Loopback3 - Find current user by access token - express

I have read in Loopback3 docs that getCurrentContext() has been deprecated. What I'd like to do is grab the access token and use that to find the associated user in the db, so I can get a company_id that the user belongs to and alter the query to include that in the where clause. I am using MySQL and a custom UserAccount model which extends from User.
I am new to Loopback so struggling to figure this out especially as most of the online help seems to point to getCurrentContext();.
I've set up some middleware to run on the parse phase:
"parse": {
"./modifyrequest": {
"enabled": true
var loopback = require('loopback');
module.exports = function(app) {
return function tracker(req, res, next) {
console.log('Middleware triggered on %s', req.url);
However req.accessToken is always undefined. I have added to server.js:
Any ideas? Is this the wrong approach ?
As per Kamal's comment below...
Try setting "loopback#token": {} in middleware.json under "initial:before"
This populates req.accessToken

First, try setting "loopback#token": {} in middleware.json under "initial:before".
Then, if you are accessing accessToken from request object, you can find the userId within that accessToken object. Try to log req.accessToken, you will find the userId therein.
You can use that user id to search for corresponding user in the database.
User.findById(req.accessToken.userId, function(err, user){
if(err) {
//handle error
else {
//access user object here


Vue + MSAL2.x + Azure B2C Profile Editing

First, I am not finding Vue specific examples using MSAL 2.x and we'd like to use the PKCE flow. I am having issues with the way the router guards are run before the AuthService handleResponse so I must be doing something wrong.
In my main.js I am doing this...
// Use the Auth services to secure the site
import AuthService from '#/services/AuthServices';
Vue.prototype.$auth = new AuthService()
And then in my AuthConfig.js I use this request to login:
loginRequest : {
scopes: [
The docs say it should redirect to the requesting page but that is not happening. If user goes to the protected home page they are redirected to login. They login, everything is stored properly so they are actually logged in, but then they are sent back to the root redirect URL for the site, not the Home page.
When a user wants to login we just send them to the protected home page and there is a login method called in the router guard which looks like this:
router.beforeEach(async (to, from, next) => {
const requiresAuth = to.matched.some(record => record.meta.requiresAuth)
const IsAuthenticated = await Vue.prototype.$auth.isAuthenticated()
console.log(`Page changing from ${from.name} to ${to.name}, requiresAuth = ${requiresAuth}, IsAuthenticated = ${IsAuthenticated}`)
if (requiresAuth && !IsAuthenticated)
console.log('STARTING LOGIN')
// Tried this
// Vue.prototype.$auth.login(to.path)
} else {
In AuthServices.js I have this...
// The user wants to log in
async login(nextPg) {
// Tell B2C what app they want access to and their invitation ID if they are new
if (store.getters.userEmail != null) {
aCfg.loginRequest.loginHint = store.getters.userEmail
aCfg.loginRequest.state = "APP=" + store.getters.appCode
if (store.getters.appointmentLink != null && store.getters.appointmentLink != '') {
aCfg.loginRequest.state += ",ID=" + store.getters.appointmentLink
// Tried this
// if (nextPg && nextPg != '') {
// aCfg.loginRequest.redirectUrl = process.env.VUE_APP_B2C_REDIRECT_URL + nextPg
// }
return await this.msalInst.loginRedirect(aCfg.loginRequest)
I tried puting a nextPg parameter in the login method and adding a redirectUrl property to the login request but that gives me an error saying it is not one of the configured redirect URLs.
Also, I'm trying to make the user experience better when using the above technologies. When you look at the MSAL2.x SPA samples I see that when returning from a Profile Edit, a user is logged out and they are required to log in again. That sounds like a poor user experience to me. Sample here: https://github.com/Azure-Samples/ms-identity-b2c-javascript-spa/blob/main/App/authRedirect.js
Do I need to just create my own profile editing page and save data using MSGraph to prevent that? Sorry for the noob questions. Ideas?
Update - My workaround which seems cheesy is to add these two methods to my AuthService.js:
storeCurrentRoute(nextPath) {
if (!nextPath) {
localStorage[STOR_NEXT_PAGE] = router.history.current.path
} else {
localStorage[STOR_NEXT_PAGE] = nextPath
console.log('Storing Route:', localStorage[STOR_NEXT_PAGE])
reEstablishRoute() {
let pth = localStorage[STOR_NEXT_PAGE]
if (!!pth && router.history.current.path != pth) {
localStorage[STOR_NEXT_PAGE] = ''
console.log(`Current path is ${router.history.current.path} and reEstablishing route to ${pth}`)
router.push({ path: pth })
I call storeCurrentRoute() first thing in the login method and then in the handleResponse() I call reEstablishRoute() when its not returning from a profileEdit or password change. Seems like I should be able to make things work without this.
Update Number Two - When returning from B2C's ProfileEdit User Flow the MSAL component is not logging me out properly. Here is my code from my handlePolicyChange() method in my AuthService:
} else if (response.idTokenClaims[clmPolicy] === aCfg.b2cPolicies.names.editProfile) {
Vue.nextTick(() => {
console.log('BACK FROM Profile Change')
"Your profile has been updated.<br />Please log in again.",
).then(async () => {
// The user wants to log out (all accounts)
async logout() {
// Removes all sessions, need to call AAD endpoint to do full logout
store.commit('updateUserClaims', null)
store.commit('updateUserEmail', null)
let accts = await this.msalInst.getAllAccounts()
for(let i=0; i<accts.length; i++) {
const logoutRequest = {
account: accts[i],
postLogoutRedirectUri: process.env.VUE_APP_B2C_REDIRECT_URL
await this.msalInst.logout(logoutRequest);
It is working fine until the call to logout() which runs without errors but I looked in my site storage (in Chrome's debug window > Application) and it looks like MSAL did not clear out its entries like it does on my normal logouts (which always succeed). Ideas?
As part of the MSAL auth request, send a state Parameter. Base64 encode where the user left off inside this parameter. MSAL exposes extraQueryParameters which you can put a dictionary object inside and send in the auth request, put your state Key value pair into extraQueryParameters.
The state param will be returned in the callback response, use it to send the user where you need to.

FeatherJS - Get user information with hook?

So im trying out FeatherJS and i was able to register a new user, request a token and also request protected data (using Authorization in the header).
Very important: I am using HTTP Rest API only. The docs seem to point often times to the client feathers module, which i don't use.
So currently i have a super simple setup, i have a message service with a text. One before hook to process the message. Here i want to get back the user information:
module.exports = function (options = {}) {
return async context => {
const text = context.data.text
const user = context.params.user;
context.data = {
userId: user._id
return context;
this doesn't work. In my mdb i only get back:
"_id": "5c35ce18523501803f6a8d8d",
"text": "123",
"createdAt": "2019-01-09T10:34:00.774Z",
"updatedAt": "2019-01-09T10:34:00.774Z",
"__v": 0
i've tried to add the token, that i always submit when i post a message via Authorization, like so:
module.exports = function (options = {}) {
return async context => {
const text = context.data.text
const user = context.params.user;
const token = context.params.accessToken
context.data = {
userId: user._id,
tokId: token
return context;
but it seems like i always just get the same result back like shown above.
Any ideas how i can get the user information back of the current user by using the accessToken?
Never used FeathersJS before, so just trying to understand the ecosystem and how to approach this in FeathersJS.
Any advice is appreciated! Thanks in advance everyone!
Not quite sure what exactly went wrong, but i got it now working by just creating a new project.
Now i did recreate this project actually before and got the issue as above , but this time it somehow worked.
For anyone who wants to know the steps i did to 'fix' it:
1.Create a new folder
2. feathers generate app
3. feathers generate authentication
4. feathers generate service (name for the service: messages)
5. feathers generate hook (name: process-msg, before hook, model: messages)
6. Add this to the hook process-msg:
module.exports = function (options = {}) {
return async context => {
const user = context.params.user;
const text = context.data.text;
context.data = {
userId: user.email,
dateTime: new Date().getTime()
return context;
Use postman, register a new account then authenticate to get the token. Save token and add it as Authoriztation Header inside Postman. You should then get also back the user email from the user that is registered, simply because of the token that was added to the Authorization Header.
go to authentication.js and find app.service definition. Right in there, create an after hook and add the details you want the client to receive
before: {
...//as you currently have it
after: {
create: {
hook => {
// hook.result.accessToken is already provided
delete hook.params.user.password
hook.result.user = hook.params.user;
hook.result.token_type = 'Bearer';
hook.result.exp = 3600;
I hope this helps
So, if I understand it correctly, you want to get the user object from the hook?
You can just use const user = context.user;to accomplish this.

Async Await with Mongoose Returns Empty Object

I have my mongoose schema for a user's profile where they can add work experience (currently an array of objects in schema).
I have used the following code to find the user's profile and get the experience object as input then attach it to the array in schema and return the saved profile with experience:
Passport.authenticate('jwt', {session: false}), async (req, res) => {
try {
const myProfile = await Profile.findOne({user: req.user._id});
if (myProfile) {
const exp = {
title: req.body.title,
company: req.body.company,
location: req.body.location,
from: req.body.from,
to: req.body.to,
isCurrent: req.body.isCurrent,
description: req.body.description
// add to Profile experience array
Profile.experience.unshift(exp); // adds to beginning of array
const savedProfile = await Profile.save(); // have also tried myProfile.save() but that doesn't work too
if (savedProfile) {
res.json({message: `Profile Updated Successfully`, details: savedProfile})
else { throw `Experience Details Not Saved`}
} catch (err) { res.json(err); }
The problem here is that the response is always an empty object and when I check my database, there is no experience saved. Is this code wrong? Same thing works with Promises but I want to try a new way of doing things.
The async-await pattern is another way to write Promise, the return value of the function is Promise.resolve(result) or Promise.reject(reason) of the whole async.
In the outer function, Router.post in this case, it has to use async-await, or then of Promise pattern, to deal with the returned Promise. Orelse, the async function would not have chance to run, as the returned Promise would be omitted.

How to test a meteor method that relies on Meteor.user()

I am trying to determine the best way to test my code and am running into complications from every direction I've tried.
The basic code is this (though far more complex due to several layers of "triggers" that actually implement this):
Client populates an object
Client calls a meteor method and passes the object
Meteor method uses Meteor.user() to get the current user, adds a "createdby" attribute to the object, inserts the object and then creates another object (of a different type) with various attributes that depend on the first object, as well as a bunch of other things already in the database
I'm trying to use Velocity and Jasmine. I'd prefer to integration test these steps to create the first object and then test that the second object is properly created.
My problem is that if I do it on the server, the Meteor.user() call doesn't work. If I do it on the client, I need to subscribe to a large number of collections in order for the logic to work, which seems kludgy.
Is there a better approach? Is there a way to simulate or mock a user login in a server integration test?
In your jasmine test you can mock a call to Meteor.user() like so:
spyOn(Meteor, "user").and.callFake(function() {
return 1234; // User id
You may want to specify a userId or change logged state depending on executed test. I then recommend to create meteor methods in your test project:
logIn = function(userId) {
Meteor.call('logIn', userId);
logOut = function() {
Meteor.userId = function() {
return userId;
Meteor.user = function() {
return userId ? {
_id: userId,
username: 'testme',
emails: [{
address: 'test#domain.com'
profile: {
name: 'Test'
} : null;
logIn: function(uid) {
userId = uid || defaultUserId;
logOut: function() {
userId = null;
If you don't want to rely on a complete lib just for this single usecase, you can easily mock your Meteor.urser() with beforeEach and afterEach:
import {chai, assert} from 'meteor/practicalmeteor:chai';
import {Meteor} from 'meteor/meteor';
import {Random} from 'meteor/random';
describe('user mocking', () => {
let userId = null;
let userFct = null;
const isDefined = function (target) {
assert.isNotNull(target, "unexpected null value");
assert.isDefined(target, "unexpected undefined value");
if (typeof target === 'string')
assert.notEqual(target.trim(), "");
beforeEach(() => {
// save the original user fct
userFct = Meteor.user;
// Generate a real user, otherwise it is hard to test roles
userId = Accounts.createUser({username: Random.id(5)});
// mock the Meteor.user() function, so that it
// always returns our new created user
Meteor.user = function () {
const users = Meteor.users.find({_id: userId}).fetch();
if (!users || users.length > 1)
throw new Error("Meteor.user() mock cannot find user by userId.");
return users[0];
afterEach(() => {
//remove the user in the db
// restore user Meteor.user() function
Meteor.user = userFct;
// reset userId
userId = null;
it("works...", () => {
// try your methods which make use of
// Meteor.user() here
It makes sure, that Meteor.user() only returns the user you created in beforeEach. This it at least a fine thing, when you want to test everything else and assume, that the user creation and Meteor.user() is working as expected (which is the essence of mocking, as I can see so far).

firebase once() gives permission error, though ref() succeeds

The goal: scan firebase data and delete items older than a given time.
The problem: the query generates a permissions error, though other read operations are allowed. Yet the problem seems to be the .read rule, since when it's taken out, everything works.
I authenticate using a token with "username" and "dataClass" embedded. Authentication normally works fine, and subscribed clients are receiving updates. Debugging log and examining the auth() payload show that the "username" and "dataClass" are correctly embedded in the token and correctly extracted by Firebase.
However, trying to use once() to get a subset of data older than a certain age generates a permission error. I can see the data location using ref(), however, with no error. Why does ref() work and a query doesn't? Possible basic misunderstanding: does a query return a copy of data, as it would in a SQL database, or does it return pointers to the data?
Here's the code, followed by the rules being used. Thanks mucho.
var Firebase = require('firebase');
Firebase.enableLogging(true, true);
// auth token is passed in as an argument
var token;
process.argv.forEach(function(val, index, array) {if (index==2) {token=val;} });
var oneHourAgo=(new Date).getTime() - (minutes*60000);
var fb=new Firebase("https://<mysite>.firebaseio.com/changeMessages");
function connect2Firebase(firebase,authToken) {
firebase.auth(authToken, function(error,payload) {
if(error) {
console.log("Login Failed!", error);
} else {
console.log("Login Succeeded!");
function doSomething() {
fb.endAt(oneHourAgo).once('value', function(ss) { console.log(ss.val()); });
// THE RULES. Changing to ".read":true makes it work.
"rules": {
"changeMessages": {
"$dataClass": {
".read": "auth.dataClass == $dataClass && auth.username == 'admin'",
".write": "auth.username == 'admin'"