Is there a React Development plugin for Opera? - opera

Is there a React Development plugin for Opera ? The Opera (DragonFly) and Chrome Development Tools seem nearly identical. There seems to be no plugin for Opera that supports React Development. Is there perhaps a way to use the Chrome plugion for React in Opera considering they are nearly identical?

From the react-devtools README on github:
It exists both as a browser extension (for Chrome and Firefox), and as a standalone app
(works with other environments including Safari, IE, and React Native).
Note that if you want to run it as an addon in Opera, you can run Chrome extensions in Opera. See:

You can install "Install chrome extensions" and then go to React Developer Tools page in chrome store and you'll see "Add to Opera" button


How to debug Nuxtjs on Safari

I am trying to debug client side javascript on Safari on Big Sur.
Seems Webstorm will only spawn Chrome for debug sessions.
The bug I have is only evident in Safari.
Any pointers?
there are some solutions on this question: Is there a vue-devtools extension for Safari?
Either build the Vue devtools or install an Electron app for those, didn't even knew those existed!

What is the difference between testing on Safari vs Webkit?

I'm looking at writing some E2E tests using Playwright. I can see that the library allows tests to be run against Chromium, Firefox and Webkit. My understanding is that Webkit is the underlying engine of Safari, and Chromium is the base of Chrome (and other browsers).
When it comes to testing against Webkit/Chromium, how close is it to testing against the user facing browsers which use the underlying engines? I'd imagine that there would be some quirks which the user can run in to whilst using Safari and it wouldn't be caught when running the tests on Webkit.
Stock browsers like Google Chrome, Apple Safari embed rendering engines (Chromium, WebKit) and add stuff on top of them. In particular, they add proprietary media codecs, inject browser extensions, etc. They also add surrounding interfaces such as bookmarks sync. But they reuse the underlying web platform implementation.
Chromium is the open source web platform implementation used by Google Chrome, Opera, Microsoft Edge and other browsers. It implements web specs, renders content, works with network, etc. Playwright uses a stock Chromium build that can be automated with the Playwright API for e2e testing.
For Google Chrome things are simple: Chromium is a safe target to test, modulo proprietary media codecs and DRM. You can point Playwright against stock Chrome Canary or Edge Canary to use proprietary media codecs.
WebKit is the open source web platform implementation used by Apple Safari and Epiphany. As of June 2020, Playwright provides a WebKit build that can be automated with the Playwright API for e2e testing. Playwright WebKit works across all platforms (macOS, Linux, Windows), in both headless and headful modes.
When WebKit runs on macOS, it is a safe target to test Safari. WebKit on Linux and Windows differs from Apple Safari in the following ways: it uses a non-macOS network stack, uses non-Core Animation to composite scene and produce image raster. This means that screenshots on Linux and Windows will not perfectly match screenshots from macOS. In terms of the web platform, the same WebKit code will layout the page and run JavaScript—it will match how WebKit works in Safari.
To conclude, we consider the browsers provided by Playwright to be the best of what you can get for e2e testing. Running WebKit on a Linux CI would use a different compositing pipeline than macOS, but it can be used for e2e testing of web applications in WebKit-powered browsers.
I've found there are some differences between webkit and Safari depending on which version of the two you're testing against.
I was testing Safari 16.0, and for my purposes Playwright 1v17 seemed to match very well. Upgrading to Safari 16.2 didn't seem to affect that.
But upgrading Playwright to 1v28 though seemed to change the behaviour around getting selection bounding boxes. It's seems more correct, but it's no longer consistent with Safari 16.2.
I'm assuming that WebKit is a bit ahead of Safari, and at some point Safari will catch up, and we'll see they are behaving the same again, but so far that's not happened. (Or maybe it has already, I'm a couple of versions behind at this point).
My solution has been to use both the latest version of Playwright for testing Chromium and Firefox, but use the older version for testing Safari. I am also testing webkit from Playwright 1v28 for interest right now, but I expect Safari will start showing that behaviour at some point.
(NB: Getting the bounding boxes of selections gets different results from each browser, so it's not too surprising that it's changing in WebKit right now. The change seems to be closer to Chrome's behaviour but still not the same).
In case it helps anyone, in my package.json devDependencies I have
"playwright1v17": "npm:playwright#~1.17.2",
"playwright1v28": "npm:playwright#~1.28.1",
and then in the test script I do
import { chromium, webkit, firefox } from 'playwright1v28';
import { webkit as safari16v1 } from 'playwright1v17';
That lets me test both versions of webkit and compare, as well as Chromium and Firefox.

Automate Opera Mini Tests via Appium/Selenium

I have researched how to test mobile web apps via Appium (to use the mobile sdk)
The achieve automation of opera browser tests, one can use selenium / appium with the opera chrome or presto drivers (imported libraries)
However there is no documentation with regards to running automation on opera mini applications.
Does anyone know if this is possible? Has anyone successfully used Apium to test Opera Mini?
Though it is not supported out of the box by Appium (CHROME, CHROMIUM, SAFARI are listed), you can use operachromiumdriver:
desired_caps['chromedriverExecutable'] = '/absolute/path/to/operadriver'
desired_caps['app'] = os.path.abspath('opera-browser.apk')
desired_caps['appPackage'] = 'com.opera.browser'
desired_caps['androidDeviceSocket'] = desired_caps['appPackage'] + '.devtools'
So I was able to use the opera driver to automate tests on the opera browser on android, however, it was unable to provide the functionality needed to automate testing on the opera mini browser on android.

Remote-debug in recent opera versions

Remote debugging was easily possible with Opera Dragonfly in much previous versions of Opera. But Dragonfly has been replaced with Chromium based developer tools in recent versions and the remote debugging tool can not be found there .
So what is the way to do the remote-debugging in Opera (i.e. version 30 ) while using Opera Mobile Classic Emulator in desktop ?
You don't need the Emulator.
Open the site in Opera and then the developer tools (such as "right klick" -> "inspect element").
the second button from the left: "toggle device mode"
chose a device and reload the page
you can work with all the dev tools on the emulated page!
If neccessary you can add custom devices in Settings -> Devices
Have fun!

Android build: Fennec with chromium rendering Engine

I built the chromium for android following these instructions .
I got the content shell only not the full browser.
Then, I built the Firefox for Android. I successfully got the Full web browser. But the performance of the chrome content shell was much much better than that of Firefox Android build. Now, I want to try building the Firefox Android using chromium rendering Engine, Blink replacing the Gecko rendering Engine. How much is the difficulty level and how can I start.
Chromium uses Blink (earlier Webkit) as its rendering, and V8 for Javascript interpretation along with various 3rd party dependencies. Even though Content shell is a small browser (sans complex UI of Chromium) it is functional and a wrapper over Blink. Having said that fitting Blink with Firefox (instead of Gecko) will be a new project by itself, probably you can try building Webview, so that you can build a simple browser itself in android.
Chromium - Open Source project
Chrome- Google's proprietary software + Chromium
In Android only Google Chrome can be installed as APK, wherease Chromium can be built as content shell or used through WebView!topic/chromium-dev/zMDKC2x9o5w