Elm divide subscription? - elm

I'm playing with Elm and WebRTC, so I made a listen port which gets some messages from js:
type alias Message =
{ channel : String
, data : String
port listen : (Message -> msg) -> Sub msg
Now I would like to be able to divide the messages to different parts of my app. For instance, the chat uses the "chat" channel, while the game logic uses "game".
Is it possible to create a listenTo String subscription that filters out the messages with the correct channel (only returning the data)? Or perhaps a different way of doing it?
What I currently have, is something like this:
In my main.elm I have an update that looks like this. It can receive messages (from rtc) itself, and send messages for chat to it. (I would later add a "ForGame" then too)
type Msg = Received WebRTC.Message | ForChat Chat.Msg
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
case msg of
Received message ->
_ = Debug.log ("Received message on \"" ++ message.channel ++ "\": " ++ message.data)
( model
, Cmd.none
ForChat msg ->
(chatModel, chatCmd) = Chat.update msg model.chat
({ model | chat = chatModel}, Cmd.map ForChat chatCmd)
Then I have subscriptions that combines all my subscriptions:
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
[ WebRTC.listen Received
, Sub.map ForChat <| Chat.subscriptions model.chat
In Chat.elm I have a similar structure, with an update that handles it's messages. The subscription of the chat listens to all messages from WebRTC, but filters only the ones with channel chat:
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model = WebRTC.listen forChatMessages
forChatMessages : WebRTC.Message -> Msg
forChatMessages webrtcMessage =
if webrtcMessage.channel == "chat"
message = decodeMessage webrtcMessage.data
case message of
Ok msg -> Receive msg
Err error -> Debug.log ("Received unreadable message on chat channel \"" ++ toString webrtcMessage.data ++ "\" with error \"" ++ error ++ "\"") Ignore
(Ignore is a Msg for chat, which just does nothing case msg of Ignore -> (model, Cmd.none). decodeMessage uses a decoder to decode a message decodeMessage : String -> Result String Message.)
I'm quite happy with this, because this way all logic for chat is in Chat.elm. So main.elm doesn't need to know what channels chat is using. Chat just follows the standard structure (Msg, update, view, subscriptions) and main forwards everything.
The only thing that's still not great, is that in Chat.elm I have the forChatMessages function. Used like: subscriptions model = WebRTC.listen forChatMessages. I would like to make this more reuseable, so it would become something like:
subscriptions model = WebRTC.listen for "chat" decodeMessage Receive Ignore
It would then be reusable by the game:
subscriptions model = WebRTC.listen for "game" decodeGameInfo UpdateInfo Ignore
Update 2:
I managed to generalize the forChatMessages function into:
for : String -> (String -> Result String d) -> (d -> msg) -> msg -> Message -> msg
for channel decoder good bad webrtcMessage =
webrtcMessage.channel == channel
decoded = decoder webrtcMessage.data
case decoded of
Ok data -> good data
Err error -> Debug.log ("Failed decoding message on " ++ channel ++ "channel \"" ++ toString webrtcMessage.data ++ "\" with error \"" ++ error ++ "\"") bad
So I think I found the solution myself. Unless someones has comments on this. Perhaps there is a cleaner/nicer/better way of doing the same?

Let's say you have the following Msg definition:
type Msg
= Listen Message
| GameChannel String
| ChatChannel String
Your update function could then act upon the channel value and call update again with the correct channel, ignoring all channel values except for "game" and "chat":
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
Listen message ->
case message.channel of
"game" ->
update (GameChannel message.data) model
"chat" ->
update (ChatChannel message.data) model
_ ->
model ! []
GameChannel data ->
ChatChannel data ->
Your subscription function would look something like this:
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
listen Listen

I found a solution myself, and added it to the original question.
For clarity, this is the short version:
In my main.elm:
type Msg = Received WebRTC.Message | ForChat Chat.Msg
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
case msg of
Received message ->
_ = Debug.log ("Received message on \"" ++ message.channel ++ "\": " ++ message.data)
( model
, Cmd.none
ForChat msg ->
(chatModel, chatCmd) = Chat.update msg model.chat
({ model | chat = chatModel}, Cmd.map ForChat chatCmd)
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
[ WebRTC.listen Received
, Sub.map ForChat <| Chat.subscriptions model.chat
In Chat.elm:
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model = WebRTC.listen <| for "game" decodeGameInfo UpdateInfo Ignore
In WebRTC.elm:
type alias Message =
{ channel : String
, data : String
port listen : (Message -> msg) -> Sub msg
for : String -> (String -> Result String d) -> (d -> msg) -> msg -> Message -> msg
for channel decoder good bad webrtcMessage =
webrtcMessage.channel == channel
decoded = decoder webrtcMessage.data
case decoded of
Ok data -> good data
Err error -> Debug.log ("Failed decoding message on " ++ channel ++ "channel \"" ++ toString webrtcMessage.data ++ "\" with error \"" ++ error ++ "\"") bad


Retrieving a DOM value from Elm ports

My elm app uses an auto scrolling function, which gets the Y position of an element and uses Dom.Scroll.toY to scroll there.
Two do this, I set up two ports; a subscription and sender.
port setYofElementById : Maybe String -> Cmd msg
port getYofElementById : (Value -> msg) -> Sub msg
app.ports.setYofElementById.subscribe(function(id) {
var element = document.getElementById(id);
var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
app.ports.getYofElementById.send({"number": rect.top});
The listener is a subscription
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
Ports.getYofElementById getYofElementById
getYofElementById : Decode.Value -> Msg
getYofElementById value =
result =
Decode.decodeValue bSimpleIntValueDecoder value
case result of
Ok simpleIntValue ->
SetSelectedElementYPosition (Just simpleIntValue.number)
Err id ->
SetSelectedElementYPosition Nothing
SetSelectedElementYPosition just sets the model.
Now, the action that executes this does two things: call Port.setYofElementById, then scrolls to the Y value in the model, assuming that it has already been set.
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
ScrollToY idString ->
=> Cmd.batch
[ Ports.setYofElementById (Just idString)
, Task.attempt (always NoOp) <| Dom.Scroll.toY "ul" model.selectedElementYPosition
However, this doesn't happen sequentially. When the action first fires, nothing happens. If I fire it again, it scrolls to the location called for in the first action. So it seems like it is calling Dom.Scroll.toY before the value is set.
Is there a way to force the Cmds in ScrollToY to happen in sequence? Or is there a better way to do this in general?
You can get the Cmds to execute in sequence by making the second, the one that does the Dom.Scroll.toY, happen as a response to the first, the one that does the setYofElementById. The following update function accomplishes this:
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
ScrollToY idString ->
(model, Ports.setYofElementById idString)
SetSelectedElementYPosition (Just newY) ->
(model, Task.attempt (always NoOp) <| Dom.Scroll.toY "ul" newY)
SetSelectedElementYPosition Nothing ->
(model, Cmd.none)
NoOp ->
(model, Cmd.none)
With the Cmds correctly sequenced, you will need to make sure that the newY argument to Dom.Scroll.toY is in the correct frame of reference to get the effect that you want.
I finally got this to work by tacking the action for Task.attempt (always NoOp) <| Dom.Scroll.toY "ul" model.selectedElementYPosition onto the action called by the subscription, not the action. That's the key.
With ports, the subscribe and send actions follow completely different pathways, so anything that reacts to a send from js to elm is not going to be referenced in the actions that go from elm to js.
In this case, since SetSelectedElementYPosition is being called from the subscription, you have to set the update there:
SetSelectedElementYPosition idString ->
({model | selectedElementYPosition = number }, Cmd.none)
|> andThen update GoToSelectedElementYPosition

Can't decode session from elm port

Trying to get elm ports working to maintain the session.
In index.html, the script includes the following listener:
window.addEventListener("load", function(event) {
}, false);
localStorage.session looks like this (and it stays there until I've logged out):
The definition in Ports.elm is:
port onSessionChange : (Value -> msg) -> Sub msg
This port is connected to Main.elm here (let me know if I've forgotten to include some of the definitions below):
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
Ports.onSessionChange sessionChange
sessionChange : Json.Decode.Value -> Msg
sessionChange value =
result =
Json.Decode.decodeValue sessionDecoder value
case result of
Ok sess ->
SetSession (Just sess)
Err err ->
SetSession Nothing
type alias Session =
{ email : String
, token : String
, user_id : Int
, handle : String
import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (..)
import Json.Decode.Pipeline as Pipeline exposing (decode, required)
sessionDecoder : Decode.Decoder Session
sessionDecoder =
Pipeline.decode Session
|> Pipeline.required "email" Decode.string
|> Pipeline.required "token" Decode.string
|> Pipeline.required "user_id" Decode.int
|> Pipeline.required "handle" Decode.string
type Msg
= NoOp
| SetSession (Maybe Session)
update msg model =
case msg of
SetSession session ->
case Debug.log "session = " session of
Just sess ->
({ model | session = sess } , Cmd.none)
Nothing ->
(model, Cmd.none)
Debug.log "session" displays Nothing in the console when the page loads, so JS is talking to elm, but the decoder seems to be failing. Any ideas?
I've plugged your code into a minimal working example and everything works fine. You might want to log the value of localStorage.session from inside the javascript portion to make sure it's a valid JSON value.

How do I implement and return a Cmd Msg?

How do I implement and return a Cmd Msg?
For example, the following line generates a Cmd Msg:
Http.send msg request
It's used in the following function:
tryRegister : Form -> (Result Http.Error JsonProfile -> msg) -> Cmd msg
tryRegister form msg =
registerUrl =
body =
encode form |> Http.jsonBody
request =
Http.post registerUrl body decoder
Http.send msg request
I'm trying to hand code a similar function within my TestAPI:
tryRegister : Form -> (Result Http.Error JsonProfile -> msg) -> Cmd msg
tryRegister form msg =
The above code compiles. However, it's not clear to me how to implement a function that returns a Cmd Msg other than Cmd.none.
type Msg
| Submit
| Response (Result Http.Error JsonProfile)
update : Msg -> Form -> ( Form, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
Submit ->
( model, runtime.tryRegister model Response )
Source code on GitHub.
The original answer suggested mapping over Cmd.none, which compiles and may potentially be useful when mocking out functions for testing, but if you are actually trying to force another update cycle in The Elm Architecture, you will need to convert to a Task, as outlined in the send function described here.
send : msg -> Cmd msg
send msg =
Task.succeed msg
|> Task.perform identity
As #SwiftsNamesake mentioned above, in most cases this is not necessary, and the entire blog post on the subject is worth a read.
Original Answer
You can use Cmd.map over Cmd.none to change it to any Cmd:
Cmd.map (always Submit) Cmd.none

How to listen for both keypress and keydown events in Elm?

I want to listen to both keypress and keydown events in Elm. But if I have the following, only the keydown events will be listened to:
[ onWithOptions "keypress" (Options False True) <| Json.Decode.map KeyPress keyCode
, onWithOptions "keydown" (Options False True) <| Json.Decode.map KeyDown keyCode
] []
If I change the Options to not preventDefault, then both events will be listened to. But I need to preventDefault in order to not let tab keys from changing focus.
Any way to do this in Elm?
In Elm 19, to access keys pressed, you can use Browser.Events which is a part of the Elm Browser library. If you want to capture what key is down, you could use something like this:
import Json.Decode as Decode
type Key
= Character Char
| Control String
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
Browser.Events.onKeyDown keyDecoder
keyDecoder : Decode.Decoder Msg
keyDecoder =
Decode.map toKey (Decode.field "key" Decode.string)
toKey : String -> Msg
toKey string =
case String.uncons string of
Just ( char, "" ) ->
PressedLetter char
_ ->
Control string
Adapted from here.
Pre Elm 0.19, I recommend you to use elm-lang/keyboard. This package uses subscriptions and it's very easy to use. You can subscribe to keydown and keyup at the same time.
For your specific case:
The default action for a keydown event is to trigger a keypress event. If you prevent that default behaviour, you will not get the keypress events.
You can read more about keydown events here
Maybe you just need to use keyup and keydown.
I hope it helps you.
Inspired by the docs and HParker's answer, I wrote up a more complete solution using Elm 0.19 and subscriptions.
It adds a Subscription for Browser.Events.onKeyUp/Down, and handles them in a top-level Msg with a subMsg for easier processing. It includes Alt, Ctrl, Shift, and Meta (Windows Key/Option).
Remember that onKeyUp/Down and onKeyPressed handle characters differently (where up/down use the appropriate case, where pressed does not).
import Browser.Events
import Json.Decode as Decode
type KeyEventMsg
= KeyEventControl
| KeyEventAlt
| KeyEventShift
| KeyEventMeta
| KeyEventLetter Char
| KeyEventUnknown String
type Msg
= KeyPressedMsg KeyEventMsg
| KeyReleasedMsg KeyEventMsg
update : Msg -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg =
case msg of
KeyPressedMsg keyEventMsg ->
case keyEventMsg of
KeyEventShift ->
( { model | shiftIsPressed = True }, Cmd.none )
_ ->
( model, Cmd.none )
KeyReleasedMsg keyEventMsg ->
case keyEventMsg of
KeyEventShift ->
( { model | shiftIsPressed = False }, Cmd.none )
_ ->
( model, Cmd.none )
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
[ Browser.Events.onKeyDown keyPressedDecoder
, Browser.Events.onKeyUp keyReleasedDecoder
keyPressedDecoder : Decode.Decoder Msg
keyPressedDecoder =
Decode.map (toKeyEventMsg >> KeyPressedMsg) (Decode.field "key" Decode.string)
keyReleasedDecoder : Decode.Decoder Msg
keyReleasedDecoder =
Decode.map (toKeyEventMsg >> KeyReleasedMsg) (Decode.field "key" Decode.string)
toKeyEventMsg : String -> KeyEventMsg
toKeyEventMsg eventKeyString =
case eventKeyString of
"Control" ->
"Shift" ->
"Alt" ->
"Meta" ->
string_ ->
case String.uncons string_ of
Just ( char, "" ) ->
KeyEventLetter char
_ ->
KeyEventUnknown eventKeyString

How to get query parameters in Elm?

In my Elm program, I'd like to initialize my model based on the query string.
For example, if the query string is ?w=3&h=5 I'd like to have:
initialModel =
{ width = 3
, height = 5
Is that possible to achieve this in Elm, or the only way to do this is to get the query parameters in Javascript and pass them via a port?
Elm 0.19
For elm 0.19 the below concept is the same. Both of these packages still exist but have been moved and relabeled as the official elm/url and elm/browser libraries.
Elm 0.18
This example uses evancz/url-parser and elm-lang/navigation. There are a few kinks that aren't straightforward in the documentation, but I've explained them briefly below. The example should speak for itself.
module Main exposing (..)
import Html as H exposing (..)
import Navigation exposing (Location)
import UrlParser as UP exposing ((</>), (<?>), top, parsePath, oneOf, s, stringParam, Parser)
import Maybe.Extra as MaybeExtra exposing (unwrap)
type Route
= UrlRoute (Maybe String) (Maybe String)
| NotFoundRoute
type Msg
= UrlParser Navigation.Location
type alias Model =
{ location : Route
, w : String
, h : String
type alias SearchParams =
{ w : Maybe String, h : Maybe String }
main =
Navigation.program UrlParser
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = (\_ -> Sub.none)
init : Location -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init location =
currentPath =
parseLocation location
( initialModel currentPath
, Cmd.none
parseLocation : Location -> Route
parseLocation location =
case (parsePath matchers location) of
Just route ->
Nothing ->
matchers : Parser (Route -> a) a
matchers =
UP.map UrlRoute (UP.s "index" <?> UP.stringParam "w" <?> UP.stringParam "h")
initialModel : Route -> Model
initialModel route =
{ location = route
, w = MaybeExtra.unwrap "" (\x -> Maybe.withDefault "" x.w) (parseParams route)
, h = MaybeExtra.unwrap "" (\x -> Maybe.withDefault "" x.h) (parseParams route)
parseParams : Route -> Maybe SearchParams
parseParams route =
case route of
UrlRoute w h ->
Just { w = w, h = h }
NotFoundRoute ->
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
UrlParser location ->
( model
, Cmd.none
view : Model -> Html msg
view model =
div []
[ h1 [] [ text "URL Info" ]
, div [] [ text ("W is: " ++ model.w) ]
, div [] [ text ("H is: " ++ model.h) ]
The "trick" is to create another type alias to place your query params inside of. In the above example I've created the type SearchParams. After creating this type we just use an initialModel that takes in the currentPath.
From there, our model can extract the query params with Maybe.withDefault (it needs to be a Maybe type because the params may not be there). Once we have our data in the model we just print it out in the view.
Hope this helps!
There is no built-in core library way to access the URL. You can use ports and the community library jessitron/elm-param-parsing.
If you also want to set the URL, you can again use ports, or you can use the History API, for which there are bindings in TheSeamau5/elm-history.
Unfortunately jessitron/elm-param-parsing doesn't work with Elm 0.18.
Use elm-lang/navigation package:
especially this function:
: (Location -> msg)
-> { init : Location -> (model, Cmd msg), update : msg -> model -> (model, Cmd msg), view : model -> Html msg, subscriptions : model -> Sub msg }
-> Program Never model msg
In the second parameter you can see "init : Location -> (model, Cmd msg)". This should handle reading of initial URL. To complement that, first parameter is a function which gets called every time URL changes.
(I am aware it's an old question, but this link popped out when I was looking for the solution to the same problem and accepted answer didn't help)