PhpStorm: Disabling autofill on Find - intellij-idea

A few versions ago, PhpStorm (and I assume WebStorm) added a new feature: Pressing CTRL+F (Find) while having text highlighted, automatically puts that text in the search bar:
Unfortunately, after decades of habit, I automatically press CTRL+C, CTRL+F, CTRL+V and invariably end up with this:
Before anyone suggests I simply adapt and change, I'd like to point out that no other application I use behaves this way, and I don't want to develop a habit that will only cause me pain in other applications.
How can I disable this "helpful" feature in PhpStorm?


How to keep IntelliSense Complete Word option off?

IntelliSense has a mode where if you hit the spacebar, it will automatically type out the suggested auto-complete word. In order to prevent this from happening, you can hit the Escape key before pressing Space. This will close the autocomplete popup, so that the suggested word is not automatically typed.
I prefer the alternative setting, where I actually have to hit the Enter key to accept the suggested autocompletion. If I just type Space, I want a space to follow the characters that I actually typed.
I know that I can toggle between the undesired mode and the second mode I describe, which I do want. To do this, I click Edit -> IntelliSence -> Toggle Completion Mode.
My problem is that this setting never sticks. It constantly reverts to the wrong mode. I'm not sure exactly when it's changing, but it seems to revert back several times a day. If I change this for one Solution, it won't apply to my other Solutions. Even if I apply it to a solution, close VS, reopen, and start working again, it will have reverted.
Does this happen to everyone else, or is this unique to me? Is there some global setting that forces this feature to stay off always? Do I have a corrupted file somewhere that's causing this?
No, this is normal behavior and this setting behaves like what you described in the previous VS versions.
However, thanks to those members who is reporting this issue and Microsoft has fixed this behavior in the latest VS2019 version.
Since VS2015 is not supported by Microsoft so far, so this behavior cannot be fixed on VS2015 and I suggest you could install the latest VS2019 Community and get what you want.
Once you click the Toggle Completion Mode under Edit-->Intellisense, no matter you close VS, create a new project or a solution, use other c# file editor, it will never revert back.

Is there a way to make IDEs (IntelliJ, PyCharm, VS Code) have fewer popups but still have completion?

I learned to program 30 years ago with Emacs. I'm starting to learn moderns IDEs such as "IntelliJ IDEA", "PyCharm", and "VS Code".
It's hard to adjust to how visually "busy" they are, with constant pop-up menus appearing every character I type.
Of course I want to be able to get suggestions for completion or parameter hints or other popups when necessary. I just don't want them to appear by default.
Some people are asking why popups are annoying. The main problem is that popups cover code above or below where I'm typing.
Emacs has completion. But it doesn't need a popup. For instance, dynamic completion works just fine 90% of the time, even though it's not smart enough to parse syntax or look up function and method definitions.
So I'd like to know if there are settings in JetBrains or VS Code IDE's that would help.
I'm aware of two kinds of popups.
(1) An offer to complete my typing, which appears below.
(2) Annotation of argument names and definitions, which appears above.
There may be other popups as well.
I'm aware that a popup can be dismissed with ESC. But often they just come back the moment you type another character.
What would be great is if the popup would not appear by default, but I could cause it to appear with a single keystroke. Or I could dismiss it and it would stay dismissed.
For PyCharm You can also try writing in "Disctraction Free Mode"
View -> Enter Distraction Free Mode
Which should give you a little screen of calm which will feel a lot more like emacs to you.
It's possible to adjust the behaviour via "Settings".
In IntelliJ IDEA, goto Menu File --> Settings ... , then navigate to Editor --> General --> Code Completion , or type something in the search field (upper left).
Perhaps you find more settings when you browse through Settings dialog.
To be honest, I didn't make a lot of tests with these settings, because I find the helper popups very useful.
Another option to get rid of some "noise" is to adjust settings for displaying parameter names in the code editor.
I switched this off completely.
Go to Settings --> Editor --> General --> Appearance
The new IDEs are really busy looking for libraries, checking/auto closing balanced parentheses, indenting, surrounding methods/functions/procedures/classes as you type. Sometimes I feel the same, but these IDEs are not plain text editors anymore. Every key stroke triggers something which can be time consuming. When the project gets larger and when it has lots of libraries, it can get even slower. Some IDEs have options to turn some of these options off. Every feature turned off will have some positive effect on responsiveness to some degree
But I think, instead of turning these features off, the best way to have these features on a responsive modern IDE is to use a computer with a fast cpu, an ssd drive and sufficient memory.

IntelliJ IDE (IDEA, PhpStorm, WebStorm): Shortcut for focusing Filter field in e.g. Change Log tool window

Is there a shortcut for focusing the Filter box in tool windows, specifically the Change Log?
See the attached screenshot to know which field I'm talking about. I searched the net and key map, but found nothing like that.
I have confirmed at Jetbrains that unfortunately it's not possible yet:
Just start typing with the focus inside the tool window. IDEA invokes the search automatically. To select the item, press Enter. To cancel, press Esc.
This feature is called Tool Window Speed Search.

Turn off Intellij signature popup

In IntelliJ 12, how do I make the popup stop...popping up when I hold Ctrl while hovering over a field/method with the mouse? (see picture)
That is the "Brief Info" action (or at least that is what it is called in the Keymap reference.) To the best of my knowledge (i.e. 10+ years of daily IDEA use including all beta/EAP builds), there is no way to turn it off. Searching the settings for either "Brief Info" or "Info" does not show any pertinent setting. Likewise, searching key mappings for the same does not reveal a mapping. In fact in the keymap settings, you can only map mouse clicks, not mouse pointing (i.e. hovering). You can submit a feature request asking for a setting to disable this feature.
Just put of curiosity, why do you want to disable it? I guess I would never see a case where one would Ctrl+MousePoint unless they wanted to see this. The only case I can think of would be if you disliked it popping up when you go to Ctrl+Click on a symbol. If it is the latter, note that you can use Ctrl+B in place of Ctrl+MousePoint
Try turning off the "autopop" options under /Settings/IDE Settings/Editor/Code Completion.

TextMate map key for next complete to command + spacebar

I found a lot of tutorials and forum questions around remapping key bindings in Textmate and for the most part I know what needs to be done as far as copy the KeyBindings file and then make the changes needed. More on what I am talking about here
I am interested in re-mapping the esc key for nextComplete to control + spacebar. The problem is I am having a hard time finding what the code is for the spacebar or if this is even supported.
I mainly do actionscript development in eclipes and code hinting dialogue is triggered by this key combo and I would like to have the same in Textmate. Hitting the esc key kind of sux. I thought I would get used to it but the fact is that it just kills the flow of typing the rest of your code.
I could use some help figuring out what he code is for the space bar. I know control key is the ^ symbol. I tested this by changing the keybinding to ^s and it remapped just fine.
I think this one can be done with the OS X gui:
System Preferences, Keyboard, Click Keyboard Shortcuts Tab
Click the little Plus, and choose Application:, Menu Title: Next Completion, Type Command Space (or Control Space) and click Add and that should work. You might want to remove conflicting shortcuts - possibly spotlight?
For future reference, I used Key Codes to find the key for space is: \UF20