Create a Counter that resets with every change in name - sql

This site has been a great resource for me over the years but I finally ran into an issue i couldn't find a solution for already posted.
I have a list of names, dates and values. I need to turn the dates into the numbers and for them to start over for each well where value is greater than 0.
My thought was to create a loop but I'm short on skills to make it happen.
I found a post to create the counter but not how to loop it:
SELECT Name, row_number() over (order by (select NULL))
The Yellow Column Is What I Want to Create

You're in the right direction. Your over by need to change in two ways:
1) You need to restart the row number with each name.
2) You need to restart the row number when the value becomes zero.
After this, we just need to discard the row numbers for zero quantity rows. You'll see I did this by using the ZeroOnePartSort value.
One flow in this logic: This assumes (per your data sample) that once quantities go positive for a name, they don't go to zero again.
WITH ValSort AS (
SELECT Name, CASE WHEN value = 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS ZeroOnePart,
DateStamp, Value FROM dbo.STMaster
SELECT vs.Name, vs.DateStamp, vs.Value,
ORDER BY vs.DateStamp) * vs.ZeroOnePart
FROM ValSort vs


Wrapping a range of data

How would I select a rolling/wrapping* set of rows from a table?
I am trying to select a number of records (per type, 2 or 3) for each day, wrapping when I 'run out'.
2018-03-15: YyBiz, ZzCo, AaPlace
2018-03-16: BbLocation, CcStreet, DdInc
These are rendered within a SSRS report for Dynamics CRM, so I can do light post-query operations.
Currently I get to:
2018-03-15: YyBiz, ZzCo
2018-03-16: AaPlace, BbLocation, CcStreet
First, getting a number for each record with:
FROM table
Within SSRS, I then adjust RN to reflect the number of each type I need:
OnPageNum = FLOOR((RN+num_of_type-1)/num_of_type)-1
--Shift RN to be 0-indexed.
Resulting in AaPlace, BbLocation and CcStreet having a PageNum of 0, DdInc of 1, ... YyBiz and ZzCo of 8.
Then using an SSRS Table/Matrix linked to the dataset, I set the row filter to something like:
RowFilter = MOD(DateNum, NumPages(type)) == OnPageNum
Where DateNum is essentially days since epoch, and each page has a separate table and day passed in.
At this point, it is showing only N records of type per page, but if the total number of records of a type isn't a multiple of the number of records per page of that type, there will pages with less records than required.
Is there an easier way to approach this/what's the next step?
*Wrapping such as Wraparound found in videogames, seamless resetting to 0.
To achieve this effect, I found that offsetting the RowNumber by -DateNum*num_of_type (negative for positive ordering), then modulo COUNT(type) would provide the correct "wrap around" effect.
In order to achieve the desired pagination, it then just had to be divided by num_of_type and floor'd, as below:
RowFilter: FLOOR(((RN-DateNum*num_of_type) % count(type))/num_of_type) == 0

SAP BO - how to get 1/0 distinct values per week in each row

the problem I am trying to solve is having a SAP Business Objects query calculate a variable for me because calculating it in a large excel file crashes the process.
I am having a bunch of columns with daily/weekly data. I would like to get a "1" for the first instance of Name/Person/Certain Identificator within a single week and "0" for all the rest.
So for example if item "Glass" was sold 5 times in week 4 in this variable/column first sale will get "1" and next 4 sales will get "0". This will allow me to have the number of distinct items being sold in a particular week.
I am aware there are Count and Count distinct functions in Business Objects, however I would prefer to have this 1/0 system for the entire raw table of data because I am using it as a source for a whole dashboard and there are lots of metrics where distinct will be part/slicer for.
The way I doing it previously is with excel formula: =IF(SUMPRODUCT(($A$2:$A5000=$A2)*($G$2:$G5000=$G2))>1,0,1)
This does the trick and gives a "1" for the first instance of value in column G appearing in certain value range in column A ( column A is the week ) and gives "0" when the same value reappears for the same week value in column A. It will give "1" again when the week value change.
Since it is comparing 2 cells in each row for the entire columns of data as the data gets bigger this tends to crash.
I was so far unable to emulate this in Business Objects and I think I exhausted my abilities and googling.
Could anyone share their two cents on this please?
Assuming you have an object in the query that uniquely identifies a row, you can do this in a couple of simple steps.
Let's assume your query contains the following objects:
Sale ID
Sale Date
Week #
You want to show a 1 for the first occurrence of each Name/Week #.
Step 1: Create a variable with the following definition. Let's call it [FirstOne]
=Min([Sale ID]) In ([Name];[Week #])
Step 2: In the report block, add a column with the following formula:
=If [FirstOne] = [Sale ID] Then 1 Else 0
This should produce a 1 in the row that represents the first occurrence of Name within a Week #. If you then wanted to show a 1 one the first occurrence of Name/Person/Week #, you could just modify the [FirstOne] variable accordingly:
=Min([Sale ID]) In ([Name];[Person];[Week #])
I think you want logic around row_number():
select t.*,
(case when 1 = row_number() over (partition by name, person, week, identifier
order by ??
then 1 else 0
end) as new_indicator
from t;
Note the ??. SQL tables represent unordered sets. There is no "first" row in a table or group of rows, unless a column specifies that ordering. The ?? is for such a column (perhaps a date/time column, perhaps an id).
If you only want one row to be marked, you can put anything there, such as order by (select null) or order by week.

Identifying parent records for many transactions

This is related to a question I asked previously for which lag/lead was suggested. However the data I'm working with are more complex than I first thought so I need a more robust solution. This screen shot shows an issue I need to tackle:
Within a single serial number, a shipment event defines a new reference window. So records 2,3,4 relate to 1. Record 6 relates to 5 and so forth. I need to mark the records for which the BillToId doesn't match the parent shipment.
I'm trying to understand if I could even use the LAG function to compare records 2,3,4 back to 1 when the number of post-shipment events varies (duplicates are allowed). I was thinking I might be better off with another fact table that identifies the parent rowid along each record first?
So then my question becomes how do I efficiently identify which shipment each row belongs to? Am I forced to run a subquery for each record? I'm working right now with over 2 million total rows. I would later make this query part of the ETL process so it would be processing smaller chunks of data.
Here is an approach that uses the cumulative sum functionality in SQL Server. The idea is to assign each "ship" activity a value of "1" and "0" for everything else. Then do a cumulative sum to identify each group that should have the same billtoid. After that, the ship information can be assigned to all records in the same group:
select rowid, dateid, billtoid, activitytypeid, serialnumber
from (select t.*,
max(case when activitytypeid = 'Ship' then billtoid end) over
(partition by serialnumber, cumships) as ship_billtoid
from (select t.*,
sum(case when activitytypeid = 'Ship' then 1 else 0 end) over
(partition by serialnumber order by rowid) as cumships
from t
) t
) t
where billtoid <> ship_billtoid;

Select case mess in JFreeChart

I have a Column(cliente_x_hora, a numeric field) i put in a interval and count the number in each interval.I have 3 textfields(number of intervals,value between intervals and initial value). When I select the two first(with 5 intervals and 1000 value), the query run flawless and generate the expect barchart.
Query(with two select textfields):
WHEN CLIENTE_X_HORA>1000.00 AND CLIENTE_X_HORA<=2000.00 THEN '1000.00<CLIENTE_X_HORA><=2000.00'
WHEN CLIENTE_X_HORA>2000.00 AND CLIENTE_X_HORA<=3000.00 THEN '2000.00<CLIENTE_X_HORA><=3000.00'
WHEN CLIENTE_X_HORA>3000.00 AND CLIENTE_X_HORA<=4000.00 THEN '3000.00<CLIENTE_X_HORA><=4000.00'
The barchart is
The problem is when I select the last field(initial value with, per example 2000), my barchart go crazy(i believe is adding up the discarded values below 2000):
That ELSE(>6000) should be much smaller than is showing.How can I solve that?
Best Regards,
The query is the same as above but begins in 2000:
put the result in table form is impractical(we are talking about over 87 thousand rows) That happens always when i give an initial value different than ZERO.
Your ELSE is just that. It includes everything that is not matched by specific WHENs.
So if you do not start from zero, that last column will include everything below a lowest limit in addition to greater than highest limit.
So if you do not want this behavior, do not use ELSE at all. Use WHEN CLIENTE_X_HORA > 6000.00 (or whatever your highest limit is) as the last condition.
In your internal query filter out (with WHERE) the values that are below the lowest limit.
Since we no longer have unneeded low range, you no longer need the HAVING clause we added and you can even go back to using ELSE.
If your lowest limit is zero, then you will be filtering everything below 0, which I assume is nothing.

Bringing back multiple max on a single column in sql

I have a spreadsheet with customer accounts and when we get a new account it gets added on using a reference account number i.e. Anderson Electrical would be AND01 etc. I'm trying to use sql to bring back the highest number from each variation of letterings e.g. if AND01 already existed and our highest company value was AND34 then it would just bring back AND34 rather than 1 to 34.
Each account has the first 3 letters of there company name followed by whatever the next number is.
Hope I have explained this well enouh for someone to understand :)
For a single reference account:
select max(AcctNum)
from Accounts
where left(AcctNum, 3) = <reference account>
If you want it for all at once:
select left(AcctNum, 3) as ReferenceAcct, max(AcctNum)
from Accounts
group by left(AcctNum, 3)
Not sure if that's what you're asking but if you need to find max value that is part of a string you can do it with substring. So if you need to find the highest number from a column that contains those values you can do it with:
;WITH tmp AS(
That's a little test query that returns 34 because I'm grouping by first 3 letters, you probably want to group it by some ID.