Replace character in one column of CSV file with awk gsub - awk

I want to use awk to translate a CSV file into a new CSV file that has only a subset of the original columns. And I also want to replace spaces with underscores for one of the columns only. I've tried like this:
gawk -F "," '
name=gsub(/ /,"_",$1);
print ","name","label","
}' ./in.csv >> ./out.csv
But gsub() returns the number of match occurences, not the replacement string. So I get something like this:
instead of:
How do I use awk gsub like this to replace a character for one column only?

as gsub returns the number of substitutions, not a string. Just
and print the field you fiddled with, ie:
gsub(/ /,"_",$1);
print "," $1 "," label "," # or whatever you were doing

To modify "name", change:
name=gsub(/ /,"_",$1)
to (gawk and newer mawk only):
name=gensub(/ /,"_","g",$1)
or (any awk):
gsub(/ /,"_",name)
You should also be setting OFS instead of hard-coding commas, especially if you're modifying fields, so your script should be written as:
awk '
BEGIN { FS=OFS="," }
gsub(/ /,"_",name)
print "", name, label, ""
}' ./in.csv
assuming there's some reason for using variables instead of modifying the fields directly.

gawk -F "," '
gsub(/ /,"_",$1);
# print only: ,NameValue,LabelValue, as output
# so 4 field with first and last empty as in OP
print "," $1 "," $2 ","
}' ./in.csv >> ./out.csv
in this case a sed is also available
sed -e ':under' -e 's/^\([^[ ,]*\) /\1_/;t under' -e 's/^\([^,]*,[^,]*,\).*/,\1/' ./in.csv >> ./out.csv


how to use "," as field delimiter [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Escaping separator within double quotes, in awk
(3 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
i have a file like this:
so only use comma a field delimiter will get wrong result, so i want to use "," as field delimiter, i tried like this:
awk -F "," '{print $0}' file
or like this:
awk -F "","" '{print $0}' file
or like this:
awk -F '","' '{print $0}' file
but the result is incorrect, don't know how to include "" as part of the field delimiter itself,
If you can handle GNU awk, you could use FPAT:
$ echo '"1","ab,c","def"' | # echo outputs with double quotes
gawk ' # use GNU awk
FPAT="([^,]*)|(\"[^\"]+\")" # because FPAT
for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) # loop all fields
gsub(/^"|"$/,"",$i) # remove leading and trailing double quotes
print $2 # output for example the second field
FPAT cannot handle RS inside the quotes.
What you are attempting seems misdirected anyway. How about this instead?
awk '/^".*"$/{ sub(/^\"/, ""); sub(/\"$/, ""); gsub(/\",\", ",") }1'
The proper solution to handling CSV files with quoting in them is to use a language which has an actual CSV parser. My thoughts go to Python, which includes a csv module in its standard library.
{print $0}
does print whole line, if no change were made original line is printed, no matter what field separator you set you will get original lines if only action is print $0. Use $1=$1 to trigger string rebuild.
If you must do it via FS AT ANY PRICE, then you might do it as follows: let file.txt content be
BEGIN{FS="\x22,?\x22?"}{$1=$1;print $0}
1 ab,c def
Note leading space (ab,c is $3). Explanation: I inform GNU AWK that field separator is literal " (\x22, " is 22(hex) in ASCII) followed by zero or one (?) , followed by zero or one (?) literal " (\x22). $1=$1 trigger line rebuilt as mentioned earlier. Disclaimer: this solution assume that you never have escaped " inside your string,
(tested in gawk 4.2.1)

Can I delete a field in awk?

This is test.txt:
If I run
awk -F, 'BEGIN{OFS=","}{$2="";print $0}' test.txt
the result is:
The $2 wasn't deleted, it just became empty.
I hope, when printing $0, that the result is:
All the existing solutions are good though this is actually a tailor made job for cut:
cut -d, -f 1,3- file
If you want to remove 3rd field then use:
cut -d, -f 1,2,4- file
To remove 4th field use:
cut -d, -f 1-3,5- file
I believe simplest would be to use sub function to replace first occurrence of continuous ,,(which are getting created after you made 2nd field NULL) with single ,. But this assumes that you don't have any commas in between field values.
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","}{$2="";sub(/,,/,",");print $0}' Input_file
2nd solution: OR you could use match function to catch regex from first comma to next comma's occurrence and get before and after line of matched string.
awk '
print substr($0,1,RSTART-1)","substr($0,RSTART+RLENGTH)
}' Input_file
It's a bit heavy-handed, but this moves each field after field 2 down a place, and then changes NF so the unwanted field is not present:
$ awk -F, -v OFS=, '{ for (i = 2; i < NF; i++) $i = $(i+1); NF--; print }' test.txt
Tested with both GNU Awk 4.1.3 and BSD Awk ("awk version 20070501" on macOS Mojave 10.14.6 — don't ask; it frustrates me too, but sometimes employers are not very good at forward thinking). Setting NF may or may not work on older versions of Awk — I was a little surprised it did work, but the surprise was a pleasant one, for a change.
If Awk is not an absolute requirement, and the input is indeed as trivial as in your example, sed might be a simpler solution.
sed 's/,[^,]*//' test.txt
This is especially elegant if you want to remove the second field. A more generic approach to remove, the nth field would require you to put in a regex which matches the first n - 1 followed by the nth, then replace that with just the the first n - 1.
So for n = 4 you'd have
sed 's/\([^,]*,[^,]*,[^,]*,\)[^,]*,/\1/' test.txt
or more generally, if your sed dialect understands braces for specifying repetitions
sed 's/\(\([^,]*,\)\{3\}\)[^,]*,/\1/' test.txt
Some sed dialects allow you to lose all those pesky backslashes with an option like -r or -E but again, this is not universally supported or portable.
In case it's not obvious, [^,] matches a single character which is not (newline or) comma; and \1 recalls the text from first parenthesized match (back reference; \2 recalls the second, etc).
Also, this is completely unsuitable for escaped or quoted fields (though I'm not saying it can't be done). Every comma acts as a field separator, no matter what.
With GNU sed you can add a number modifier to substitute nth match of non-comma characters followed by comma:
sed -E 's/[^,]*,//2' file
Using awk in a regex-free way, with the option to choose which line will be deleted:
awk '{ col = 2; n = split($0,arr,","); line = ""; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) line = line ( i == col ? "" : ( line == "" ? "" : "," ) arr[i] ); print line }' test.txt
Step by step:
col = 2 # defines which column will be deleted
n = split($0,arr,",") # each line is split into an array
# n is the number of elements in the array
line = "" # this will be the new line
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) # roaming through all elements in the array
line = line ( i == col ? "" : ( line == "" ? "" : "," ) arr[i] )
# appends a comma (except if line is still empty)
# and the current array element to the line (except when on the selected column)
print line # prints line
Another solution:
You can just pipe the output to another sed and squeeze the delimiters.
$ awk -F, 'BEGIN{OFS=","}{$2=""}1 ' edward.txt | sed 's/,,/,/g'
Commenting on the first solution of #RavinderSingh13 using sub() function:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","}{$2="";sub(/,,/,",");print $0}' Input_file
The gnu-awk manual:
It is important to note that making an assignment to an existing field changes the value of $0 but does not change the value of NF, even when you assign the empty string to a field." (4.4 Changing the Contents of a Field)
So, following the first solution of RavinderSingh13 but without using, in this case,sub() "The field is still there; it just has an empty value, delimited by the two colons":
awk 'BEGIN {FS=OFS=","} {$2="";print $0}' file
My solution:
awk -F, '
regex = "^"$1","$2
sub(regex, $1, $0);
print $0;
or one line code:
awk -F, '{regex="^"$1","$2;sub(regex, $1, $0);print $0;}' test.txt
I found that OFS="," was not necessary
I would do it following way, let file.txt content be:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=",";OFS=""}{for(i=2;i<=NF;i+=1){$i="," $i};$2="";print}' file.txt
Explanation: I set OFS to nothing (empty string), then for 2nd and following column I add , at start. Finally I set what is now comma and value to nothing. Keep in mind this solution would need rework if you wish to remove 1st column.

Remove bad characters to file name while spliting with awk

I have a large file that I split with awk, using the last column as the name for the new files, but one of the columns include a "/", which gives can't open error.
I have tried make a function to transform the name for the file but awk don't use it when I run it, maybe a error from part:
tried_func() {
echo $1 | tr "/" "_"
awk -F ',' 'NR>1 {fname="a_map/" tried_func $NF".csv"; print >> fname;
close(fname)}' large_file.csv
A, row, I don't, need
plenty, with, columns, good_name
alot, off, them, another_good_name
more, more, more, bad/name
expected res:
list of file i a_map:
actual res:
awk: can't open file a_map/bad/name.csv
Don't need to be a function, if I can just skip the "/" in awk that is fab too.
Awk is not part of the shell, it's an independent programming language, so you can't call shell functions that way. Instead, just do the whole thing within awk:
$ awk -F ',' '
NR>1 {
gsub(/\//,"_",$NF) # replace /s with _s
fname="a_map/" $NF ".csv"
print >> fname
}' file

How to use variable including special symbol in awk?

For my case, if a certain pattern is found as the second field of one line in a file, then I need print the first two fields. And it should be able to handle case with special symbol like backslash.
My solution is first using sed to replace \ with \\, then pass the new variable to awk, then awk will parse \\ as \ then match the field 2.
escaped_str=$( echo "$pattern" | sed 's/\\/\\\\/g')
input | awk -v awk_escaped_str="$escaped_str" '$2==awk_escaped_str { $0=$1 " " $2 " "}; { print } '
While this seems too complicated, and cannot handle various case.
Is there a better way which is more simpler and could cover all other special symbol?
The way to pass a shell variable to awk without backslashes being interpreted is to pass it in the arg list instead of populating an awk variable outside of the script:
$ shellvar='a\tb'
$ awk -v awkvar="$shellvar" 'BEGIN{ printf "<%s>\n",awkvar }'
<a b>
$ awk 'BEGIN{ awkvar=ARGV[1]; ARGV[1]=""; printf "<%s>\n",awkvar }' "$shellvar"
and then you can search a file for it as a string using index() or ==:
$ cat file
a b
$ awk 'BEGIN{ awkvar=ARGV[1]; ARGV[1]="" } index($0,awkvar)' "$shellvar" file
$ awk 'BEGIN{ awkvar=ARGV[1]; ARGV[1]="" } $0 == awkvar' "$shellvar" file
You need to set ARGV[1]="" after populating the awk variable to avoid the shell variable value also being treated as a file name. Unlike any other way of passing in a variable, ALL characters used in a variable this way are treated literally with no "special" meaning.
There are three variations you can try without needing to escape your pattern:
This one tests literal strings. No regex instance is interpreted:
$2 == expr
This one tests if a literal string is a subset:
index($2, expr)
This one tests regex pattern:
$2 ~ pattern

what does the field separator in awk do here?

In this context, how does the specified field separator work?
awk -F\' '{print "conn kill "$2"\nrepair mailbox "$2" repair=1"}'
-F\' is using the single quote ' as the field separator.
Also the ' is being escaped by preceding it with a \ so that awk does not think of the ' as the beginning of the action part.
Alternatively you can enclose the ' in double quotes:
$ echo "foo'bar'baz" | awk -F\' '{print $1}'
$ echo "foo'bar'baz" | awk -F"'" '{print $1}'
AWK processes a file line by line. And each line is separated into fields, that you can then access with the dollar variables $1...$9 ($0 is the whole line, IIRC). By default, the line is split into fields by using separating on whitespace, but you can specify on which character to split by using the -F command line option or the FS variable.
So in your case, the field separator is set to a single quote ('). An input line like foo'bar'baz will thus set $1 == "foo", $2 == "bar" and $3 == "baz".