Postgresql: Query to know which fraction of the values are larger/smaller - sql

I would like to query my database to know which fraction/percentage of the elements of a table are larger/smaller than a given value.
For instance, let's say I have a table shopping_list with the following schema:
id integer
name text
price double precision
with contents:
id name price
1 banana 1
2 book 20
3 chicken 5
4 chocolate 3
I am now going to buy a new item with price 4, and I would like to know where this new item will be ranked in the shopping list. In this case the element will be greater than 50% of the elements.
I know I can run two queries and count the number of elements, e.g.:
-- returns = 4
FROM shopping_list;
-- returns = 2
FROM shopping_list
WHERE price > 4;
But I would like to do it with a single query to avoid post-processing the results.

if you just want them in single query use UNION
SELECT COUNT(*), 'total'
FROM shopping_list
SELECT COUNT(*),'greater'
FROM shopping_list
WHERE price > 4;

The simplest way is to use avg():
SELECT AVG( (price > 4)::float)
FROM shopping_list;

One way to get both results is as follows:
select count(*) as total,
(select count(*) from shopping_list where price > 4) as greater
from shopping_list
It will get both results in a single row, with the names you specified. It does, however, involve a query within a query.

I found the aggregate function PERCENT_RANK which does exactly what I wanted:
FROM shopping_list;
-- returns 0.5


SQL Query to create a column to determine count from historical data

Given: columns "basket" & "Fruit".
Output: Column "Count present in all the previous basket"
How to check if a fruit in a basket is present in all the preceding baskets and get the total count present?
For ex: Basket 2 contains Berry, Banana and Orange, now i need to check basket 1 to determine the count of these fruits. In the same way, for the fruits in basket 3, basket 1 and basket 2 are checked.
How can i do this using an SQL query? Currently i'm doing this on the application side using loops, rowfilter etc which consumes a lot of times as i've more than million rows.
You can also go with a window function I think. I am subtracting 1 to avoid the first count for each fruit. Maybe someone can provide a more elegant solution.
select *,
(count(*) over (partition by fruit order by basket) - 1)
from t
order by basket, fruit;
It appears you need a simple correlated subquery, such as:
select *, (
select Count(*) from t t2
where t2.basket < t.basket
and t2.fruit = t.fruit
) "Count in prev baskets"
from t;

Using a WITH as an aggregate value

I am querying a Presto table where I want to calculate what percentage of the total a certain subset of the rows account for.
Consider a table like this:
I want to query to report how much of the total measure (m) is contributed by each id. In this example, the total of the measure column is 29 can I find it with a query like...
sqlite> SELECT SUM("m") FROM t;
Then I want to subtotal by id for some of the ids like
SELECT "id", SUM("m") AS "sub_total" FROM t WHERE "id" IN ('1','3') GROUP BY id;
sqlite> SELECT "id", SUM("m") AS "sub_total" FROM t WHERE "id" IN ('1','3') GROUP BY id;
Now I want to add a third column where the subtotals are divided by the grand total (29) to get the percentage for each selected id.
I tried:
SELECT "id", SUM("m") AS "sub_total", SUM(m)*100/"a"."g"
FROM a, t
WHERE "t"."id" IN ('1','3') GROUP BY "t"."id";
Which is all good in SQLLite3! But when I translate this to my actual Presto DB (and the right tables and columns), I get this error:
presto error: line 10:5: 'a.g' must be an aggregate expression or appear in GROUP BY clause
I can't understand what I'm missing here or why this would be different in Presto.
When you have a GROUP BY in your query, all expressions that the query is returning must be either:
the expression you are grouping by
or aggregate function
For example if you do GROUP BY id, the resulting query will return one row per id - you cannot just use m, because with id = 1 there are two values: 5 and 7 - so what should be returned? First value, last, sum, average? You need to tell it using aggregate function like sum(m).
Same with a.g - you need to add it to GROUP BY.
SELECT "id", SUM("m") AS "sub_total", SUM(m)*100/"a"."g"
FROM a, t
WHERE "t"."id" IN ('1','3') GROUP BY "t"."id", "a"."g";
There's nothing special about PrestoDB here, it's more SQLite that's less strict, actually most other database engines would complain about your case.

SAS Proc SQL - ranking top nth (3rd) highest for a group of say universities and their price? (HW to be honest)

(this is homework, not going to lie)
I have an ANSI SQL query I wrote
this produces
the required
3rd highest prices correctly,
table sample is
select unique uni, price
select unique uni, price
select unique uni, price
from table1
group by uni
having price < max(price)
group by uni
having price < max(price)
group by uni
having price < max(price)
now i need to list the 1st, 2nd and 3rd into one table but make is such that it could be used nth times.
Col1 Col2
uni1 10
uni1 20
uni2 20
uni2 10
uni3 30
uni3 20
uni1 30
/sorry for the formatting i havent been here for a very long time, i appreciate any assistance, i will supply a link to the uni of which i have asked the tutor if i can do so he said yes but not the whole code, something like 10%, but anyways./
In SAS you can use the proprietary option OUTOBS to restrict how many rows of a result set are output.
Use OUTOBS=3 to create top 3 table. Then use that table in a subsequent query.
data have;
input x ##; datalines;
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
proc sql;
reset outobs=3;
create table top3x as
select * from have
order by x descending;
reset outobs=max;
* another query;

Filtering Rows in SQL

My data looks like this: Number(String), Number2(String), Transaction Type(String), Cost(Integer)
enter image description here
For number 1, Cost 10 and -10 cancel out so the remaining cost is 100
For number 2, Cost 50 and -50 cancel out, Cost 87 and -87 cancel out
For number 3, Cost remains 274
For number 4, Cost 316 and -316 cancel out, 313 remains as the cost
The output I am looking for Looks like this:
How do I do this in SQL?
I have tried "sum(price)" and group by "number", but oracle doesn't let me get results because of other columns
When you're doing an aggregate query, you have to pick one value for each column - either by including it in the group by, or wrapping it in an aggregate function.
It's not clear what you want to display for columns 2 and 3 in your output, but from your example data it looks like you're taking the MAX, so that's what I did here.
select number, max(number2), max(transaction_type), sum(cost)
from my_data
group by number
having sum(cost) <> 0;
Oracle has very nice functionality equivalent toe first() . . . but the syntax is a little cumbersome:
select number,
max(number2) keep (dense_rank first order by cost desc) as number2,
max(transaction_type) keep (dense_rank first order by cost desc) as transaction_type,
max(cost) as cost
from t
group by number;
In my experience, keep has good performance characteristics.
You're almost there... you'll need to get the sum for each number without the other columns and then join back to your table.
select * from table t
(select number,sum(cost)
from table
group by number) sums on sums.number=t.number
You can use correlated subquery :
select t.*
from table t
where t.cost = (select sum(t1.cost) from table t1 where t1.number = t.number);

SQL : how to distinguish between different rows with same value in some field and have a separate function applied to another field

I have a query output showing a list of orders. Some orders might occupy more then one record in the query output if those orders consist of sub-orders.Each sub-order occupies a separate line in the output. There is the OrderID column which has the same value for all sub-orders in the output:
OrderID Sub-Order Price
1 1 100
1 2 50
2 1 30
3 1 50
I need to add a column "Discount" to the output and fill it by following rules:
If certain order has one sub-order - the discount is 10% of the Price
If certain order has more than one sub-order, the discount is 20% on all sub-orders'
My query is a UNION of two SELECTs.
I use mssql with ms sql studio
Use CASE and COUNT window function
SELECT OrderID, Sub-Order, Price,
CASE WHEN (count(*) OVER (PARTITION BY OrderID)) > 1
THEN Price * 0.8
ELSE Price * 0.9
FROM ( table or <query> )