Ok, I will try a 2nd attempt because the first one was not that intelligent
My Query:
SELECT distinct kg.datum,
sum(case when leis.code = 'Oph3001' then leis.anzahl END) as leis3001,
sum(case when leis.code = 'Oph3003' then leis.anzahl END) as leis3003,
(select nvl((select to_date(KG2.KURZTEXT, 'dd.mm.yyyy')from kg_eintraege kg2 where kg2.kgtitel_nr = 1003350007 and kg.fall_nr = kg2.fall_nr and kg.patient_nr = kg2.patient_nr and kg.kg_id = kg2.kontext),'') from dual) as real_datum
FROM kg_eintraege kg
INNER JOIN aufenthalte a
ON kg.patient_nr = a.patient_nr
and kg.fall_nr = a.fall_nr
on leis.aufenthalte_nr = a.nr
group by kg.datum, kg.kg_id
order by /*real_datum*/ kg.datum desc
The following subquery is causing the problem:
(select nvl((select to_date(KG2.KURZTEXT, 'dd.mm.yyyy')from kg_eintraege kg2 where kg2.kgtitel_nr = 1003350007 and kg.fall_nr = kg2.fall_nr and kg.patient_nr = kg2.patient_nr and kg.kg_id = kg2.kontext),'') from dual)
Puting it into the group by expression throws the ORA-22818 error ("subquery not allowed here").
Not puting it throws the ORA-00979 error ("not a group by expression").
Can someone help me?
You could use an outer join instead; something like:
SELECT distinct kg.datum,
sum(case when leis.code = 'Oph3001' then leis.anzahl END) as leis3001,
sum(case when leis.code = 'Oph3003' then leis.anzahl END) as leis3003,
to_date(KG2.KURZTEXT, 'dd.mm.yyyy') as real_datum
FROM kg_eintraege kg
INNER JOIN aufenthalte a
ON kg.patient_nr = a.patient_nr
and kg.fall_nr = a.fall_nr
on leis.aufenthalte_nr = a.nr
LEFT OUTER JOIN kg_eintraege kg2
on kg2.kgtitel_nr = 1003350007
and kg.fall_nr = kg2.fall_nr
and kg.patient_nr = kg2.patient_nr
and kg.kg_id = kg2.kontext
group by kg.datum, kg.kg_id, to_date(KG2.KURZTEXT, 'dd.mm.yyyy')
order by /*real_datum*/ kg.datum desc
you can use a subquery
select datum,
sum(case when code = 'Oph3001' then anzahl END) as leis3001,
sum(case when code = 'Oph3003' then anzahl END) as leis3003,
from (
SELECT distinct kg.datum,
(select nvl((select to_date(KG2.KURZTEXT, 'dd.mm.yyyy')from kg_eintraege kg2 where kg2.kgtitel_nr = 1003350007 and kg.fall_nr = kg2.fall_nr and kg.patient_nr = kg2.patient_nr and kg.kg_id = kg2.kontext),'') from dual) as real_datum
FROM kg_eintraege kg
INNER JOIN aufenthalte a ON kg.patient_nr = a.patient_nr
and kg.fall_nr = a.fall_nr
INNER JOIN MF_LEIS_DIAG_OP_MD leis on leis.aufenthalte_nr = a.nr
group by datum, kg_id, real_datum
order by /*real_datum*/ kg.datum desc
hi good people please find the code below is running in db2 but fails in oracle.
select * from
(select distinct e.time_stamp,e.applicationid, e.processname,
e.stage, e.initiatingsource, e.status, e.start_time, i.consultant,
g.cifnumber, g.applicantfirstname, g.applicantlastname,
case when e.branch is not null
then e.branch
else case when g.branch is not null
then g.branch
else i.branch
end as branch
from (select c.time_stamp, b.applicationid, b.processname,
b.stage, b.branch, b.initiatingsource,
case when d.status is null
then c.status
else d.status
end as status,
c.time_stamp as START_TIME,
case when d.time_stamp is not null
then d.time_stamp
else current_timestamp
ens as END_TIME
from (select distinct f.applicationid, f.branch, f.initiatingsource, f.processname,
case when f.stage in ('START''END')
else f.stage, f.stagecounter
from processmetric f) b
left join processmetric c on b.applicationid = c.applicationid and b.processname = c.processname and (b.stage = c.stage or (b.stage = 'APPLICATION' and c.stage = 'START')) and b.stagecounter = c.stagecounter and c.phase = 'START'
left join processmetric d on b.applicationid = d.applicationid and b.processname = d.processname and (b.stage = d.stage or (b.stage = 'APPLICATION' and d.stage = 'END')) and b.stagecounter = d.stagecounter and d.phase ='END')e
left join applicationcustomerdata g on g.applicationid = e.applicationid
and g.time_stamp in (select max(x.time_stamp)
from applicationcustomerdata x
where x.applicationid = g.applicationid
left join applicationdata i on i.applicationid = e.applicationid
and i.time_stamp in (select max(z.time_stamp)
from applicationdata z
where z.applicationid = i.applicationid
order by e.start_time
) a
where a.start_time is not null and a.stage not in ('APPLICATION') and a.status not in ('COMPLETE' , 'COMPLETED' , 'CANCEL', 'FRAUD' , 'DECLINE') and a.stage = 'VERIFICATION';
Oracle don't allow to make outer join with subquery. Following 2 joins are problematic ones:
left join applicationcustomerdata g on g.applicationid = e.applicationid
and g.time_stamp in (select max(x.time_stamp)
from applicationcustomerdata x
where x.applicationid = g.applicationid
left join applicationdata i on i.applicationid = e.applicationid
and i.time_stamp in (select max(z.time_stamp)
from applicationdata z
where z.applicationid = i.applicationid
You need to rewrite statement (if you need this all in one SQL) or write some PL/SQL loops through data.
I have the following code.
It has 2 dates:
when not trunc(iv.dated) is null then trunc(iv.dated) else trunc(iv1.dated)
end) date_stock_received
trunc(dh.actshpdate) SHIP_DATE
Is there a way to join the dates so they show in one column?
select unique li.catnr, li.av_part_no,
(select sum(pl.qty_onhand) from part_loc pl where li.av_part_no = pl.part_no) qty_onhand,
when not trunc(iv.dated) is null then trunc(iv.dated) else trunc(iv1.dated)
end) date_stock_received,
when not sum(iv.quantity) is null then sum(iv.quantity) else sum(iv1.quantity)
end) qty_received,
dp.delqty, od.ord_extordnr, trunc(dh.actshpdate) SHIP_DATE
from leos_item li
LEFT JOIN scm_packtyp sp
ON li.packtyp = sp.packtyp
LEFT JOIN invtran_view_oes iv
ON li.av_part_no = iv.part_no
and (iv.transaction = 'NREC' and iv.location_no = ' RETURNS W')
LEFT JOIN invtran_view_oes iv1
on li.av_part_no = iv1.part_no
and (iv1.transaction = 'CORR+' and iv1.remark like 'STOCK FROM SP PALLET%')
LEFT JOIN oes_delsegview od
ON od.catnr = li.catnr
and od.prodtyp = li.prodtyp
and od.packtyp = li.packtyp
LEFT JOIN oes_dpos dp
ON od.ordnr = dp.ordnr
and od.posnr = dp.posnr
and od.segnr = dp.segnr
LEFT JOIN oes_dhead dh
on dp.dheadnr = dh.dheadnr
and dh.shpfromloc = 'W'
where li.cunr = '816900'
and substr(li.catnr,1,5) in ('RGMCD','RGJCD')
and li.item_type = 'FP'
and li.catnr = 'RGJCD221'
group by li.catnr, li.av_part_no, iv.dated, iv.quantity, iv1.dated, iv1.quantity, dp.delqty,
dp.ordnr, dp.posnr, dp.segnr, od.ord_extordnr, dh.actshpdate
order by li.av_part_no
Current result is ...
... what I would like to see is ...
Is this possible ?
The coalesce function might be what you want.
select trunc(coalesce(iv.dated, iv1.dated, dh.actshpdate)) theDateYouMightWant
I've tried everything I could and i still can't get my cursor to display data. here is my code:
select *
from (
ent.bank_desc Bank_Description,
sol.sol_desc SOL_Description,
cdav.gl_sub_head_code GLSH_Code,
'10403',2, '60403',2, '10501',2, '60501',2, '10502',2,
'10503',2, '10504',2, '10505',2, '10507',2, '10509',2,
'60509',2, '10511',2, '10518',2, '60518',2, '10523',2,
'60523',2, '10551',2, '10552',2, '10553',2, '10554',2,
'10555',2, '10557',2, '10559',2, '10561',2, '10568',2,
'12336',3, '62336',3, '10401',3, '60402',3, 4 ) GLSH_SET ,
gsh.gl_sub_head_desc GLSH_Name,
when (cast(substr(cdav.gl_sub_head_code,0,1) as int) >= 1
and cast(substr(cdav.gl_sub_head_code,0,1) as int) <= 5)
then 'R'
when cast(substr(cdav.gl_sub_head_code,0,1) as int) = 0
or (cast(substr(cdav.gl_sub_head_code,0,1) as int) >= 6
and cast(substr(cdav.gl_sub_head_code,0,1) as int) <= 9)
then 'F'
end book_type,
gam.foracid account_number,
cdav.tran_crncy_code Tran_Currency,
cdav.tran_date Transaction_Date,
rank() over(partition by gam.foracid order by eab.eod_date desc) eod_date_rank,
case when
(select tran_date_bal from tbaadm.eab
where eab.eod_date = (select max(eab.eod_date) from tbaadm.eab
where cdav.acid = eab.acid and eab.eod_date < '28-MAY-2013')
and cdav.acid = eab.acid
and cdav.bank_id = eab.bank_id) is not null
then (select tran_date_bal from tbaadm.eab
where eab.eod_date = (select max(eab.eod_date) from tbaadm.eab
where cdav.acid = eab.acid and eab.eod_date < '28-MAY-2013')
and cdav.acid = eab.acid
and cdav.bank_id = eab.bank_id)
else 0
end beg_tran_date_bal,
(select tran_date_bal from tbaadm.eab eab
where eod_date = (select max(eab.eod_date) from tbaadm.eab eab
where cdav.acid = eab.acid and eab.eod_date <= '28-MAY-2013')
and cdav.acid = eab.acid
and cdav.bank_id = eab.bank_id) end_tran_date_bal,
ott.ref_num OAP_Ref_No,
trim(cdav.tran_id) Transaction_ID,
--cdav.dth_init_sol_id Initiating_SOL_ID,
cdav.tran_rmks Tran_Remarks,
when (cdav.part_tran_type = 'D')
then (cdav.tran_amt)
end dr_amount,
when (cdav.part_tran_type = 'C')
then (cdav.tran_amt)
end cr_amount
from tbaadm.ctd_dtd_acli_view cdav
left outer join tbaadm.gam
on cdav.bank_id = gam.bank_id and cdav.acid = gam.acid
left outer join tbaadm.gsh
on gam.bank_id = gsh.bank_id and gam.sol_id = gsh.sol_id
and gam.gl_sub_head_code = gsh.gl_sub_head_code
and gam.acct_crncy_code = gsh.crncy_code
left outer join tbaadm.sol
on cdav.bank_id = sol.bank_id and cdav.sol_id = sol.sol_id
left outer join tbaadm.eab
on gam.bank_id = eab.bank_id and gam.acid = eab.acid
left outer join tbaadm.cnc
on gam.bank_id = cnc.bank_id and gam.acct_crncy_code = cnc.crncy_code
left outer join crmuser.end ent
on cdav.bank_id = ent.bank_id
left outer join tbaadm.gct
on cdav.bank_id = gct.bank_id
left outer join tbaadm.ott
on cdav.tran_id = ott.tran_id and cdav.tran_date = ott.tran_date
and cdav.part_tran_srl_num = ott.part_tran_srl_num
and cdav.bank_id = ott.bank_id and cdav.acid = ott.acid
gam.acct_ownership = 'O'
and cdav.bank_id = 'CBC01'
and cdav.gl_date = '28-MAY-2013'
and (gam.gl_sub_head_code in ('10301','10403','60403',
or gam.acct_classification_flg in ('I','E')
and trim(cdav.del_flg) in ('N', null)
and trim(gam.del_flg) in ('N', null)
and trim(gsh.del_flg) in ('N', null)
and trim(sol.del_flg) in ('N', null)
and trim(cnc.del_flg) in ('N', null)
and trim(gct.del_flg) in ('N', null)
eod_date_rank = 1
and GLSH_SET = 1
order by
book_type desc,
in_sl_rec SL_Cur%ROWTYPE;
open SL_Cur;
FETCH SL_Cur INTO in_sl_rec;
exit when SL_Cur%notfound;
close SL_Cur;
At first, I just need to make the CURSOR display the result set that I want to see. Next, I want to make the cursor into a sort of FOR LOOP, because there would be input parameters involved when executing the code in iReport, mainly a date range.
Cursors don't just "display" when you execute them - you have to write a little code to do that. Try adding the following lines in your loop after the exit when SL_Cur%notfound; and just before the END LOOP;
'Bank_Description=' || in_sl_rec.Bank_Description ||
'sol_id=' || in_sl_rec.sol_id ||
'SOL_Description=' || in_sl_rec.SOL_Description);
You can add more fields as you need to.
Share and enjoy.
I've been trying to change this query. I don't want to use 'Not In' in this query. Can anybody help me how to change this query to left join query?
SELECT t.date,t.ticket,t.weight,t.Count, td.description
FROM tblticket t inner join tblticketdetails td on t.ticket = td.ticket
WHERE t.ticket NOT IN (SELECT r.Original_ticket from tblRenew R where isnull(r.new_ticket,'') = '' and r.transaction_status = 'valid')
AND RTRIM(LTRIM(t.status)) = 'OPEN'
AND td.Type = 62
AND t.weight/t.Count >= 1000
AND t.date BETWEEN '2011-12-31' AND '2013-01-17'
Providing that you don't have multiple records in tblRenew for any ticket:
t.date, t.ticket, t.weight, t.Count, td.description
tblticket t
inner join tblticketdetails td on t.ticket = td.ticket
left join tblRenew R on isnull(r.new_ticket,'') = '' and r.transaction_status = 'valid' and r.Original_ticket = t.ticket
r.Original_ticket is not null
and RTRIM(LTRIM(t.status)) = 'OPEN'
and td.Type = 62
and t.weight/t.Count >= 1000
and t.date BETWEEN '2011-12-31' AND '2013-01-17'
SELECT t.date, t.ticket,t.weight, t.Count, td.description
FROM tblticket t inner join
tblticketdetails td
on t.ticket = td.ticket left outer join
(SELECT r.Original_ticket
from tblRenew R
where isnull(r.new_ticket,'') = '' and
r.transaction_status = 'valid'
) v
on t.ticket = v.Original_ticket
WHERE t.ticket NOT IN (SELECT r.Original_ticket from tblRenew R where isnull(r.new_ticket,'') = '' and r.transaction_status = 'valid')
AND RTRIM(LTRIM(t.status)) = 'OPEN'
AND td.Type = 62
AND t.weight/t.Count >= 1000
AND t.date BETWEEN '2011-12-31' AND '2013-01-17'
and v.original_tiket is null