MS Access: INSERT INTO statement returning a syntax error - vba

I can't figure out the error. I already tried adding more parentheses but this didn't help. This code checks to see if there is already a query called "InsertFilmZip" and if there isn't one, it creates it with the given statement. For some reason, it's saying that there is a Run-time error 3139: Syntax error in PARAMETER clause but I can't find the error.
Private Sub Command8_Click()
Dim dbsCurrent As Database
Set dbsCurrent = CurrentDb
Dim query As QueryDef
Dim sql As String
Dim item_val As String
item_val = Me.Text314
For Each query In CurrentDb.QueryDefs
If query.Name = "InsertFilmZip" Then
Exit For
End If
Next query
If query Is Nothing Then
sql = "parameters " & "P1 Number" & _
"INSERT INTO [tbl_FilmZipInfo] " & _
"(qty_per_unit) " & _
" VALUES ([P1])" & _
"WHERE (((tbl_FilmZipInfo.qty_per_unit)='" & Me.Text314 & "'))"
Set query = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef("InsertFilmZip", sql)
End If
query.Parameters("P1").Value = Me.Text317
End Sub

Your SQL doesn't make sense, so try this adjustment:
sql = "parameters P1 Long;" & _
"UPDATE [tbl_FilmZipInfo] " & _
"SET qty_per_unit = [P1] " & _
"WHERE qty_per_unit = " & Me.Text314 & ""


ms access vba "Run-time error '3061'. Too few parameters. Expected 7" when querying access query

I google a lot and read all post here related to this issue but found nothing that could give an explanation or help me to resolve this issue.
Following here, a function which work great when the "TableName" parameter is a base table but raise error when it is an ms access view (query). I found nothing yet that could explain this issue as many access query already refer to such views (queries) without issues.
Function DBDistinctCount(FieldName As String, tableName As String) As Long
Dim rs As Recordset, curDb As Database, strSql As String
On Error GoTo ERR_Handling
Set curDb = CurrentDb
'strSql = "SELECT COUNT(PR.[" & FieldName & "]) AS CNT FROM (SELECT [" & FieldName & "] FROM " & TableName & " GROUP BY [" & FieldName & "]) AS PR;"
strSql = "SELECT COUNT(PR." & FieldName & ") AS CNT FROM (SELECT " & FieldName & " FROM " & tableName & " GROUP BY " & FieldName & ") AS PR;"
'strSql = "SELECT COUNT([" & FieldName & "]) AS CNT FROM (SELECT [" & FieldName & "] FROM [" & TableName & "] GROUP BY [" & FieldName & "]);"
'Debug.Print result: SELECT COUNT(PR.ID_Projet) AS CNT FROM (SELECT ID_Projet FROM R_CompilationProjet GROUP BY ID_Projet) AS PR
' Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
' Set qdf = curDb.CreateQueryDef(vbNullString, strSql)
Set rs = curDb.OpenRecordset(strSql)
' Set rs = qdf.OpenRecordset(dbOpenSnapshot)
DBDistinctCount = Nz(rs.Fields("CNT"), 0)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Dim mess As String
mess = "Erreur vba " & Err.Number & " : " & Err.Description
On Error Resume Next
Call DBHelper.AddLog(mess, "DBDistinctCount")
End If
If Not rs Is Nothing Then rs.Close
Set rs = Nothing
If Not curDb Is Nothing Then curDb.Close
Set curDb= Nothing
End Function
As you can see, I messed up the function a bit in order to find out what could be wrong. I even tried to use a querydef with the same result. I should mention that I've tried to put the resulting sql string itself inside an access query to see exactly the expected result when I ran the query. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Translating MS Access SQL select query to VBA. Breaks when select with aggregation sum function

I'm trying to use Excel VBA to load data from Microsoft Office Access database.
The code was worked fine and I am now trying to add an extra column Position drawn from the datebasetable named EqBucket into the final result table
The SQL works find in Access but it doesn't parse through to VBA.
The code break when I add in
SUM(Eq_Buckets.Position) AS PositionOfSum
I'm guess it has to do with the aggregation sum wrapped around the column because this issue has never come up with other direct referenced columns.
Appreciate for any pointers. Thanks
1. SQL string is stored in Sheets("SQL").Range("A1").value
2. Database tables Eq_SingleName_LBU, Eq_Buckets << this is where the position data are stored
3. Eq_Portfolio_Ref is just a reference table which could be ignored
**IF I remove "Sum(Eq_Buckets.Position) AS PositionOfSum" the code works in VBA
Here is the FULLY working SQL code in MS Access:
SELECT Eq_SingleName_LBU.Identifier AS Identifier, Eq_SingleName_LBU.Issuer AS Issuer, Eq_SingleName_LBU.MV_USD AS MV, Sum(Eq_Buckets.Position) AS PositionOfSum, Eq_SingleName_LBU.Issuer_Weight AS [Issuer Weight], Eq_SingleName_LBU.Test_Limit AS Limit, Eq_SingleName_LBU.Room_Limit AS [Remaining Limit], Eq_SingleName_LBU.Data_Date
FROM Eq_SingleName_LBU INNER JOIN (Eq_Buckets INNER JOIN Eq_Portfolio_Ref ON Eq_Buckets.Composite_Portfolio = Eq_Portfolio_Ref.BBG_Account_Codes) ON Eq_SingleName_LBU.Identifier = Eq_Buckets.BB_UniqueID
Where Eq_Buckets.Data_Date = (#03/12/2020#) and Eq_SingleName_LBU.UnderTest="Y"
GROUP BY Eq_SingleName_LBU.Identifier, Eq_SingleName_LBU.Issuer, Eq_SingleName_LBU.MV_USD, Eq_SingleName_LBU.Issuer_Weight, Eq_SingleName_LBU.Test_Limit, Eq_SingleName_LBU.Room_Limit, Eq_SingleName_LBU.Data_Date
HAVING (((Eq_SingleName_LBU.Data_Date) In (#03/12/2020#)))
ORDER BY Eq_SingleName_LBU.Data_Date;
Here is the VBA code that the SQL string needs to fit through
Sub ADOImportFromAccessTable()
'On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlManual
Sheets("EQ1_SQL").Visible = True
Dim con As Object
Dim rst As Object
Dim dbPath As String
dbPath = "\\Db\Asset_db.accdb"
Set con = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & dbPath
Set rst = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
'This is where the SQL code will be referenced.
strSql = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SQL").Range("A1").Value
Debug.Print strSql
strSql = Replace(strSql, "{date1}", Date_1)
Debug.Print strSql
strSql = Replace(strSql, "{date2}", Date_2)
rst.Open strSql, con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
Set rst = Nothing
Set con = Nothing
End sub
Here is the error message I get from Excel VB editor
Here is the error I get from VB editor.
Run-tme error '-2147467259 (80004005);:
Method 'Open' of object' _ Recordset' failed
Try adding brackets around Position ie Sum(B.[Position]),
You can shorten the SQL by using table name aliases, for example
strSQL = " SELECT A.Identifier AS Identifier, A.Issuer AS Issuer, A.MV_USD AS MV," & _
" Sum(B.[Position]) AS PositionOfSum, " & _
" A.Issuer_Weight AS [Issuer Weight]," & _
" A.Test_Limit AS Limit, " & _
" A.Room_Limit AS [Remaining Limit]," & _
" A.Data_Date" & _
" FROM Eq_SingleName_LBU AS A " & _
" INNER JOIN Eq_Buckets AS B" & _
" ON A.Identifier = B.BB_UniqueID" & _
" WHERE B.Data_Date = #2020/12/03# " & _
" AND A.UnderTest = 'Y' " & _
" GROUP BY A.Identifier, A.Issuer," & _
" A.MV_USD, A.Issuer_Weight, A.Test_Limit," & _
" A.Room_Limit, A.Data_Date" & _
" HAVING A.Data_Date IN (#2020/12/03#) " & _
" ORDER BY A.Data_Date"

MS Access vba query with Format date

I try to create a query to Count items and having three WHERE conditions but there is no result when I run the code, not even an error one. What am I doing wrong?
Private Sub Command5_Click()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Set db = CurrentDb
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim qryMajorDesignReview As String
Dim tblMainReportLOI As String
qryMajorDesignReview = "SELECT Count(tblLOI.loiActivities) As MajorDesignReview, INTO tblMainReportLOI FROM tblLOI " & _
"WHERE tblLOI.loiActivities='PSG Major design review for new or existing facilities' " & _
"AND Format([loiDate], ""yyyy"")=[Forms]![frmMonthlyDivisionReports]![txtYear] " & _
"AND Format([loiDate], ""mmmm"")=[Forms]![frmMonthlyDivisionReports]![txtMonth]; "
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "tblMainReportLOI"
CurrentDb.Execute qryMajorDesignReview
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
strError = Err.Description
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Remove the comma before INTO. Also, concatenate variables. References to form controls are variables. Can use apostrophe instead of doubled quotes in Format(). Could use Year() function instead of Format.
qryMajorDesignReview = "SELECT Count(tblLOI.loiActivities) As MajorDesignReview INTO tblMainReportLOI FROM tblLOI " & _
"WHERE tblLOI.loiActivities='PSG Major design review for new or existing facilities' " & _
"AND Year([loiDate])=" & [Forms]![frmMonthlyDivisionReports]![txtYear] & _
" AND Format([loiDate], 'mmmm')='" & [Forms]![frmMonthlyDivisionReports]![txtMonth] & "'"

Using an ADODB record set to perform a joined update query

In the following code, I would like to join ADODB record set 'rs3' to table 'tblValueChain10' and update 3 different columns based on the values extracted in the ADODB record set 'rs3'. Currently, the update query is not returning anything.
Dim st_Sql3 As String
Dim rs3 As ADODB.Recordset
Set rs3 = New ADODB.Recordset
Dim Max3 As Integer
rs3.Open "SELECT tblRisk05Holding.IDMacroProcesso01, tblRisk05Holding.Level01Risk, Max(tblRisk05Holding.ManualityStatus) AS MaxDiManualityStatus, Max(tblRisk05Holding.RiskProbabilityStatus) AS MaxDiRiskProbabilityStatus, Max(tblRisk05Holding.RiskExposureStatus) AS MaxDiRiskExposureStatus FROM tblRisk05Holding GROUP BY tblRisk05Holding.IDMacroProcesso01, tblRisk05Holding.Level01Risk", CurrentProject.Connection
st_Sql3 = "UPDATE tblValueChain10 INNER JOIN rs3 ON (tblValueChain10.IDMacroProcesso01 = tblRisk05Holding.IDMacroProcesso01) SET L1RiskManuality = " & rs3.Fields(2) & ", L1RiskProbability = " & rs3.Fields(3) & ", L1RiskGravity = " & rs3.Fields(4) & ""
Application.DoCmd.RunSQL (st_Sql2)
Set rs3 = Nothing
Access never allows you to use a recordset object as a data source in another query. It doesn't matter whether you have an ADO or DAO recordset; you can't do it. And the query type (SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, etc.) also doesn't matter; you can't use a recordset object as a data source in any query type.
You might get a workable UPDATE by first saving your SELECT statement as a named query, qryRS3. Then revise the UPDATE to INNER JOIN tblValueChain10 to qryRS3. But I'm uncertain whether Access would consider that query to be updatable; the GROUP BY might cause Access to treat it as not updatable. You'll have to test to see.
Although the goal you try to achieve using ADO Recordset in the way presented can't be done (as user #HansUp wrote), you could try the approach with updating your table tblValueChain10 using subquery taken from the rs3 recordset open call.
I hope that the following query :
Max(tblRisk05Holding.ManualityStatus) AS MaxDiManualityStatus,
Max(tblRisk05Holding.RiskProbabilityStatus) AS MaxDiRiskProbabilityStatus,
Max(tblRisk05Holding.RiskExposureStatus) AS MaxDiRiskExposureStatus
) AS qry_Risk05Holding
ON (tblValueChain10.IDMacroProcesso01 = qry_Risk05Holding.IDMacroProcesso01)
tblValueChain10.L1RiskManuality = qry_Risk05Holding.MaxDiManualityStatus,
tblValueChain10.L1RiskProbability = qry_Risk05Holding.MaxDiRiskProbabilityStatus,
tblValueChain10.L1RiskGravity = qry_Risk05Holding.MaxDiRiskExposureStatus
could help you solve your problem.
You should be able to run the above SQL with the following code:
Dim st_Sql3 As String
st_Sql3 = " UPDATE tblValueChain10 INNER JOIN ( "
st_Sql3 = st_Sql3 & " SELECT " _
& " tblRisk05Holding.IDMacroProcesso01, " _
& " tblRisk05Holding.Level01Risk, " _
& " Max(tblRisk05Holding.ManualityStatus) AS MaxDiManualityStatus, " _
& " Max(tblRisk05Holding.RiskProbabilityStatus) AS MaxDiRiskProbabilityStatus, " _
& " Max(tblRisk05Holding.RiskExposureStatus) AS MaxDiRiskExposureStatus "
st_Sql3 = st_Sql3 & " FROM " _
& " tblRisk05Holding " _
& " GROUP BY " _
& " tblRisk05Holding.IDMacroProcesso01, " _
& " tblRisk05Holding.Level01Risk "
st_Sql3 = st_Sql3 & " ) AS qry_Risk05Holding " _
& " ON (tblValueChain10.IDMacroProcesso01 = qry_Risk05Holding.IDMacroProcesso01) " _
& " SET " _
& " tblValueChain10.L1RiskManuality = qry_Risk05Holding.MaxDiManualityStatus, " _
& " tblValueChain10.L1RiskProbability = qry_Risk05Holding.MaxDiRiskProbabilityStatus, " _
& " tblValueChain10.L1RiskGravity = qry_Risk05Holding.MaxDiRiskExposureStatus "
Application.DoCmd.RunSQL (st_Sql3)
The query is being built-up in four stages because as far as I remember there is a restriction in VBA that there can't be too many line breaks _.
Please notice also that the JOIN used in the update query assumes that connecting two tables by IDMacroProcesso01 would ensure that the records are updated in the right way.
I can't check the solution in Acces right now but maybe it could somehow help you, at least a concept. If there were any errors, please write.
You need to loop through the recordset to iteratively update by each record:
Do While NOT rs3.EOF
st_Sql3 = "UPDATE tblValueChain10"_
& " INNER JOIN rs3 ON (tblValueChain10.IDMacroProcesso01 = tblRisk05Holding.IDMacroProcesso01)" _
& " SET L1RiskManuality = " & rs3.Fields(2) & ", L1RiskProbability = " & rs3.Fields(3) & "," _
& " L1RiskGravity = " & rs3.Fields(4) & ""
DoCmd.RunSQL (st_Sql3)
Also please note, your RunSQL () command is calling the incorrect SQL string.
If no err appears, then try to place this code:
Set rs3 = New ADODB.Recordset
in form_load, as in,
private sub Form_load()
Set rs3 = New ADODB.Recordset
End Sub
note: this sample is in vb6.0. that's what I can do. Besides, check the version in references

Multiple parameter values in one string in access SQL

I have an array which can have a different amount of values, depending on the situation. I want to put these values as a parameter in a query in ms access.
The problem is, if I use the following code to generate a parameter, it sends the whole string as one value to the query, which obviously does not return any rows.
Do Until i = size + 1
If Not IsEmpty(gvaruocat(i)) Then
If Not IsEmpty(DLookup("uo_cat_id", "tbl_uo_cat", "[uo_cat_id] = " & CInt(gvaruocat(i)))) Then
If IsEmpty(get_uocat_param) Then
get_uocat_param = CInt(gvaruocat(i))
get_uocat_param = get_uocat_param & " OR tbl_uo_step.uo_step_cat = " & CInt(gvaruocat(i))
End If
End If
End If
i = i + 1
At the moment I have 'Fixed' it by generating an SQL string and leaving the query out all together.
get_uocat = "SELECT tbl_product.prod_descr, tbl_uo_cat.uo_cat_descr, tbl_uo_step.uo_step_descr" & vbCrLf _
& "FROM (tbl_product INNER JOIN tbl_uo_cat ON tbl_product.prod_id = tbl_uo_cat.uo_cat_prod) INNER JOIN tbl_uo_step ON tbl_uo_cat.uo_cat_id = tbl_uo_step.uo_step_cat" & vbCrLf _
& "WHERE (((tbl_uo_step.uo_step_cat) = " & get_uocat_param & ")) " & vbCrLf _
& "ORDER BY tbl_product.prod_descr, tbl_uo_cat.uo_cat_descr, tbl_uo_step.uo_step_descr;"
This is however not very friendly to many changes. So my question is, how do I get the array to send each value as a separate parameter to the query?
Note: IsEmpty() is a custom function which checks for empty variables in case you were wondering.
You can still use a parameterized query in this case, despite your comment to the question. You just need to build the SQL string to include as many parameters as required, something like this:
Dim cdb As DAO.Database, qdf As DAO.QueryDef, rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim sql As String, i As Long
' test data
Dim idArray(1) As Long
idArray(0) = 1
idArray(1) = 3
Set cdb = CurrentDb
sql = "SELECT [LastName] FROM [People] WHERE [ID] IN ("
' add parameters to IN clause
For i = 0 To UBound(idArray)
sql = sql & "[param" & i & "],"
sql = Left(sql, Len(sql) - 1) ' trim trailing comma
sql = sql & ")"
Debug.Print sql ' verify SQL statement
Set qdf = cdb.CreateQueryDef("", sql)
For i = 0 To UBound(idArray)
qdf.Parameters("param" & i).Value = idArray(i)
Set rst = qdf.OpenRecordset(dbOpenSnapshot)
' check results
Do Until rst.EOF
Debug.Print rst!LastName
Set rst = Nothing
Set qdf = Nothing
Set cdb = Nothing
When I run this on my test database I get
SELECT [LastName] FROM [People] WHERE [ID] IN ([param0],[param1])
you could make use of the IN Clause, instead. Which would work out better.
Do Until i = size + 1
If Not IsEmpty(gvaruocat(i)) Then
If Not IsEmpty(DLookup("uo_cat_id", "tbl_uo_cat", "[uo_cat_id] = " & CInt(gvaruocat(i)))) Then
If IsEmpty(get_uocat_param) Then
get_uocat_param = CInt(gvaruocat(i))
get_uocat_param = get_uocat_param & ", " & CInt(gvaruocat(i))
End If
End If
End If
i = i + 1
Then your Query build could use,
get_uocat = "SELECT tbl_product.prod_descr, tbl_uo_cat.uo_cat_descr, tbl_uo_step.uo_step_descr" & vbCrLf _
& "FROM (tbl_product INNER JOIN tbl_uo_cat ON tbl_product.prod_id = tbl_uo_cat.uo_cat_prod) INNER JOIN tbl_uo_step ON tbl_uo_cat.uo_cat_id = tbl_uo_step.uo_step_cat" & vbCrLf _
& "WHERE ((tbl_uo_step.uo_step_cat IN (" & get_uocat_param & "))) " & vbCrLf _
& "ORDER BY tbl_product.prod_descr, tbl_uo_cat.uo_cat_descr, tbl_uo_step.uo_step_descr;"