How can i return different types from my method? - oop

I have a method which returns an object (this._response) which is of type IResponse. I want to return this._response.details which is of type IDetails.
get response(): IResponse {
if (this._response.response.header.statusCode === "0000" || this._response.response.header.statusCode === "YHOO") {
return this._response.details; //IDetails
} else if (this._response.response.header.statusCode === "6621" || this._response.response.header.statusCode === "6622") {
this._response.response.isViewError = true;
} else {
this._response.response.showError = this._response.response.header;
return this._response //IResponse
[ts] Property 'details' does not exist on type 'IResponse'.
How can I return different types from method based on if condition?

You can use union types:
get response(): IDetails | IResponse {
The problem with returning a union is that you'll need to check for the type of the result every time you invoke the function.
function isResponse(obj: IDetails | IResponse) obj is IResponse {
return obj && obj.response;
let value = myObj.response;
if (isResponse(value)) {
// value is IResponse
} else {
// value is IDetails

Another option is to simply not specify anything; the return types are automatically inferred:
the danger here is this allows you to return anything so there is no explicit guard, during development, against wrong return types.


Nextflow dynamic includes and output

I'm trying to use dynamic includes but I have problem to manage output files:
* enables modules
nextflow.enable.dsl = 2
include { requestData } from './modules/get_xapi_data'
include { uniqueActors } from './modules/unique_actors'
include { compileJson } from './modules/unique_actors'
if (params.user_algo) {
include { userAlgo } from params.user_algo
workflow {
dataChannel = Channel.from("xapi_data.json")
if (params.user_algo) {
user_algo = userAlgo(requestData.out.channel_data)
} else {
user_algo = null
output_json = [user_algo, uniqueActors.out]
// Filter output
.filter{ it != null } <--- problem here
.map{ file(it) }
The problem is userAlgo can be dynamically loaded. And I don't know how I can take care of it. With this solution, I got a Unknown method invocation getFileSystem on ChannelOut type error.
The problem is that fromList expects a list of values, not a list of channels. If you use an empty Channel instead of checking for a null value, you could use:
if( params.user_algo ) {
user_algo = userAlgo(requestData.out.channel_data)
} else {
user_algo = Channel.empty()
| concat( uniqueActors.out )
| map { file(it) }
| compileJson

Nested Loop select the minimum defined value

I have a list of states, which are defined to be ordered by min to max. the sequence is the following:
Cancelled - complete - draft - reservation - reserved - ordered - confirmed
So the cancelled is the minimum state, and confirmed is the maximum state. I may have different instances with different states, so I use a for-each loop to run through all states, and select the minimum state present in the loop.
That is: if in a list I have states [complete, reserved, draft, ordered] I need to check all the values and select complete -as it appears to be the minimum state. OR
if I have [reserved, confirmed, ordered, draft, cancelled, confirmed, confirmed] I need to select the cancelled value, as it appears to be the minimum.
I am doing the following check, but it does not seem to be working:
string globstatus = " ";
foreach (var currentstatus in list)
if (currentstatus == "cancelled")
globstatus = "cancelled";
if (globstatus == "cancelled")
return globstatus;
if (currentstatus == "complete")
globstatus = "complete";
if (globstatus == "complete")
return globstatus;
if (currentstatus == "draft")
globstatus = "draft";
if (globstatus == "reservation")
return globstatus;
if (currentstatus == "reserved")
globstatus = "reserved";
if (globstatus == "ordered")
return globstatus;
if (currentstatus == "confirmed")
globstatus = "confirmed";
return currentstatus;
return globstatus;
What can be the best solution to achieve the desired behavior?
I find a rule of thumb helpful that if I need more than three levels of braces, I need to rethink my code. It's hard to follow, easy to make mistakes, and a nightmare to debug. I suggest that applies here - trying to follow the flow of what all those nested if..else statements is extremely difficult.
Using Enum
My preferred solution is to achieve this using an Enum, e.g.:
var list = new List<Status>
var minStatus = (Status)list.Select(l => (int)l).Min();
// minStatus = Status.Complete
public enum Status
How it works: by default Enums give each value a zero-based integer, i.e. Cancelled = 0, Complete = 1 and so on. You can override this with your own values if you wish (e.g. 1/2/4/8/16 if you want to combine multiple values).
I recommend using Enum types for things like this, rather than strings. It helps avoid typos, gives someone else looking at your code a clear understanding of how your program works and its flow, and represents hierarchy in a way in which simple strings don't. (For example - does 'complete' come before or after 'draft'? Without context, I imagine most people would say after, but in this case it comes before - that is much more obvious when using an Enum.)
Parse strings to Enum
However if the statuses have to be strings, you could parse them into an enum like so:
var stringList = new List<string>
"this will be ignored"
var statusList = new List<int>();
foreach (var str in stringList)
if(Enum.TryParse(typeof(Status), str, ignoreCase: true, out object? parsed) && parsed is Status status)
var minStatus = (Status)statusList.Min();
// minStatus = Status.Complete
However, if it's possible to refactor your code to use the Enum in the first place, that would be a better solution, and much quicker as parsing strings has an overhead that would be good to avoid.

How to merge collections based on object's particular key's value match in laravel6?

I have three collections.
Deduction Collection
All of them have date which is common in some of them.
I want to merge these three into one collection in a way that object with same date in three becomes one as a result.
Something like this:
How can i do it?
I am not sure if this is the best way to do it but this is how i made it worked.
$salaryCollection = $salaryCollection->map(function ($item, $key) use ($bonusCollection) {
$single_bonus = $bonusCollection->where('date', $item->date);
if (!$single_bonus->isEmpty()) {
return collect($item)->put('bonuses', $single_bonus->first()->bonuses);
} else {
return collect($item)->put('bonuses', 0);
$salaryCollection = $salaryCollection->map(function ($item, $key) use ($deductionCollection) {
$single_deduction = $deductionCollection->where('date', $item['date']);
if (!$single_deduction->isEmpty()) {
return collect($item)->put('deductions', $single_deduction->first()->deductions);
} else {
return collect($item)->put('deductions', 0);

XMLPullParser returns only one element

I could not parse my XML file, it returns only one element instead of 4
Here's my XML file
<Quizz type="A">...</Quizz>
<Quizz type="B">...</Quizz>
<Quizz type="C">...</Quizz>
<Quizz type="D">...</Quizz>
It returns only the last one "D"
while (eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) {
var eltName: String? = null
when (eventType) {
XmlPullParser.START_TAG -> {
eltName =
if ("Quizzs" == eltName) {
currentQuizz = Quizz()
} else if (currentQuizz != null) {
if ("Quizz" == eltName) {
currentQuizz.type = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "type")
eventType =
You need to .add() something to your currentQuizz for each "Quizz". With currentQuizz.type = ... you just overwrite each previous "Quizz" with the current one, so you end up with only the last one, which is D.
I think you are confused by your own code. For the "Quizzs" tag you create a Quizz() object instead of a QuizzList() object or something similar. It is for the "Quizz" tag you should create a new Quizz() object each time. And then you should add that object to your QuizzList.

What does it return in this function return parent::beforeSave();?

I don't know what this function will return, just modified record attributes or anything other?
protected function beforeSave()
if ($this->getIsNewRecord())
$this->created = Yii::app()->localtime->UTCNow;
$this->lastmodified = Yii::app()->localtime->UTCNow;
if ($this->dob == '') {
$this->setAttribute('dob', null);
} else {
$this->dob=date('Y-m-d', strtotime($this->dob));
$this->imgfile_name = $this->image->name;
$this->imgfile_type = $this->image->type;
$this->imgfile_size = $this->image->size;
return parent::beforeSave();
CActiveRecord::beforeSave is supposed to return true if the model is in a valid state and can be saved, and false if it's not.