How to get time String from current_timestamp().toDate() in cumulocity? - cumulocity

In my development over cumulocity using CEL, i assume it will return time String like 2017-01-04T20:55:50.365+08:00 by invoking current_timestamp().toDate() as below, but it doesn't work. How can i get time String value(like 2017-01-04T20:55:50.365+08:00) of current time in cumulocity CEL?
var timestr = current_timestamp().toDate()


How to get return value from function used in thread in vb. Net

Public function myfn1(byval pRequest as string) as string
Dim param(1) object
Dim T as new thread(Addresof myfn2)
T. Start(param)
End function
Private function myfn2(byval pReq as string) as string
'////some stuff here////
Return lstrResponse
End function
Here myfn1 is accepting requests from user. Sometimes the requests may be concurrent at a time. So I have used thread in myfn1. Myfn2 is actually processing the request and returning the response. So I am willing to get that response in myfn1 after the thread processed the task. What should I do? Or is there any other way out, Pls suggest
You should look into using the Async/Await structure :
For Doing CPU bound work on a separate thread there are a couple options. I like using Task.Run() doc here:
You can awaitthe task you create and get the result when it's done like:
SomeVariable = Await Task.Run(Function() FunctionName)

How to convert 'Integer' to 'Timestamps'?

**I did a effort but got error while testing
Error BC30311 Value of type 'Integer' cannot be converted to 'Timestamps'.**
I have tried this :
Public Sub test()
client = New DiscordRpcClient("test")
client.Logger = New ConsoleLogger
client.SetPresence(New RichPresence With {
.Details = "test",
.Assets = New Assets() With {
.LargeImageKey = "test",
.LargeImageText = "test",
.Timestamps = 0
Dim timer = New System.Timers.Timer(150)
AddHandler timer.Elapsed, Sub(sender, args)
End Sub
End Sub
here the problem is "Timestamps = 0", So how can i solve.
im trying to use discord rich Presence elapsed timer.
This is actually more of an issue with this Discord-RPC-Csharp library than it is with C#. That being said, I looked into it anyway.
The example code given in the repository for this project shows this as an example
Timestamps = Timestamps.FromTimeSpan(10)
See the error you got is an error specific to C# for when trying to assign one value type to a complete different type. An Integer is not a Timestamp, and a Timestamp is not an Integer. So we need to figure out what Timestamps actually is. So the best way to do this is to right-click on Timestamps and go to "Go To Definition" or hit F12 on it.
Now in RichPresence.cs you can see the class definition for Timestamps. You will see four options
Timestamps.FromTimeSpan(double seconds)
Timestamps.FromTimeSpan(Timespan timespan)
in addition to a constructor
new Timestamps(DateTime start, DateTime end)
Since you haven't told us what this timestamp is supposed to represent in your code, I'll leave it to you to figure out which one of these you want/need to use.

How to get the loading time of a web page in Windows Service Application using HttpWebRequest

I'm looking for code that will help me get the loading time of a web page without Using WebBrowser() in a Windows Service Application.
I run through different methods, but I don't quite get it.
Please help me solve this problem.
This function should do the trick:
Public Function WebpageResponseTime(ByVal URL As String) As TimeSpan
Dim sw As New System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch
Dim wRequest As WebRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create(URL)
Using httpResponse As HttpWebResponse = DirectCast(wRequest.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
If httpResponse.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK Then
Return sw.Elapsed
End If
End Using
End Function
This will only take the downloading of the source code into account. If you want to calculate how long time it takes to download the source code AND render the page you'd have to use the WebBrowser class.
How it works:
The function declares and starts a Stopwatch which will be used for calculating how long the operation took, then it creates a web request to the specified URL. It downloads the entire page's source code (via the HttpWebResponse) and after that checks the response's StatusCode.
StatusCode.OK (which is HTTP status code 200) means that the request succeeded and that the requested information (the web page's source code) is in the response, but as we're not gonna use the source code for anything we let the response get disposed later by the Using/End Using block.
And lastly the function stops the Stopwatch and returns the elapsed time (how long it took to download the web page's source) to you.
Example use:
Dim PageLoadTime As TimeSpan = WebpageResponseTime("")
MessageBox.Show("Response took: " & PageLoadTime.ToString())

Can somebody give me an example of getting the content of a page from a URL in for windows 8?

I am very new to vb/.net and I'm trying to do something that I can do easily in classic vb. I want to get the source html for a webpage from the URL.
I'm using in Visual Studio Express for Windows 8.
I've read loads of stuff that talk about HttpWebRequest, but I can't get it to work properly.
I did at one point have it returning the html header, but I want to content of the page. Now, I can't even get it back to giving me the header. Ultimately, I want to process the html returned which I'll do (to begin with) the old-fashioned way and process the returned html as a string, but for now I'd like to just get the page.
The code I've got is:
Dim URL As String = ""
Dim request As System.Net.HttpWebRequest = System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create(New Uri(URL))
txtHTML.Text = request.GetRequestStreamAsync().ToString()
Can anyone help me with an example to get me going please?
You're trying to use an Async method in a synchronous way, which won't make any sense. If you're using .NET 4.5, you can try marking the calling method with Async and then using the Await keyword when calling GetRequestStreamAsync.
Public Sub MyDownloaderMethod()
Dim URL As String = ""
Dim request As System.Net.HttpWebRequest
= System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create(New Uri(URL))
' Use the Await keyword wait for the async task to complete.
Dim response = request.GetResponseAsync()
txtHTML.Text = response.GetResponseStream().ToString()
End Function
See the following MSDN article for more information on async programming with the Await keyword:
You are receiving your error because you're trying to get the Request stream (what you send the server), and what you really want is the Response stream (what the server sends back to you). I've updated my code to get the WebResponse from your WebRequest and then retrieve the stream from that.
Public Shared Function GetWebPageString(ByVal address As Uri) As String
Using client As New Net.WebClient()
Return client.DownloadString(address)
End Using
End Function
There is also DownloadStringAsync if you don't want to block
request.GetRequestStreamAsync() is probably not a method. I think you're cribbing code from a site where someone wrote their own add-on methods to HttpWebRequest. Try request.GetResponse() to return a response object, then in the response object you can inspect the stream and convert it to text if you need to.
This worked for me in VB.Net 4.5
Public Async Sub GetHTML()
Dim PageHTML as string
Dim client As New HttpClient
Dim getStringTask As Task(Of String) = client.GetStringAsync(PageURL)
PageHTML = Await getStringTask
End Sub

Basic Sample (Java preferred) for Desire2Learn API

I have visited and read all the Valence, and specifically the REST API, pages. I have one approved key already and a second key that has not yet been approved by D2L, and it's not clear how I request that approval.
The documentation contains a lot of information, but it is difficult to put all the pieces together. For example, in order to make any REST API call, I have to add several parameters to the end of the call. The parameters are documented in one place, but it isn't clear in some cases how to construct them (for example, one of the keys is to contain the url, timestamp, and the type of call being made, but how are they to be concatenated?). Then they have to be signed, and the documentation that tells how to sign the keys is in a completely different page that is not even referenced from the page that tells you that you have to sign the parameters. On top of that, the documentation is not extremely clear about how to do the signing, and offers no further explanation or examples. So to get anywhere, we have to jump around a lot through the documentation, and go through a whole lot of trial and error. It appears that the documentation assumes that the reader has expertise in several areas, which may or may not be true.
Code examples would make a huge difference.
There aren’t a lot of samples yet; we are working to add more, and to make the ones that are present more obvious. As one example, there is a Java Android app that has all the authentication stuff and some basic calls (including the call “whoami” which is a great test call).
The specific auth related files are available as well. From the D2LSigner class, you can see the signing algorithm we use:
Mac hmacSha256 = Mac.getInstance("hmacSHA256");
byte[] keyBytes = key.getBytes("UTF-8");
Key k = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, "hmacSHA256");
byte[] dataBytes = data.getBytes("UTF-8");
byte[] sig = hmacSha256.doFinal(dataBytes)
String sigString = base64Url( sig );
From D2LOperationSecurityImpl, you can see how the query string fits together:
//uppercase METHOD, lowercase PATH, timestamp as string
private static /*final*/ String BASE_STRING_TEMPLATE = "{0}&{1}&{2}";
private static /*final*/ String APP_ID_QUERY_NAME = "x_a";
private static /*final*/ String APP_SIG_QUERY_NAME = "x_c";
private static /*final*/ String USER_ID_QUERY_NAME = "x_b";
private static /*final*/ String USER_SIG_QUERY_NAME = "x_d";
private static /*final*/ String TIMESTAMP_QUERY_NAME = "x_t";
public Uri createAuthenticatedUri(String path, String httpMethod) {
long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() +
Long timestampObjectSeconds = new Long(timestamp/1000);
Object[]formatParms = {httpMethod.toUpperCase(),
String signatureBaseString = MessageFormat.format(BASE_STRING_TEMPLATE,
String appSig = D2LSigner.base64URLSig(mAppKey, signatureBaseString);
String userSig = D2LSigner.base64URLSig(mUserKey, signatureBaseString);
if ((appSig == null) || (userSig == null)) {
return null;
String scheme = mEncryptOperations?ENCRYPED_SCHEME:PLAIN_SCHEME;
Uri.Builder b = new Uri.Builder();
b.appendQueryParameter(APP_ID_QUERY_NAME, mAppID);
b.appendQueryParameter(APP_SIG_QUERY_NAME, appSig);
b.appendQueryParameter(USER_ID_QUERY_NAME, mUserID);
b.appendQueryParameter(USER_SIG_QUERY_NAME, userSig);
b.appendQueryParameter(TIMESTAMP_QUERY_NAME, timestampObjectSeconds.toString());
Uri securedURI =;
return securedURI;
Also, you need to sign the first URL you use for logging in, but only with the application key (because you haven't yet established a user context). It uses a different base string (to protect the URL that is used during auth):
String signature = D2LSigner.base64URLSig(mAppKey, resultURLString);
BasicNameValuePair appID = new BasicNameValuePair(APP_ID_NAME, mAppID);
BasicNameValuePair appSig = new BasicNameValuePair(APP_SIG_NAME, signature);
BasicNameValuePair callbackURL = new BasicNameValuePair(CALLBACK_NAME, resultURLString);