How to retrieve User or Admin Images??how to clear that CDA cache memory? - pentaho

I am new to pentaho CDE Design..
If ones user or Admin logged in to the pentaho dashboard.
If admin has logged in his image should be displayed.
Or user logged in to that his image should be displayed using Session ID
how to clear that CDA cache memory?

The first thing to do is to retrieve the context of the logged user :
Being in a component, you can do :
this.dashboard.context.user to get the userid
this.dashboard.context.roles to get the roles of the user : it is an array which will contain 'Administrator' if the user is an admin
Then, you can load and display the image you want.


Autofill Username and Password for multiple users in react native?

I'm creating a simple app in which I'm saving a session of a current user using a token. Once the user login and close the app next time user will go to the home page. But If the user logs out. Next time will go to the login page and now if the user enters the initial characters of the name. I want to automatically get his/her name and password and fill in the form like in browser and web apps
Any help?
If need more description. let me know in the comment section.

Deleting buddypress account without deleting user

I've recently started using Buddypress in conjunction with a plugin called memberpress on a site, and am running into a problem:
Basically, if you're logged in to the site, as the Admin for example, and you go to the buddypress profile page link, you're automatically set up with a buddypress membership/profile and listed in the member directory.
I don't want everyone who logs into the site to just automatically/accidentally become a buddypress member and to be listed in the directory.
So I need to A)know how to delete the buddypress membership when that occurs without deleting the user and their ability to log into the site and B)better yet, stop buddypress from automatically assigning membership without purposeful signup.
Any insight would be helpful, thanks!
Buddy press works not connection but using the user table for users profiles. It means if you delete user or buddy press profile both result same delete both.
It might possible
Case 1 hide buddy press profile from public by deregister profile for the user
Case 2 hide user from member directory only.

Sitecore 8 : Component locking issue

I was trying to do some deep dive into locking mechanisms in Sitecore 8 and found out something strange. I have created a role "CA" that has access to both Content Editor and Exp Editor. Then I created two users: user1 and user2.
Now, I created a page "gridtest" as a test page which has a grid component. I logged in as user1 into content editor and locked the grid component in the gridtest page. Then i logged in as user2 into experience editor and locked the page "gridtest". As a result, user2 was able to add/delete component from the grid which was locked by user1.
Also, I logged in as user1 into content editor to see if the grid component was still locked and yes, it was locked by user1. How am i getting this behavior ?
Is this sitecore's behavior that is holds page level lock superior to component lock ?
All help/suggestions appreciated.
Sitecore does not allow you to lock a component. The only thing you can lock is an item.
What does it mean that you locked an item? It means that other users can not edit this particular item (except from the admin users).
In your scenario, you locked a datasource item of a component as User1 and you locked a page which has that component as User2. Now when you try to add/remove another component from that grid component as User2, you're not changing the datasource item, you're changing the page item. That's why User2 can do this.
User2 in this scenario will not be able to edit fields of the datasource item (cause it's locked by User1).
User1 in this scenario will not be able to change the page with the component (cause it's locked by User2).

Authenticated Connector using with extra screen not working

I am trying to create an authenticated login to a website using but before I get to the username and password screen I have to enter an ID number in another screen. I have recorded all the actions, but when I stop recording I get "You did not enter just a username and password" and wont let me go any further.
If I enter the ID number and navigate to the username and password screen THEN start recording, rather unhelpfully reloads the page, which takes me back to the ID number screen.
How do I get to accept the ID, username and password as logon credentials OR how do I stop from reloading the page when I hit record?

Login Control in ASP.NET 4

I'm using Login Control form in ASP.NET and after successful login would like to track the username to give welcome greeting and so on. Also, if any user tried to directly go to a random page without passing the authentication, then I would like to raise an error page. I tried various methods with Membership Control to retrieve the username but I'am getting errors. Can someone point me to the right direction?
There are two controls for this task. LoginName gives you the current logged in user name and the other is LoginStatus which gives you the current status whether user is logged in successfully or not.
if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated == false)