I have read here https://github.com/Microsoft/CNTK/wiki/Image-reader that the Image Reader supports ... as a notation for the directory where the map file is located.
I find it a little odd to use ... and not just a single dot as a notation for the current directory. I think I tried to use . in my first attempt and that it didn't work, but I'm not 100% sure.
What is the background for not just using the single dot as everyone is used to?
Single, double, and triple dot are all available. Single and double dot have the regular meaning (current directory or parent of current directory) of the process that reads the file which does not have to be the same as the directory in which the file currently is. As you correctly noticed, triple dot is relative to the map file and has nothing to do with the current directory of the process that opens/reads the file.
I'm using Doxygen wizard to generate documentation for a big embedded C project. I'm able to generate graphs and class diagrams using Dot and Graphviz. However, I would like to edit some dependency graphs by hand - there's information that is not needed all the time e.g. the graph depth is too much.
I noticed when running Doxywizard that before the diagram files are generated and saved as PNG files, "raw files" for lack of a better word are created that hold the code to generate the graphs using Graphviz. These are DOT files that can be opened in the text editor. These files are deleted once the diagram images are generated.
I was able to access them by stopping the Doxywizard mid-process before they got deleted. Is there any way to prevent these DOT files from being deleted?
Doxygen has the possibility to retain the dot files. In the doxygen settings file (Doxyfile) there is the setting DOT_CLEANUP setting this to DOT_CLEANUP=NO will retain the files.
From the documentation:
If the DOT_CLEANUP tag is set to YES, doxygen will remove the intermediate files that are used
to generate the various graphs.
Note: This setting is not only used for dot files but also for msc temporary files.
The default value is: YES
See also: https://www.doxygen.nl/manual/config.html and more specifically: https://www.doxygen.nl/manual/config.html#cfg_dot_cleanup
And in the doxywizard:
expert tab
topics "pane" the last item dot
in the list of possibilities the last item DOT_CLEANUP
I'm trying to read from a file in kotlin using the File class. It's just a simple txt file with a list of names with each name occupying an independent row. This is my project structure:
and here's my function for pulling out a name depending on the day of the year:
private fun getNameOfTheDay(): String {
val cal = Calendar.getInstance()
val day = cal[Calendar.DATE]
return File("data${File.separator}names.txt")
.elementAt(day - 1)
I keep on getting a FileNotFound exception so I would assume that my file path is somehow wrong... What am I doing wrong here? Sorry for the dumb question, I'm still learning. By the way the function shown above is called from the MainActivity. Thanks in Advance!
Filenames can be absolute or relative. Absolute filenames start from the top level (e.g. the root directory on Unix-like filesystems, which Macs have; or a drive letter on Windows), and so specify the filename unambiguously. Relative filenames don't, and so give a file in (or in relation to) the current working directory.
In this case, data/names.txt is a relative filename. It assumes that the current directory has a subdirectory called data, and refers to a file in that.
However, the file is actually in the directory app/src/main/java/com/example/mynameis/data/ within your project — so this would only work if the current directory was /<pathToYourProject>/app/src/main/java/com/example/mynameis/, which is highly unlikely! So that probably explains the failure.
I don't know about Android projects, but in normal JVM projects the standard practice is to put data files in a src/main/resources/ directory. Gradle (or Maven) knows to copy them into the classpath when building the project. You would then load it from the classpath, e.g. with:
See e.g. this question for more details and variations.
The advantage of loading from the classpath instead of a file path is that you don't need to know exactly where the file is; it could be loose on the filesystem, or bundled into a jar or other archive (even compressed), with ways to select between different versions depending on the run profile — all completely transparent to your code.
As I said, I don't know Android, and can't find any direct answers on StackOverflow. (This question seems to suggest using a android.resource:// URI, but I don't know if that would apply here.) Maybe these external sites can give you some hints.
You should try "data\names.txt". Oftentimes slashes don't work for file paths.
I am trying to read the view angles from a Sentinel-2 image (L1C SAFE compact format) for executing an atmospheric correction algorithm. I can get those values by parsing the file MTD_TL.xml, but I am not able to get them through rasterio.
I have tried to access to those data using the xml:SENTINEL2 and the xml:VRT metadata domains, but I can only access to the values from the file MTD_MSIL1C.xml (the main metadata file).
The whole point of using rasterio is being able of using GDAL's virtual file system, as the images will be read from S3 buckets. Any alternatives for easily reading MTD_TL.xml through the virtual file system would be also valid (and really appreciated).
Thank you!!
I answer to myself.
I could not find how to get the values I require, but according to https://gdal.org/user/virtual_file_systems.html the function VSIFOpenL may be used for opening the file. After that, manual parsing will do the trick :)
Ps. I must read the documentation slowly.
Now I'm trying to use .dir-locals.el for my own projects.
However it is saved at the end of init.el whenever I choose to save it permanently.
I'd like to change it to an another seperate file - eg ~/mydirlocals.el.
Please let me know what could be the solution for this.
PS : I've already tried to change custom file to a seperate one. But unfortunately it saved my dir-local variables with other custom variables.
I want to avoid this and save my dir-locals variables in a completely seperate file.
You can't use the customize interface to update .dir-locals.el files. Customize is for your own config. If you want to edit/update a directory-local variables file, you need to either edit that file directly, or use M-x add-dir-local-variable.
The latter command will prompt you for the details. Note that no default value is offered at the prompt for the value of the variable, but that you can type M-n or <down> to obtain the variable's value in the current buffer.
Note also that the command does not ask which directory the variables are local to -- it will create/update a .dir-locals.el file in the default directory for the current buffer. Issuing the command from a dired buffer for the intended directory is a safe approach, naturally, but you may wish to do so from a buffer in the mode for which you wish to add variables -- that way the default suggestion for the mode, and the current values of the variables in question, will be more useful to you.
(If there is no file of the appropriate type in the directory, you can always C-xC-f a new/unsaved buffer of an appropriate filename, use add-dir-local-variable as many times as necessary, and then when you're done just kill any new buffers you created without saving them.)
That all said, I'm still not 100% sure what your requirement is, as your question is a little confused; but you may also like to know that you can use directory-local variables without a .dir-locals.el file at all, as you can alternatively configure them entirely in your init file.
See https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/DirectoryVariables for details and examples of that.
Disclaimer: I haven't used dir-local vars, but I have used file-local vars. I'm guessing dir-locals work the same.
The local variables aren't getting saved at the end of init.el or custom.el, the safe values are. As in, Emacs doesn't trust them by default, unless they match some sort of predicate indicating they're OK. This is a good policy, because file and dir locals can cause Emacs to run arbitrary code just by opening a file. When you apply permanently, you're telling Emacs that that value is safe; it basically just makes a predicate that matches the exact value and stores that with customize.
If you want to prevent the prompt (and thus the saving), you need mark the variables as safe with your own predicate.
For example, I set
(put 'adaptive-wrap-extra-indent 'safe-local-variable 'integerp)
which means that adaptive-wrap-extra-indent is OK as long as it's an integer. I know this is OK because I added that variable to the adaptive-wrap package (though I didn't know about safe locals at the time; I submitted a bug to fix it, which appears to be ignored). Clearly you can use any predicate, including (lambda (x) t), though I'd recommend against that.
I have a custom algorithm for processing a graph which accepts a txt file as input. Because it is a large scale graph I want to implement it in the apache giraph framework. I' ve done a lot of research but I am still not sure if I am in the right path.
I am reading a .csv file which contain the graph data and using a parser I am converting it to the txt file and uploading to the HDFS file system of hadoop.
I have read the SimpleShortestPathsVertex example from the apache quick start guide and I can see that processes the data from a file in HDFS using the jar-with-dependencies jar file.
My problem is that I haven't yet understood how can I add my algorithm in the apache giraph framework and start the process of the graph. Can I add my algorithm to apache framework using eclipse and modify it from there or there is any other way?
Thank you!
Have a look here:
Where you able to run this example?
If yes.
Familiarize yourself with the different Writable formats of hadoop! Else it is hard to use these to your algorithm.
All computation concerning the graph is done in the compute() function.
(If you're more advanced have a look into the workerContext preSuperstep and Aggregators!)
You can change the example, but as soon as you use other data types you have to change your VertexReader and VertexWriter.
If you have a specific Algorithm in mind, make up your mind what you need for the computation and specify the layout of your input file. Then adapt your VertexReader and -Writer. And then finaly start the implement your compute() function!
Of course you can use eclipse! Simply Reference the Giraph jar (For me it is "giraph-0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar") And start coding.
All you need is a instance of these files specific to your algorithm:
YourGiraphJob (the file starting the Hadoop/Giraph job)
YourVertex (Specifies your compute() function executed on each Vertex)
YourInputFormat (Specifying the Writable formats of YourReader)
YourOutputFormat (Specifying the Writable formats of YourWriter)
YourReader (Specifies how your inputFile is transformed e.g. that for each line a Vertex can be initialized using given information)
YourWriter (Specifies how your outputFile is generated from the vertices)
(optionaly a WorkerContext if you want to use Aggregators.)
Simply checkout: http://giraph.apache.org/source-repository.html
using eclipse and you should have the code including an example application you can toy around with!