Converting from VARCHAR to DATE - sql

I have a db where I have converted 2 date columns to varchar for the purpose of getting 1 column substringed into another. However, now I don't seem to be able to convert the datatype when I try to use:
ALTER TABLE datacomplete
ALTER COLUMN yearmonth TYPE DATE; /*Can't find a way to specify a format*/
It throws this error:
ERROR: column "yearmonth" cannot be cast automatically to type date
Hint: You might need to specify "USING yearmonth::date".
I'm not sure how to use that command at all, could anyone potentially assist?
My first column is in the format of yyyy-mm-dd, however I'd like it to be yyyymm only, but I'm guessing this is easier once I convert the datatype to date and I can somehow switch formats.
The second column only shows the year so I need to convert it to date as format 'yyyy'.
UPDATE: The first one was solved, now I need to convert the second to 'yyyy'
ALTER TABLE pscomplete_1 ALTER COLUMN "year" TYPE DATE USING "year"::date;
It throws this error
15:12:51 [ALTER - 0 rows, 1.062 secs] [Code: 0, SQL State: 22007] ERROR: >invalid input syntax for type date: "2016"
... 1 statement(s) executed, 0 rows affected, exec/fetch time: 1.062/0.000 sec >[0 successful, 1 errors]

The USING keyword allows you to give the translation function to PostgreSQL.
For your first column it is easy for you already have a correct DATE format:
ALTER TABLE datacomplete ALTER COLUMN yearmonth TYPE DATE USING yearmonth::DATE;
For your second column it is unclear for PostgreSQL which exact date you want. Let's say we want the first of January of the given year:
ALTER TABLE datacomplete ALTER COLUMN year TYPE DATE USING (year || '-01-01')::DATE;

I understood you were starting from a VARCHAR column in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
So I'll do the same.
And you want a column in the date format, and you want a yearmonth in all-digits format.
If I'm not forced to use leading zeroes in an all-digits column, I prefer INT to string columns.
And I prefer to make the same derivation only once if I can do that.
This is why I use a WITH clause (global table expression) to cast the varchar to date, and then I use the resulting date for the DATE_PART() function I use to create the yearmonth column. I have seen very often that date arithmetics are safer and often faster than subtring-ing the date literal (remember, the Americans format dates differently from the Europeans, there are different formats within Europe, and also in Asia, and not all like the ISO date format). So I derive yearmonth as the year multiplied by 100, plus the month, and as DATE_PART() returns a float, I cast the whole expression to INT.
So here goes:
WITH foo(varchar_dt) AS (
SELECT '2017-01-11'
UNION ALL SELECT '2016-12-11'
UNION ALL SELECT '2016-11-11'
UNION ALL SELECT '2016-10-11'
, foo_with_date AS (
, CAST(varchar_dt AS DATE) AS the_date
FROM foo
, the_date
, CAST(DATE_PART('year',the_date)*100 + DATE_PART('month',the_date) AS INT) AS yearmonth
FROM foo_with_date
varchar_dt|the_date |yearmonth
2017-01-11|2017-01-11| 201,701
2016-12-11|2016-12-11| 201,612
2016-11-11|2016-11-11| 201,611
2016-10-11|2016-10-11| 201,610
I can't help myself - I find this much cleaner, and filtering by yearmonth would become filtering by an integer, which is always at least a little bit faster than strings.
Happy playing
Marco the Sane


Cast NUMBER to DATE. Error ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected DATE got NUMBER

I have a column with a datatype number but I want to convert the column into date. I tried using CAST function but it gives error
ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected DATE got NUMBER.
For example, 20221203 to 2022-12-03.
Any suggestions?
col_date is the column name
select cast(col_date as date)
from school
Try converting int to varchar and then varchar to date
select cast(cast(col_date as varchar(10)) as date)
Use the to_date() function:
select to_date(col_date, 'YYYYMMDD')
from school
That does an implicit conversion from number to string, but you can make it explicit:
select to_date(to_char(col_date), 'YYYYMMDD')
from school
Of course, it would be better to store your values as proper dates. You may have numbers which don't correspond to actual dates, and will need to decide how to handle those if you do.
Oracle's date datatype always has a time component, which will be set to midnight with this conversion. They have no intrinsic human-readable format - your client decides how to display, usually using your session NLS_DATE_FORMAT setting. You can change that with alter session, which will affect the display of all date values.
If you want to display the date as a string with a particularly format then you can reverse the process with the to_char() function:
select to_char(to_date(to_char(col_date), 'YYYYMMDD'), 'YYYY-MM-DD')
from school
If you only want it reformatted as a string, and don't need it as a real date at all, you could just format the number directly:
select to_char(col_date, 'FM0000G00G00', 'nls_numeric_characters='' -''')
from school
But either way, only do that for final display - leave it as an actual date (not string) for any processing, joins, storage etc.

Convert Number type to Date in postgres SQL

I have a numeric data in a column 20170930, need help in converting it into Date in PostgreSQL , tried multiple ways but non seems to work
You can convert to a string and then to a date:
select column::text::date
You can also express this using explicit cast() syntax:
select cast(cast(20170930 as text) as date)
Use one of the following :
SELECT cast(yourcol::varchar as date ) as dt1, yourcol::varchar::date as dt2
where dt1 and dt2 values of type date, and yourcol is a numeric value such as 20170930
The best thing is to change column datatype into Date type,
ALTER TABLE table_name
ADD column_name Date;
As shown above, PostgreSQL supports a full set of SQL date and time types, as shown in the table below. Dates are counted according to the Gregorian calendar. Here, all the types have a resolution of 1 microsecond / 14 digits except date type, whose resolution is day.
Please try below query
SELECT to_date(column::varchar,'YYYYMMDD')
For anybody who fell into my pitfall I tried this but my numeric was like a 'seconds past 01-01-1970 format' rather than YYYYMMDD
This worked
SELECT to_timestamp(yourcol) as numeric_column_now_date
from yourtable
see here

Date difference = 0 in where clause Oracle?

I have the same problem as this. The only difference is that I use Oracle. I want to select the rows which has insertion_date='20.11.2018'. So my query was
select * from table where insertion_date='20.11.2018'
In that question they suggested datediff, so I looked at its equivalent in oracle and I learned that I can do date arithmetic. So I tried somethings like these:
select * from table where insertion_date -'20.11.2018'=0;
It gave ora-00932 inconsistent datatypes expected date got number.
So, then I tried;
select * from table where insertion_date - to_date('20.11.2018', 'dd.MM.YYYY') = 0;
It does not give error but also does not display the results which I know there must be. What am I doing wrong here? Thanks.
Update: Sorry I forgot to mention that insertion_date is type date. But it also has time(hour, minutes, seconds) info in it.
What is INSERTION_DATE's datatype?
If it is DATE, then comparing it to another date (note: this is date literal; value you used is a string!)
select * from table where insertion_date = date '2018-11-20'
might work, unless INSERTION_DATE contains time component (hours and minutes). Then, the simplest option is to truncate its value (so that you get date itself, at midnight):
select * from table where trunc(insertion_date) = date '2018-11-20'
but it'll ruin index you have on that column (unless it is a function-based one). For small tables, it won't make any difference. For large amount of data, it would so convert it to
select * from table where insertion_date >= date '2018-11-20'
and insertion_date < date '2018-11-21'
If, on the other hand, INSERTION_DATE is a string (VARCHAR2 or CHAR) datatype (which is a really bad idea; consider switching to DATE datatype), then you have to know its format, convert it to DATE first and then compare to another date. For example, if it was a string that contains date values in format, then
select * from table where to_date(insertion_date, '') = date '2018-11-20'
This will certainly fail if any string in that column doesn't match such a format or contains invalid values (such as "date" 53.67.Bx48).

Oracle SQL - convert a varchar2 into a date

I have a problem with converting a varchar2 fields into a date format.
I got 2 columns with the datatyp varchar2, one is called qtime the other is called ztime. Both fields contain strings in this format (f.e. 152015 -> would be a timestamp 15:20:15).
For reporting reasons I need to convert this fields into a date format, afterwards I want to substract (qtime-ztime) the fields an convert them into the format [hh] (f.e. after the operation 01:20:00 would be -> 01). Is it possible to to this within Oracle SQL 12c? The biggest problem for me right now is that I don't get those Strings converted into a date format.
select TO_DATE(qtime,'MM/DD/YYYY hh24:mi:ss') just gives me
ORA-01861:"literal does not match format string"
select TO_DATE(qtime,'hh24mmss') gives me a wrong Date
select TO_TIMESTAMP(qtime,'hh24mmss') gives me a wrong Date
01.03.2018 BUT the correct time with f.e. 15:20:15,0000000
Thank you in advance, any help is appreciated
Note: I only have reading rights on the database Oracle 12c, so I need to to this within Statements
"The Database contains another column with the correct date for each time"
The missing piece of the puzzle! Concatenate the two columns to get something which can be converted to an Oracle DATE:
select to_date(qdate||qtime, 'yyyymmddhh24miss') as qdatetime
, to_date(zdate||ztime, 'yyyymmddhh24miss') as zdatetime
from your_table
Once you have done that you can perform arithmetic of the dates e.g.
select id
, zdatetime - qdatetime as time_diff
from ( select id
, to_date(qdate||qtime, 'yyyymmddhh24miss') as qdatetime
, to_date(zdate||ztime, 'yyyymmddhh24miss') as zdatetime
from your_table
If you want the number of hours in the difference you can include this expression in the projection of the outer query:
, extract( hour from (zdatetime - qdatetime) day to second) as hrs_ela
First off, if you are trying to convert a varchar2 into a date without specifying neither day nor month, it will default to the first day of the current month:
If you specify a date value without a date, then the default date is the first day of the current month.
You can read up more here
Also in 2nd and 3rd your example, you are using 'hh24mmss' for specifying hour, minute and second components, but do note that correct format for minutes is 'mi' and not 'mm', which is used for months.
So the solution is to concatenate both date and time component when creating the date as the other answer suggested, tho I would recommend using a single date field as it can store the information you need.

SQL datetime LIKE select - why do I need an extra %?

Can someone explain to me why when I perform a LIKE select in SQL (T-SQL) on a varchar column I can do the following:
FROM Table
to get names beginning with Th, but when I do the same on a datetime column I need a % before the year, like:
FROM Table
WHERE Date LIKE '%2013%'
to get dates in 2013. The datetimes are stored in yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss format. I know I could use a DATEPART style query but I was just interested in why I need the extra % here.
The DATETIME is converted to a VARCHAR before the comparison, and there definitely is no guarantee that the conversion will be in the pattern you mention. DATETIME is not stored internally as a VARCHAR but as a FLOAT.
You should stop wondering because the syntax is not useful.
FROM Table
WHERE Date LIKE '%2013%'
Will give you a full table scan because the date will be converted to a varchar when comparing. In other words, don't do it !
Use this syntax instead:
FROM Table
WHERE Date >= '2013-01-01T00:00:00'
and Date < '2014-01-01T00:00:00'
If the Date field is in timestamp:-
FROM Table
WHERE year(Date) = '2013'
The sql server converts datetime to this format (Jan 1, 1900 9:20AM.)Because of that reason We need to use an extra %.
If you want to search the records start with month Jan
you can use following query for date time
FROM Table
WHERE Date LIKE 'Jan%'.
No need of extra '%'.