Reposted here from CNTK Issue #1237 by request
Using: CNTK for Windows v.2.0 Beta 5 GPU
Tutorial: CNTK 201B: Hands On Labs Image Recognition
I have modified the tutorial to train and evaluate B &W .png images. (128H, 128W, 1C)
The post Evaluate a saved convolutional network indicates mean transform and image transpose are required to evaluate the image correctly with the model.
On Nov 18 the tutorial was updated, dropping the transpose in eval(). Now I'm confused. Is transpose required? Has something changed in CNTK to allow it to evaluate .png images loaded using PIL ?
def eval(pred_op, image_path):
. . .
image_data = np.array(, dtype=np.float32).T
Indeed for an image loaded with PIL the correct thing is
You can see the same transformation also in the artistic style transfer tutorial.
I’m learning TensorFlow and want to convert an image classification model to Core ML for use in an iOS app.
This TensorFlow image classification tutorial is a close match to what I want to do for the training, but I haven’t been able to figure out how to convert that to Core ML.
Here’s what I’ve tried, adding the following to the end of the Colab notebook for the tutorial:
# install coremltools
!pip install coremltools
# import coremltools
import coremltools as ct
# define the input type
image_input = ct.ImageType()
# create classifier configuration with the class labels
classifier_config = ct.ClassifierConfig(class_names)
# perform the conversion
coreml_model = ct.convert(
model, inputs=[image_input], classifier_config=classifier_config,
# print info about the converted model
# save the file'my_coreml_model')
That successfully creates an mlmodel file, but when I download the file and open it in Xcode to test it (under the “Preview” tab) it shows results like “Roses 900% Confidence” and “Tulips 1,120% Confidence”. For my uses, the confidence percentage needs to be from 0 to 100%, so I think I’m missing some parameter for the conversion.
On import coremltools as ct I do get some warnings like “WARNING:root:TensorFlow version 2.8.2 has not been tested with coremltools. You may run into unexpected errors.” but I’m guessing that’s not the problem since the conversion doesn’t report any errors.
Based on information here, I’ve also tried setting a scale on the image input:
image_input = ct.ImageType(scale=1/255.0)
… but that made things worse as it then has around 315% confidence that every image is a dandelion. A few other attempts at setting a scale / bias all resulted in the same thing.
At this point I’m not sure what else to try. Any help is appreciated!
The last layer of your model should be something like this:
layers.Dense(num_classes, activation='softmax')
The softmax function transforms your output into the probabilities you need.
I have taken Object Detection model from TF zoo v2,
I took mobilenet and trained it on my own TFrecords
I am using mobilenet because it is often found in the examples of converting it to Tflite and this is what I need because I run it on RPi3.
I am following ideas from the official example from Sagemaker docs
and github you can find here
What is interesting the accuracy done after step 2) training and 3) deploying is pretty nice! My trucks are discovered nicely with the custom trained model.
However, when converted to tflite the accuracy goes down no matter if I use tfliteconvert tool or using python tf.lite.Converter.
What is more, all detections are on borders of images, and usually in the bottom-right corner. Maybe I am not preparing images correctly? Or some misunderstanding of results?
You can check images I uploaded.
What could possibly go wrong?
I was lacking proper preprocessing of image.
After I have used pipeline config to build detection object which has preprocess function I utilized to build tensor before feeding it into Interpreter.
num_classes = 2
configs = config_util.get_configs_from_pipeline_file(pipeline_config)
model_config = configs['model']
model_config.ssd.num_classes = num_classes
model_config.ssd.freeze_batchnorm = True
detection_model =
model_config=model_config, is_training=True)
I'm new to transfer learning in TensorFlow and I choose tfhub to simplify finding a dataset, but now I'm confused because my model gives me a wrong prediction when I try to use an image from the internet. I used the efficientnet_v2_imagenet1k_b0 feature vector without fine-tuning to train a rock-paper-scissors dataset from I used image data generator and flow from directory for data processing.
This is my model here
This is my train result here
This is my test result here
It's the second time I get something like this when using transfer learning with tfhub. I want to know why this happened and how to fix it, so this problem doesn't happen again. Thanks a lot for your help and sorry for my bad English.
I downloaded your code to my local machine and the dataset as well.
Had to make a few adjustments to make it run locally.
I believe the model efficientnet_v2_imagenet1k_b0 is different
from the newer efficient net models in that this version DOES
require pixel levels to be scaled between 0 and 1. I ran the model
with and without rescaling and it works well only if the pixlels
are rescaled. Below is the code I used to test if the model correctly predicts
an image downloaded from the internet. It worked as expected.
import cv2
print (class_dict)
for key, value in class_dict.items():
print (rev_dict)
fpath=r'C:\Temp\rps\1.jpg' # an image downloaded from internet that should be paper class
print (img.shape)
img=cv2.resize(img, (224,224)) # resize to 224 X 224 to be same size as model was trained on
print (img.shape)
img=img/255.0 # rescale as was done with training images
print (p)
print (index)
prob=p[0][index]* 100
print (f'image is of class {klass}, with probability of {prob:6.2f}')
the results were
{'paper': 0, 'rock': 1, 'scissors': 2}
{0: 'paper', 1: 'rock', 2: 'scissors'}
(300, 300, 3)
(224, 224, 3)
(1, 224, 224, 3)
[[9.9902594e-01 5.5121275e-04 4.2284720e-04]]
image is of class paper, with probability of 99.90
You had this in your code
uploaded = files.upload()
len_file = len(uploaded.keys())
This did not run because files was not defined
so could not find what causes your misclassification problem.
Remember in flow_from_directory, if you do not specify the color mode it defaults to rgb. So even though training images are 4 channel PNG the
actual model is trained on 3 channels. So make sure the images you want to predict are 3 channels.
To help really need to see the code for how you provide your data to model.predict. However as a guess, remember efficientnet needs to have the pixels in the range from0 to 255 so do not scale your images. Make sure your test images are rgb an of the same size as the image size used in training. Also need to see code for how you process the predictions
I'm using Tensorflow's 1.3 Estimator API to perform some image classification. Since I have a considerable amount of data, I gave the TFRecords a go. Saved the file and can read the examples to a Dataset using a parser function inside the input_fn of the estimator model. So far so good.
The issue is when I want to do some image augmentation (rotating and shearing in this case).
1) I tried using the tf.contrib.keras.preprocessing.image.random_shearand the likes. Turns out Keras doesn't like the format of TF's shape ('Dimension') and I can't cast it to a list because its arguments are the axis indexes not the actual value.
2) Then I tried using the tf.contrib.image.rotate and tf.contrib.image.transform with random values in my chosen range. This time I get an error of NotFoundError: Op type not registered 'ImageProjectiveTransform' in binary running on MYPC. Make sure the Op and Kernel are registered in the binary running in this process. which is an open issue ( At the moment I can't move from Windows, so I would very interested in possible alternatives.
3) Searched for a way to read TFRecords and transform it to numpy array and do the augmentation with other tools, but can't find a way from within the input_fn from where I can't access the session.
Have you tried using function from the answer to the question below?tensorflow: how to rotate an image for data augmentation?
I have been experimenting with the new 8-bit quantization feature available in TensorFlow. I could run the example given in the blog post (quantization of googlenet) without any issue and it works fine for me !!!
Now, I would like to apply the same for a simpler network. So I used a pre-trained network for CIFAR-10 (which is trained on Caffe), extracted its parameters, created corresponding graph in tensorflow, initialized the weights with this pre-trained weights and finally saved it as a GraphDef object. See this IPython Notebook for full procedure.
Now I applied the 8-bit quantization with the tensorflow script as mentioned in the Pete Warden's blog:
bazel-bin/tensorflow/contrib/quantization/tools/quantize_graph --input=cifar.pb --output=qcifar.pb --mode=eightbit --bitdepth=8 --output_node_names="ArgMax"
Now I wanted to run the classification on this quantized network. So I loaded the new qcifar.pb to a tensorflow session and passed the image (the same way I passed it to original version). Full code can be found in this IPython Notebook.
But as you can see at the end, I am getting following error:
NotFoundError: Op type not registered 'QuantizeV2'
Can anybody suggest what am I missing here?
Because the quantized ops and kernels are in contrib, you'll need to explicitly load them in your python script. There's an example of that in the script itself:
from tensorflow.contrib.quantization import load_quantized_ops_so
from tensorflow.contrib.quantization.kernels import load_quantized_kernels_so
This is something that we should update the documentation to mention!