npm install express will cause many package to be installed - npm

I am reading the Installing npm packages locally guide and looking for information about why when I use npm install express to install that package, nearly 40 other packages installed in the node_modules sub-directory.
Also if NPM supports the method as described above, how do we use npm publish to publish a bundle of packages in one command for download in NPM?


prevent npm from removing node_modules folder on failure

I want to npm install a broken package, i.e., the installation process does not work properly and results in an error. I am used to npm keeping the successfully installed packages in the local node_modules folder. For some reason npm has stopped doing that and removes the node_modules folder if the install is not successful.
How can I tell npm to keep the local node_modules folder regardless of the success or failure of the installation process?
I faced a similar problem when one of the packages failed to build its C++ addon and npm removed node_modules. The below steps helped me:
Install the packages with scripts disabled.
$ npm install --ignore-scripts
Fix the package
Rebuild the package
$ npm rebuild PACKAGE

Errors when doing npm install

I've already installed Node.js in my machine. When I try npm install, the installation does not properly work for me. I get the following on my console:
Installed node version 14.15.1
Installed npm version 6.14.8
Installed angular cli version 11.2.3
And then some errors pop up. Here's a screenshot of my console:
Any of the following methods might be useful for you:
Method 1: Clean cache & then perform an installation
npm cache clean --force
npm install
Method 2: Exclude package-lock.json file and perform an installation
npm install --no-package-lock
Method 3: Manually delete node_modules and package-lock.json file and then perform an installation
npm install

How would you execute npm install with a specific version from the nexus repo

How to execute npm install with a specific version from the nexus repo?
My artifacts are stored in Nexus. what I need to do is execute npm install <nexus version>. However when I do this it still uses my latest package.json that I committed. I want to use all artifacts including package.json from the version in my nexus repo.
Using npm via NXRM behaves the same as using npm without NXRM as far as installs go. You can use npm install package#version.
So for example, npm install pluto#0.4.0.
See npm install doc for more details.

npm does not install new package after modifying package.json

I have a web application with some packages defined in package.json after I run npm install all dependencies are resolved. However when I add some packages after that to package.json and run npm install again nothing happens. I did the work around by typing npm install --save lodash and it downloaded the dependency and updated packages.json. It works, but let's imagine the scenario when I want to add 10 or more packages. Then it would be easier for me to just add them to package.json and run npm install but this does not work :/. So what would be the solution for the problem off adding more packages after initial npm install?
Node version: v8.1.3
npm version: 5.03
Operating System: Windows 10 Pro

Failure to install packages after setting yarn to package manager

Im trying to setup a new project with angular cli and have set my package manger like this:
ng set --global packageManager=yarn
However, when I try to create a new angular project with cli, I get this
Installing packages for tooling via yarn.
'yarn' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Package install failed, see above.
Package install failed, see above.
So then I start looking to see if I have yarn even installed and I do this:
D:\devsrc>npm list -g --depth=0
and get this:
+-- #angular/cli#1.3.1
+-- angular-cli#1.0.0-beta.28.3
`-- typescript#2.2.2
npm ERR! peer dep missing: rxjs#^5.0.1, required by #angular/core#2.4.10
npm ERR! extraneous: tsickle#0.2.5 C:\Users\
How can I have 2 different versions of angular cli installed?
How can I clean this up and get Yarn installed?
So first thing, you are getting 'yarn' is not recognized as an internal or external command error is because you do not have yarn globally installed run
npm install yarn -g to fix that
Second you have two #angular/cli#1.3.1 and angular-cli#1.0.0-beta.28.3 packages is because the angular cli package name has being changed since version 1.0.0-beta.28.3. Before it was angular-cli now it is #angular/cli so just uninstall the old one uninstall angular-cli -g. After that you might need to reinstall the latest one npm install #angular/cli -g