sending email to multiple accounts using php ews - php-ews

The below code is used for sending email using jamesiarmes/php-ews
in my application
$request = new \jamesiarmes\PhpEws\Request\CreateItemType();
$request->MessageDisposition = "SendOnly";
$request->SavedItemFolderId->DistinguishedFolderId->Id = "sentitems";
$request->Items->Message->ItemClass = "IPM.Note";
$request->Items->Message->Subject = "exchange new mail";
$request->Items->Message->Body->BodyType = 'HTML';
$request->Items->Message->Body->_ = "This is a test mail as a part of exchange settings set up ";
$request->Items->Message->ToRecipients->Mailbox->EmailAddress = "";
$response = $this->app['ews']->CreateItem($request);
But the problem is I can add only one email address as recipient, how can I add multiple email addresses in ToRecipients?

I checked out the php-ews documentation. You can create an array with multiple recipients this way:
$toAddresses = array();
$toAddresses[0] = new EWSType_EmailAddressType();
$toAddresses[0]->EmailAddress = '';
$toAddresses[0]->Name = 'John Harris';
$toAddresses[1] = new EWSType_EmailAddressType();
$toAddresses[1]->EmailAddress = '';
$toAddresses[1]->Name = 'Sara Smith';
And then add it to your object like this:
$request->Items->Message->ToRecipients = $toAddresses;
Try this and feedback me please.

Seems to me that your problem has not been solve yet?
Following works for me:
$toAddresses = array();
$api = MailAPI::withUsernameAndPassword("server", "username", "password");
$message = new Type\MessageType();
$message->setBody('Some Text');
$message->setSubject('Test Subject');


Google Sheet API - How to get all sheets name in spreadsheet file?

I use Google Sheet API Version 4.
And i want to get all sheets name what available in that spreadsheet file?
So if you have any way to do it, tell me please. Thanks
public function GoogleServiceSheets(){
$client = new \Google_Client();
$service = new Google_Service_Sheets($client);
return $service;
public function getSheetID_SheetName($spreadsheetID){
$service = $this->GoogleServiceSheets();
$sheetNumberCounter = 1;
$spreadSheetArr = [];
$worksheetSheets = $service->spreadsheets->get($spreadsheetID)->sheets;
foreach($worksheetSheets as $sheet){
$id = $sheet->properties['sheetId'];
$name = $sheet->properties['title'];
$singleSheetArr = array(
$spreadSheetArr[$sheetNumberCounter] = $singleSheetArr;
$sheetNumberCounter = $sheetNumberCounter + 1;
return $spreadSheetArr;
We can call spreadsheet object to get all information of spreadsheet.
$service = new Google_Service_Sheets($client);
$spreadsheetId = 'your spredsheetid';
$sheetInfo = $service->spreadsheets->get($spreadsheetId);
$allsheet_info = $sheetInfo['sheets'];
$idCats = array_column($allsheet_info, 'properties');
Google api lets do it.
You need to do api call:
Where the "key" is your spreadsheet.
Good luck!

InsertAll using C# not working

I´d like to know why this code is not working. It runs without errors but rows are not inserted. I´m using C# client library.
Any ideas? Thanks!!
string SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL = "(myserviceaccountemail)";
string SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PKCS12_FILE_PATH = #"C:\(myprivatekeyfile)";
System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 certificate =
new System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PKCS12_FILE_PATH, "notasecret",
ServiceAccountCredential credential = new ServiceAccountCredential(
new ServiceAccountCredential.Initializer(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL)
Scopes = new[] { BigqueryService.Scope.BigqueryInsertdata, BigqueryService.Scope.Bigquery }
// Create the service.
var service = new BigqueryService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
HttpClientInitializer = credential,
ApplicationName = "test"
Google.Apis.Bigquery.v2.Data.TableDataInsertAllRequest tabreq = new Google.Apis.Bigquery.v2.Data.TableDataInsertAllRequest();
List<Google.Apis.Bigquery.v2.Data.TableDataInsertAllRequest.RowsData> tabrows = new List<Google.Apis.Bigquery.v2.Data.TableDataInsertAllRequest.RowsData>();
Google.Apis.Bigquery.v2.Data.TableDataInsertAllRequest.RowsData rd = new Google.Apis.Bigquery.v2.Data.TableDataInsertAllRequest.RowsData();
IDictionary<string,object> r = new Dictionary<string,object>();
r.Add("campo1", "test4");
r.Add("campo2", "test5");
rd.Json = r;
tabreq.Rows = tabrows;
service.Tabledata.InsertAll(tabreq, "(myprojectid)", "spots", "spots");
I think you should add the Kind field [1]. It should be something like this:
tabreq.Kind = "bigquery#tableDataInsertAllRequest";
Also remeber that every request of the API has a response [2] with additional info to help you find the issue's root cause.
var requestResponse = service.Tabledata.InsertAll(tabreq, "(myprojectid)", "spots", "spots");

Adobe Echo Sign Sending PDF file

I am working on Adobe Echo sign,I have downloaded the sample code from their website, I am using this sample code for sendingdocument, it has some code missing in sendDocument method so I have changed it. It's giving SoapHeader Exception,with nothing in InnerException,
below is my code of sending document
public static void sendDocument(string apiKey, string fileName, string recipient)
ES = new EchoSignDocumentService16();
FileStream file = File.OpenRead(fileName);[] fileInfos = new[1];
fileInfos[0] = new, null, file);
SenderInfo senderInfo = null;
string[] recipients = new string[1];
recipients[0] = recipient;
DocumentCreationInfo documentInfo = new DocumentCreationInfo(
"Test from SOAP: " + fileName,
"This is neat.",
DocumentKey[] documentKeys;
senderInfo = new SenderInfo(recipient, "password", "APIKEY");
documentKeys = ES.sendDocument(apiKey, senderInfo, documentInfo);
Console.WriteLine("Document key is: " + documentKeys[0].documentKey);
its giving exception on this line
documentKeys = ES.sendDocument(apiKey, senderInfo, documentInfo);
Can anyone suggest some sample code of Adobe Echo Sign?
On the account page of your login there is an API log you can check. If you check the log entry for your request you may find more information there.
I can't see anything immediately wrong with your code however the EchoSign API guide says that the 'tos' field is deprecated and that the recipients field should be used instead. Helpfully this means you can't use the paramaterised constructor. Try creating your document creation info as such (this is C# but if you need Java it should be straightforward to figure out):
RecipientInfo[] recipientInfo = new RecipientInfo[1];
recipientInfo[0] = new RecipientInfo
email = "recipient",
role = RecipientRole.SIGNER,
roleSpecified = true
DocumentCreationInfo documentCreationInfo = new DocumentCreationInfo
recipients = recipientInfo,
name = "Test from SOAP: " + fileName,
message = "This is neat.",
fileInfos = fileInfos,
signatureType = SignatureType.ESIGN,
signatureFlow = SignatureFlow.SENDER_SIGNATURE_NOT_REQUIRED
Note that when using the recipientInfo array it seems that the roleSpecified field must be set to true. This little field tripped me up for ages and I was receiving errors similar to yours.

Retrieving email-id from database and send mail to them

In yii i am creating sendemail functionality. I am using mailer extension and its working correctly after making all settings of SMTP. i had made method actionEmail in controller as-
public function actionEmail()
$model=new User;
$mailer = Yii::createComponent('application.extensions.mailer.EMailer');
$mailer->SMTPAuth = true;
$mailer->SMTPSecure = "ssl";
$mailer->Host = "";
$mailer->Port = 465;
$mailer->CharSet = 'UTF-8';
$mailer->Username = "";
$mailer->Password = "abc";
$mailer->From = "";
$mailer->FromName = "";
$mailer->Subject = "welcome to Balaee";
// $html = $this->renderPartial('myview',array('content'=>'Hello World'),true);
$mailer->Body = "Welcomeclick on link for other detail ".$url="http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
if($mailer->Send()) {
echo "Please check mail";
//Yii::app()->user->setFlash('register','Thank you for contacting us. We will respond to you as soon as possible.');
// $this->refresh();
else {
echo "Fail to send your message!";
This method is implementing correctly.It is sending mail to address which is mentioned in mailer->AddAdress.But now i want to retrive email id's from database corresponding to specific user's id and send mail to him. i.e.I dont want to insert hard coded value for this field. So how can i do this. Please help me.
for fetch use id of user to get email address as
and set in email as
where id and email_id are the table column name.
check other ways .
For this to be done, you can fetch email id from database using following query:
$email = SELECT email FROM USER WHERE user_id = "X";
Here X is user_id of user whom you want to send email.
And provide this $email in the receipient's email field. Thanks.

WCF Client access with Message Contracts

I have a web service , i add some extra class which have message contract and after that it changed the way we access some of the methods( and i have not added message contract to these classes these are data contracts ), earlier i.e before we could create one object for request and response (like see the Before part) we are creating a single object for OrderStatusResponse Class. But if you see now the After(we have to create separate objects for request and response).
is this a side effect of enabling "Always generate message contract?"
SmartConnect.Service1Client Client =
new SmartConnectClient.SmartConnect.Service1Client();
SmartConnect.OrderStatusResponse Status =
new SmartConnectClient.SmartConnect.OrderStatusResponse();
Status.UserID = "1234";
Status.Password = "abcd";
Status.SoftwareKey = "abc";
Status.OrderNumber = "1234";
Status = Client.GetOrderStatus(Status);
lbl_OS.Text = Status.Status.ToString();
lbl_RM.Text = Status.ReturnMessage.ToString();
SmartConnectRepublic.SmartConnectClient SmartClient =
new WCF_Client.SmartConnectRepublic.SmartConnectClient();
//SmartConnectRepublic.OrderStatusResponse Status =
new WCF_Client.SmartConnectRepublic.OrderStatusResponse();
WCF_Client.SmartConnectRepublic.GetOrderStatusRequest request =
new WCF_Client.SmartConnectRepublic.GetOrderStatusRequest();
request.status = new WCF_Client.SmartConnectRepublic.OrderStatusResponse();
request.status.OrderNumber = "1055055";
request.status.UserID = "1234";
request.status.Password = "dfsdfsd";
request.status.SoftwareKey = "sdfsdfsdfs";
WCF_Client.SmartConnectRepublic.GetOrderStatusResponse response =
new WCF_Client.SmartConnectRepublic.GetOrderStatusResponse();
response = SmartClient.GetOrderStatus(request);
lbl_Status.Text = response.GetOrderStatusResult.Status;
lbl_RC.Text = response.GetOrderStatusResult.ReturnCode.ToString();
lbl_RM.Text = response.GetOrderStatusResult.ReturnCode.ToString();
Yes, I suspect it is a difference with using message contracts. You seem to have figured it out, though.