Is there a way to recover my code in Microsoft Visual Studio Community? -

Technology used:
Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015
When i was altering skin in my form to design it, i was having trouble undoing my design to return back to its normal design. And as i go to my Form in Solution Explorer and clicked Undo everything had vanished including my code. I'm having trouble on how to retrieve my code ? Is there a way to retrieve my codes and my design or a garbage collector where i can easily retrieve it?
I would be so happy for your suggestions.I really need your Help.

The only way that you will be able to retrieve your old code at this point is if you did a
git push origin master
(or other branch) to github before you made these changes.
If you haven't use Git Extensions - I would suggest downloading and linking it to your github repo for this project. Git Extensions will give you a nice quick view of all your branches and what is sitting in your local repo.
Provided that you did a
git commit
You will still have your changes saved locally and this can be easily identified using Git Extensions.
If you have made the changes after you did a commit, you will see the old code in Git Extensions. From here you will be able to revert selected lines or all of the files. This is provided, that you had at least one major commit in git before this happened.
Update 1:
Based on your comment on your OP you should still have the original files in git. You should then be able to find your code easily via Git Extensions. You should see a list of changed files and from here you can revert them easily.
Update 2: Based on your comments, it appears that you have completely lost your changes. Git is a change tracker - and based on what you have said you did an Undo Changes on git. This means, that git had reset all the changes that it was tracking and went back to the last commit that you made. There is no way to get your changes back unless you had the files stored on DropBox or something similar where files are tracked on each save of the file. With git, changes made are only stored once committed. If you do an undo changes on the git repo before committing what it actually does is a
git reset
This removes all the changes and reverts it to the last commit.

I've checked and found this. I expect this should deal with your problem. Afterall, as long as you didn't intentionally delete anything, they are still in your target folder where you saved it.

If you checked in your code BEFORE the error on GitHub you can try this:(although I am not certain of community edition as I know it works on Pro and Enterprise).
Go to class in question
Right Click to get context menu
Select Source Control>History
Select a prior version
Right Click Reset>Reset and Delete Changes
This will basically say: "I don't care what happened just take me back to my safe place at this point in time with all affected files!". When performing code I cannot stress the importance to having source control and committing often.


Where can I find IntelliJ's local file changes

IntelliJ just reverted all of my local changes when I moved the package that contained them. It refuses to undo the change because "other files changed in the meantime". IntelliJ must keep some sort of diff collection somewhere to back the undo command -- if I can find these diffs somewhere I can manually reapply my changes.
Where/how does IntelliJ store local changes to files and is it possible to access them outside of the "undo/redo" commands? Note that these are not the "local changes" via the version control plugin -- these are the local changes to a given file that you can iterate across using the undo/redo commands.
IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2018.3.1.
(No, reverting via SVN will not work because I had not committed before moving the package. Yes, lesson learned, I will switch back to Eclipse after I reimplement my changes. Two of my coworkers also had this happen to them recently so clearly it's a bug.)
So long as you haven't invalidated caches, you can look at a diff of your file changes underneath VCS > Local History > Show History. And yes, changes which can be tracked across undo/redo phases can be kept here as well.
Highlight a file or folder in the project view to look at the changes made to the file or files, respectively.

Git: merge two working copies without committing

I have a clone for server development and another for client development. Both material will eventually make it into the same branch, but I want to synchronize them and I want it to perform a merge as though I had commit pushed and pulled, but I want to do it without that.
I'm able to make a patch with this script I wrote:
git diff --cached
git diff
on the server, but applying that to the client is much harder.
I've tried the Unix patch command, for some reason, it keeps asking me what files to patch, like I can't find them. (Yes, they're there) I've tried
git apply -3 patch.patch
but that gives a lot of errors like "with conflicts" (without making any changes) and "does not match index". It doesn't even seem to be trying to patch the other half of the files.
Stashing, then applying the patch, and then popping from the stash doesn't work, because unstashing refuses to do merges.
It looks like doing it without the pulling isn't going to work--I haven't found a way to do it conveniently and safely. However, my problem with committing is that I didn't want to spam the git log with garbage like:
Sync'ing to client
Sync'ing back to server
Oops! Sync'ing something I forgot to the server again!
But I can avoid all this by committing, then pulling from the remote repos. In the end, I wouldn't have to push those commits, since I would use reset to remove them all from the local repo and then, with all my changes in the working directory, do a proper commit and push it.
They are many.
It's commonly known that you shouldn't reset your local repo if something has already pulled from it. This is probably from the obvious confusion that results when one repo delete commits that another repo believes were there. For that reason it's important that the same reset is performed on both repos before they start sharing code again.
If after you've done your commits that you later want to reset, then pull/merge, you could make things very difficult for yourself. There should be a way to manage it, but I haven't yet figured it out. One idea is to reset, stash, pull, merge, and commit again. Another involves revert with the -n option.
The following example assumes you have 2 clones; one called "client" and the other "server".
Following, setup your client's and server's repo on each others' systems to they can pull from each other.
When you want to sync, just commit on the donor system, then instead of pulling from the origin, pull from a remote. Say the client wanted a commit from the server. On the client:: git pull myserver-repo mybranch.
Merge and conflict-resolve as necessary.
Loop back to 2 as many times as is necessary.
After several iterations of 2-4, you arrive at the point when you are ready to push your changes to the server. Go to whichever local repo has all the changes you want pushed, then run git log. Find the commit before the first commit you did in 2. Copy its hash to the clipboard.
Then git reset: git reset <hash you copied in 5>.
You should then see all the commits you don't want disappear from the log and all the changes therein in your working directory. Commit and push.
It's important that you do a cleanup on the repo from which you didn't perform 5-7. So if you pushed from your server repo, you need to perform the same reset operation on your client, then dispense with the changes as you see fit. My preferred method is git stash save "delete_me".

TFS - reconstructing lost overwritten code?

I was working on a solution and under the assumption that I had already checked in my changes, I pulled down a new version of the solution and all the changes disappeared.
One of my colleagues suggested that as I often ran it in debug mode that there might be a dll kicking about that I can reverse engineer but dlls all seem to have overwritten too.
This is about 2 weeks worth of work so any help would be appreciated.
If you didn't shelve or check in the changes before the overwritten, I'am afraid you'll not be able to revert the file.
However when you edit the files in local, the changes will be temporarily saved to the TFS temporary diff files in "C:\Users\{user}\AppData\Local\Temp\TFSTemp". The files all have names like "vctmp38604_939733.cs". You can get the changes from them.
So, you can have a check for the folder, hopefully the diff files still there.
Just a suggestion: please ALWAYS shelve or check in code in time in case missing the changes.

Get back lost shelf changes

I have shelved my 26 java files changes via Intellij Idea 2016.2.1 and I checkout to different branch.
When I came to old branch to check my shelved changes.
I gone a mad now, I lost all the files. I was worked nearly two months
Can somebody help to get it back?
You can restore the state of those files if they were edited in IntelliJ. Use local history to see all the changes made in IntelliJ (VCS -> Local History -> Show History).
Even there isn't Shelf tab in IDE you can find shelved changes as patch files at {ProjectName}/.idea/.idea.{ProjectName}/shelf/.idea/shelf.
Then your can apply any selected patch.
I was able to view lost changes and revert back to them by:
right click on project directory, select Local History > Show History
Find the entry in the history menu that you want to restore. You can examine the files by double clicking on the entry and the files to examine differences.
Right click on the entry you want to restore, and select Revert
Note in my case Git>VCS Operations>Show History showed nothing. Only through the Project Files menu.
Andrei's answer was helpful for my situation where I renamed my project and my previously shelved changes were no longer found under the shelf, but I did run into an issue when applying the patch file because I was prompted to "Select missing base" for various files in the patch. Similar to what is seen in the screenshot below:
I was able to avoid having to "Select missing base" for various files by first changing the default shelf location and then applying the patch.
Also, I found my patch in this location:
instead of the aforementioned location:
Maybe this will help someone:
I lost part of my shelved changes in combination with an update of IntelliJ. I'm not sure if the update was the reason but eventually most of my most recent (and important) changes were gone.
I couldn't restore them from local history as this does not "survive" an update of IDEA. But in the files I saw that there still is some data:
C:\Users\myUser\AppData\Local\JetBrains\IntelliJIdea2021.2\LocalHistory had a changes.storageData with ~50MB.
Copying the files to the folder of the new version didn't help as the files got overwritten again.
I was able to get the old version of IntelliJ (2021.2) here and installed it. This can be done in parallel, without removing the newer version.
Here I was able to retrieve my changes from the Local History and shelve or apply them again.
Hint: Backup the "Local History" folder (or the whole IntelliJIdea20xx.x folder) before you start. I don't remember if I had to copy it in there again or if it worked out of the box. (Just to be sure the local history doesn't get lost).
I've also experienced this bug repeatedly and hence no longer use shelved changes, but rather the Git CLI directly. As of 2022 Jetbrains IDE's still cannot be trusted with their "Smart Checkout" feature, which has a small probability of the total loss of your files (experienced personally in both IntelliJ & Rider).
Unlike another comment here regarding using the Local History, this did not work for me as the history showed nothing. I've also lost many hours of work due to this bug which remains unfixed.
The solution is to use "git stash -u" on the command line, then checkout the desired commit. Once youre done, type "git stash apply" to restore your files. Trusting the "smart checkout" feature is like playing Russian roullette. It's IDE magic that may just fail and you lose everything.

Accurev - why not Auto-Update?

Why isn't it standard behavior for Accurev to automatically run an "Update" upon opening the program? "Update" updates a user's local sandbox with the latest files from the building/promoted area.
It seems like expected functionality that the most recent files should be synchronized first.
I'm not claiming that it should always update, but curious as to why an auto-Update wouldn't be correct.
Auto-updating could produce some very unwanted results.
Take this scenario: you're in the middle of a development task, but you've made a mistake and need to revert a file that you just modified. So you open AccuRev, but before you have a chance to "revert to most recent version", you are bombarded with 100 files that have been changed upstream including the one you want to revert. You are now forced into the position of resolving all the merge conflicts before your solution will build, including the merge of your (possibly unstable) code in progress.
Requiring the user to manually update keeps a protective 'bubble' around the developer, allowing them to commit (keep) changes within their own workspace without bringing down code changes that could destabilise the work in their sandbox. When the developer gets to a point where his code is ready to share with others, that is the appropriate time to do an update and subsequently build/retest the merged codebase before promoting.
However there is one scenario that I do believe auto-updating could be useful: after a workspace is reparented. i.e. when a developer's workspace is moved from one part of the stream hierarchy to another. Every time we reparent we have to do a little dance:
Accept the confirmation dialog that reminds us (rather verbosely) that we need to update our workspace before we can promote any changes.
Double-click the workspace to view its files.
Wait for AccuRev to do a "Pending" search, to determine whether any file changes are waiting to be committed.
And finally, perform the Update.
Instead of just giving us a confirmation dialog, it would be nice if AccuRev could just ask us if we want to Update immediately.
I guess it depends on preference. I for one wouldn't like the auto-update feature.
Imagine you have a huge project and you don't want to build it every time you start Accurev. But you also can't debug because the source files and debugging info no longer correspond.