No g++ is found after installing a g++ package in Cygwin - g++

I have installed mingw64-x86_64-gcc-g++ package in Cygwin. However, which g++ does not show any installed g++. Where is the installed compiler?

/bin/g++ is part of the gcc-g++ package.
/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ is part of the mingw64-x86_64-gcc-g++ package.


g++ from msys2 is generating .o file only

g++ -c -I"C:/Users\hp/Documents/Projects/arb" test_arb.cpp
it is generating test_arb.o file but no .exe
./a.out is not working either.
How do I run it then?
PS: I am on windows 10. I have msys2 installed followed by g++ installed via pacman on msys2.

cmake 3.11 installation in solaris11

I am new to solaris 11 machine. I have a vitual box and I can only interact via command promt. I am trying to install cmake 3.11 version. I tried downloading cmake source code and building it. But failed at one point where in code uses c++11 and the our gcc compiler is not able to compile it.
It will be very greatfull if anyone can give me steps for installing and using cmake in solaris11.
Thanks in advance.
Solaris 11 offers a cmake package in its package repos, so pkg install cmake as root should do it.

how to compile this cpp file that uses gmp with g++ cygwin

I followed all the instructions for setting up gmp with cygwin,
./configure make make install and make check.
The libgmp.a is in the path C:/C++/gmp-6.1.2/.libs
I'm using this command to compile with g++
g++ -L/C:/C++/gmp-6.1.2/.libs -I/C:/C++/gmp-6.1.2 C:/foo/foo.cpp -lgmp
I get an error message that says : could not find -lgmp
What am i missing?
Why not install the gmp from the cygwin distribution?

cmake MSYS Makefiles generator missing

I have cmake 3.2.3 installed via pacman. I get an error when I try to use it from a msys64 shell:
$ cmake -G "MSYS Makefiles" ..
CMake Error: Could not create named generator MSYS Makefiles
cmake --help does not list it as an available generator.
I do see there is an MSYS.cmake in /usr/share/cmake-3.2.3/Modules/Platform.
What am I missing?
Instead of installing the cmake package, I think you need to install mingw-w64-i686-cmake (or the 64-bit version mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake).
I got the exact same message when trying to run cmake in the MSYS shell. Use a MinGW Shell (for instance MinGW-w64 Win64 Shell) instead.
If you compile native Windows binaries on Linux with MinGW
The MinGW and MSYS generators are only available on Windows based distributions. See #ifdef in cmake.cxx:
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
If you're cross-compiling use one of the available MinGW toolchains. See e.g. "How to use MinGW to cross compile software for Windows" chapter in CMake's wiki.
If you compile Windows binaries on Windows with MinGW
On my Windows PC I only have one CMake installation (the normal MSI Windows Installer with CMake directory added to PATH environment), which works from standard CMD shells and from my MSYS shells.
So in this case there is no need to install a special MinGW version of CMake (like e.g. for CygWin).
But I've rebuild CMake from source with MinGW-w64 several times lately to test some performance optimizations of cmake.exe and it did not work out-of-the-box. To work around the linker errors I've added -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="-Wl,--allow-multiple-definition" like recommended here and the resulting cmake.exe still supports the "MSYS Makefiles" generator.
So yes, there is - as you have commented - most probably something wrong with the pacman build.
I guess the pacman build is just broken, so I've resolved this issue by installing the Windows version of CMake from with the msi installer.

How to install and use libnet in mac os?

I want to program in C with libnet in Mac OS.
When I type in gcc *.o -o network -lnet, there's an error:
library not found for -lnet.
And when I use homebrew install linnet, is says:
Warning: libnet-1.1.6 already installed.
It is the problem of library PATH.Flow the steps to solve this problem.
First, find where you install the library. For my case, the libnet is located in /usr/local/Cellar/libnet/1.1.6.
Second, run /usr/local/Cellar/libnet/1.1.6/bin/libnet-config.
Third, use -L to add the path when you link.
gcc *.o -L/usr/local/Cellar/libnet/1.1.6/lib -lnet.