Appium 1.6 1 with IOS 10 and Xcode 8.0 - unable to launch appium inspector - xcode8

I am trying to automate iOS iPAD native app. I have installed Appium 1.6.1 as per the instructions given git web site. However I am unable to launch the application and also appium inspector to locate/identify the objects in my native app.
I am trying to connect to realiPad device with iOS v9.3.5

With xcode 8.0 you cannot run your tests on ios 9 devices.Either you have to downgrade the xcode and appium or you have to run on ios 10 devices.


How to build iOS apps using react- native on window 10

I am new in react-native. I want to build an android and iOS application by using react-native. I used the Windows 10 to build the react-native project and it is ok when I run the android app using Android SDK or real device but cannot on iOS devices. I have researched this problem and know that I need to use macOS to run the iOS apps. Is it possible to build iOS apps using any iOS simulator on Windows 10?
for exporting ios apps you must have a MAC system(X-code) or you can do it in windows with VMvare that have a virtual Mac system ,and in next step you must have a developer account then other steps are simple :)
The best way to develop in react native if you did not have access to MAC OSX environment is to use EXPO as it will ensured the app could run on android and iOS.
The second option would be using private cloud Mac like MacStadium.

Trouble with CLI and iOS simulator

I'm moving to a new machine and want to start out fresh. I'm leaving Appcelerator Studio behind and want to go all CLI.
The project I'm working on is still on SDK 5.5.1.
When I try to build our app for the iPhone simulator it builds fine and launches the simulator but when it tries to start the app the simulator goes black execpt for the status bar. No errors are thrown in the terminal and nothing interesting shows up in
I can launch the app in the simulator on my old machine without issues (done it 1000 times or so).
I build with: appc run -p ios
This is the last output I get:
[INFO] Launching iOS Simulator
-- Start simulator log -------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Application started
[INFO] OurAppName/2.8.1 (5.5.1.b18727f)
This is my setup:
Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 5.5.1
2017-02-08 14:54:46
Name = Mac OS X
Xcode 8.1
Version = 10.12.3
Node.js Version = 4.7.3
npm Version = 2.15.11
Titanium CLI Version = 5.0.9
Titanium SDK Version = 5.5.1.GA
SDK Path = /Users/-/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/5.5.1.GA
Target Platform = iphone
What am I missing?
You could try building on a specific simulator
appc run -p iOS --device-id
it will prompt you with all the devices available and you can choose among the list (choose an iOS 9 simulator, it looks like the problem is with the iOS 10 simulator)
Not sure if it helps, but we're using Titanium SDK 5.4.0, and so far still using Xcode 7. For another project, using Titanium 6 we are using Xcode 8.
We experienced some issues in communication between Studio/CLI and Xcode/Simulator.
if you are using Xcode 8.1 then you can use the following command
appc ti build -p ios -I 10.1
where -p is platform and -I is IOS version
if you want to check IOS version
Step 1: Go to Xcode
Step 2: Window -> Devices.
please see the image it will clear all things.
It worked for me.

Worklight 6.1 - Error on Blackberry 10

I'm using Worklight Studio and trying to build an app for Blackberry 10
I create a new Worklight app (no customizations other than adding the blackberry 10 environment), run it on the Worklight server, and use ripple to build and deploy to the blackberry 10 simulator.
The app installs on the simulator, But when it launches, I immediately get a JavaScript error:
[ERROR] Error initializing Cordova: Extension Device not found
This is possibly related to a problem seen with Cordova 3.1 (see: Error initializing cordova: Extension device not found in PhoneGap 2.9.0 and blackberry10 webworks application) but I'm not seeing any solutions.
Is there any way to get Worklight 6.1 apps to work on Blackberry 10?
My guess is that your issue is mentioned in infocenter
basically, did you do the "ant qnx copy-extensions" command ?

Can't select older iOS SDK Simulator Version in Titanium Studio

I have installed the SDK's for 6.x and 7.0 in xcode and I'd like to test my app on ios6 in the simulator using titanium studio.
After poking around for some time I still can't find a way to select a different iOS version in my run configurations. As you can see, SDK's are installed and I can select them in the simulator itself, but the only way to test the app is by launching 7.0 (Titanium won't launch anything else).
Manually switching between versions and relaunching the app from titanium doesn't help either.
Looks like Titanium Studio has problem with simulator settings. Compiling project from console with titanium build -p ios will run your app on simulator with current settings. Also you can use additional flags to force different type of simulator:
--retina use the retina version of the iOS Simulator
--sim-64bit in combination with --retina flag & --tall flag, start the 64-bit tall version of the retina simulator
--tall in combination with --retina flag, start the tall version of the retina device

although ios 6.1 as base sdk xcode 5 build ipa for ios 7

i changed the base sdk for iOS 6.1 in xcode 5 .
When i simulate my project on a iOS 6.1 simulator or on a iOS 6.1 device
all works fine. But when i build a ipa and install it on a iOS 7 device
the device use the iOS 7 sdk and my hole app looks weird. I changed my base
sdk for iOS 6.1, so why use my device the iOS 7 sdk?
I read that iOS 7 use the iOS 6.1 sdk for old published apps.
What do i have to do that iOS 7 also do that for my app?
My only idea is to install xcode 4 again...
I have experienced the same problem - unfortunately only discovered AFTER submitting to the app store and the app being approved and released, causing all sorts of mayhem due to interface glitches.
The issue occurs due to a bug in XCode 5 (including in XCode 5.0.2 it seems) that is triggered when you install older SDKs.
When you have multiple SDKs installed, you will see that when you connect your device to XCode, there are multiple entries for your device, with no way to tell them apart. But it appears that the TOP entry is for the OLDEST SDK you have installed, the BOTTOM one for the NEWEST SDK.
I have found that if I first use "Test" project option to run the app on the device with the SDK I want to use (in my case the top entry, which is for iOS6.1 SDK), then that is the SDK that will subsequently be used when I archive the app.
You can have both xcode 5 and 4.6.3 installed.
Also a lot of post say that in the simulator it look iOS7 but on device it will look iOS6.1 if you set the base sdk to 6.1
Is it possible to install iOS 6 SDK on Xcode 5?
Do apple allow custom iOS 5/6 style UI for iOS7?