I have different questions and I don't know who to ask so I'm here. I have a Google Developer account and in the developer console I can see the part for the game service. My question is free to use them (such as same scores and other service ) or I have to pay google for use them?
Yes! there is no additional charge to use once you have your Play account. The overview of Game Services is here: https://developers.google.com/games/services/
The only caveat to being "no additional charge" is that there is a quota limit for free access, details: https://developers.google.com/games/services/quota
I'm using Google's Workspace Migrate tool to move Gmail data for users from one Workspace domain to another. After about 10 minutes, Gmail message migrations stop with an error saying "Quota exceeded for quota metric 'Queries' and limit 'Queries per minute per user" of service "gmail.googleapis.com' for [Google Cloud project number]."
I don't see in Google Cloud that I'm actually hitting any limits. I don't have the ability to throttle API requests as I'm using a tool provided by Google. Do "free" Google Cloud projects have different limits than "paid" projects?
I'm expecting Google's tool to work as advertised. I have a case open with their support, but I'm not getting anywhere fast when it comes to a solution.
Hello 👋 Not sure if you already got an answer to this, but I recommend checking the Quotas page on GCP to see your current usage. You can access that here. Search for the "Queries per minute per user" metric for the Gmail API and look at your "Seven-day peak usage percentage". A note, though, since your question was posted more than seven days ago, you might need to rerun a migration to see your current usage.
Regarding your question about the limit for "free projects", I can't really help there. I can tell you that on our project (which has a billing account attached), we have the limit set to 15,000.
You can always ask Google to increase your quota if you're not getting enough for your use case.
I might have overlooked this, but I'd like to implement Google Talk and Google Hangout on my site and I'm looking for some kind of (official, preferably PHP) API call that retrieves the online/offline contacts of a Google+ user. (similar to the list of online contacts next to Gmail)
Is this API functionality available and is it possible to provide the user with the option to select contact(s) to start a Google Hangout with?
To start, you're likely going to need to leverage a few different APIs. Since I cannot add a comment to ask questions, here's a recommended reading list based on my recent work with the Plus & Hangouts APIs:
Google Plus - https://developers.google.com/+/api/latest/people/list - Collect a list of people in your circles. This will not tell you who's online or offline. May be optional (see #2). Unfortunately, this call is not available yet in the PHP Client Library, so I created one for my personal project and am waiting on some vetting to submit it back to the Google project. If you're interested, I'd be happy to share.
Google Talk - https://developers.google.com/talk/ - Use that query the Talk service to see who's online and/or offline.
Starting a Hangout - Seems this discussion # the developer group is similar to your question and can best point you in a good starting direction. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/google-plus-developers/r_f7iweZ7c8
Hope that helps & curious to hear how it goes!
I have developed one app in which i have used the Google Place API. This is what places doc says about limitation.
The Google Places API has the following query limits:
Users with an API key are allowed 1 000 requests per 24 hour period.
Users who have also verified their identity through the APIs console are allowed 100 000 requests per 24 hour period. A credit card is required for verification, by enabling billing in the console. Your card will not be charged for use of the Places API.
So my question is that if i enable billing for Place API then its free? Is it really true?
Yes, you will have what they are saying. I have done that, so I can confirm... If you put your credit card info, you are letting them know that you are a verified user, and that therefore you won't misuse their services.
And for the second question, we are talking about Google here. It is really true, you won't be charged, they can make money from other sources :)
Actually, if you need more than the "verified" option, it seems you can contact them as stated by Thor Mitchell (Product Manager #Google) in this topic at Quora: Pros and Cons of Places API
"The limits on use (after identity verification) is 100,000 requests
per day, and we're happy to talk to developers who need more about
their requirements."
As of today, the limit is 150,000 free requests per day, but the documentation is hard to make sense of in terms of how they bill overage.
Latest update March 2019:
"For an overview of pricing for the Google Maps Platform products, please see the Pricing Sheet.
To learn more about how Google Maps Platform APIs are billed, please see Understanding billing for Maps, Routes, and Places."
This question is for anyone that used Google Analytic API on a commercial website.
For instance you have a website where members can upload music and pay for a membership to track via Analytics how many people visited their uploads.
Does Google allow to use the Analytics API for commercial use?
The Analytics API may be used for both commercial and noncommercial purposes in ways consistent with these API Terms.
Please refer to the lengthy Terms of Service :)
EDIT: As #yc pointed out, this is a question toward the the API (thanks btw).
While I don't think my original answer is totally correct, I think it is worth mentioning the "Privacy" paragraph in the "Regular" Analytics TOS:
PRIVACY . You will not (and will not allow any third party to) use the
Service to track or collect personally
identifiable information of Internet
users, nor will You (or will You allow
any third party to) associate any data
gathered from Your website(s) (or such
third parties' website(s)) with any
personally identifying information
from any source as part of Your use
(or such third parties' use) of the
Service. You will have and abide by an
appropriate privacy policy and will
comply with all applicable laws
relating to the collection of
information from visitors to Your
websites. You must post a privacy
policy and that policy must provide
notice of your use of a cookie that
collects anonymous traffic data.
I am by no means a lawyer, but just want to point out that you need to be careful about what data you collect. Especially when using Event Tracking and Custom Variables.
From the API page:
What does the Google Analytics Data
Export API cost?
The Google Analytics
Data Export API is free. We intend to
always provide a basic level of
service for free. As we continue to
build out more advanced features and
functionality, we may revisit this
I want to build a service which needs to get this data from some source for further analysis. Does Google, Yahoo or someone else provides free access to this data for use in other websites using some API. I think Twitter does something like this for their data although they enforce some limits on this. The data I need is mostly for US and Canada.
You can find a bunch of free web services here: http://www.webservicex.net/
If you can stand the ads, you can also check here: http://www.webservicelist.com/