Concatenate DataFrames.DataFrame in Julia - dataframe

I have a problem when I try to concatenate multiple DataFrames (a datastructure from the DataFrames package!) with the same columns but different row numbers. Here's my code:
DF = DataFrame()
DF[:x1] = 1:1000
DF[:x2] = rand(1000)
DF[:time] = append!( [0] , cumsum( diff(DF[:x1]).<0 ) ) + 1
DF1 = DF[DF[:time] .==1,:]
DF2 = DF[DF[:time] .==round(maximum(DF[:time])),:]
DF3 = DF[DF[:time] .==round(maximum(DF[:time])/4),:]
DF4 = DF[DF[:time] .==round(maximum(DF[:time])/2),:]
DF1[:T] = "initial"
DF2[:T] = "final"
DF3[:T] = "1/4"
DF4[:T] = "1/2"
DF = [DF1;DF2;DF3;DF4]
The last line gives me the error
MethodError: Cannot `convert` an object of type DataFrames.DataFrame to an object of type LastMain.LastMain.LastMain.DataFrames.AbstractDataFrame
This may have arisen from a call to the constructor LastMain.LastMain.LastMain.DataFrames.AbstractDataFrame(...),
since type constructors fall back to convert methods.
I don't understand this error message. Can you help me out? Thanks!

I just ran into this exact problem on Julia 0.5.0 x86_64-linux-gnu, DataFrames 0.8.5, with both hcat and vcat.
Neither clearing the workspace nor reloading DataFrames solved the problem, but restarting the REPL fixed it immediately.


How to resolve :first argument must be an iterable of pandas objects, you passed an object of type "DataFrame" in Pandas

I am getting this error:
first argument must be an iterable of pandas objects, you passed an object of type "DataFrame".
My code:
for f in
glob.glob("C:/Users/panksain/Desktop/aovaNALYSIS/CX AOV/Report*.csv"):
data = pd.concat(pd.read_csv(f,header = None, names = ("Metric Period", "")), axis=0, ignore_index=True)
concat takes a list of dataframes to concat with. You can first build the list and then do the concat at last:
dfs = []
for f in glob.glob("C:/Users/panksain/Desktop/aov aNALYSIS/CX AOV/Report*.csv"):
dfs.append(pd.read_csv(f,header = None, names = ("Metric Period", "")))
data = pd.concat(dfs, axis=0, ignore_index=True)

KeyError to existing Colums in my panda dataframe after transposing, with dtype='object'

So i have some trouble with trying to make basic arithmetic with columns in pandas. the datatype of my columns after transposing are 'object'. Because of this i get a KeyError when trying to add a column to another column.
After transposing I have added the code:
dg.columns = dg.columns.astype(str)
The dont seem to react to it, anyone knows how to solve this?
my full code:
dg = pd.read_csv("file.csv", encoding="latin-1", header = None)
dg = dg.T
dg.columns= dg.iloc[0]
dg = dg.reindex(dg.index.drop(0)) = 'Date'
dg = dg.fillna(0)
dg.drop(dg.columns.difference(['Category','revenue','Result']), 1, inplace=True)
dg.columns = dg.columns.astype(str)
print (dg.columns)
dg['revenue','Result'] = pd.to_numeric(dg['revenue','Result'], errors='coerce')
dg['cost'] = dg['revenue']* - dg['Result']
dg = dg.groupby('Category','revenue','Result','cost').agg(sum).reset_index()
print (dg[:5])

Problems appending rows to DataFrame. ZMQ messages to Pandas Dataframe

I am taking messages for market data from a ZMQ subscription and turning it into a pandas dataframe.
I tried creating a empty dataframe and appending rows to it. It did not work out. I keep getting this error.
RuntimeWarning: '<' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int', sort
order is undefined for incomparable objects
result = result.union(other)
Im guessing this is because Im appending a list of strings to a dataframe. I clear the list then try to append the next row. The data is 9 rows. First one is a string and the other 8 are all floats.
list_heartbeat = []
list_fills= []
market_data_bb = []
market_data_fs = []
abacus_fs = []
abacus_bb =[]
df_bar_data_bb = pd.DataFrame(columns= ['Ticker','Start_Time_Intervl','Interval_Length','Current_Open_Price',
def main():
context = zmq.Context()
socket_sub1 = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
socket_sub2 = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
socket_sub3 = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
print('Opening Socket...')
# We can connect to several endpoints if we desire, and receive from all.
print('Connecting to Nicks BroadCast...')
print('Connected To Nicks BroadCast... Waiting For Messages.')
print('Connected To Jasons Two BroadCasts... Waiting for Messages.')
#socket_sub1.setsockopt_string(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, 'H')
socket_sub1.setsockopt_string(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, 'R')
#socket_sub1.setsockopt_string(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, 'HEARTBEAT') #possible heartbeat from Jason
socket_sub2.setsockopt_string(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, 'BAR_FS')
socket_sub2.setsockopt_string(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, 'HEARTBEAT')
socket_sub2.setsockopt_string(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, 'BAR_BB')
socket_sub3.setsockopt_string(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, 'ABA_FS')
socket_sub3.setsockopt_string(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, 'ABA_BB')
poller = zmq.Poller()
poller.register(socket_sub1, zmq.POLLIN)
poller.register(socket_sub2, zmq.POLLIN)
poller.register(socket_sub3, zmq.POLLIN)
while (running):
socks = dict(poller.poll())
except KeyboardInterrupt:
#check if the message is in socks, if so then save to message1-3 for future use.
#Msg1 = heartbeat for Nicks server
#Msg2 = fills
#msg3 Mrkt Data split between FS and BB
if socket_sub1 in socks:
message1 = socket_sub1.recv_string()
if socket_sub2 in socks:
message2 = socket_sub2.recv_string()
message3 = socket_sub2.recv_string()
if message2 == 'HEARTBEAT':
if message2 == 'BAR_BB':
message3_split = message3.split(";")
message3_split = [e[3:] for e in message3_split]
message3_split = message3_split
if len(market_data_bb) > 20:
#df_bar_data_bb = pd.DataFrame(market_data_bb, columns= ['Ticker','Start_Time_Intervl','Interval_Length','Current_Open_Price',
# 'Previous_Open','Previous_Low','Previous_High','Previous_Close','Message_ID'])
#df_bar_data_bb.set_index('Start_Time_Intervl', inplace=True)
#ESA = df_bar_data_bb[df_bar_data_bb['Ticker'] == 'ESA Index'].copy()
#df_bar_data_bb.set_index('Start_Time_Intervl', inplace=True)
The very bottom is what throws the Error. I found a simple way around this that may or may not work. Its the 4 lines above that create a dataframe then set the index and try to create copies of the dataframe. The only problem is I get about anywhere from 40-90 messages a second and every time I get a new one it creates a new dataframe. I eventually have to create a graph out of this and im not exactly sure how I would create a live graph out of this. But thats another problem.
EDIT: I figured it out. Instead of adding the messages to a list I simply convert each message to a pandas series then call my dataframe globally then do df=df.append(message4,ignore_index=True)
I completely removed the need for lists
if message2 == 'BAR_BB':
message3_split = message3.split(";")
message3_split = [e[3:] for e in message3_split]
message4 = pd.Series(message3_split)
global df_bar_data_bb1
df_bar_data_bb1 = df_bar_data_bb1.append(message4, ignore_index = True)

Why am I returned an object when using std() in Pandas?

The print for average of the spreads come out grouped and calculated right. Why do I get this returned as the result for the std_deviation column instead of the standard deviation of the spread grouped by ticker?:
pandas.core.groupby.SeriesGroupBy object at 0x000000000484A588
df = pd.read_csv('C:\\Users\\William\\Desktop\\tickdata.csv',
dtype={'ticker': str, 'bidPrice': np.float64, 'askPrice': np.float64, 'afterHours': str},
usecols=['ticker', 'bidPrice', 'askPrice', 'afterHours'],
df = df[df.afterHours == "False"]
df = df[df.bidPrice != 0]
df = df[df.askPrice != 0]
df['spread'] = (df.askPrice - df.bidPrice)
df['std_deviation'] = df['spread'].std(ddof=0)
df = df.groupby(['ticker'])
UPDATE: no longer being returned an object but now trying to figure out how to have the standard deviation displayed by ticker
df['spread'] = (df.askPrice - df.bidPrice)
df2 = df.groupby(['ticker'])
df = df.set_index('ticker')
UPDATE2: got the dataset I needed using
df = df[df.afterHours == "False"]
df = df[df.bidPrice != 0]
df = df[df.askPrice != 0]
df['spread'] = (df.askPrice - df.bidPrice)
This line:
df = df.groupby(['ticker'])
assigns df to a DataFrameGroupBy object, and
is a SeriesGroupBy object (of the column).
It's a good idea not to "shadow" / re-assign one variable to a completely different datatype. Try to use a different variable name for the groupby!

Applying different functions to different columns of grouped dataframe

I am new to Pandas. I have grouped a dataframe by date and applied a function to different columns of the dataframe as shown below
def func(x):
questionID = x['questionID'].size()
is_true = x['is_bounty'].sum()
is_closed = x['is_closed'].sum()
flag = True
return pd.Series([questionID, is_true, is_closed, flag], index=['questionID', 'is_true', 'is_closed', 'flag'])
df_grouped = df1.groupby(['date'], as_index = False)
df_grouped = df_grouped.apply(func)
But when I run this I get an error saying
questionID = x['questionID'].size()
TypeError: 'int' object is not callable.
When I do the same thing this way it doesn't give any error.
df_grouped1 = df_grouped['questionID'].size()
I don't understand where am I going wrong.
'int' object is not callable. means you have to use size without ()
For some objects size is only value, for others it can be function.
The same can be with other values/functions.