Is it possible to use Custom fields in reports - youtrack

In youtrack we can make an html report for the release notes. But we want to use a custom field in these reports, is this posible or not?
We use youtrack 6.5 for now but are willing to upgrade to 7.0 if it is necessary.

It is not possible. Please take a look at and vote for


Select multiple rows in issue list

Is there way to select multiple issue in issue-list in Trac, like it is possible in Jira or Redmine, and perform any operations with them? Like changing status, etc?
Sounds like you are describing batch modify functionality.
In older versions of Trac you could install and use the Batch Modify Plugin to do this.
In more recent versions of Trac (starting at 1.0) this feature is now core functionality - see the #525 enhancement ticket and the TracBatchModify wiki page on trac edgewall.
There is also a GridModifyPlugin which allows you to edit ticket field values inline which may be useful.
Trac 1.0 supports operations on multiple tickets (which it calls "Batch Modify") from any "custom query" results list, but not from the "report" views.
For older trac versions, the functionality is available as a plugin:
Here's a screenshot of the plugin UI:

Can I add a new sprint (Fix Version) in YouTrack using a command?

Like the title says, I need to create a new fix version or sprint from my web app. I have mostly been using commands via YouTrackSharp to perform the tasks I need to, but I have got a bit stuck with this one. Anyone have any ideas?
If you mean adding a completely new value to Fix Versions bundle (set of values), then it's not possible. You can do it only in administration part of your YouTrack.
In case you mean adding another fix version to an issue, just use the command 'add Fix versions '.

How do I access SQL from XPages

What is the process to access data from a SQL data source and have it fill in a list box control so that the user may select one of the values?
I have been given the name of the database and server, the login ID and password.
Code samples would really be appreciated as I have never done any SQL coding.
The latest Extension Library on OpenNTF ( ) has a whole bunch of Relational Database extensions.
You'll need to get the JDBC drivers for whatever SQL server your going to be accessing and then take a look at the ExtLib demo application on how to create the JDBC connector from your application. Once the connector is in place you can then just the new controls in ExtLib to easily create a view pane etc.
You will also need more then the SQL server, username and password, you'll need to find out the different tables that you'll be accessing so that you can reference them from your Xpages application.
I've created a video showing JDBC access from XPages:
Wait for the book that will e released soon about the extlib. I know Jeremy hodge wrote the chapter so you might be able to get some info from him.
From an answer I gave earlier: you might want to check out the blog post announcing the JDBC support . It has an excellent video explanation and a link to a slide deck.
Also, take a look at Xpages101 lesson 61. It's paid-for content, but well worth it if you're serious about Xpages development.
If you want to combine Upgrade Pack 1 (UP1) with the Extension Library JDBC parts, then make sure to use the Extension Library that matches exactly the UP1 version. This is version 853-20111215 of the Extension Library. Then you can use the update site method to only deploy the experimental parts of the Extension Library (
For newer releases of Extension Library things might (will) have changed so that UP1 and Extension Library can not work together.
When UP2 is released, you need to remove the Extension Library package and deploy UP2. At that point in time UP2 might contain the JDBC support.
As the previous posters put the ext library stuff will make it a little more "Drag and Drop", but you can use regular JDBC connection to get the data you want, Its pretty simple, but a lot more code than using Domino as a backend. You might want to look at this John Mackey blog post about doing a very similar thing...
Keep in mind that you need the actual ext. library for this. The upgrade pack does not contain the JDBC stuff.
Keep in mind that if you don't need "LIVE" data access, and the information you want is fairly static you could always just use a lotusscript agent to pull the data down into Notes Documents. Run that once a day or whatever. No fancy XPages stuff needed. That's fairly common coding and practices with examples available.
Then just have the list box pull from the documents you brought down.

How add field deadline in TRAC?

I want to add new field "deadline" for tickets in a Trac system .
How can I do it?
take a look at Custom Ticket Fields.
I'm working with a modified revision of the Trac development version 0.13dev, that has support for true custom time fields. This version performs well in production for more than a year now, but still lacks some requirements like unittest to make it's way into the next stable release of Trac. Until this is at least in 'trunk' you'll have to take a special revision from the repository, patch Trac code on your own or use the DateFieldPlugin.
BTW, there is CustomFieldAdminPlugin to help you prepare properly formatted entries for [ticket-custom] section of your trac.ini .

Browsing for installed notes in SAP system

How can I view all installed SAP notes in a system?
As I remember correctly SPAU respective SPDD don't show up any SAP Note which was regularly installed by support packages (SPAM). Only SAP Notes are listed there, which were implemented by means of modification/correction and are in conflict.
Please run transaction SPAM to see which support package level you already have.
What are you trying to accomplish here? If you just want to see if a note is already applied, then I believe you can pull the note up in transaction SNOTE and check.
Try transaction SPAU. On the modifications Tab select "Corrections in SAP Note"