the transaction log for database 'tempdb' is full due to 'ACTIVE_TRANSACTION - sql

I'm running same query in two different windows of the same server.
the only difference is : the query that is throwing above error has got 'index' on the temporary tables.
The query w/o index on temporary tables is working fine. Please explain how could index be a reason for this error?

This depends from your query. SQL-Server has to maintain indexes during data changes. This can drives you in different time-waith events.
Try this: check on your two different SQL Server instances what's heppening exactly to your running session during query executon.
You can do this monitoring wait events creating a monitor sessions for a single SPID.
This is my complete procedure to this:


sql temp table join between servers

So I have a summary i need to return to the end user application.
It should accept 3 parameters DateType, StartDate, EndDate.
Date Type will determine the date field I use to filter the data.
The way i accomplished this was putting all the IDs of the records for a datetype into a TEMP table and then joining my summary to the list of IDs.
This worked fine when running on the query on the SQL server that houses the data.
However, that is a replicated server, so when I compiled to a stored proc that would be on the server with the rest of the application data, it slowed the query down. IE 2 seconds vs 50 seconds.
I think the cross join from the temp table that is created on the SQL server then joining to the tables on the replciation server, is causing the slow down.
Are there any methods or techniques that I can use to get around this and build this all in one stored procedure?
If I create 3 stored procedures with their own date range, then they are fast again. However, this means maintaining multiple stored procs for the same thing.
First off, if you are running a version of SQL Server older than 2012 SP1, one problem is that users who aren't allowed to run DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS (which is most users who aren't sysadmins, see the "Permissions" section in the documentation) don't get access to statistics on remote tables. This can severely cripple the optimizer's ability to generate a good execution plan. Upgrading SQL Server or granting more permissions can help there.
If your query involves filtering or joining on a character column, make sure the remote server is flagged in the linked server options as "collation compatible". If this option is off, SQL Server can't assume strings can be compared across the servers and it will start pumping entire tables up and down just to make sure the data ends up where the comparison has to be made.
If the execution plan is as good as it gets and it's still not good enough, one general (lame) technique is to transfer all data locally first (SELECT * INTO #localtable FROM remote.db.schema.table), then run the query as a non-distributed query. Obviously, in order for this to work, the remote table cannot be "too big" and in some cases this actually has worse performance, depending on how many rows are involved. But it's always worth considering, because the optimizer does a better job with local tables.
Another approach that avoids pulling tables together across servers is packing up data in parameters to remote stored procedure calls. Entire tables can be passed as XML through an NVARCHAR(MAX), since neither XML columns nor table-valued parameters are supported in distributed queries. The basic idea is the same: avoid the need for the the optimizer to figure out an efficient distributed query. The best approach greatly depends on your data and your query, obviously.

Talend's tOracleInput does not read data

My colleague created a project in Talend to read data from Oracle database.
I used his project and so I have his Job context with connection parameters to Oracle DB and Talend successfully connects on that computer.
I've created a trivial job which is composed of two components: tOracleInput which should be reading data and tLogRow which should be redirecting output to Talend's terminal.
The problem is that when I start the job - data is not outputted to terminal and instead of row amount outputted per second I see Starting ... status.
Would it be connection issues, inappropriate java version on my computer or something else?
Starting... status means that the query is being executed. Usually it takes a few seconds to execute a simple query against the database. This is because of the Oracle database behavior that it starts to return the data without completing a full table scan. To use this feature you can use joins and filters, but not group by / order by.
On the other hand if you're using a view or executing a complex query, or just simply use DISTINCT it could happen that the query execution takes a few minutes. This is because the oracle database generates the ResultSet on the database side before returning the records.

Find what application is connected with what login to what database what table and what columns

Is there a Script which finds the current activity
from application->login->Database->Table->Column level ?
I have used
SP_who2, sp_who2'Active',Sysprocesses
Activity Monitor
Extended Events
and coludnt get column level data connections, i was able to get the sql statements, table name, database,instance, application, login name ...but I couldn't get Column Names
the reason I am trying to find to track all usage and re architect the Database..
any help is appreciated
SP_who2 and sp_who are the ones I have even used to get the required information. You can as well check against sys.sysprocesses to know about processes that are running on an instance of SQL Server.
If you want the columns involved in the queries then consider using SQL Server Tracing probably.

Local vs Global temp tables - When to use what?

I have a report which on execution connects to the database with my_report_user username. There can be many end-users of the report. And in each execution a new connection to the database will be made with my_report_user (there is no connection pooling)
I have a result set which I think can just be created once (may be on the first run of the report) and other report executions can just reuse that stuff. Basically each report execution should check whether this result set (stored as temp table) exists or not. If it does not exist then create that result set else just reuse whats available.
Should I use local temp tables (#) or global temp tables (##)?
Has anyone tried such stuff and if yes, please let me know what all things should I care about? (Almost simultaneous report runs, etc.)
EDIT: I am using Sql-Server 2005
If you want to cache result result sets under your own control, then you cannot use temp tables, of any kind. You should use ordinary user tables, stored either in tempdb or even have your own result set cache database.
Temp tables, bot #local and ##shared have a lifetime controlled by the connection(s). If your application disconnect, the temp table is deleted, and this does not work well with what you describe.
The real difficult prolem will be to populate these cached result sets under concurent runs without mixing things up (end up with result sets containing duplicate items from concurent report runs that both believed are the 'first' run).
As a side note SQL Server Reporting Services already does this out-of-the-box. You can cache and share datasets, you can cache and share reports, it already works and was tested for you.
I find #temp tables can be useful in certain scenarios, but not as a best practice. I have yet to find a valid use for global ##temp tables, either in my own work, or in the work of anyone else who has written about them. The only case I can think of is BCP or other external process which needs to build a temporary data store and then retrieve it in some subsequent step. In that case I would prefer to use a permanent table with some kind of key and a background process to handle cleanup.
It sounds like you are getting into an OLTP mode now. Reading up on database warehousing will definitely help you.

What is your FIRST SQL command to run to troubleshoot SQL Server performance?

When the SQL Server (2000/2005/2008) is running sluggish, what is the first command that you run to see where the problem is?
The purpose of this question is that, when all answers are compiled, other users can benefit by running your command of choice to segregate where the problem might be.
There are other troubleshooting posts regarding SQL Server performance but they can be useful only for specific cases.
If you roll out and run your own custom SQL script,
then would you let others know what
the purpose of the script is
it returns (return value)
to do to figure out where problem is
If you could provide source for the script, please post it.
In my case,
I run to figure out if there are any locks (purpose) to return SQL server lock information. Since result set displays object IDs (thus not so human readable), I would usually skim through result to see if there are abnormally many locks.
Feel free to update tags
Why run a single query when a picture is worth a thousand words!
I prefer to run the freely avaialable Performance Dashboard Reports.
They provide a complete snapshot overview of your servers performance in seconds. You can then choose the a specific area to investigate (locking, currently running queries, wait requests etc.) simply by clicking the apporpriate area on the Dashboard.
One slight caveat, I beleive these are only available in SQL 2005 and above.
I want to see "who", what machines/users are running what queries, length of time, etc. I can also easily scan for blocks.
If something is blocking a bunch of other transactions I can use the spid to issue a kill command if necessary.
sp_who_3 - Provides a lot of information available elsewhere but in one nice output. Also has several parameters to allow customized output.
A custom query which combines what you would expect in sp_who with DBCC INPUTBUFFER(spid) to get the last query text on each spid ordered by the blocked/blocking graph.
Process data is avaliable via master..sysprocesses.
sp_who3 returns standand sp_who2 output, until you specify a specific spid, then gives 6 different recordsets about that spid including locks, blocks, what it's currently doing, the T/SQL it's running, and the statement within the T/SQL that is currently running.
Ian Stirk has a great script I like to use as detailed in this article:
In particular, I like the missing indexes one:
DatabaseName = DB_NAME(database_id)
,[Number Indexes Missing] = count(*)
FROM sys.dm_db_missing_index_details
GROUP BY DB_NAME(database_id)
DBCC OPENTRAN to see what the oldest active transaction is
Displays information about the oldest
active transaction and the oldest
distributed and nondistributed
replicated transactions, if any,
within the specified database. Results
are displayed only if there is an
active transaction or if the database
contains replication information. An
informational message is displayed if
there are no active transactions.
followed by sp_who2
I use queries like those:
Number of open/active connections in ms sql server 2005