I have created 10 different buttons and each button has a unique SUB() assigned to it.
I now want to execute all the 10 buttons at a single click through a master button. Is that possible ? Can someone guide me?
assuming your "master" button is named after "MasterBtn" you just add its following click event handler:
Private Sub MasterBtn_Click()
Dim ctrl As Control
For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
If TypeName(ctrl) = "CommandButton" Then If ctrl.name <> "MasterBtn" Then ctrl.Value = True
End Sub
this approach is:
in that you don't have to bother about remembering to "list" all other macro names
in that you don't have to change this sub no matter how many buttons you may add or remove in your further coding development
You can call your macros
Sub AllMAcros()
End Sub
Whatever the macro names are
Call all the sub executions from the 'master button'. You can call another sub by using the CALL statement.
Sub MasterButton()
Call Button1
Call Button2
End Sub
You can also "click" on the buttons by changing its values to "True":
Sub clicking()
yourButtonName1.Value = True ' <- click
yourButtonName2.Value = True ' <- click
yourButtonName3.Value = True ' <- click
End Sub
I'm using Office Professional Plus 2019. I have a ListBox that sometimes freezes the macro. The UserForm (AffDateSelector) has a ListBox (DateSelectionList) and a Button (Continue). The UserForm is called from the driving Sub with AffDateSelector.show. The code for the form is below:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Continue_Click()
Dim lngCurrItem As Long
'Assign the selected value to the public variable strClassDate.
For lngCurrItem = 0 To DateSelectionList.ListCount - 1
If DateSelectionList.Selected(lngCurrItem) = True Then
strClassDate = DateSelectionList.List(lngCurrItem)
End If
Next lngCurrItem
'Unload the form and return to the calling Sub.
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub DateSelectionList_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_initialize()
'Load ListBoxAccounts with the public variable strDateArray
With DateSelectionList
.List = strDateArray
End With
'Default the first row in DateSelectionList to be selected.
DateSelectionList.Selected(0) = True
End Sub
I've been using F8 to step through the code. When the form is shown, the UserForm_initialize() sub is executed and the data display properly. If the user does nothing else except click the Continue button, the Continue_Click() sub gets executed, the variable strClassDate is populated, control is returned to the calling sub and all is well.
The problem comes when the user selects an item other than the one defaulted in the list. Once the user clicks on the ListForm, the sub DateSelectionList_Click() is executed, but there's nothing in that sub, so the macro freezes. If I put in "dummy code" into DateSelectionlist_Click() (e.g. strClassDate = strClassDate) that line is executed and then the macro freezes when the End Sub statement is executed.
How can I allow the user to click on a non-defaulted item in the list, keep the form displayed, and wait for the Continue button to be pressed?
The code was fine. I had a lot of windows open and the pop-up didn't appear I was running the code from the VB editor but the pop-up never appeared. When I pressed Alt + Tab it didn't appear in that list either.
I created a user form with multiple options and now I want that the option the user selects is shown in a label under the button that calls the user form.I changed the caption in the text box under the button to resemble what should happen
However my options aren't working. Should I save the output in a global variable and then call it back to change the label and if so how do I do that? Or is it possible to just call the selection within the user form?
The code I was trying to run was this one to call the message box and then change the text box which is actually a label called "labelpage"
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
If UserForm1.OptionButton1 = True Then LabelPage.Caption = "Company Restricted"
If UserForm1.OptionButton2 = True Then LabelPage.Caption = "Strictly Confidential"
If UserForm1.OptionButton2 = True Then LabelPage.Caption = "Public Information (does not need to be marked)"
End Sub
I also had this for each button click just to close them after selection, within the user form code.
Private Sub OptionButton1_Click()
OptionButton1.Value = True
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub OptionButton2_Click()
OptionButton2.Value = True
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub OptionButton3_Click()
OptionButton3.Value = True
Unload Me
End Sub
Is there just a tiny mistake of syntax or something like that or is this just completely wrong? Thank you in advance for your help.
The issue is that you are unloading the UserForm, meaning the controls are not available to you. The solution is to just hide the UserForm:
Private Sub OptionButton1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub OptionButton2_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub OptionButton3_Click()
End Sub
Is it possible to have multipe buttons, lets say 'Button 1' and 'Button 2' run the same VBA code but yield a different result based on the button that was pressed?
For instance when I press button 1 I want it to go to a website, load data and put it on to Sheet 1. But when I press button 2, it goes to the same site and loads it to Sheet 2.
I know I can have multiple instances of the same VBA code (with different names) however I am hoping to simplify the code and prevent it from being overly complicated.
If you are using a Forms button you can assign the same macro and use Application.Caller to return the name/id of the calling button.
Sub Test()
MsgBox Application.Caller & " was pressed"
End Sub
Create one sub to do the work and pass the sheetname as an argument to that sub. I did it with a string variable, but you can do it with a worksheet variable as well.
Sub Button1_Click()
LoadWebsiteToSheet "Sheet1"
End Sub
Sub Button2_Click()
LoadWebsiteToSheet "Sheet2"
End Sub
Sub LoadWebsiteToSheet(sName as String)
'... code to load website to Worksheets(sName)
End Sub
I was leaning more towards brettdj's solution as well
If you assign the same macro to many buttons, you will get different results based on the button name.
You could name the button to the sheet you wanted. Practice with this. Add several buttons and assign this code to them. Click each button to see what happens.
Sub GetButtonName()
Dim Btn As String
Btn = ActiveSheet.Shapes(Application.Caller).Name
MsgBox Btn
End Sub
I have a userform with a multiple frames, all filled with multiple checkboxes. I've named the checkboxes to their corresponding Excel cells. Now I want to make VBA run on clicking any of these checkboxes on run time. I know I can do this by creating a click-sub for every individual checkbox, but there must be a cleaner way to do this.
So far I've tried to put this code in the userform_Click and userform_Mousedown events, but they don't run when I click the checkboxes. Does anyone have an idea how to do this?
Dim iControl As Control
For Each iControl In Me.Controls
If TypeName(iControl) = "CheckBox" Then
If iControl.Value = True And Range(iControl.Name).Value = "" Then
Range(iControl.Name).Value = Format(Now, "dd.mm.yyyy")
ElseIf iControl.Value = True And Range(iControl.Name).Font.Color = vbWhite Then
Range(iControl.Name).Font.Color = vbBlack
ElseIf iControl.Value = False And Range(iControl.Name).Value <> "" Then
Range(iControl.Name).Font.Color = vbWhite
End If
End If
As SilentRevolution said - you need an event to fire when you click the button. You're just after a single procedure to fire all check box click events.
Create a class module called cls_ChkBox.
In the class module you'll add the Click event code:
Option Explicit
Private WithEvents chkBox As MSForms.CheckBox
Public Sub AssignClicks(ctrl As Control)
Set chkBox = ctrl
End Sub
Private Sub chkBox_Click()
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range(chkBox.Name).Value = Format(Now, "dd.mm.yyyy")
End Sub
Now you just need to attach the chkBox_Click event to each check box on your form. In your user form add this code:
Option Explicit
Private colTickBoxes As Collection
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim ChkBoxes As cls_ChkBox
Dim ctrl As Control
Set colTickBoxes = New Collection
For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
If TypeName(ctrl) = "CheckBox" Then
Set ChkBoxes = New cls_ChkBox
ChkBoxes.AssignClicks ctrl
colTickBoxes.Add ChkBoxes
End If
Next ctrl
End Sub
Each check box is given its own instance of the class, which is stored in the colTickBoxes collection.
Open the form and the cell in Sheet1 will update to show the date depending on the name of the check box.
You need an event to run code, if there is no event, the macro cannot start. I don't know if there is a single event that triggers for any button or checkbox that is clicked.
If the code you want to execute is the same every time except the control, you could write a private sub in the userform module which is called for each event, the private sub can take an input between the () for example.
Private Sub CheckBox1_Click()
Call ExecuteCode(Me.CheckBox1)
End Sub
Private Sub CheckBox2_Click()
Call ExecuteCode(Me.CheckBox2)
End Sub
Private Sub CheckBox3_Click()
Call ExecuteCode(Me.CheckBox2)
End Sub
Private Sub ExecuteCode(IControl As Control)
If TypeName(IControl) = "CheckBox" Then
If IControl.Value = True And Range(IControl.Name).Value = "" Then
Range(IControl.Name).Value = Format(Now, "dd.mm.yyyy")
ElseIf IControl.Value = True And Range(IControl.Name).Font.Color = vbWhite Then
Range(IControl.Name).Font.Color = vbBlack
ElseIf IControl.Value = False And Range(IControl.Name).Value <> "" Then
Range(IControl.Name).Font.Color = vbWhite
End If
End If
End Sub
I just learned this today and thought it might help? Most of the questions, and responses for that matter, to questions regarding checkboxes, listboxes, etc. seem to not distinguish between those forms are inserted directly on the worksheet or are imbedded in a UserForm.
This may work for a checkbox - it works for a ListBox on a UserForm. If you want code to run after a selection, the code you must write has to be in module of the UserForm. I had no clue how to access. Once you have inserted a UserForm in your VBE, add the ListBoxes or whatever to the UserForm. Right click on the UserForm in the upper left project window and select "view code." Here is where you'll place the code, in my case a "change event" such that after a selection is made from the ListBox, other code is automatically run. Her for example:
Sub lstBoxDates_Change()
Dim inputString1 As String
inputString1 = Format(UserForm1.lstBoxDates.Value, "mm-dd-yyyy")
Call EnterDates(inputString1)
Unload Me
End Sub
To explain: Again this code is in the UserForm Module. I named my ListBox,
lstBoxDates. In my main code that I call - EnterDates, I use the variable name = inputString1. The value or date that I have selected from the ListBox is captured from the UserForm1 by UserForm1.lstBoxDates.Value - and I format that to a date, otherwise you see just a number. This is for only one selection.
Because I Dim here, no need to Dim in your main code. The sub for the main code
needs to accept the variable you are passing to it:
Sub EnterDates(inputString1)
This is very generalized but maybe something will click so you can get what you are after. I hope so, for I've worked on this a full two days!!
I have created a userform that has two buttons on it. One is called CmdCon6 and the other is called CmdLbs6. When clicked, they are suppose to close the current userform, pull up another userform, and pull values from the 4th column in sheet18 and add them to a combobox named x48 (both of the new userforms have a combobox named x48)in the new userform. The range of cell values to be added to the combobox x48 will flucuate, but never exceed 20 (hence why I added a loop). Everything works great and does what it is suppose to do when I click the CmdCon6 button, but when I click the CmdLbs button, it gives me a run-time error '70' Permission denied and highlights the 20th line of code (line between the If and end if in the Sub CmdLbs_Click()).
I have tried to change the name of the combobox x48 in the frmInputLbs6 userform and keep it as x48 for the frmInputCon6 userform, but I still received the same error.
Any suggestions to fix this issue? I'm stumped, and can't think of a way around it. Thanks in advance!
Private Sub CmdCon6_Click()
Unload Me
For x = 1 To 20
If Sheet18.Cells(x, 4).Value <> "" Then
frmInputCon6.x48.AddItem Sheet18.Cells(x, 4)
End If
Next x
End Sub
Private Sub CmdLbs6_Click()
Unload Me
For x = 1 To 20
If Sheet18.Cells(x, 4).Value <> "" Then
frmInputLbs6.x48.AddItem Sheet18.Cells(x, 4)
End If
Next x
End Sub
Controls on UserForms are private by default. You need to access them through the Controls collection:
Private Sub CmdLbs6_Click()
Unload Me
For x = 1 To 20
If Sheet18.Cells(x, 4).Value <> "" Then
frmInputLbs6.Controls("x48").AddItem Sheet18.Cells(x, 4)
End If
Next x
End Sub
I'd also note that although you mention that "they are suppose to close the current userform", this isn't what happens. Your forms also aren't actually being fully unloaded until the other form is closed. The .Show method defaults to modal so in the code above frmInputCon6 doesn't fully unload until after frmInputLbs6 is closed.
Just something to keep in mind, because it really messes up your event stack. You can see the results by with this simple test code. Add UserForm1 and UserForm2, and put a button on each of them and the following code:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub '<--Put a breakpoint here.
Private Sub UserForm_Terminate()
Debug.Print "UserForm1 closed"
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub '<--Put a breakpoint here.
Private Sub UserForm_Terminate()
Debug.Print "UserForm2 closed"
End Sub
Put a breakpoint on the End Subs of each Click() event, fire up one of the forms and hit the buttons to hop back and forth a few times. Then close one of the forms and count how many times you hit the breakpoints before you actually exit.