Unable to build apk using grunt build command - npm

When I try to build apk for sample application in oracle JET using grunt command, I am getting below error.
Loading "Gruntfile.js" tasks...ERROR
Error: Cannot find module 'load-grunt-config'
jit-grunt: Plugin for the "grunt" task not found.
If you have installed the plugin already, please setting the static mapping.
See https://github.com/shootaroo/jit-grunt#static-mappings
Warning: Task "grunt" failed. Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
Since I new to this concept, I don't know what to map using static mapping
IDE:NetBeans 8.2
Java: 1.8.0_111
Oracle JET Supoort Version: 0.10.1
Can anyone help me to solve this issue?

Since you don't give much information to work with, please see the official documentation regarding Oracle JET and hybrid developemt: http://docs.oracle.com/middleware/jet230/jet/developer/GUID-C75CD8DC-5084-4831-BE1A-FFEE4EA8600C.htm#JETDG-GUID-C75CD8DC-5084-4831-BE1A-FFEE4EA8600C
Some required steps before trying to build.
Make sure you installed: grunt-cli, bower, cordova and the Android SDK
Did you scaffold an hybrid application using Yeoman?
ex: yo oraclejet:hybrid app --appname="Sample NavBar" --template=navbar --platform=android
What command (+ parameters) do you use to try and build your application?


How to deploy sanity studio in v3?

I'm getting started with sanity V3 and am using this official sanity starter https://www.sanity.io/templates/personal-website-with-built-in-content-editing
Maybe I'm missing the obvious but there are no instructions on how to deploy the sanity studio? How does one do this
I installed sanity/cli and ran npx sanity deploy but get stuck with this error
Error: [vite]: Rollup failed to resolve import "lib/sanity.api" from "/Users/sashabb/Documents/apps/love-tilly-devine/sanity.config.ts".
This is most likely unintended because it can break your application at runtime.
If you do want to externalize this module explicitly add it to
Any suggestions would be amazing

reSolve and React Native integration

Is there any working example available involving reSolve in React Native?
Suggestions of comparable solutions (running without any back-end connectivity in place) either in React Native or Flutter are also most appreciated.
GitHub contains an example in the reimagined/react-native-example repository but unfortunately it isn't working. It seems the current version is pretty outdated.
Referring to that repository, the command yarn create resolve-app -e shopping-list-advanced shopping-list-advanced results in the following error message.
Error: No such example, shopping-list-advanced. The following examples are available
So you are unable to download the sample code since it does not appear to exist.
So I tried downloading and inflating the ZIP manually. Afterwards I ran yarn install (which takes a while and reports quite a lot of warnings). Next, I used the command yarn start:native. This doesn't work either and results in the following error message.
ERROR: Node.js version 16.13.2 is no longer supported.expo-cli supports following Node.js versions: >=10.13.0 <11.0.0 (Active LTS) >=12.0.0 <13.0.0 (Active LTS) >=13.0.0 <14.0.0 (Current Release)
In an attempt to solve the problem, I updated the expo-cli version in the native\package.json file to 5.0.3. Running yarn install and yarn start:native again results in a new error message being thrown error.
Invalid regular expression:
Range out of order in character class.
This doesn't seem to go anywhere... In other words, I am a bit stuck here since I don't know what this message actually means.
Thank you for your feedback.
The team decided to extract the React Native example to a separate repository and postpone its maintenance to keep focused on more important tasks like polishing the server-side.
As you mentioned, the example is outdated, there are many changes in the client configuration since then. In the future, we may work on some guide on how to use reSolve in React Native and other frameworks.
In the meantime, you can try to add reSolve in your ReactNative app using our docs.
We provide several client libraries that can be helpful:
Feel free to contact us through Github in case of any difficulties, we'll be glad to help you.

Disabling wallet during building bitcoin node

Why do we need to do ./configure --disalbe-wallet --with-gui=no during installing or building bitcoin node?
I was trying to build it whithout --disable-wallet but the configure throws the error
You don't necessarily need to build bitcoin core with the --disable-wallet option. If you're having build errors without --disable-wallet then it's likely you don't have the BerkeleyDB library in your installation. It would help if you could post the related error.

Failed to retrieve NativeApplicationBuilder when running IBM MobileFirst 6.3 CLI

We're trying to build our IBM MobileFirst project on version 6.3 via the command line and we always get a BUILD FAILED:
C:\Program Files\IBM\MobileFirst-CLI\mobilefirst-cli\node_modules\generator-worklight-server\lib\build.xml:341: Failed to retrieve NativeApplicationBuilder
What is NativeApplicationBuilder? Is it a Java thing, or something else?
Java Version being used is 1.7.0_80 64-Bit.
The error ended up being because there was no common folder and we are running a hybrid app. Since we use a preprocessing script to build the common folder, it hadn't been run yet. Since there was no common folder, it looked for something native to build which didn't exist either. Therefore, we got the error.
I should have looked closer into the build.xml file where it reported the error. It made sense after I saw that.

Ant Script (qnx.xml) fails while packaging BB10 build

I have created an application for BB10 using IBM Worklight. The application version currently on production in v1.0. The application descriptor has version 1.0 for BB10.
I want to promote a new build with version 1.1. But, before releasing the build, I want to create interim builds for testing. Ex: 1.001, 1.002 and so on.
I am using antcontrib qnx.xml to package and sign blackberry 10 builds. When using this build process, the blackberry10 build fails stating: Native Packager exception occurred.
Also, from Worklight perspective, the versions that we can provide is only in format x.y. We cannot have x.y.z as the version in the application descriptor.
In such a situation, how do I fix this issue of releasing interim builds with version 1.001, 1.002 and then release the final build 1.1?
You mention an exception, but do not provide any other details such as reproduction steps. Not helpful.
What makes you think that in application-descriptor.xml you can only use x.y as the version number? I used 1.0.1 and 1.0001 w/out any issues. You'll need to better explain your issue.
<blackberry10 version="1.0.1"/>