Cannot Share a file to others using OneDrive API? - onedrive

I am trying to share a file in One-Drive using its API. When I hit it from postman I got a response with HTTP status 200 and when I looked into the One-Drive website it showed "Link sent to", but I didn't get any mail regarding this to specified account. I used below POST method and the body to share it to others. How to share a file in One-Drive using API?<item-id>/action.invite
"requireSignIn": false, "sendInvitation": true, "roles": ["write"], "recipients": [ { "email": "" },{ "email": "" }, ],
"message": "hi"


How to config Cognito to get Facebook Login to pass back picture url included?

Recently I had configure to use amplify with #aws-amplify/ui-react library to login Federated users.
Once login, for google user, I would get payload like
"id": "",
"email": "",
"name": "",
"picture": "",
"token": ""
Yet for facebbook user, I get similar stuff but no picture info
"id": "",
"email": "",
"name": "",
"token": ""
I had tried to update config in my Cognito for Facebook provider. However, this failed to get picture info for me.
Is it possible to make amplify's federated login through Facebook to pass me back picture info as well? I know I could just call another Facebook api to retrieve picture, but I wish this could be avoided, since Google login would return picture info automatically.
Here's my Facebook identity providers config:
Here's my recent Cognito attribute mapping config:
For Facebook:
and in CognitoUserSession's idToken's payload:
the picture field would include a JSON object about profile picture's information
For Google, much simpler:
and the payload:
the picture field is simply the image link
Assuming you're requesting public_profile, use "picture" from Facebook Attribute is actually correct, I do face similar problems that I couldn't receive it until i delete the userpool, and creating a new one.
The value you will get from picture should be something like this
"data": {
"height": 50,
"is_silhouette": false,
"url": "",
"width": 50

403 Error creating dataSource for in Google Fit REST API

I have a simple web application where I submit my Blood Pressure and Heart Rate measurements.
Now I'd like to submit these measurements to my Google Fit Account.
I tried Googles tutorial:
OAuth2 Setup
I created new credentials in one of my existing Cloud Console Projects. And then requested a new authorization code using the following scopes (The project is in Testing State and my account is registered as tester):
Requesting the token returns the following response:
"access_token": "ya29.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
"expires_in": 3599,
"refresh_token": "1//XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
"scope": "",
"token_type": "Bearer"
As you can see, both write scopes are granted.
Additionally, if I check the permissions in my Google Account, both scopes are set.
Create dataSource
Now I create two dataSources (one for and one for
creating the Heart Rate dataSource works as expected, but creating a dataSource for Blood Pressure returns a 403 PERMISSION_DENIED Error:
Request (POST
"dataStreamName": "BPA-BloodPressure",
"type": "raw",
"application": {
"detailsUrl": "https://aaa.bbb.ccc",
"name": "Blood Pressure App",
"version": "1"
"dataType": {
"name": ""
"error": {
"code": 403,
"message": "Scope not included to modify data of type Possible scopes:",
"errors": [
"message": "Scope not included to modify data of type Possible scopes:",
"domain": "global",
"reason": "forbidden"
The Google Fit REST API tells me that the Scope fitness.blood_pressure.write is missing, but as you can see the Scope is given for the used access token.
I am working with Postman to test all requests. Later a Java/Groovy or PHP backend will used.
I also tried with read and write scopes for both data types.
I can see my app with both write scopes in Google Fit under "Connected apps".
Change dataType name to "fitness.blood_pressure" instead of ""
The body will be like this.
"dataStreamName": "BPA-BloodPressure",
"type": "raw",
"application": {
"detailsUrl": "https://aaa.bbb.ccc",
"name": "Blood Pressure App",
"version": "1"
"dataType": {
"name": "fitness.blood_pressure"

LinkedIn Share API creates a share but returns error 500

I'm asking this question on SO, since LinkedIn support is officially moved here.
I'm receiving HTTP 500 response from LinkedIn API endpoint while trying to create a share. This happens sporadically, but it is a quite often event last week or two. The weird part is that the share being created successfully.
Please advise. Could it be caused by spiking users activity on social media due to COVID19?
For the reference, here is request body POST-ed to (real ids are replaced).
"owner": "urn:li:organization:111111",
"text": {
"text": "Text text text"
"content": {
"contentEntities": [
"entity": "urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:111111"
"shareMediaCategory": "IMAGE"
"distribution": {
"linkedInDistributionTarget": {
"connectionsOnly": false,
"visibleToGuest": true
"message": "Internal Server Error",
"status": 500

How to find API endpoints that accept oauth2 tokens

I have an angular 6 application which makes requests to various oauth2 providers. I’ve managed to successfully request access tokens from these providers using the implicit grant type (will be working on authorization code soon). Now I’m trying to find a list of API endpoints that I can test the access tokens with. For example, requesting user profile information from Google.
So far, I’ve been able to get access tokens from the following providers:
Google (
Anilist (
OneDrive (
DropBox (
Does anyone know any publicly accessible API endpoints for any of the above (or any other oauth2 provider) that I can test with?
Here is how you can answer your question for Google.
You first connect to the Google API explorer web application:
This web page helps you browse the many Google APIs. So, search for an API named API Discovery Service. It will answer an API that provides information about other Google APIs, such as what APIs are available, the resource, and method details for each API.
Therefore, to get a list of every APIs, you can call the list entry point of this API Discovery Service here:
Here is the beginning of the result:
"kind": "discovery#directoryList",
"discoveryVersion": "v1",
"items": [
"kind": "discovery#directoryItem",
"id": "abusiveexperiencereport:v1",
"name": "abusiveexperiencereport",
"version": "v1",
"title": "Abusive Experience Report API",
"description": "Views Abusive Experience Report data, and gets a list of sites that have a significant number of abusive experiences.",
"discoveryRestUrl": "$discovery/rest?version=v1",
"icons": {
"x16": "",
"x32": ""
"documentationLink": "",
"preferred": true
On each of those APIs listed by the previous call, the discoveryRestUrl field gives you an URL on which you can get informations like the entrypoint of the corresponding API.
For instance, you can find that the GMail API is described here:
In the output, extract the OAuth2 part from the auth entry to get the scopes:
"auth": {
"oauth2": {
"scopes": {
"": {
"description": "Read, compose, send, and permanently delete all your email from Gmail"
"": {
"description": "Manage drafts and send emails"
"": {
"description": "Insert mail into your mailbox"
"": {
"description": "Manage mailbox labels"
"": {
"description": "View your email message metadata such as labels and headers, but not the email body"
"": {
"description": "View and modify but not delete your email"
"": {
"description": "View your email messages and settings"
"": {
"description": "Send email on your behalf"
"": {
"description": "Manage your basic mail settings"
"": {
"description": "Manage your sensitive mail settings, including who can manage your mail"
In the description, you will also find the endpoint for the GMail API :
Finally, you can access this API by means of OAuth2.
NOTE: every scopes associated with one or several APIs are listed here:

Accessing a cloud hub API
/applications/{domain}/logs Traits: environment_based
Retrieve log messages for the application, ordered newest to oldest.
I am trying to access this api but am unable to relate what client id does it ask. Also I am unable to relate to oauth authentication this needs.
I am new to mule.
i am sharing the steps by step instructions to access the details of apps from api.
Step 1 : Get the access token from the Api
NOTE : Use POST method and add Header Content-Type=application/json
You will get response in JSON format like below
"access_token": "44126898-7ed8-4453-8d28-skajnbf",
"token_type": "bearer",
"redirectUrl": "/home/"
Step 2: Get your organization id
NOTE : Use GET method and add below Headers
Content-Type = application/json
Authorization = Bearer ACCESS_TOKE_YOU_GOT_ABOVE
Example : Authorization = Bearer 44126898-7ed8-4453-8d28-skajnbf
In the response you will have a section where you will get you organization related details like below
"organization": {
"name": "Sample",
"id": "c1e68d1e-797d-47a5-b",
"createdAt": "2016-11-29T09:45:27.903Z",
"updatedAt": "2016-11-29T09:45:27.932Z",
"ownerId": "68df9a5",
"clientId": "7200350999564690",
"domain": "******",
"idprovider_id": "mulesoft",
"isFederated": false,
"parentOrganizationIds": [],
"subOrganizationIds": [],
"tenantOrganizationIds": [],
"isMaster": true,
"subscription": {
"type": "Trial",
"expiration": "2016-12-29T09:45:27.906Z"
Step 3: Get the environment Details
NOTE : Use GET method and add below Headers
Content-Type = application/json
Authorization = Bearer ACCESS_TOKE_YOU_GOT_ABOVE
Example :
You will get all available environments in the response in JSON format as below
"data": [
"id": "042c933d-82ec-453c-99b2-asmbd",
"name": "Production",
"organizationId": "c1e68d1e-797d-47a5-b726-77asd",
"isProduction": true
"total": 1
Step 4: Now specify the domain name and fetch the logs
Example :
NOTE : Use GET method and add below Headers
Content-Type = application/json
Authorization = Bearer ACCESS_TOKE_YOU_GOT_ABOVE
Example : X-ANYPNT-ENV-ID = 042c933d-82ec-453c-99b2-asmbd
You will get the logs in JSON format as below
"data": [
"loggerName": "Platform",
"threadName": "system",
"timestamp": 1480503796819,
"message": "Deploying application to 1 workers.",
"priority": "SYSTEM",
"instanceId": "583eb1f1c4b27"
"loggerName": "Platform",
"threadName": "system",
"timestamp": 1480503797404,
"message": "Provisioning CloudHub worker...",
"priority": "SYSTEM",
"instanceId": "583eb1f1e4b27"
"total": 2
Hope this Helps for Beginners
To see the clientID. Log into your CloudHub account. Click on the "gear" icon in the upper right corner. Click on the name of your organisation. you should now see your "clientID" and the "ClientSecret" ID.
Before you use the CloudHub APIs or the Anypoint platform APIs you have to create an account on the Anypoint Platform - Check the architecture of the Anypoint API platform #
Once your are done with the registration with the Anypoint API platform you need to set up users, roles & privileges as an admin -
As admin you need to control access to APIs by creating & supplying client Id and client Secret -
I guess that's the client you referring to. It needs to be present in the request for all the APIs.
As far as OAuth is concerned, it is not completely functional on Cloudhub API. You will have to raise a ticket for support. Check this out -
If you are new to Mule, run through the Mule Intro videos and try out the Anypoint Studio to get feel of Mulesoft Applications.
Hope this helps.