Is it possible to create google sheet template programmatically? - google-sheets-api

Is it possible to create google sheet template programmatically? If yes how to do it? I know I am suppose to check API documentation but I am not a technical person.

I don't think this is supported as of now.
I searched in Introduction to the Google Sheets API docs for a guide on how to do operations with Sheets API but have not found an explicit guide on how to do this.
You can also check Spreadsheet using Google App Script but there is no mention as well.


Unhide/Show column using Google Sheet API

I found the Google Sheet Java API to hide columns, but I couldn't find any API to unhide/show a hidden column. The only way I could figure out till now is using Apps Script. Can you please help with the corresponding Java API?

How to work with Dropbox Paper TODOs via API?

I have gone through the API documentation on the Dropbox website, and have found the section that relates to Paper, however I don't see a way to work with the TODO's for a document or a user.
Is this something that is not yet supported or have I missed it ?
The Dropbox API doesn't offer a way to interact with Paper to-do items unfortunately, but I'll pass this along as a feature request.

Sheets API V4 Spreadsheet View Properties

I'm trying to zoom into a google Spreadsheet using an API call. Is this possible? I would also like to enable full screen from another API call once I dynamically create a spreadsheet, but I can't find it in the documentation, anyone knows how to do this?
Currently, the functionality that lets you Zoom in and out the spreadsheets is not supported in Base Script Services (Class Ui). Also, you have a similar SO post, have a check.

Is there to read the data from google spreadsheet link in IOS?

i am currently work on an IOS project which is required to read data from Spreadsheet in google drive. I have done some research and i found Google APIs client library for Objective C. However, i still have problem of retrieving data from spreadsheet. i find only the sample code that can read the file in drive from the drive that user login. But what i actually want in this project is using Google Drive as the Database. In short i want to retrieve data from the url like this
So is there a solution for this kind of problem? and if there a good site that provide a good tutorial to this kindda problem?
Google apps script is probably a simpler option. You can set it up as a web app, and read/write to the spreadsheet via the webapp. The google-spreadsheet-api is hard to use as there is little good documentation.
Refer, Google's Sample Code it can help you. You can also use GData Objective C Client to use it.

Is there any quick and easy way to upload a Google Doc from SAP?

We're creating a custom table in SAP comprising all of the information we need and the customer needs the report from this table uploaded to Google Docs. We do not use Business By Design. Is there any other quicka nd easy way to upload our report?
I don't know much about SAP but the Documents List API has methods to programmatically upload a document to Google Docs:
For instance, if you can export the SAP table as a csv file, that can be automatically converted into a Google Spreadsheet during the upload process.
You could also go with a no-programming required solution and install the Google Drive app on a machine with access to the files for automatic sync up to Google Drive:
suggest you take a look at the SAP Developer Network (SDN) / SAP Community Network (SCN) where there is a project called ABAP2GAPPS that has done this.
Note the ABAP2GAPPS example is a bit difficult to figure out (but you can learn a lot from it), and it also uses the OAuth2 'authorization code flow" OAuth2.0 flow/pattern, which requires an end-user 'consent' in an browser if you want to push up a file from ABAP automatically from a background job without end-user interaction then ABAP2GAPPS is not the full answer (but again, ABAP2GAPPS is a great example, suggest you look at it.)
We recently were able to achieve an interface from SAP ABAP to the Google Fusion Table API using OAuth2, with only about a 100 lines of ABAP...and the techniques we employed could be used on any of the Google API''s a link to the video:
Link to YouTube video interface ABAP to Google API
hope you find this helpful