Listing Properties and Values of an Individual on Dbpedia - sparql

How can I list properties with their values for any given DBpedia class? I'm new to this and have looked at several other questions on this but I haven't found exactly what I'm looking for.
What I'm trying to do is providing some relevant additional information to topics of conversation I have got from text mining.
Say for example the topic of conversation in a certain community is iPhones. I would like to use this word to query the DBpedia page for this word, IPhone, to get an output such as:
Type: Smartphone
Operating System: IOS
Manufacturer: Foxconn
Using the query from AKSW I can print the p (property?) and o (object?), although I'm still not getting the output I want. Instead of getting something like:
weight: 133.0
I get
Is there a way to just get the name of the property instead of the DBpedia link?
My Code

Classes do not "have" properties with values. Instances (resp. resources or individuals) do have a relationship via a property to some value which can be an individual itself or a literal (or some anonymous instance aka blank node). And instances belong to a class. e.g. Berlin belongs to the class City
What you want is to get all outgoing values of a given resource in DBpedia:
SELECT * WHERE { <> ?p ?o }
Alternatively, you can use SPARQL DESCRIBE, which return the data in forms of an RDF graph resp. a set of RDF triples:
This might also return incoming information because it's not really specified in the W3C recommendation what has to be returned.

As stated by AKSW properties often link to other classes rather than values. If you want all properties and their values, including other classes the the below gives you the label and filters by language (put the language code you need where have put "en").
<> ?p ?o.
?p <> ?label .
FILTER(LANG(?label) = "" || LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label), "en"))
If you don't want any properties that link to other classes, then you only want datatype properties so this code could help:
<> ?p ?o.
?p <> ?label .
?p a owl:DatatypeProperty .
FILTER(LANG(?label) = "" || LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label), "en"))
Obviously this gives you far less information and functionality, but it might just be what you're after?
Edit: In reply to your comment, it is also possible to get the labels for the values, using the same technique:
SELECT DISTINCT ?label ?oLabel
<> ?p ?o.
?p <> ?label .
?o <> ?oLabel
FILTER(LANG(?label) = "" || LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label), "en"))
Note that is often shortened to rdfs:label by defining prefix rdfs: <>
So you could also do:
prefix rdfs: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?label ?oLabel
<> ?p ?o.
?p rdfs:label ?label .
?o rdfs:label ?oLabel
FILTER(LANG(?label) = "" || LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label), "en"))
and get exactly the same result but possibly easier to read.


SPARQL all predicate-object pairs of subject and all its superclasses

Imagine you do something crazy and store your object-oriented model as an RDF graph.
shows a simplified example of the inheritance hierarchy and the associated attributes.
In practice, you get such graph structure if you translate some UML class diagram into RDFS.
The question is: what SPARQL query can deliver all the predicate-object pairs necessary to instantiate a particular resource of "Class C". In other words: how do you get all the predicate-object pairs along the whole inheritance chain (only single inheritance).
Given this diagram, the predicate-object pairs of all members of the class:ClassC is simply:
SELECT ?inst ?p ?o
?inst a :ClassC .
Inst ?p ?o .
Keep in mind that there is not property inheritance in RDF/RDFS. If you want to find all of property/values pairs for ClassA with entailments for subclasses then useL
SELECT ?inst ?p ?o
?cls rdfs:subClassOf* :ClassA .
?inst a ?cls .
?inst ?p ?o
In this respect, RDFS works a bit backwards of one's expectations of OO inheritance.
With the info from #scotthenninger the following query did the job:
SELECT ?p ?o
:ClassC rdfs:subClassOf* ?anySuperClass .
?anySuperClass ?p ?o .
Similar query gets all the self-defined properties and their range along the inheritance chain:
SELECT ?prop ?obj
:ClassC rdfs:subClassOf* ?anySuperClass .
?prop rdfs:domain ?anySuperClass .
?prop rdfs:range ?obj .
End results combined:
foo:ID xsd:string
foo:name xsd:string
rdfs:comment xsd:string
foo:similarTo :ClassD

How can I join climate data to cities with dbpedia?

I am trying to get a dataset that gives me all the data available in a city's climate table but I'm having some trouble.
I was able to get this to work and felt pretty good about myself. When I plug this in on dbpedia's virtuoso client this gives me all the cities that dbpedia has, and all of their countries.
PREFIX dbpedia-owl: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?city_name ?country
WHERE { ?city rdf:type dbpedia-owl:City ;
rdfs:label ?city_name;
dbpedia-owl:country ?country
FILTER (langMatches(lang(?city_name), "EN")) .
Update: I have found properties that seem to give what I'm looking for (e.g. but I'm having trouble adding them to my output.
PREFIX dbpedia-owl: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?city_name ?country ?aprHighC
WHERE { ?city rdf:type dbpedia-owl:City .
?city rdfs:label ?city_name .
?city dbpedia-owl:country ?country
FILTER (langMatches(lang(?city_name), "EN")) .
Gives an error: Variable 'aprHighC' is used in the query result set but not assigned. How do I assign it?
For the query to get results in the second query, a city has to have a three properties: rdfs:label, dbpedia-owl:country and dbpedia-owl:climate. Your query pretty much proves that DBPedia data has cities with label and country properties, but not climate. Try the following to see just what properties are found for members of dbpedia-owl:City:
?city rdf:type dbpedia-owl:City ;
?p ?o .
Note that not all members of dbpedia-owl:City will have these properties, but it gives you a range of what properties are used.
Looking at it the other way, you can ask what entities use the dbpedia-owl:climate property:
?s dbpedia-owl:climate ?climate
I didn't find any, so it could be the case that the prefix is different than the one you are using? I'd suggest double-checking the property name.
Regardless, it's a good idea to use SPARQL to find what is actually in the data store. And use LIMIT to look at parts of the data without overwhelming the system.
The following query gives the January average daily high (°C). Adding other climate items is as simple as copying the line beginning "OPTIONAL" and changing the item and variable name from janHighC to whatever you are trying to get.
PREFIX dbpedia-owl: <>
{ ?city rdf:type dbo:City .
?city rdf:type schema:City .
?city rdfs:label ?name
OPTIONAL {?city dbp:janHighC ?janHighC .}
I will note, however, that most cities don't have this information. I had to give up on getting the data this way.

Retrieving the wider dbpedia vocabulary for tagging pictures

I'm trying to develop a tool in JS for tagging pictures, so I need a set of possible "things" from dbpedia. I already tryed to retrieve this way:
select ?s ?l {
?s a owl:Class .
?s rdf:type ?l
FILTER regex(str(?s), "House", "i").
And also this way:
select ?label
?concept a skos:Concept.
?concept skos:prefLabel ?label.
FILTER regex(str(?label), "^House", "i").
In the first case, I just have "instances" of the house "thing", but not the "House" class itself. In the second one, I never retrieve the "house" and the similar thing is "houses". Any alternative for retrieving a better vocabulary based in dbpedia dataset?
If you don't bother to restrict yourself to owl:Thing or to skos:Concept, you can just get things that have a label that contains "house". Rather than using regex, I chose to use contains and lcase, since a string containment could be less expensive than invoking a full regular expression processor.
select ?thing ?label where {
?thing rdfs:label ?label .
filter contains(lcase(?label), "house")
SPARQL results (limited to 200)

How to query an RDF individual for its data properties?

I have an ontology where arc_cfp is an individual of class Arc. I would like to know how could I get all the data properties of the individual, given that I have the individual's URI?
Basically, I am doing this:
SELECT ?idRef ?name ?src ?dst ?perf
?x rdf:type .
?x graph:idRef_arc ?idRef .
?x graph:name_arc ?name .
?x graph:hasSource ?src .
?x graph:hasDestination ?dst .
?x graph:hasPerformatif ?perf .
I am pretty sure, using rdf:type is the problem. But, I have no idea what I need to use.
Assuming you want a purely exploratory query of the form "give me all the triples about a subject" it should look the following:
<> ?p ?o
This will give you all predicate object pairs associated with the constant URI you pass in. If you are interesting in incoming as well as outgoing properties you could do the following instead:
{ <> ?p ?o }
{ ?s ?p <> }
You can also use a DESCRIBE query to grab all the RDF data about a Resource.
PREFIX rdf: <> .
?x rdf:type .
P.S. Don't forget to put prefixes in your queries.

Returning properties from dbpedia Virtuoso

When I look at the HTML page: I can see a lot of properties that are not returned in the following simple query from the Virtuoso page (
prefix foaf: <>
?e foaf:name "Bill Nye"#en .
?e ?s ?p.
No results return when I try to access one of the properties I can see on this page- say foaf:depiction:
prefix foaf: <>
SELECT $depiction WHERE {
?s foaf:name "Bill Nye"#en.
?e foaf:depiction ?depiction
When I run them via the sparql endpoint at, after encoding
SELECT ?s ?p WHERE { ?e foaf:name "Bill Nye"#en.?e ?s ?p. }
I get
And a result of what looks like all the properties shown at I would love an explaniation of the difference, is it simply the Virtuoso interface or something more? I'm pretty fresh at this semantic web, so please be gentle.
Please note that you are sending the queries to two different Virtuoso installations: : is the international chapter for Portuguese language (PT stands for DBpedia Portuguese) : is the main SPARQL endpoint for DBpedia, containing data from multiple languages, but in an English-centric way.
You will also have different experiences with,,, etc.
I18n chapters do not load exactly the same data sets as the main DBpedia. Please see:
I believe the following query (ordered) will enable you to more easily identify the missing results --
prefix foaf: <>
?s foaf:name "Bill Nye"#en .
?s ?p ?o.
order by 2
here you can easily identify that all the missing results have predicates of the form -
is ********** of
Basically, these are just eye candy in the human viewable Html view - and represent additional relationships wherever the object of some other subject is
That is -
<something else> ?p <>