SQL, From TimeStamp to relative time - sql

For this SQL,
FROM MyTable
I get the following data,
CID, Time, Val
8,2016-10-19 13:49:06.217,7.036
8,2016-10-19 13:49:15.237,6.547
8,2016-10-19 13:49:46.063,6.292
8,2016-10-19 13:49:57.387,5.998
I want each of Time value minus the starting time, which can be calculated by
SELECT MIN(Time) StartTime
FROM MyTable
I know that I can define a T-SQL variable to do that, However, is it possible to do the task, getting the relative time instead of absolute time for each record, in one SQL?

You can use min() window function to get the minimum time for each id and use it for subtraction.
select cid,time,val,
datediff(millisecond,min(time) over(partition by cid),time) as diff
from mytable
Change the difference interval (millisecond shown) per your requirement. There can be an overflow if the difference is too big.


How to select rows until the sum of a column reaches N, where the column is of type TIME

I would like to select enough audio calls to have 00:10:00 minutes of audio. I have tried to achieve this by writing the following SQL (postgres) statement
SELECT file_name, audio_duration
SELECT distinct file_name, audio_duration, SUM(audio_duration)
OVER (ORDER BY audio_duration) AS total_duration
FROM data
) AS t
t.total_duration <='00:10:00'
GROUP BY file_name, audio_duration
My problem is that it doesn't seem to be calculating the total duration correctly.
I suspect this is due the audio_duration column being the TIME type.
If anyone have any hints or suggestions on how to make this query, it would be greatly appreciated.
You should really define that column to be an interval. A time column stores a moment in time, e.g. "3 in the afternoon".
However you can cast a single time value to an interval. You also don't need the window function to first calculate the "running total" if you want the total duration per file:
SELECT file_name, sum(audio_duration::interval) as total_duration
FROM data
GROUP BY file_name
HAVING sum(audio_duration::interval) <= interval '10 minute';
To permanently change the column type to an interval you can use:
alter table data
alter duration type interval;
I fully agree with #a_horse_with_no_name that Interval is the better datatype, but must admit that the Time datatype in not incorrect. While you cannot add (+) time datatypes you can SUM them. Summing time datatypes result in an interval, and produces the same result as summing corresponding intervals. Time besides being moment is also the interval from the beginning of day to that moment. Demo (fiddle)
with as_time (dur) as ( values ('10:34:45 AM'::time), ('03:14:50 PM'::time), ('11:15:25 PM'::time))
, as_intv (dur) as ( values ('10:34:45'::interval), ('15:14:50'::interval),('23:15:25'::interval))
select *
from (select sum(dur) sum_time from as_time) st
, (select sum(dur) sum_intv from as_intv) si;
BTW: The answer to the rhetorical question "what is the sum of "8 in the morning" and "3 in the afternoon"? Well it's 23:00:00.

SQL script to find previous value, not necessarily previous row

is there a way in SQL to find a previous value, not necessarily in the previous row, within the same SELECT statement?
See picture below. I'd like to add another column, ELAPSED, that calculates the time difference between TIMERSTART, but only when DEVICEID is the same, and I_TYPE is viewDisplayed. e.g. subtract 1 from 2, store difference in 3, store 0 in 4 because i_type is not viewDisplayed, subtract 2 from 5, store difference in 6, and so on.
It has to be a statement, I can't use a stored procedure in this case.
I'm using SAP HANA DB, but it works pretty much like the latest version of MS-SQL. So, if you know how to make it work in SQL, I can make it work in HANA.
You can make a subquery to find the last time entered previous to the row in question.
select deviceid, i_type, timerstart, (timerstart - timerlast) as elapsed.
join ( select top 1 timerstart as timerlast
where (C.i_type = CU.i_type) and
(C.deviceid = CU.deviceid) and (C.timerstart < CU.timerstart)
order by C.timerstart desc
) as temp1
on temp1.i_type = CU.i_type
order by timerstart asc
This is a rough sketch of what the sql should look like I do not know what your primary key is on this table if it is i_type or i_type and deviceid. But this should help with how to atleast calculate the field. I do not think it would be necessary to store the value unless this table is very large or the hardware being used is very slow. It can be calculated rather easily each time this query is run.
SAP HANA supports window functions:
select DEVICEID,
lag(TIMERSTART) over (partition by DEVICEID order by TIMERSTART) as previous_start
Then you can wrap this in parentheses and manipulate the data to your hearts' content

Every 10th row based on timestamp

I have a table with signal name, value and timestamp. these signals where recorded at sampling rate of 1sample/sec. Now i want to plot a graph on values of months, and it is becoming very heavy for the system to perform it within seconds. So my question is " Is there any way to view 1 value/minute in other words i want to see every 60th row.?"
You can use the row_number() function to enumerate the rows, and then use modulo arithmetic to get the rows:
select signalname, value, timestamp
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (order by timestamp) as seqnum
from table t
) t
where seqnum % 60 = 0;
If your data really is regular, you can also extract the seconds value and check when that is 0:
select signalname, value, timestamp
from table t
where datepart(second, timestamp) = 0
This assumes that timestamp is stored in an appropriate date/time format.
Instead of sampling, you could use the one minute average for your plot:
select name
, min(timestamp)
, avg(value)
from Yourtable
group by
, datediff(minute, '2013-01-01', timestamp)
If you are charting months, even the hourly average might be detailed enough.

Sampling SQL timeseries

I have a timeseries of datetime, double columns stored in mySQL and would like to sample the timeseries every minute (i.e. pull out the last value at one minute intervals). Is there an efficient way of doing this in one select statement?
The brute force way would involve either selecting the whole series and doing the sampling on the client side or sending one select for each point (e.g. select * from data where timestamp<xxxxxxxxx order by timestamp desc limit 1).
You could convert your timestamps to UNIX timestamps, group by unix_timestamp DIV 60 and pull the maximum timestamps from each group. Afterwards join the obtained list back to the original table to pull the data for the obtained timestamps.
Basically it might look something like this:
t.* /* you might want to be more specific here */
FROM atable t
MAX(timestamp) AS timestamp
FROM atable
) m ON t.timestamp = m.timestamp
You can use DATE_FORMAT to get just the parts of the datetime that you want. You want to get the datetime down to the minute, and then for each group with that "rounded-off" time, get the row with the maximum time.

SQL Average Inter-arrival Time, Time Between Dates

I have a table with sequential timestamps:
2011-03-17 10:31:19
2011-03-17 10:45:49
2011-03-17 10:47:49
I need to find the average time difference between each of these(there could be dozens) in seconds or whatever is easiest, I can work with it from there. So for example the above inter-arrival time for only the first two times would be 870 (14m 30s). For all three times it would be: (870 + 120)/2 = 445 (7m 25s).
A note, I am using postgreSQL 8.1.22 .
EDIT: The table I mention above is from a different query that is literally just a one-column list of timestamps
Not sure I understood your question completely, but this might be what you are looking for:
SELECT avg(difference)
SELECT timestamp_col - lag(timestamp_col) over (order by timestamp_col) as difference
FROM your_table
) t
The inner query calculates the distance between each row and the preceding row. The result is an interval for each row in the table.
The outer query simply does an average over all differences.
i think u want to find avg(timestamptz).
my solution is avg(current - min value). but since result is interval, so add it to min value again.
SELECT avg(target_col - (select min(target_col) from your_table))
+ (select min(target_col) from your_table)
FROM your_table
If you cannot upgrade to a version of PG that supports window functions, you
may compute your table's sequential steps "the slow way."
Assuming your table is "tbl" and your timestamp column is "ts":
SELECT AVG(t1 - t0)
-- All this silliness would be moot if we could use
-- `` lead(ts) over (order by ts) ''
SELECT tbl.ts AS t0,
next.ts AS t1
FROM tbl
tbl next
WHERE next.ts = (
FROM tbl subquery
WHERE subquery.ts > tbl.ts
) derived;
But don't do that. Its performance will be terrible. Please do what
a_horse_with_no_name suggests, and use window functions.