vb.net threads not starting - vb.net

I've written a small web spider to check an internal website is returning search results correctly (around once a day it doesn't for various reasons). It runs find in serial, but takes a long time, so I was hoping to split some parts of it into independent threads.
The code below never seems to launch the function "ripitems" which would leave a file for me to read into excel later.
Sub doSearch()
Dim myVar As System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection(Of IWebElement)
Dim csvFile As String, myContinue As Boolean
Dim objWriter As TextWriter
Dim myDriver As New Chrome.ChromeDriver
csvFile = My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.MyDocuments _
& "\Catalogue Download - " & Format(Now(), "yyyymmdd") & ".csv"
objWriter = TextWriter.Synchronized(File.AppendText(csvFile))
For i = 2 To 10
myDriver.Navigate.GoToUrl("mysite/search?QueryExpr=" & searchFor & "&pid=" & i)
myVar = myDriver.FindElementsByClassName("upperContainer")
Dim myThread As New Thread(Sub() ripitems(myVar, objWriter))
End Sub
Function ripitems(ByVal elementCollection As System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection(Of IWebElement), ByVal fHandle As TextWriter)
[... irrelevant code to find items and prices ...]
For i = 0 To elementCollection.Count - 1
fHandle.Write(thisPN(i) & "," & thisPrice(i))
End Function
I've pulled most of threading code from this SE answer,
What have I done wrong?

This method should not be a Function:
Function ripitems(ByVal elementCollection As System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection(Of IWebElement), ByVal fHandle As TextWriter)
'[... irrelevant code to find items and prices ...]
For i = 0 To elementCollection.Count - 1
fHandle.Write(thisPN(i) & "," & thisPrice(i))
End Function
Instead replace Function with Sub:
Sub ripitems(ByVal elementCollection As System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection(Of IWebElement), ByVal fHandle As TextWriter)
'[... irrelevant code to find items and prices ...]
For i = 0 To elementCollection.Count - 1
fHandle.Write(thisPN(i) & "," & thisPrice(i))
End Sub


VB.net file handling progresses to slowly

Hi i have a app that takes a list of files and searches each file for all the images referenced within each file. When the list is finished I sort and remove duplicates from the list then copy each item/image to a new folder. It works, but barely. I takes hours for the copying to occur on as little as 500 files. Doing the copying in windows explorer if faster, and that defeats the purpose of the application.
I don't know how to streamline it better. Your inputs would be greatly appreciated.
'Remove Dupes takes the list of images found in each file and removes any duplicates
Private Sub RemoveDupes(ByRef Items As List(Of String), Optional ByVal NeedSorting As Boolean = False)
statusText = "Removing duplicates from list."
Dim Temp As New List(Of String)
'Remove Duplicates
For Each Item As String In Items
'Check if item is in Temp
If Not Temp.Contains(Item) Then
'Add item to list.
File.AppendAllText(ListofGraphics, Item & vbNewLine)
End If
Next Item
'Send back new list.
Items = Temp
End Sub
'GetImages does the actual copying of files from the list RemoveDup creates
Public Sub GetImages()
Dim imgLocation = txtSearchICN.Text
' Get the list of file
Dim fileNames As String() = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(imgLocation)
Dim i As Integer
statusText = "Copying image files."
i = 0
For Each name As String In GraphicList
i = i + 1
' See whether name appears in fileNames.
Dim found As Boolean = False
' Search name in fileNames.
For Each fileName As String In fileNames
' GraphicList consists of filename without extension, so we compare name
' with the filename without its extension.
If Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName) = name Then
Dim FileNameOnly = Path.GetFileName(fileName)
' Debug.Print("FileNameOnly: " & FileNameOnly)
Dim copyTo As String
copyTo = createImgFldr & "\" & FileNameOnly
System.IO.File.Copy(fileName, copyTo)
File.AppendAllText(ListofFiles, name & vbNewLine)
'items to write to rich text box in BackgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged
imgFilename = (name) + vbCrLf
ImageCount1 = i
' Set found to True so we do not process name as missing, and exit For. \
found = True
Exit For
File.AppendAllText(MissingFiles, name & vbNewLine)
End If
status = "Copying Graphic Files"
BackgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(100 * i / GraphicList.Count())
End Sub
'BackgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged. gets file counts and writes to labels and rich text box
Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged(sender As Object, e As System.ComponentModel.ProgressChangedEventArgs) Handles BackgroundWorker1.ProgressChanged
'' This event is fired when you call the ReportProgress method from inside your DoWork.
'' Any visual indicators about the progress should go here.
ProgressBar1.Value = e.ProgressPercentage
lblStatus.Text = CType(e.UserState, String)
lblStatus.Text = status & " " & e.ProgressPercentage.ToString & " % Complete "
RichTextBox1.Text &= (fileFilename)
RichTextBox1.Text &= (imgFilename)
txtImgCount.Text = ImageCount1
Label8.Text = statusText
fileCount.Text = fCount
End Sub
I would change something in your code to avoid the constant writing to a file at each loop and the necessity to have two loops nested.
This is a stripped down version of your GetFiles intended to highlight my points:
Public Sub GetImages()
' Two list to collect missing and found files
Dim foundFiles As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)()
Dim notfoundFiles As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)()
Dim fileNames As String() = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(imgLocation)
' Loop over the filenames retrieved
For Each fileName As String In fileNames
' Check if the files is contained or not in the request list
If GraphicList.Contains(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName)) Then
Dim FileNameOnly = Path.GetFileName(fileName)
Dim copyTo As String
copyTo = createImgFldr & "\" & FileNameOnly
System.IO.File.Copy(fileName, copyTo)
' Do not write to file inside the loop, just add the fact to the list
End If
' Write everything outside the loop
File.WriteAllLines(listofFiles, foundFiles)
File.WriteAllLines(MissingFiles, notfoundFiles)
End Sub

Writing a string to a new .csv in VB.net

I am trying to write a string to a .csv file, but unable to get it to display.
I have managed to do it in VBA, but when writing in VB.net it's not working.
I first create the file and set the headers for each column. After this I am getting information on each required attribute and writing it to a string s.
All i want to do now is write the string to the .csv file so that each attribute is in the right column under the right header.
Each time the string s simply needs to be on a new row.
This is what I have so far (I have cut out some bits of code so some syntax may look incorrect). What am i doing wrong or missing?
Sub Main()
Dim sOutput As String
' Create a header for the output file
sOutput = ("Level,Occurrence Name,Reference Name,Object type, Visibility, Path" & vbLf)
If Occs.Count > 0 Then
For i = 1 To Occs.Count
iLevel = 0
curOcc = Occs.Item(i)
GetOccurrenceData(curOcc, sOutput, oSel, False, iLevel)
End If
' Write the output string to a file
Dim sPath As String
Dim bWrite As Boolean
sPath = ("C:\temp\data3.csv")
bWrite = WriteFile(sPath, sOutput)
End Sub
Sub GetOccurrenceData(curOcc As VPMOccurrence, s As String, sel As Selection, ByVal bParentHidden As Boolean, ByVal iParentLevel As Integer)
' Append the output string with the data for the current occurrence.
s = (s & curLevel & "," & sName & "," & sRefName & "," & sType & "," & sVisibility & vbLf)
' Repeat this data gathering procedure on any children the current occurrence may have.
Occs = curOcc.Occurrences
If Occs.Count > 0 Then
For i = 1 To Occs.Count
GetOccurrenceData(Occs.Item(i), s, sel, bChildrenInheritNoShow, curLevel)
End If
In GetOccurrenceData you pass in a string and change it in the method, but you did not pass it in as a ByRef so anything done to the string in the method stays in the method.
Change the header of your method to read
Sub GetOccurrenceData(curOcc As VPMOccurrence,ByRef s As String, sel As Selection, ByVal bParentHidden As Boolean, ByVal iParentLevel As Integer)
I would however recommend using a StringBuilder to accomplish what you are doing.
Like This:
Sub Main()
Dim sb As New Text.StringBuilder()
sb.AppendLine("Level,Occurrence Name,Reference Name,Object type, Visibility, Path")
If Occs.Count > 0 Then
For i = 1 To Occs.Count
iLevel = 0
curOcc = Occs.Item(i)
GetOccurrenceData(curOcc, sb, oSel, False, iLevel)
End If
' Write the output string to a file
Dim sPath As String
Dim bWrite As Boolean
sPath = ("C:\temp\data3.csv")
bWrite = WriteFile(sPath, sb.ToString())
End Sub
Sub GetOccurrenceData(curOcc As VPMOccurrence, sb As Text.StringBuilder, sel As Selection, ByVal bParentHidden As Boolean, ByVal iParentLevel As Integer)
' Append the output string with the data for the current occurrence.
' Repeat this data gathering procedure on any children the current occurrence may have.
Occs = curOcc.Occurrences
If Occs.Count > 0 Then
For i = 1 To Occs.Count
GetOccurrenceData(Occs.Item(i), sb, sel, bChildrenInheritNoShow, curLevel)
End If
End Sub

String values left out of PropertyInfo.GetValue

I am not very well-versed in Reflection, but I have been working on this bit of code for a few days trying to obtain the values of class properties. I am using an API to find the values inside of cron jobs managed by the program VisualCron.
I'll explain the structure a bit. Each cron job has several tasks inside of it which have their own settings. The settings are stored in properties inside the TaskClass class that are declared like so:
Public Property <propertyname> As <classname>
Each property is tied to its own class, so for instance there is an Execute property inside TaskClass which is declared like this:
Public Property Execute As TaskExecuteClass
Inside TaskExecuteClass are the properties that hold the values I need. With the below block of code I have been able to retrieve the property values of all types EXCEPT strings. Coincidentally, the string values are the only values I need to get.
I know there must be something wrong with what I've written causing this because I can't find anyone with a similar issue after lots and lots of searching. Can anyone help me please?
Dim strAdd As String = ""
For Each t As VisualCronAPI.Server In vcClient.Servers.GetAll()
For Each f As VisualCron.JobClass In t.Jobs.GetAll
For Each s As VisualCron.TaskClass In f.Tasks
Dim propVal As Object
Dim propInfo As PropertyInfo() = s.GetType().GetProperties()
For i As Integer = 0 To propInfo.Length - 1
With propInfo(i)
If s.TaskType.ToString = propInfo(i).Name.ToString Then
Dim asm As Assembly = Assembly.Load("VisualCron")
Dim typeName As String = String.Format("VisualCron.{0}", propInfo(i).PropertyType.Name)
Dim tp As Type = asm.GetType(typeName)
Dim construct As ConstructorInfo = tp.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes)
Dim classInst As Object = construct.Invoke(Nothing)
Dim classProps As PropertyInfo() = classInst.GetType().GetProperties()
For h As Integer = 0 To classProps.Length - 1
With classProps(h)
If .GetIndexParameters().Length = 0 Then
propVal = .GetValue(classInst, Nothing)
If Not propVal Is Nothing Then
strAdd = f.Name & " - " & s.Name & " - " & .Name & " - " & propVal.ToString
End If
End If
If strAdd <> "" Then
End If
End With
End If
End With
Next s
Next f
Next t
I solved my own problem, albeit in a crappy way. This is probably incredibly inefficient, but speed isn't a necessity in my particular case. Here is the code that works:
Dim strAdd As String = ""
For Each t As VisualCronAPI.Server In vcClient.Servers.GetAll()
For Each f As VisualCron.JobClass In t.Jobs.GetAll
For Each s As VisualCron.TaskClass In f.Tasks
Dim propVal As Object
Dim propInfo As PropertyInfo() = s.GetType().GetProperties()
For i As Integer = 0 To propInfo.Length - 1
With propInfo(i)
If s.TaskType.ToString = propInfo(i).Name.ToString Then
Dim asm As Assembly = Assembly.Load("VisualCron")
Dim typeName As String = String.Format("VisualCron.{0}", propInfo(i).PropertyType.Name)
Dim tp As Type = asm.GetType(typeName)
Dim construct As ConstructorInfo = tp.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes)
Dim classInst As Object = construct.Invoke(Nothing)
Dim classProps As PropertyInfo() = classInst.GetType().GetProperties()
For h As Integer = 0 To classProps.Length - 1
With classProps(h)
If .GetIndexParameters().Length = 0 Then
propVal = .GetValue(CallByName(s, propInfo(i).Name.ToString, [Get]), Nothing)
If Not propVal Is Nothing Then
If propVal.ToString.Contains("\\server\") Or propVal.ToString.Contains("\\SERVER\") Then
strAdd = f.Name & " - " & s.Name & " - " & .Name & " - " & propVal.ToString
End If
End If
End If
End With
End If
End With
Next s
Next f
Next t
The piece of code that made the difference was the
classProps(h).GetValue(CallByName(s, propInfo(i).Name.ToString, [Get]), Nothing)
If there are any suggestions for improving this code - I'm assuming that I've still got a lot of mistakes in here - then please comment for the future viewers of this answer and so I can adjust my code and learn more about how all of this works.

Splitting a string based on a set length of characters

MVC 3. Vb.net. Part of my app generates PDF files using Itextsharp. Some strings are too long to go onto the background image correctly. So I basically need to split this string when its over 26 characters long and when it splits it cant split in the middle of a word. from there I will use newline to add the string to the right to the next line... Any ideas that might point me in the right direction.. I did start bulding the function that I will pass the string into test for length and then pass back the string after it finishes but I am stummped after that..
Private Function stringLength(ByVal _string As String) As String
If _string.Length < 26 Then
End If
End Function
I'm sure there's a million different ways to do this.
You basically need to get all of your words split by the space into a list. After that, you just need to keep checking if the current word plus a space plus the next word reach your threshold or not, and if it does, you move to the next line. Once you have all of your lines, then you rejoin the list into a single string again.
Private Function LimitWidth(ByVal text As String, ByVal maxCharacters As Integer) As String
Dim words As List(Of String) = text.Split(" "c).ToList()
If text.Length < maxCharacters OrElse words.Count = 1 Then
Return text
Dim lines As New List(Of String)
Dim currentLine As String = words(0)
For i As Integer = 1 To words.Count - 1
If (currentLine & " " & words(i)).Length > maxCharacters Then
currentLine = words(i)
If i = words.Count - 1 Then
End If
If i = words.Count - 1 Then
lines.Add(currentLine & " " & words(i))
End If
currentLine &= " " & words(i)
End If
Return String.Join(Environment.NewLine, lines.ToArray())
End If
End Function
To Test:
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
MessageBox.Show(LimitWidth("This is a really long sentence " & _
"meant to demonstrate how to split " & _
"the words into a confined character length.", 26))
End Sub
It sounds like you are asking for a word wrap function.
Since I feel that it's better to answer in a way that promotes learning than to just give answers, I have for you a link that walks you through the process of using Test Driven Development (TDD) to solve this problem. It just so happens that the word wrap problem is a popular coding kata, and Robert C. Martin wrote a somewhat silly fictional story about a developer being taught how to use TDD to solve the word wrap kata.
The code examples are in Java, but it should be trivial to read and translate.
The goofy bits are skip-able. Just jump down to the sentences right before the first code snippet.
I would add to it handling of multiline input text with following:
Private Function LimitWidth(ByVal text As String, ByVal maxCharacters As Integer, SplitSign As String) As String
Dim Output As String = ""
Dim OrgLines As List(Of String) = text.Split(Environment.NewLine).ToList()
For x As Integer = 1 To OrgLines.Count - 1
Dim words As List(Of String) = OrgLines(x).Split(" "c).ToList()
If text.Length < maxCharacters OrElse words.Count = 1 Then
Output += OrgLines(x)
Dim lines As New List(Of String)
Dim currentLine As String = words(0)
For i As Integer = 1 To words.Count - 1
If (currentLine & " " & words(i)).Length > maxCharacters Then
currentLine = words(i)
If i = words.Count - 1 Then
End If
If i = words.Count - 1 Then
lines.Add(currentLine & " " & words(i))
End If
currentLine &= " " & words(i)
End If
Output += String.Join(SplitSign, lines.ToArray())
End If
Return Output
End Function
LimitWidth("your text", 80, Environment.NewLine)

What’s the best way to calculate the size of a directory in VB .NET?

I need to calculate the directory size in VB .Net
I know the following 2 methods
Method 1: from MSDN http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.io.directory.aspx
' The following example calculates the size of a directory
' and its subdirectories, if any, and displays the total size
' in bytes.
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Public Class ShowDirSize
Public Shared Function DirSize(ByVal d As DirectoryInfo) As Long
Dim Size As Long = 0
' Add file sizes.
Dim fis As FileInfo() = d.GetFiles()
Dim fi As FileInfo
For Each fi In fis
Size += fi.Length
Next fi
' Add subdirectory sizes.
Dim dis As DirectoryInfo() = d.GetDirectories()
Dim di As DirectoryInfo
For Each di In dis
Size += DirSize(di)
Next di
Return Size
End Function 'DirSize
Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
If args.Length <> 1 Then
Console.WriteLine("You must provide a directory argument at the command line.")
Dim d As New DirectoryInfo(args(0))
Dim dsize As Long = DirSize(d)
Console.WriteLine("The size of {0} and its subdirectories is {1} bytes.", d, dsize)
End If
End Sub 'Main
End Class 'ShowDirSize
Method 2: from What's the best way to calculate the size of a directory in .NET?
Dim size As Int64 = (From strFile In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(strFolder, _
FileIO.SearchOption.SearchAllSubDirectories) _
Select New System.IO.FileInfo(strFile).Length).Sum()
Both these methods work fine. However they take lot of time to calculate the directory size if there are lot of sub-folders. e.g i have a directory with 150,000 sub-folders. The above methods took around 1 hr 30 mins to calculate the size of the directory. However, if I check the size from windows it takes less than a minute.
Please suggest better and faster ways to calculate the size of the directory.
Though this answer is talking about Python, the concept applies here as well.
Windows Explorer uses system API calls FindFirstFile and FindNextFile recursively to pull file information, and then can access the file sizes very quickly through the data that's passed back via a struct, WIN32_FIND_DATA: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365740(v=VS.85).aspx.
My suggestion would be to implement these API calls using P/Invoke, and I believe you will experience significant performance gains.
Doing the work in parallel should make it faster, at least on multi-core machines. Try this C# code. You will have to translate for VB.NET.
private static long DirSize(string sourceDir, bool recurse)
long size = 0;
string[] fileEntries = Directory.GetFiles(sourceDir);
foreach (string fileName in fileEntries)
Interlocked.Add(ref size, (new FileInfo(fileName)).Length);
if (recurse)
string[] subdirEntries = Directory.GetDirectories(sourceDir);
Parallel.For<long>(0, subdirEntries.Length, () => 0, (i, loop, subtotal) =>
if ((File.GetAttributes(subdirEntries[i]) & FileAttributes.ReparsePoint) != FileAttributes.ReparsePoint)
subtotal += DirSize(subdirEntries[i], true);
return subtotal;
return 0;
(x) => Interlocked.Add(ref size, x)
return size;
This is a short and sweet code snippet that will get the job done. You just need to reset the counter before you call the function
Public Class Form1
Dim TotalSize As Long = 0
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
TotalSize = 0 'Reset the counter
Dim TheSize As Long = GetDirSize("C:\Test")
MsgBox(FormatNumber(TheSize, 0) & " Bytes" & vbCr & _
FormatNumber(TheSize / 1024, 1) & " Kilobytes" & vbCr & _
FormatNumber(TheSize / 1024 / 1024, 1) & " Megabytes" & vbCr & _
FormatNumber(TheSize / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 1) & " Gigabytes")
End Sub
Public Function GetDirSize(RootFolder As String) As Long
Dim FolderInfo = New IO.DirectoryInfo(RootFolder)
For Each File In FolderInfo.GetFiles : TotalSize += File.Length
For Each SubFolderInfo In FolderInfo.GetDirectories : GetDirSize(SubFolderInfo.FullName)
Return TotalSize
End Function
End Class
Big thanks #Jamie for Code and #Mathiasfk for translating to VB.net. I use it for my own Backup program which in default setting just backup the whole profile folder, it's a code which finally also is able to understand junction points and read more or less correct size. It's at least okay for Backup. :-)
I just had to put code within Try so it doesn't stop for folders it doesn't have access to, if you also could have such problem just use this (doesn't handle the error just skip it, you can add if important for you):
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Public Function GetFolderSize(ByVal path As String, Optional recurse As Boolean = True) As Long
Dim totalSize As Long = 0
Dim files() As String = Directory.GetFiles(path)
Parallel.For(0, files.Length,
Sub(index As Integer)
Dim fi As New FileInfo(files(index))
Dim size As Long = fi.Length
Interlocked.Add(totalSize, size)
End Sub)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
If recurse Then
Dim subDirs() As String = Directory.GetDirectories(path)
Dim subTotal As Long = 0
Parallel.For(0, subDirs.Length,
Function(index As Integer)
If (File.GetAttributes(subDirs(index)) And FileAttributes.ReparsePoint) <> FileAttributes.ReparsePoint Then
Interlocked.Add(subTotal, GetFolderSize(subDirs(index), True))
Return subTotal
End If
Return 0
End Function)
Interlocked.Add(totalSize, subTotal)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Return totalSize
End Function
Here this as short as I can get it.
It will display the size of the selected in a message box.
You're going to need a FolderBrowserDialog in the form for this to work.
Class Form1
Private Sub form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If (FolderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK) Then
Else : End
End If
Dim dInfo As New IO.DirectoryInfo(FolderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath)
Dim sizeOfDir As Long = DirectorySize(dInfo, True)
MsgBox("Showing Directory size of " & FolderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath _
& vbNewLine & "Directory size in Bytes : " & "Bytes " & sizeOfDir _
& vbNewLine & "Directory size in KB : " & "KB " & Math.Round(sizeOfDir / 1024, 3) _
& vbNewLine & "Directory size in MB : " & "MB " & Math.Round(sizeOfDir / (1024 * 1024), 3) _
& vbNewLine & "Directory size in GB : " & "GB " & Math.Round(sizeOfDir / (1024 * 1024 * 1024), 3))
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Private Function DirectorySize(ByVal dInfo As IO.DirectoryInfo, ByVal includeSubDir As Boolean) As Long
Dim totalSize As Long = dInfo.EnumerateFiles().Sum(Function(file) file.Length)
If includeSubDir Then totalSize += dInfo.EnumerateDirectories().Sum(Function(dir) DirectorySize(dir, True))
Return totalSize
End Function
End Class
VB Code based on Jamie's answer:
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.IO
Public Function GetDirectorySize(ByVal path As String, Optional recurse As Boolean = False) As Long
Dim totalSize As Long = 0
Dim files() As String = Directory.GetFiles(path)
Parallel.For(0, files.Length,
Sub(index As Integer)
Dim fi As New FileInfo(files(index))
Dim size As Long = fi.Length
Interlocked.Add(totalSize, size)
End Sub)
If recurse Then
Dim subDirs() As String = Directory.GetDirectories(path)
Dim subTotal As Long = 0
Parallel.For(0, subDirs.Length,
Function(index As Integer)
If (File.GetAttributes(subDirs(index)) And FileAttributes.ReparsePoint) <> FileAttributes.ReparsePoint Then
Interlocked.Add(subTotal, GetDirectorySize(subDirs(index), True))
Return subTotal
End If
Return 0
End Function)
Interlocked.Add(totalSize, subTotal)
End If
Return totalSize
End Function
Try this to get total size in GB
Dim fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim profile = fso.GetFolder("folder_path")
MsgBox(profile.Size / 1073741824)
heres what i think is the best way to do it .
Imports System.IO
Public Class FolderSizeCalculator
Public Shared Function GetFolderSize(ByVal folderPath As String) As Long
Dim size As Long = 0
Dim files As String() = Directory.GetFiles(folderPath, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
For Each file As String In files
Dim fileInfo As New FileInfo(file)
size += fileInfo.Length
Catch ex As Exception
' Handle any exceptions that may occur
End Try
Return size
End Function
End Class
You can call the GetFolderSize() method and pass in the path of the folder you want to calculate the size of, and it will return the size in bytes.
You can use it like this:
Dim folderSize As Long = FolderSizeCalculator.GetFolderSize("C:\MyFolder")
Console.WriteLine("Folder size: " & folderSize & " bytes")
..Please note that this method will fail if the user running the application doesn't have permission to read the folder or subfolders, you can handle that by using try catch block