Command Button () should be clicked only when certain sheet available - vba

I am getting data on daily basis. For that I use different command buttons to filer data and gather data from different sheets. Already kept made around 25 command buttons on first sheet. My issue is e.g. command button say 20 should not be work or should not be click until unless sheet no. 20 available. Currently I am using
Dim j As Integer, k As Integer
j = Worksheets.Count
For k = 20 To 20
With Worksheets(k)
Sometimes by mistake I click on command button which particular sheet not available and code does not generate any data.

Could you do something like below?
Obviously you need to replace the "20" with whatever your sheet name is and
and you will put this code in your click handler
Dim isWorlsheetAvailable
isWorlsheetAvailable = False
For i = 1 To ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count
If ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(i).Name = "20" Then
isWorlsheetAvailable = True
End If
Next i
If Not isWorlsheetAvailable Then
MsgBox ("sdffd")
Exit Sub
End If
Do your work here......


Assign macro to a cell corresponding to the row of automatically generated buttons

I've managed to create a form where the user can expand the fields of a pivot table and, once they've completely expanded a field/branch, a button will appear in column E and that pivot field data is concatenated in column J (there are some hidden columns).
What I want is for the user to click an auto-generating button in column E which exports the corresponding data in column J to a list, somewhere on the workbook.
My code below automatically generates the buttons for fully expanded fields, but I have no idea how to write the code to link each button to the corresponding cell in column J - this is probably not very difficult but any help would be appreciated.
Sub buttonGenerator()
Dim btn As Button
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim t As Range
Dim size As Integer
size = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("Pivottable1").TableRange2.Rows.Count
For i = 2 To size Step 1
If Not IsEmpty(ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(i, 4), Cells(i, 4))) Then
Set t = ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(i, 5), Cells(i, 5))
Set btn = ActiveSheet.Buttons.Add(t.Left, t.Top, t.Width, t.Height)
With btn
.OnAction = "btnS"
.Caption = "Add to summary" '& i
.Name = "Btn" & i
End With
End If
Next i
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
End Sub
Sub buttonAppCaller()
MsgBox Application.Caller
End Sub
So here is my code .. it is throwing Runtime error 1004 "Unable to get the Buttons property of the worksheet class". Not sure what I've done wrong but I need to get the data from the cell next to the button to copy over to the bottom of a list in sheet 2 when that particular button is clicked. Please help!
Sub btnS()
Dim dest As Range
Dim origin As Range
origin = ActiveSheet.Buttons(Application.Caller).TopLeftCell.Offset(0, 1) 'input data from cell next to button click
dest = Worksheets("Form Output").Range("A1") 'output data to list in sheet 2 - "Form output"
Set dest = origin
End Sub
Don't use Integer for row counts as you did for size. Excel has more rows than Integer can handle. It is recommended always to use Long instead of Integer in VBA there is no benefit in Integer at all.
The procedure every button invokes is called btnS as you defined in .OnAction = "btnS". Therefore you need a Sub with that name in a Module.
You can use Buttons(Application.Caller).TopLeftCell to get the cell under a button and from that cell you can determine the row or column.
Public Sub btnS() 'sub name must match `.OnAction` name
MsgBox ActiveSheet.Buttons(Application.Caller).TopLeftCell.Row
End Sub
Instead of using ActiveSheet I recommend to use a specific worksheet like Worksheets("your-sheet-name") if you plan to use it on a specific sheet only. ActiveSheet can easily change and should be avoided where possible.

Automatically updating a userform label

I'm new to VBA and programming in general, so bear with me. I have so far 6 labels, and a simple useform where one enters a value corresponding to each label. However, the label name can change (say if new labels are added) and I wanted a way to automatically change the label name. This is what I have so far:
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Update_invest.Invest1.Caption = Sheet1.Range("A12").Value
Update_invest.Invest2.Caption = Sheet1.Range("A13").Value
Update_invest.Invest3.Caption = Sheet1.Range("A14").Value
Update_invest.Invest4.Caption = Sheet1.Range("A15").Value
Update_invest.Invest5.Caption = Sheet1.Range("A16").Value
Update_invest.Invest6.Caption = Sheet1.Range("A17").Value
End Sub
Now this works: if I change a label it will update the userform. However, if I just open the new worksheet and don't click on say cell A12, it will not update the userform and will leave the label name as it's default name. How do I make it actually save the label name, so that if a user opens the workbook the userform will already have the current cell value (without first having to click on the cell for the userform to update)?
I have this code currently on sheet1.
Solution 1
You can put your code in Worksheet_Activate which is run when the user select the sheet or in Workbook_Open which is run when the user open the workbook. Currently, your are using Worksheet_SelectionChange which is only run when the user change the selection, hence the need to click on another cell.
NOTE : if you chose to use Workbook_Open, you will need to put the sub in the ThisWorkbook file and not in the worksheet itself.
Solution 2
If you instead want to make the changes permanant and not have code to always update it, you will need to go through the designer
Here is an exemple
Sub exa1()
Dim i As Long, n As Long
n = 12
With ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("Update_invest").Designer
For i = 1 To .Controls.Count
If TypeName(.Controls(i - 1)) = "Label" Then
.Controls(i - 1).Caption = Sheet1.Cells(n, 1).Value
n = n + 1
End If
Next i
End With
End Sub

.PasteSpecial doesnt work for Range object

Y helo thar,
actually my vba-knowledge is quite good and normally I don't have many difficulties coding , but this is driving me nuts.
Code is pretty easy. I have a worksheet PR_DB where all my projects are stored. For every project there are a number of employees, saved in cells (sel_pr, >10+) (employee name and ID).
I want to delete an employee from the project and tidy up the project database entry. All employees are listed in two listboxes. The ones that are working in the project, and the ones that don't. Via the buttons I can add and remove employees from either listbox.
When I add an employee to a project (top button), my Sub just puts the ID&Name at the end of the row of said project.
When I remove them from a project and therefore from the database, I look for the cell with the employee data. Afterwards I just want to cut all the cells to the right and paste them one cell to the left (via offset) so the deleted name is overwritten.
This is my code:
Sub delMA_from_prBetList()
Dim i, j, k, listRow, lastRowMA_DB, lastRowPR_DB, sel_pr As Integer
Dim wsPR, wsMA_DB, wsPR_DB As Worksheet
Dim foundMA As Boolean
Dim cutRng, pasteRng As Range
Set wsPR = Worksheets("Projekte")
Set wsMA_DB = Worksheets("MA_DB")
Set wsPR_DB = Worksheets("PR_DB")
lastRowPR_DB = wsPR_DB.UsedRange.Rows.Count
'check if any employee was selected
If IsNull(wsPR.prBetListe.Value) = True Then
MsgBox "Please select an employee."
Exit Sub
End If
j = 10
'look for selected project in DB
For i = 2 To lastRowPR_DB
If wsPR_DB.Cells(i, 1) = CInt(wsPR.prListe.Value) Then
'row ID of said project
sel_pr = i
End If
'find employee
Do Until wsPR_DB.Cells(sel_pr, j) = ""
'employees are saved as "ID;NAME"
If wsPR_DB.Cells(sel_pr, j) = wsPR.prBetListe.Value & ";" & wsPR.prBetListe.Column(1, wsPR.prBetListe.ListIndex) Then
'when found, look for last cell with an entry
k = j
Do Until wsPR_DB.Cells(sel_pr, k) = ""
k = k + 1
'set cutRng so it spans from cell right to the found employee
'to last cell with an employee in that project
Set cutRng = wsPR_DB.Range(wsPR_DB.Cells(sel_pr, j + 1), wsPR_DB.Cells(sel_pr, k))
'set pasteRng like cutRng, just one cell further to the left
'so the deleted employee will be overwritten
Set pasteRng = cutRng.Offset(rowOffset:=0, columnOffset:=-1)
Exit Do
End If
j = j + 1
're-initialize listboxes
Call init_maListe_dyn
Call init_prBetListe_dyn
End Sub
So whats the problem? Everything works just fine, all the cells I want to cut go into clipboard, but they arent pasted into the pasteRng. Error is
Error 1004 "Application-defined or Object-defined error". I tried a thousand things but the solution is probably too easy to find.
Hope you can help me, thanks in advance.
PS: I'm kind of in a hurry, so that text might not be as well formatted as it could be. Please bear with me.
just use directly:
cutRng.Cut pasteRng
this should solve your problem ;)
If you want to offset one column to the left it should be
Set pasteRng = cutRng.Offset(,-1)
Also, you're not defining how you want to paste. The paste settings may not be set to paste values if they were set differently prior to this instance (via code or otherwise). If you want to just cut-paste the values it would be
pasteRng.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
Let me know if that helps at all and if not I'll look further into it.

Copy and Paste Error : '1004'

I am using VBA to help manage a set of data. I will have Monthly Data for 50 months and I wish to categorize it into different sheets based on the FIRST word within a cell. Here is what I done so far;
I created a workbook with 2 sheets,
Sheet1(Employee Inventory)
and my code is written and saved in this Workbook.
Sub myCode()
Dim OldString As String
Dim NewString As String
Set i = Sheets("Employee Inventory")
Set PB = Sheets("PB")
Dim counterPB
counterPB = 2
Dim d
Dim j
d = 1
j = 2
Do Until IsEmpty(i.Range("D" & j))
OldString = i.Range("D" & j)
NewString = Left(OldString, 2)
If NewString = "PB" Then
PB.Range("A" & counterPB).Select
counterPB = counterPB + 1
End If
j = j + 1
End Sub
Apologies for the code as it looks weird. This code looks at Sheet1 and scans column "D" and looks for the first word starting with "PB". Once it does find it, it will copy and paste the whole row into another sheet called Sheet2(PB).
When I am in Microsoft Visual Basic window AND I have the Excel Spreadsheet with Sheet1(Employee Inventory) tab opened and when I click Run Sub I get the following error: Run-time error '1004': Application-defined or object-defined error. When I click on "PB" tab, nothing is being copy and pasted in there.
HOWEVER, when I click on the PB tab and then I click Run Sub, the codes executes and any rows containing the first word "PB" will be copied and pasted in the "PB" tab.
My question is, why does it only work when I have the Sheet2 opened and not when I have Sheet1 Opened?
when use its parent worksheet must be selected, so we can use PB.Activate or not use .select at all.
Try to replace this:
PB.Range("A" & counterPB).Select
with this line:
i.Rows(j).Copy PB.Rows(counterPB)
Why don't you just select the second sheet at the beginning of the code?
Try the following
If it really works when this sheet is selected, then it should work with this.

Subscript Out of Range, even though value is defined

I am writing a piece of code that transfers selected data on an Excel sheet into an array, which is then used to print the data on a new spreadsheet. However, I am getting a "Subscript Out of Range" error, even though a value appears when I scroll over selectArr(i - 1). Here is my code:
Sub Marascuilo()
Dim numRows As Integer 'Number of rows selected
numRows = Selection.Rows.Count
Dim selectArr() As Double 'Array containing numbers from selected cells
selectArr = loadArr(numRows) 'Load values into array
For i = 2 To UBound(selectArr) - LBound(selectArr) + 2
Sheets("Sheet 4").Cells(i, 2).Value = selectArr(i - 1)
End Sub
'This function loads the values from the selected cells into selectArr.
Function loadArr(numRows) As Double()
Dim ResultArray() As Double
r = 1
For Each v In Selection
ReDim Preserve ResultArray(1 To r)
If v <> "" Then
ResultArray(r) = v.Value
r = r + 1
End If
loadArr = ResultArray
End Function
Any ideas as to how I fix this issue?
Instead of using Sheets("Sheet 4"), you might consider using the sheet's CodeName. If you look in the Project Explorer window, every sheet has a Name and a CodeName. It might look like this
Sheet1 (Sheet1)
Sheet2 (Sheet2)
The first one is the CodeName (can't be changed from the UI). The one in parens is the tab name. Select the sheet in the Project Explorer and press F4 to open the Properties dialog. Go to the (Name) property (a poorly named property) and change it to something meaningful. I change all my sheets' CodeNames and use a wsh prefix. My sheet that's a log has a CodeName of
Now I can use wshLog in my code and I get some benefits. The first is that if someone renames the sheet in the UI, the code still works. The second is I can type wshlog (all lower case) and the VBE will change it to wshLog and I get that visual cue that I spelled it right. Finally, my code is more readable, ex wshFinalReport vs. Sheets("Sheet1").