How to Add the value from combobox -

Is there any other way to sum all the items on the combo box
I'm trying to sum all the value on the combo box
this is my code:
For a As Integer = 0 To ComboBox1.Items.Count - 1
Dim b As Integer
b = ComboBox1.Items(a)
MetroLabel12.Text = ComboBox1.Items.Count(0) + b
Next b

The following code will take the string value of each item and try to convert it to integer. If successful, it will add the result to result.
Dim result as Integer = 0
Dim num as Integer = 0
For Each s As String In ComboBox1.Items
num = 0
If Integer.TryParse(s, num) Then
result = result + num;
End If
Next s


Count lines not 0 found Textboxes

I want to calculate the amount in a multiline Textbox where the value 0 is not found.
If TxtListScanValue.Text = ("2") Then
TxtDrawR2.Text &= Environment.NewLine & lastDraw2
Dim ListScan = TxtNumberListScan.Lines.ToList.Select(Function(o, i) New With {.scan = o, .Index = i})
Dim DrawR2 = TxtDrawR2.Lines.ToList.Select(Function(o, i) New With {.draw = o, .Index = i})
Dim list2 = From a In ListScan From b In DrawR2 Where a.Index = b.Index Select LstScan = a.scan, DrwR2 = ("00" & b.draw).Substring(("00" & b.draw).Length - 2) Order By DrwR2 Descending
TxtListScanTxt.Text = String.Join(vbCrLf, list2)
End If
If TxtdrawR5 =
In output I want to display: 5 because:
I want to calculate the count lines where the value 0 is not found. Count lines no have 0 value :D (2+4+1+3+5 = 5) (5 lines no have 0 value).
You create function like this:
'For Counting
Private Function CountNonZero(ByVal TheCtrl As TextBox) As Integer
Dim myCnt As Integer = 0
For Each Content In TheCtrl.Lines
Dim ContentVal As Integer = 0
Integer.TryParse(Content, ContentVal)
If ContentVal <> 0 Then myCnt += 1
Return myCnt
End Function
'For Counting
Private Function SummingNonZero(ByVal TheCtrl As TextBox) As Integer
Dim mySum As Integer = 0
For Each Content In TheCtrl.Lines
Dim ContentVal As Integer = 0
Integer.TryParse(Content, ContentVal)
If ContentVal <> 0 Then mySum += ContentVal
Return mySum
End Function
And you can count or sum now:
dim TxtdrawR5Count as integer = CountNonZero(TxtdrawR5)
dim TxtdrawR5Sum as integer = SummingNonZero(TxtdrawR5) array.sort() parameters why 1 short?

I'm sorting an array using code like this:
Array.Sort(arr, 0, intEndingPosition, New myIComparer)
I want the sorting to start with index 0 and end with index intEndingPosition. However, the last element arr(intEndingPosition) was left out and did not get sorted. Why?
intEndingPosition is calculated beforehand like this:
Dim StringOfConcern As String
Dim OneChar(65534), FrqOne(65534) As String
Dim CntNewOnes, CntRptOnes As Integer
Dim c As Char
Dim i, j As Integer
Dim isNew As Boolean
StringOfConcern = TextBox1.Text
OneChar(0) = CStr(StringOfConcern(0))
FrqOne(0) = 1
i = 0
j = 0
For Each c In StringOfConcern.Substring(1)
isNew = True
For j = 0 To i Step 1
If CStr(c) = OneChar(j) Then
isNew = False
FrqOne(j) += 1
Exit For
End If
Next j
If isNew = True Then
i += 1
OneChar(i) = CStr(c)
FrqOne(i) = 1
End If
Next c
CntNewOnes = i + 1
CntRptOnes = 0
For i = 0 To CntNewOnes - 1 Step 1
If FrqOne(i) > 1 Then CntRptOnes += 1
Next i
The sorting follows here. The code in my original question is only illustrative. The actual sorting is:
Array.Sort(FrqOne, OneChar, 0, CntNewOnes - 1)
Array.Reverse(FrqOne, 0, CntNewOnes - 1)
Array.Reverse(OneChar, 0, CntNewOnes - 1)
Note the method declaration for Array.Sort
Public Shared Sub Sort (
array As Array,
index As Integer,
length As Integer,
comparer As IComparer
The third parameter is the number of elements in the range to sort (length) not the end index as you suggest.
So let's assume for a minute that your intEndingPosition is 4. This means you're expecting to sort 5 elements i.e. elements at indices 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. However, the number 4 is the length and not the end index thus you're only sorting elements at indices 0, 1, 2, 3.
This explains why you're observing that the elements being sorted is one shorter than you expected.
Put it simply the third parameter should specify the length of elements to sort and not the end index.
Another Example:
Consider the Substring method of the String class:
Public Function Substring (
startIndex As Integer,
length As Integer
) As String
Then assume we have this piece of code:
Dim temp As String = "testing"
Dim result As String = temp.Substring(0, 4)
result is now a string containing 4 characters as 4 in the Substring call indicates the length that should be retrieved as opposed to the end index.
Had 4 been the end index then you'd expect result to contain 5 characters.

Updating A DataGridView Cell Incrementally

I'm currently having a slight issue duplicating a row and incrementing the sequence number.
So based on a button click, this is how I'm duplicating row 0, duplicated only one time per click.
Dim dr As DataRow
For n As Integer = 0 To 0 ' how many dupes you want
dr = tbl.NewRow
For c As Integer = 0 To tbl.Columns.Count - 1 ' copy data from 0 to NewRow
dr.Item(c) = tbl.Rows(0).Item(c)
tbl.Rows.Add(dr) ' add NewRow to datatable
Next n
Here's how I'm creating the sequence number, pads with leading zeros, which seems to increment, but only after I click the duplicate button, so essentially the last row added, it the duplicated row 0, but doesn't represent the new sequence number needed.
i += 1
Dim value As Integer = i
Dim r As Integer
Dim decimalLength1 As Integer = value.ToString("D").Length + 7
Dim decimalLength2 As Integer = value.ToString("D").Length + 6
Dim decimalLength3 As Integer = value.ToString("D").Length + 5
Dim decimalLength4 As Integer = value.ToString("D").Length + 4
If i >= 0 And i <= 9 Then
DataGridView1.CurrentCell = DataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells("sequence")
DataGridView1.Item(73, r).Value = value.ToString("D" + decimalLength1.ToString())
'Debug.Print(value.ToString("D" + decimalLength1.ToString()))
ElseIf i >= 10 And i <= 99 Then
'10 TO 99 FORMAT
DataGridView1.CurrentCell = DataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells("sequence")
DataGridView1.Item(73, r).Value = value.ToString("D" + decimalLength2.ToString())
'Debug.Print(value.ToString("D" + decimalLength1.ToString()))
ElseIf i >= 100 And i <= 999 Then
'100 TO 999 FORMAT
DataGridView1.CurrentCell = DataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells("sequence")
DataGridView1.Item(73, r).Value = value.ToString("D" + decimalLength3.ToString())
'Debug.Print(value.ToString("D" + decimalLength1.ToString()))
ElseIf i >= 1000 And i <= 9999 Then
'1000 TO 9999 FORMAT
DataGridView1.CurrentCell = DataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells("sequence")
DataGridView1.Item(73, r).Value = value.ToString("D" + decimalLength4.ToString())
'Debug.Print(value.ToString("D" + decimalLength1.ToString()))
End If
Row 0 will always have a sequence number of 1, so in theory I need to start incrementing at 2.
Suggestions? Is there a better/cleaner way of doing this?
Dim startSeq As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(tbl.Rows(0).Item(73))
MsgBox("startSeq = " & startSeq)
For n As Integer = 0 To NumericUpDown1.Value - 1
MsgBox("n = " & n)
dr = tbl.NewRow
For c As Integer = 0 To tbl.Columns.Count - 1
dr.Item(c) = tbl.Rows(0).Item(c)
If c = "73" Then ' if this is the SEQ column,
' add the current seq val to the seq column
dr.Item(c) = (startSeq + n).ToString("00000000")
End If
Next c
Next n
It seems like you should be able to add the sequencer as you create the duplicates. Perhaps make it a method and pass the index of the column which has the sequence string. Something like:
Private Sub DuplicateRows(ColIndx As Integer,
Dupes As Integer)
' start value is Row(0) + 1
Dim startSeq As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(tbl.Rows(0).Item(ColIndx )) + 1
For n As Integer = 0 to Dupes -1
dr = tbl.NewRow
For c As Integer = 0 To tbl.Columns.Count - 1
If c = ColIndx Then ' if this is the SEQ column,
' add the current seq val to the seq column
dr.Item(c) = (startSeq + n).ToString("00000000")
' otherwise copy the data from Row(0)
dr.Item(c) = tbl.Rows(0).Item(c)
End If
Next c
Next n
End Sub
This should initialize each new row with an incremented counter. Is there a better/cleaner way of doing this
a) you should be adding to the DataTable, not the DGV if it is bound
b) (startSeq + n).ToString("00000000") should work to do the padding etc instead of that ugly block of code.
c) Use Option Strict On. If c = "73" ... is nonsense which makes the compiler guess at your intentions. Its is bug food.
d) Hardcoding "73" may work this time, but previously you said it could be anywhere. The code below finds the sequence column based on the name so it can appear anywhere. Rather than a form level var, you could find it just before you make the dupes or even in the Dupes procedure.
e) Dim startSeq As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(tbl.Rows(0).Item(73)) if you examine the answer above, this should be ... + 1 to increment the first value.
Private tbl As DataTable ' table loaded from flat file
Private SeqColIndex As Integer ' assigned somewhere to
' point to the "sequence" column
' method to load data
Dim connstr = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;..."
Using cn As New OleDbConnection(connstr)
End Using
' FIND the sequence column for this session
For n = 0 To tbl.Columns.Count - 1
If tbl.Columns(n).ColumnName.ToLowerInvariant = "sequence" Then
SeqColIndex = n
Exit For
End If
' later to add some rows
Private Sub ButtonAddRow_Click(...
DuplicateRows(SeqColIndex, NumericUpDown1.Value)
End Sub

how do i use 4 digit numbers in vb

I need to count from 0 - 9999 in VB. How can I make the format 0000 - 9999, so that the output is:
0000, 0001, 0002, 0003, .......
I used the following code
Dim p4num As Integer = 0
Dim p3num As Integer = 0
Dim p2num As Integer = 0
Dim p1num As Integer = 0
p4num += 1
If p4num = 10 Then
p4num = 0
p3num += 1
If p3num = 10 Then
p3num = 0
p2num += 1
If p2num = 10 Then
p2num = 0
p1num += 1
End If
End If
End If
but I would do it in another way. Any idea?
The ToString() may help. How about
For i as integer = 0 to 9999
Untested code, but should work...
Your guide
Dim numbers As IEnumerable(Of Integer) = Enumerable.Range(0, 9999).ToArray()
'object j = string.Join(", ", numbers);
For Each item As var In numbers

InvalidArgument=Value of '2' is not valid for 'index'

Dim group11_0_count = 0
Dim group11_1_count = 0
Dim group11_2_count = 0
Dim m As Integer = 0
Dim n As Integer = 0
Dim increment2 As Integer
For m = 0 To machings2.Items.Count - 1
For n = 0 To 3
If machings2.Items(m).ToString.Chars(n) = "1" Then
increment2 = increment2 + 1
End If
If (increment2 = 0) Then
group11_0_count = group11_0_count + 1
End If
If (increment2 = 1) Then
group11_1_count = group1_1_count + 1
End If
If (increment2 = 2) Then
group11_2_count = group1_2_count + 1
End If
increment2 = 0
If (group11_0_count > 0 AndAlso group11_1_count > 0) Then
Dim result = ""
Dim index As Integer = 0
Dim gg As Integer = 0
Dim hh As Integer = 0
Dim i As Integer = 0
For hh = 0 To group11_1_count - 1
For gg = 0 To group11_0_count - 1
result = ""
index = 0
For i = 0 To 3
If group11_1_0.Items(gg).ToString.Chars(i) <> group11_1_1.Items(hh).ToString.Chars(i) Then
result &= "-"
index = index + 1
result &= group11_1_0.Items(gg).ToString.Chars(i)
End If
If (index = 1) Then
End If
End If
I am comparing the items of two combobox items like that
combobox1 items
combobox items
the result will be like that in machings3 combobox
Here the differnce between two items indicated by - sign
But i am getting InvalidArgument=Value of '2' is not valid for 'index'.
I Can't make sense out of your source and where the IndexOutOfRangeException occurs. But you know that you need 3 Items in a Combobox to access Item with Index 2?! Every collection starts with 0.