Subscription API data for multiple days? - jawbone

When a user does not sync with Jawbone App for a few days, and then finally syncs on next day, how is the Push data sent ? I tried this and it only sent me a single update in the pushed data.

When a user syncs multiple days worth of data at once, the data will appear in subsequent pubsub notifications. The data could arrive as:
A single pubsub notification with multiple events
Multiple pubsub notifications with a single event
Some combination of 1 and 2.
There's no way to determine ahead of time which of these scenarios you will get since it depends on numerous factors (e.g., how much data is synced, how it is processed out of Jawbone's queues, what data you've asked for notifications, etc.).
There's also no guarantee that your notifications/events will arrive in chronological order, so your application should be ready to handle any of these scenarios.
For more details, please refer to the pubsub documentation.


Multiple subscriptions to a topic

I have been using pubsub for a bit of asynchronous work, and was wondering why someone may create multiple subscriptions for a single topic. My default values are as follows:
project_id = 'project'
topic_name = 'app'
subscription_name = 'general'
The routing of the actual function -- and how to process that -- is being doing in the subscriber receiver itself.
What would be reasons why there would be various subscription names? The only thing I can think of is to spread items across multiple servers for processing, such as:
server1 -- `main-1`
server2 -- `main-2`
Are there any other reasons why a subscription name would not work well with one value?
In general, there are two paradigms for having multiple subscribers:
Load balancing: The goal is to parallelize the processing of the load by having multiple subscribers using the same subscription. In this scenario, every subscriber receives a subset of the messages. One can horizontally scale processing by creating more subscribers for the same subscription.
Fan out: The goal is to have multiple subscribers receive the entire feed of messages. This is accomplished by having multiple subscriptions. The reason to have fan out is if there are multiple downstream applications interested in the full feed of messages. Imagine there is a feed where the messages are user events on a shopping website. Perhaps one application backs up the data to files, another analyzes the feed for trends in what people are looking at, and another looks through activity to try to find potentially fraudulent transactions. In this scenario, every one of those applications acting as a subscriber needs the full feed of messages, which requires separate subscriptions.

Handling of pubsub subscribers for distributed longrunning tasks

I am evaluating the use of using pubsub for long-running tasks such as video transcoding, where a particular transcode may take between 2-10 minutes. Is pubsub a good approach for such a task distribution? For example, let's say I have five servers:
- publisher1
- publisher2
- publisher3
- publisher4
- publisher5
And a topic called "videos". Would it be possible to spread out the messages equally across those five servers? What about when servers are added or removed? What would be a good approach to doing this, or is pubsub not the right tool for something like this?
This does sound like a reasonable use case for pubsub. Specifically, if you use a pull subscriber, you can configure flow control settings to have at most one outstanding message to your server, and configure the max ack extension period (in java) to be a reasonable upper bound of your processing time. This api is described here
This should effectively load balance across your servers by default if you use the same subscriber id for all jobs. If a server is added and backlog exists, it will receive a new entry. If a server is removed, it will no longer be sent messages. If it removed while processing or crashes, the message it was working on will be resent to another server.
One concern however is that pubsub has a limit of 10MB per message. You might consider instead putting the data itself in a google cloud storage bucket. Cloud storage can publish the file location to a pubsub topic when an upload is complete.

What is the diff between data-sync and pub-sub in Deepstream

I am pretty new to deepstream, on its website, it described in core concepts section as:
data-sync Interactive JSON documents that can be edited and observed.
Changes are persisted and synced across clients.
publish-subscribe Many clients can subscribe to topics and receive
data whenever other clients publish it to the same topic
I wonder what is the diff between its data-sync and pub-sub in terms of their purpose, in anther way, what task can one do while the other can not?
PubSub is a way for clients and servers to send messages to each other. These messages can contain all sorts of data, but once the message is delivered its gone - there's no storage or statefulness. If you're familiar with EventEmitters in e.g. JavaScript you're already familiar with the pattern.
Data-Sync on the other hand is stateful, persistent data. Clients can request JSON documents called records, update them and subscribe to changes made by other records. Records can be arranged in lists and lists can be referenced by records, allowing for data-sync to become the realtime backbone for all the data that drives your app.

How to handle a single publisher clogging up my RabbitMQ's queue

In my last project, I am using MassTransit (2.10.1) with RabbitMQ.
On some scenarios, a producer is allowed to send a bulk of messages to the queue.
For example - the user set to a bulk notification to his list of contacts - the list could be as large as 100000 contacts on some cases. This will send a message per each contact to the queue (I need to keep track of each message). Now since - as I understand - messages are being processed in the order of entrance, that user is clogging up the queue for a large amount of time while another user, which may have done a simple thing such as send a test message to himself, waits for the processing to end.
I have considered separating queues for regular VS bulk operations but this still doesn't solve the problem for small bulks (user with dozens of contacts waiting for users with hundred thousands) and causes extra maintenance.
The ideal solution for me - I think - would involve manipulating the routing in such a way that the consumer will be handling x messages from the same user, move the X messages from the next user, than again, and than moving back to the beginning of the queue, until all messages are processed.
Is that possible? Is there a better solution?
Thanks in advance.
You will to have to write code to manage this yourself. RabbitMQ doesn't really have any built-in mechanism to handle a scenario like this, without your code getting involved.
If you want to process a few at a time from bulk, then back to normal, then back to bulk, you'll need 2 queues and code to manage which one is being pulled from, when.
Just my opinion, seeing as how there is no built in way to my knowledge...Have you considered using whatever storage you are using to store the notifications, then just publish one message, with a List of Notifications, store it in you DB, and then have a retrieve notifications for user consumer. the response would be one message, it may have a massive payload, but even if that gets bogged down, add a skip and take property to the message and force it to be between 0 and 50 (or whatever). In what scenario would you want to show a user 100,000 notifications at once?

"Archiving" publish/subscribe message in Redis

I am using Redis' publish/subscribe feature. So the server is publishing 10 items then the client gets those 10 items.
Now however, a new client subscribes to the feed. I would like them to get the previous 10 items as well as any new items.
Does Redis have a way of doing this using the publish and subscribe functionality? Is a feed history stored anywhere in the database? Is there an easy way of doing this? Is the best way to also store the messages in a list and have the client do an LRANGE my_list 0 10 on the list?
I'd keep a separate archive of the data and have events added to both. New clients can subscribe and queue the real time events, read the archive until it's up to date with the first published event, then catch up with the published events. That way you shouldn't miss any published events while switching between the archive and real time events.
Stumbled on this during some research. I know it is old but I wanted to add that with the Redis Streams data structure it is not overly complex to implement persistent messaging.
The publisher would publish messages to a Stream and a subscriber would just get the latest message if that is all it cared about. You can also create user groups to limit how many subscribers can get the message and then mark them as acknowledged to avoid duplicate processing. This is good when you want a message to be handled only once and need a way to confirm that.
I ended up creating a nodejs app for this sort of purpose. In my case, user data was published to the redis server which i wanted to store, I subscribed to the redis channel with a nodejs app and then saved the details to a database, ive played around with mysql and mongo so far, let me know if this is of any interest and ill paste some code, there are some similarities in trying to store a publish history...