius (Symfony3 bundle), I have customized the register form to add some fields, in particular 'type of account' (pro or private). According to the type, some functionalities will not be enabled. In order to do that, I was thinking about giving users different roles.
As the authentication is made by Sylius, I was wondering how to override the default behavior to set the role according to the type data ?
Thanks for your help !

Sylius has no built-in roles or rbac system - whole security configuration is done with standard Symfony security system. So if you need to differentiate functionalities based on User role, just base on $roles parameter from User model, and override Sylius security configuration with your custom firewalls, as it's said in Symfony tutorial. Hope it will help ;)

What I have done :
In Sylius, there is an event sylius.customer.post_register fired after registration. I have created a listener (defined in services.yml) :
class: AppBundle\EventListener\RegistrationListener
- { name: kernel.event_listener, event: sylius.customer.post_register, method: setUserRole }
- "#sylius.manager.shop_user"
The ShopUserManager is passed as an argument to the setUserRole method.
public function __construct(ObjectManager $userManager) {
$this->userManager = $userManager;
In the listener, I get the $user object as the 'subject' of the event :
public function setUserRole(GenericEvent $event)
$customer = $event->getSubject();
$user = $customer->getUser();
Then I can modify the $user (add my role) and save it with the ShopUserManager.


How to check if user is logged in, in Shopware 6 Storefront Controller or Subscriber?

I am looking for the right way on how to check, if a user is logged in, in the Shopware 6 storefront. I am writing a plugin (not an app), and want to use this in Controllers and/or Subscribers.
Should I:
Use the Storefront API? (but how? which path?)
Use the default symfony way? (isGranted) - but with which Roles? Isn't the role handling different?
Use some built-in functionality like a special service that I can fetch by Dependeny Injection (but which one?)?
Thanks to #Uwe Kleinmann, I found a solution, that works in a subscriber like this:
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
ProductPageLoadedEvent::class => 'onProductPageLoaded'
public function onProductPageLoaded(ProductPageLoadedEvent $event): void
$saleschannelContext = $event->getSaleschannelContext();
$customer = $saleschannelContext->getCustomer();
if(NULL === $customer) {
$customer = 'not-logged-in';
'myextension', new ArrayStruct([
'test' => $customer
The SalesChannelContext has a $customer (accessible with getCustomer()) attribute. This context is usually injected into both Storefront controllers and subscribers for any Storefront events.
It is only set, if the current user is logged-in.
You may also use the _loginRequired and _loginRequiredAllowGuest flags in the #Route annotation of a storefront controller's method. This is handy if you only want to allow access for logged in customers as this will automatically redirect logged out users to the login page and back to the origin after they logged in.
* #Route("/my/custom/page", name="", methods={"GET"}, defaults={"_loginRequired"=true, "_loginRequiredAllowGuest"=true})

How to save 'department id' and 'user id' of 'current logged in user' while saving a record in core 3.0+?

Previously in webforms I was used to save current user id, their department id, branch id (in case of multiple branches of organisation), branch name etc in cookies and was using this information to avoid extra server calls while saving, updating, retrieving or deleting record and also for tracking that who deleted, updated or created a specific record. But now in core 2.0, 3.0+ I wander how to handle this thing. I am thinking to handle this by creating claim and saving this information in claims and then using it for good. Am I doing it wisely or Is there any other effective/efficient way of doing this whole practice ? Can I use JWT for this purpose or not ?
You can create a class (e.g.,) MyUserClaimsFactory that inherits from UserClaimsPrincipalFactory<User, Role> where User and Role are you custom classes that derive from IdentityUser and IdentityRole.
In that class, override the CreateAsync method
public async override Task<ClaimsPrincipal> CreateAsync(User user)
var principal = await base.CreateAsync(user);
// Add all the claims you need here.
((ClaimsIdentity)principal.Identity).AddClaims(new[] { new Claim(ClaimTypes.GivenName, user.Name) });
return principal;
Instead of ClaimTypes you can also use a string as key.
Add the class via dependency injection:
services.AddScoped<IUserClaimsPrincipalFactory<User>, MyUserClaimsFactory>();
You can retrieve the claims in a Controller via this.User.Identity
var givenName = (this.User.Identity as ClaimsIdentity).FirstOrNull(ClaimTypes.GivenName);

CakePHP 3: Accessing current user in model

Since i'm new to CakePHP, I have simple problems I cannot figure out.
I use CakePHP 3.4. I try to write a simple logger functionality. Every change applied to a record, I want to be logged to the ChangeLog model.
Using afterSave() event, I have following code:
public function afterSave($event, $entity, $options) {
$logTable = TableRegistry::get('ChangeLogs');
foreach ($entity->getDirty() as $key) {
if($key != 'modified') {
$record = $logTable->newEntity();
$record->previous_value = $entity->getOriginal($key);
$record->new_value = $entity[$key];
$record->table_name = 'Stars';
$record->column_name = $key;
$record->row_id = $entity->id;
$record->user_id = [what should i put here?]
$record->user_id = $_SESSION['Auth']['user']['id'];
It works well, but I also want to know which user performed operation and I don't know how can I obtain current user in the Model.
I try to avoid passing argument in controller, because I want user to be detected automaticly, and as a developer I don't want to remember about it every time I try change/add new functionalities in controller.
Do not fiddle with superglobals directly in CakePHP, this will surely bite you at some point, especially in the test environment! Always use the abstracted methods (like the session object) to access such data!
That being said, you could use events to inject the current user into the model callback/event flow. For example register globally to Model.afterSave, and pass the current user into the options.
Here's a basic example to demonstrate the principle. Imagine somthing like this in your app controller:
use Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface;
use Cake\Event\Event;
use Cake\Event\EventManager;
// ...
public function initialize()
// ...
['priority' => -1],
function (Event $event, EntityInterface $entity, \ArrayObject $options) {
// retrieve the user id from the auth component
$options['user_id'] = $this->Auth->user('id');
Given the priority of -1 (the default priority is 10) it will be invoked before the model callback for that event, so that in your table class you'll have access to user_id via the $options argument.
$record->user_id = $options['user_id'];
For something more reusable you'd probably use a custom listener class. Also check out events like Auth.afterIdentify, Model.initialize, and Controller.intialize/startup, these could be leaveraged to register your model events listener and to retrieve the current user.
See also
Awesome CakePHP > Auditing / Logging
Cookbook > Events System
Cookbook > Events System > Registering Listeners
Cookbook > Events System > Establishing Priorities
Cookbook > Database Access & ORM > Table Objects > Lifecycle Callbacks
Cookbook > Controllers > Request Life-cycle Callbacks
This solution seems to allow you to pass the logged in user into the model layer:
It is not hooked into the model layer through events like the solution above.

Yii-rights params/data for bizrule

Using Yii-rights + Yii-user module in my project. In Rights, I generated operations based on my controller action, under update I added a child UpdateOwn.
For UpdateOwn, the bizrule is suppose to be a simple comparison that the logged in user's ID is equal to $model->user_id field.
I understand yii checkaccess allow you to pass in variables as parameters and comparing with your defined bizrule. But how does it work for Yii-rights module? How or what are the data/params passed in to be used in bizrule? How can I define or pass my own data/params?
Yii-rights is a wrapper for standart yii-rbac. In rights module you have web-interface for your RBAC. When you creating AuthItem (Operation in rights web interface) you can define your own bizrule.
Here is code for creating AuthItem:
$item = $this->_authorizer->createAuthItem($formModel->name, $type, $formModel->description, $formModel->bizRule, $formModel->data);
$item = $this->_authorizer->attachAuthItemBehavior($item);
_authorizer here is an example of RAuthorizer class. Then we go to RDbAuthManager, which extends CDbAuthManager, where we createAuthItem function:
public function createAuthItem($name,$type,$description='',$bizRule=null,$data=null)
->insert($this->itemTable, array(
return new CAuthItem($this,$name,$type,$description,$bizRule,$data);
This is how created AuthItem, in rights. Personally i prefer to use web interface. It have alot of great fetures and much easier to handle then go to code each time.
Then when we perform checkAccess() on AuthItem we call execute bizRule:
public function executeBizRule($bizRule,$params,$data)
return $bizRule==='' || $bizRule===null || ($this->showErrors ? eval($bizRule)!=0 : #eval($bizRule)!=0);
This is how RBAC in yii work, and rights is just a cool wrapper for it. Rights doesn't change logic of how things must be done.
So in basic yii-rbac if you want to allow update only Own records you do:
$bizRule='return Yii::app()->user->id==$params["user"]->username;';
$task=$auth->createTask('updateOwnUser','update a your own account',$bizRule);
Then you call it like this:
$params = array('user' => $user);
if(Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('updateOwnUser', $params){
In rights it's already implemented with filters. Only thing what you need to do is add to your controller:
class MyController extends RController{
public function filters()
return array(
So define your bizrule for item in web interface, change your controller code, and actually thats it. To know what variables to use in bizrule you can watch on RightsFilter.php code, where checkAccess() performed.
And on top of all of this i'll say about how checkAccess() does :
For each assigned auth item of the user, it first checks if the bizRule for the assignment returns true.
If true, it calls the item's checkAccess method. If the item's bizRule returns true,
2.1. If the item name is the same as the name passed in the original checkAccess() method, it returns true;
2.2. Otherwise, for every child item, it calls its checkAccess.
Hope this will clarify some aspects of RBAC and help in your task.
The yii-rights module has the following properties:
* #property boolean whether to enable business rules.
public $enableBizRule = true;
* #property boolean whether to enable data for business rules.
public $enableBizRuleData = false;
To set bizrule data via the web interface you have to set $enableBizRuleData = true in your application configuration.
Please note that the UI is limited and you can set data only for Auth-Items not for Auth-Assignments. Also the value for data has to be a serialized PHP variable.
As mentioned by #ineersa you can access $data in unserialized form in your bizRule.
It's also worth noting, that Yii checks first the bizRule for the Auth-Item and then additionally for the Auth-Assignment.
[edit] added example
Auth Item
Check if the assignment has all the keys specified in the item data
return BizRule::compareKeys($params, $data, 'Editor');
Auth Assignment
Check if the application language matches the assignment data
return BizRule::compareApplicationLanguage($params, $data);
[edit] added code link
Here is the full Helper Code

Symfony2 custom user checker based on accepted eula

I want to create custom user checker to validate login action against last accepted eula.
Idea is quite simple, there will be many versions of eula and user can't login untill he accept the lastest eula.
Scenario is:
User creates new account and accepts eula.
Eula gets updated
User tries to login, but he didnt accept lastest eula
User gets the same login form but with additional field "accept newest eula"
User logs in and system inserts information: Current date and time, User id, Eula id to keep track of eula acceptance.
I found this:!msg/symfony2/D0V0bFks9S0/Qg9mrbpfB3IJ
But unfortunately there is no full version of custom user checker. How do I implement the rest of it?
The answer is actually quite obvious.
In your custom bundle:
security.user_checker.class: Acme\Bundle\UserBundle\Security\UserChecker
class UserChecker extends BaseUserChecker
* {#inheritdoc}
public function checkPreAuth(UserInterface $user)
//do your custom preauth stuff here
You can redefine Symfony's user checker service (security.user_checker) in your bundle:
# services.yml
class: MyBundle\Checker\UserChecker
arguments: [ "#some.service", "%some.param%" ]
Then extend Symfony's UserChecker:
# UserChecker.php
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserChecker as BaseUserChecker;
class UserChecker extends BaseUserChecker
public function checkPreAuth(UserInterface $user)
// your stuff
public function checkPostAuth(UserInterface $user)
// your stuff
The security.user_checker service gets called in \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Provider\UserAuthenticationProvider::authenticate() during the authentication process
Why not attach event listener to the kernel.request event and watch if the current logged user has accepted the latest EULA?
To get the current user you can use something like this:
$securityContext = $this->container->get('security.context');
if (!$securityContext) {
$user = $securityContext->getToken()->getUser();