Scrapy how to remove a url from httpcache or prevent adding to cache - scrapy

I am using latest scrapy version, v1.3
I crawl a webpage page by page, by following urls in pagination. In some pages, website detects that I use a bot and gives me an error in html. Since it is a successful request, it caches the page and when I run it again, I get the same error.
What I need is how can I prevent that page get into cache? Or if I cannot do that, I need to remove it from cache after I realize the error in parse method. Then I can retry and get the correct one.
I have a partial solution, I yield all requests with "dont_cache":False parameter in meta so I make sure they use cache. Where I detect the error and retry the request, I put dont_filter=True along with "dont_cache":True to make sure I get the fresh copy of the erroneous url.
def parse(self, response):
page = response.meta["page"] + 1
html = Selector(response)
counttext = html.css('h2#s-result-count::text').extract_first()
if counttext is None:
page = page - 1
yield Request(url=response.url, callback=self.parse, meta={"page":page, "dont_cache":True}, dont_filter=True)
I also tried a custom retry middleware, where I managed to get it working before cache, but I couldnt read the response.body successfully. I suspect that it is zipped somehow, as it is binary data.
class CustomRetryMiddleware(RetryMiddleware):
def process_response(self, request, response, spider):
with open('debug.txt', 'wb') as outfile:
html = Selector(text=response.body)
url = response.url
counttext = html.css('h2#s-result-count::text').extract_first()
if counttext is None:
log.msg("Automated process error: %s" %url, level=log.INFO)
reason = 'Automated process error %d' %response.status
return self._retry(request, reason, spider) or response
return response
Any suggestion is appreciated.

Middleware responsible for requests/response caching is HttpCacheMiddleware. Under the hood it is driven by the cache policies - special classes which dispatch what requests and responses should or shouldn't be cached. You can implement your own cache policy class and use it with the setting
HTTPCACHE_POLICY = 'my.custom.cache.Class'
More information in docs:
Source code of built-in policies:

Thanks to mizhgun, I managed to develop a solution using custom policies.
Here is what I did,
from scrapy.utils.httpobj import urlparse_cached
class CustomPolicy(object):
def __init__(self, settings):
self.ignore_schemes = settings.getlist('HTTPCACHE_IGNORE_SCHEMES')
self.ignore_http_codes = [int(x) for x in settings.getlist('HTTPCACHE_IGNORE_HTTP_CODES')]
def should_cache_request(self, request):
return urlparse_cached(request).scheme not in self.ignore_schemes
def should_cache_response(self, response, request):
return response.status not in self.ignore_http_codes
def is_cached_response_fresh(self, response, request):
if "refresh_cache" in request.meta:
return False
return True
def is_cached_response_valid(self, cachedresponse, response, request):
if "refresh_cache" in request.meta:
return False
return True
And when I catch the error, (after caching occurred of course)
def parse(self, response):
html = Selector(response)
counttext = html.css('selector').extract_first()
if counttext is None:
yield Request(url=response.url, callback=self.parse, meta={"refresh_cache":True}, dont_filter=True)
When you add refresh_cache into meta, that can be catched in custom policy class.
Don't forget to add dont_filter otherwise second request will be filtered as duplicate.


Looping through pages of Web Page's Request URL with Scrapy

I'm looking to adapt this tutorial, ( to scraping this site of tiny home listings:
The tutorial uses the request URL, to get a very complete and clean JSON file, but does so for the first page only. It seems that looping through the 121 pages of my tinyhouselistings request url should be pretty straight-forward but I have not been able to get anything to work. The tutorial does not loop through the pages of the request url, but rather uses scrapy splash, run within a Docker container to get all the listings. I am willing to try that, but I just feel like it should be possible to loop through this request url.
This outputs only the first page only of the tinyhouselistings request url for my project:
import scrapy
class TinyhouselistingsSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'tinyhouselistings'
allowed_domains = ['']
start_urls = ['']
def start_requests(self):
url = ''
yield scrapy.Request(url=url, callback=self.parse)
def parse(self, response):
_file = "tiny_listings.json"
with open(_file, 'wb') as f:
I've tried this:
class TinyhouselistingsSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'tinyhouselistings'
allowed_domains = ['']
start_urls = ['']
def start_requests(self):
url = ''
for page in range(1, 121):
self.start_urls.append(url + str(page))
yield scrapy.Request(url=start_urls, callback=self.parse)
But I'm not sure how to then pass start_urls to parse so as to write the response to the json being written at the end of the script.
Any help would be much appreciated!
Remove allowed_domains = [''] because the url will be filtered out by Scrapy
Since you are using start_requests method so you do not need start_urls, you can only have either of them
import json
class TinyhouselistingsSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'tinyhouselistings'
listings_url = '{}'
def start_requests(self):
page = 1
yield scrapy.Request(url=self.listings_url.format(page),
meta={"page": page},
def parse(self, response):
resp = json.loads(response.body)
for ad in resp["listings"]:
yield ad
page = int(response.meta['page']) + 1
if page < int(listings['meta']['pagination']['page_count'])
yield scrapy.Request(url=self.listings_url.format(page),
meta={"page": page},
From terminal, run spider using to save scraped data to a JSON file
scrapy crawl tinyhouselistings -o output_file.json

Trigger errback when process_exception() is called in Middleware

Using Scrapy i'm implementing a CrawlSpider which will scrape all kinds of websites and hence, sometimes very slow ones which will produce a timeout eventually.
My problem is that if such a twisted.internet.error.TimeoutError occurs, i want to trigger the errback of my spider. I don't want to raise this exception and i also don't want to return a dummy Response object which may would suggest that scraping was successful.
Note that i was already able to made all of this work, but only using a "dirty" workaround: (excerpt)
class MySpider(CrawlSpider):
name = 'my-spider'
rules = (
callback='_my_callback', follow=True
def parse_start_url(self, response):
# (...)
def errback(self, failure):
log.warning('Failed scraping following link: {}'
.format(failure.request.url)) (excerpt)
from twisted.internet.error import DNSLookupError, TimeoutError
# (...)
class MyDownloaderMiddleware(object):
def from_crawler(cls, crawler):
# This method is used by Scrapy to create your spiders.
s = cls()
crawler.signals.connect(s.spider_opened, signal=signals.spider_opened)
return s
def process_request(self, request, spider):
return None
def process_response(self, request, response, spider):
return response
def process_exception(self, request, exception, spider):
if (isinstance(exception, TimeoutError)
or (isinstance(exception, DNSLookupError))):
# just 2 examples of errors i want to catch
# set status=500 to enforce errback() call
return Response(request.url, status=500)
Settings should be fine with my custom Middleware already enabled.
Now as you can see by using return Response(request.url, status=500) i can trigger my errback() function in MySpider as desired. However, the status code 500 is very misleading because it's not only incorrect but technically i never receive any response at all.
So my question is, how can i trigger my errback() function trough DownloaderMiddleware.process_exception() in a clean way?
EDIT: I quickly figured it out that for similar exceptions like DNSLookupError i want to have the same behaviour in place. I've updated the coding snippets accordingly.
I didn't find it in the docs, but looking at the source I find DownloaderMiddleware.process_exception() can return twisted.python.failure.Failure objects as well as Request or Response objects.
This means you can return a Failure object to be handled by the errback by wrapping the exception in the Failure object.
This is cleaner than creating a fake Response object, see an example Middleware implementation that does this here:
The core idea:
from twisted.python.failure import Failure
class MyDownloaderMiddleware:
def process_exception(self, request, exception, spider):
return Failure(exception)
The __init__ method of the Rule class accepts a process_request parameter that you can use to attatch an errback to a request:
class MySpider(CrawlSpider):
name = 'my-spider'
rules = (
# …
def process_request(self, request, response):
return request.replace(errback=self.errback)
def errback(self, failure):

How to use python requests with scrapy?

I am trying to use requests to fetch a page then pass the response object to a parser, but I ran into a problem:
def start_requests(self):
yield self.parse(requests.get(url))
def parse(self, response):
builtins.AttributeError: 'generator' object has no attribute 'dont_filter'
You first need to download the page's resopnse and then convert that string to HtmlResponse object
from scrapy.http import HtmlResponse
resp = requests.get(url)
response = HtmlResponse(url="", body=resp.text, encoding='utf-8')
what you need to do is
get the page with python requests and save it to variable different then Scrapy response.
r = requests.get(url)
replace scrapy response body with your python requests text.
response = response.replace(body = r.text)
thats it. Now you have Scrapy response object with all data available from python requests.
yields return a generator so it iterates over it before the request get's the data you can remove the yield and it should work. I have tested it with sample URL
def start_requests(self):
def parse(self, response):

How to pass response to a spider without fetching a web page?

The scrapy documentation specifically mentions that I should use downloader middleware if I want to pass a response to a spider without actually fetching the web page. However, I can't find any documentation or examples on how to achieve this functionality.
I am interested in passing only the url to the request callback, populate an item's file_urls field with the url (and certain permutations thereof), and use the FilesPipeline to handle the actual download.
How can a write a downloader middleware class that passes the url to the spider while avoiding downloading the web page?
You can return Response object in downloader middleware's process_request() method. This method is called for every request your spider yields.
Something like:
class NoDownloadMiddleware(object):
def process_request(self, request, spider):
# only process marked requests
if not request.meta.get('only_download'):
# now make Response object however you wish
response = Response(request.url)
return response
and in your spider:
def parse(self, response):
yield Request(some_url, meta={'only_download':True})
and in your activate the middleware:
'myproject.middlewares.NoDownloadMiddleware': 543,

Any way to follow further requests in one web page?

I need to download a web page with intensive ajax. Currently, I am using Scrapy with Ajaxenabled. After I write out this response, and open it in browser. There are still some requests initiated. I am not sure if I was right that the rendered response only includes the first level requests. So, how could we let scrapy include all sub-requests into one response?
Now in this case, there are 72 requests sent as opening online, where 23 requests as opening offline.
Really appreciate it!
Here are the screenshots for the requests sent before and after download
requests sent before download
requests sent after download
Here is the code:
class SeedinvestSpider(CrawlSpider):
name = "seedinvest"
allowed_domains = [""]
start_urls = (
def parse_start_url(self, response):
item = SeedinvestDownloadItem()
item['url'] = response.url
item['html'] = response.body
yield item
The code is as follows:
class SeedinvestSpider(CrawlSpider):
name = "seedinvest"
allowed_domains = [""]
start_urls = (
def parse_start_url(self, response):
item = SeedinvestDownloadItem()
item['url'] = response.url
item['html'] = response.body
yield item