Using VBA to find start value, count rows till that value becomes 0 and record result. Repeat for same column until the end of the data reached - vba

I'm a newbie to VBA/coding in general and my usual tactic of sticking bits of pre-written code isn't working for my problem.
I'm looking to create a macro that will do 3 things:
Allow me to find a starting point for the data in a column.
Start counting the number of rows once the cell value has
changed to a constant.
Once the value moves back to the starting point for the count to stop and record the number of cells counted in separate column with positioning of the count in that column at the start point of the count.
Repeat until the end of the data.
For this case the start point will be when the cell has a value of >0.
It will increase to a constant number (300).
Once at 300 the macro will have to count the number of rows that contain the numerical value 300 until the value goes back to 0.
Report count in a separate table on the worksheet with the entry being input at the same relative position in the new table as when the count started from the data.
And finally the loop.
I need to also do a similar count but in the horizontal direction (i.e. counting columns on a row). If anyone can create a code for the vertical/row count problem above I'd really appreciate it if you could annotate it so I can attempt to understand/learn which bits of code carry out each action and thus change it up for horizontal/column count.
I've attached a screenshot of the spreadsheet however as a new user it must be as a link. The blue highlighted table is the data used for the vertical /row count problem I am talking about. The blank table underneath the highlighted table has manually inputted correct answers for the first column of data for what I would like the macro to do in case I haven't accurately described my request.
I have also attached the horizontal table with correct manually inputted answers for row 1 in the separate table for the column count along the row.
Lastly, here is the code that I have written to tackle the problem, however it is very basic and won't run.
Sub Count0()
For Each c In Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("D30:D39")
If c.Value = 0 Then
End If
If c.Value > 0 Then
v = Range(c.Value)
For i = 3 To Rows.Count
If Cells(i, 1).Value <> v Then
MsgBox CStr(i - 2)
End If
Next i
Next c
End Sub

This worked in the limited case I tested (two columns and several rows in different patterns. It's pretty basic--there are more elegant ways to do it.
Sub Count0()
'To hold the current cell
Dim current As Range
'To hold the total number of rows and columns having data
Dim rows As Long
Dim cols As Long
'To iterate across rows and columns
Dim r As Long
Dim c As Long
'Flag/counter variables
Dim found As Long 'Saves row on which first "constant" was found
Dim count As Long 'Saves count of "contants"
'Use SpecialCells method to obtain the maximum number of rows and columns
' that have data.
cols = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Column
rows = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
'Increment through all columns that have data. This is a bit inefficient
' because it really isn't necessary to go through all the empty cells,
' but it works.
For c = 1 To cols
'Initialize flag/counter
found = 0
count = 0
'Increment through all rows for the current column.
For r = 1 To rows
'Examine the current cell
Set current = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(r, c)
'For positive values, save the first row that has the value
' and count the number of values.
If current.Value > 0 Then
If found = 0 Then found = r
count = count + 1
End If
'When the next non-positive value is reached--OR the end of the
' row is reached--and there was a constant found, write the count
' to the next worksheet in the cell corresponding to the row and
' column having the first instance of the constant.
If (current.Value <= 0 Or r = rows) And found > 0 Then
Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(found, c).Value = count
'Reset the flag/counter
found = 0
count = 0
End If
Next r
Next c
End Sub

I was struggling with what you had written, and ended up doing this in the end. I left you variables for changing the sheets to read from and print to (assuming you can print the results to another sheet- if not it should be easy enough to change).
This should also work for all cells in your range, assuming that there are values in all boxes.
Problems I noted with your original code were:
The first if did nothing
I'm pretty sure you shouldn't use numbers in sub/function names
Dimensioning no variables is a bad idea
Anyway, give me a comment if you need any help (and well done for writing a good first question).
Sub CountZero()
Dim SourceSheet As Worksheet, SummarySheet As Worksheet
Dim CurrentCell As Range
Dim FirstRow As Long, LastRow As Long
Dim FirstColumn As Long, LastColumn As Long
Dim TotalValues As Long
Set SourceSheet = Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set SummarySheet = Worksheets("Sheet2")
FirstRow = 1
LastRow = SourceSheet.Range("A" & rows.count).End(xlUp).row
FirstColumn = 1
LastColumn = SourceSheet.Cells(1, Columns.count).End(xlToLeft).column
For col = FirstColumn To LastColumn
For Rw = FirstRow To LastRow
Set CurrentCell = SourceSheet.Cells(Rw, col)
If CurrentCell <> 0 Then
TotalValues = ProcessSection(CurrentCell)
SummarySheet.Cells(Rw, col).value = TotalValues
Rw = Rw + TotalValues
End If
Next Rw
Next col
End Sub
Function ProcessSection(FirstCellWithValue As Range) As Long
Dim Counter As Long: Counter = 0
Do Until FirstCellWithValue.Offset(Counter, 0).value <> FirstCellWithValue.value
Counter = Counter + 1
ProcessSection = Counter
End Function
As a small disclaimer, I haven't tested this, let me know if there are problems.


Different sections in a table (multiple empty rows). Create a conditional loop that inputs an empty row to the correct section - VBA

I have an issue I'm unable to resolve myself and was wondering if anyone here could help me. I have table with a lot of values which are broken down into different sections (separated by an empty row). I need to be able to control where a new row is inserted with the use of a macro.
What I would like to do is to create a macro with conditions so that I can control where an empty row are to be inserted. My take is to create separate buttons next to each sections (before an empty row) that assigns a value so that loop may skip through x number of empty rows before inserting a new row. My first take is like this:
Sub InsertNewRow()
Dim erow As Integer
Dim number As Integer 'number of empty rows to skip
Dim count As Integer 'to keep track on number of empty rows to skip
Dim LastRow As Long
erow = ActivityInput.UsedRange.Rows.count
count = 0
For Each l In erow
Do While i <> ""
Next erow
count = count + 1
If element = count Then
'Cells(Rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).EntireRow.Insert
'This is as far as I got. I don't know how to make the macro go to the last row of the current section... any suggestions?
To clarify, I would like to add macro(s) (bottons) that helps the user to insert new rows. If the user is at section 3 (2 empty rows have been passed which separates the different sections), I would like the user to be able to click on the macro (button) which then subsequently adds a new row to the current section.
Any ideas?:/
Sub InsertNewRow(X As Integer)
Dim count As Integer
count = 0
For i = 1 To ActivityInput.Range("X[ABC]")(i)
If i <> "" Then Next i
ElseIf X = count Then
Cells(l, 1).End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).EntireRow.Insert
count = count + 1
Next l
End Sub

Using VBA DateDiff to compare multiple Dates, output the difference and then compare output against another cell

I've got a spreadsheet which is used to record multiple times/dates where services were rendered.
In the spreadsheet the columns I'm interested in comparing start at row 9, column BA-BB, BC-BD, BE-BF, BG-BH, BI-BJ, BK-BL, BM-BN, BO-BP, BQ-BR for each of the rows in minutes. I then want to add all the total differences between the dates and finally compare that total with with AF9 if populated or if that cell is blank AG9.
I want the Macro to loop through all the rows producing a total units for each row at the end of the sheet (Column BU)
The purpose of the spreadsheet is to check that the value populated in either AF or AG is in fact correct if we were to work out the difference in times and convert to units anyway.
What I've been working on so far is:
Sub CalculateDate()
Dim Result, RowNo As Long
Dim FirstDate, SecondDate As Date
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set DateCompare = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Master")
Set DateCompareRng = Support.Range("BA2", Support.Cells(Rows.Count, "BA").End(xlUp).Offset(0, 18))
Set DateCompareArr = DateCompareRng.Value2
RowNo = 1
Do Until DateCompare.Cells(RowNo, 1) = ""
FirstDate = DateCompare.Cells(RowNo, 1)
SecondDate = DateCompare.Cells(RowNo, 2)
DateCompareArr(FirstDate, 3) = DateDiff("m", FirstDate, SecondDate)
RowNo = RowNo + 1
End Sub
The above is my shoddy attempt at amending some logic someone else provided on the forums to a similar question. I don't want to compare specific dates I enter though as the dates will all be different throughout the cells.
I've never used this type of function before in VBA so not really sure on how to go about changing it to suit my needs. If I can manage to loop through of of the start/end times I can probably work out how to loop through additional columns and compare against another 2 columns after that.
Some sample date is:
Start 1 | Start 2
23/03/2018 12:00 | 2018-03-23 16:00 GMT
Difference = (In minutes)
Compare Difference to:
Total Units(Column AF) = 600(this is 600 minutes)
Sorry that this is such a long question. I'm just really stuck with getting started on this problem
I like your attempt, you are on the right track. Below is tested sample code, which I think will provide you with the answer you're seeking. Good luck and happy coding
Public Sub CalculateDate()
'While I don't recommend hard coding the start and end of your range
'for this example, I thought it would simplify things.
'Start of the range is the first cell, which in your example seems
'like BA9
Const RANGE_START As String = "BA9"
'End of the range is the last cell in right most column, which
'in your example was BR. I chose the 18th row, but you could
'make it whatever you need
Const RANGE_END As String = "BR18"
'Declare a worksheet variable as you've done
'And set it to the worksheet in the ActiveWorkbook as you've done
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Master")
'Declare the range that contains the values you need to sum
Dim rngToSum As Range
'And set it to the range in the WorkSheet
'In this case the range will be
Set rngToSum = ws.Range(RANGE_START & ":" & RANGE_END)
'Declare an index to be used in the for loop below
'as we loop through each column in the row the
'code is summing
Dim nDx As Integer
'Declare a range for the row to be worked on
Dim rngRow As Range
'Declare a string value that will hold the
'output range(row, cell)
Dim outStr As String
'Declare an output range variable
Dim outRng As Range
'Declare a variable to hold the summation of the
'row values you want to add together
Dim rowSum As Long
'Outter loop to loop through each of the rows in the
'defined range
For Each rngRow In rngToSum.Rows
'Initialize/Reinitialize the rowSum to 0 for each row
rowSum = 0
'Inner loop to loop throug all the columns in the range
'you want to add together
For nDx = 1 To rngToSum.Columns.Count Step 2
'NOTE--> DateDiff uses lower case N for minutes, not lower case M
'I noticed that in your sample code
rowSum = rowSum + DateDiff("n", rngRow.Value2(1, nDx), rngRow.Value2(1, nDx + 1))
'Completed adding all the columns together
'Assign the outPut row, cell for the output Range
'The formula below will concatenate the
'letter A with the current row number
'For example if the current row number is 9
'outStr will equal A9
outStr = "A" & rngRow.Row
'I always use Value2 since it is faster than the
'Text or Value properties of the range object
ws.Range(outStr).Value2 = rowSum
End Sub

Looping until blank column

I am putting together some VBA code which i think needs a loop. Loops are often my biggest weakness with VBA and I need some assistance.
I have a text file which i import into an excel spreadsheet. The length of how many columns and rows and down will vary day to day.
For example today's file might have data in columns A - H, tomorrow it might be A : P. Each typical row count will be around the 200 mark, so not to long.
In essence im trying to make one long list in column A from all the data spread over multiple columns.
Im looking for a loop that checks if the column has data in it, if it does it then copies the data into the bottom of the data in column A.
So for illustration purposes say the data goes out to column G, it will copy B1, xl down, find the first empty row in A and paste, then do the same for C, stopping after column G.
I hope I’ve been clear when writing this.
Thanks in advance
You first want to loop over all columns. So a FOR loop from column B to LastColumn (which there is a function for.) Then you want to loop through all rows within that column to find the first empty row, and then substract one to arrive at the last column with data.
If Cells(row,col) = "" Then
LastRowCopy = row -1
Then you want to copy everything to A1, and keep track of the last row you posted in. So you want to have a variable that counts. Something like:
LastRowPaste = LastRowPaste + row
I could write the code for it, but perhaps you learn more by figuring it out yourself.
Edit: Also perhaps an interesting read on finding last rows and or columns is this:
Edit2: You could ofcourse also use the same for finding the last column as the method I used for finding the last row. Then you just loop through the columns and see if:
If Cells(1, col) = "" Then
LastCol = col -1
I wrote out the entire code:
Sub copypaste()
Dim LastRowCopy As String
Dim LastRowPaste As String
Dim LastCol As String
Dim col As Integer
Dim row As Integer
LastCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
LastRowCopy = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
LastRowPaste = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
For row = 1 to LastRowPaste
If Cells(row, 1) = "" Then
LastRowPaste = row
Exit For
End if
Next row
For col = 2 To LastCol
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Columns(col)) = 0 Then
LastCol = col -1
End If
Next col
For col = 2 To LastCol
For row = 1 To LastRowCopy
If Not Cells(row, col) = "" Then
Cells(LastRowPaste, 1) = Cells(row, col)
LastRowPaste = LastRowPaste + 1
End If
Next row
Next col
End Sub

How to look for values with % in a column and then sum them up and place it in an empty row?

I was wondering if there is any method that could detect a column with %? After that, sum the rows that have the %?
For example, in the following, i have a picture, Column B -D has values that contents %. The total % in B will be 130%, C will be 105%, D will be 90%. The total will be place at the subsequent empty row, for this particular example, will be row 8. I need the row to be flexible as it may end up more than 8.
I hope someone understands what i'm trying to convey here. What i'm trying to do is to look for the % and sum them up, the total will be placed at the subsequent empty row.
I do not understand the follow-up question about percentages in column 1. The following is my solution to your original question. It creates a row below any existing rows containing the total of any percentages in the column. I have formatted the values and have coloured then blue to show how. I have included comments saying what I am doing but not explaining why a statement does what it does. Try VBA Help first then come back with any questions.
Option Explicit
Sub SumPercentages()
Dim ColCrnt As Long
Dim ColCrntMax As Long
Dim ColMax As Long
Dim RowCrnt As Long
Dim RowCrntMax As Long
Dim RowSum As Long
Dim TotalPerc As Double
With Sheets("Sheet1") ' Replace with name of your sheet
' Find the last used row plus one as the row on which to place
' the totals. Warning, this statement will throw an error if
' there is a value on the last possible row.
RowSum = .Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row + 1
' Find the last used column
ColMax = .Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Column
' Examine every used column
For ColCrnt = 1 To ColMax
' Find the last used row in this column
RowCrntMax = .Cells(Rows.Count, ColCrnt).End(xlUp).Row
TotalPerc = 0
' Examine each row of this column
For RowCrnt = 1 To RowCrntMax
If Right(.Cells(RowCrnt, ColCrnt).NumberFormat, 1) = "%" Then
TotalPerc = TotalPerc + Val(.Cells(RowCrnt, ColCrnt).Value)
End If
' Save the value, format as percentage, colour blue
With .Cells(RowSum, ColCrnt)
.Value = TotalPerc
.NumberFormat = "0%"
.Font.Color = RGB(0, 0, 255)
End With
End With
End Sub

Stuck at deleting a record stored in a variant datatype

Ok I have tried these and grasped some view on variants and I have written these code
Sub main()
Dim Vary As Variant
Vary = Sheet1.Range("A1:D11").Value
For i = 1 To UBound(Vary)
For j = i + 1 To UBound(Vary)
If Vary(i, 1) = Vary(j, 1) Then
'I should delete the vary(j,1) element from vary
'in excel sheet we use selection.entirerow.delete
End If
Next j
Next i
End Sub
This is the sample I tried
1 somevalues in BCD columns
Now Delete the 4th row don think I'm working for unique records I'm just learning stuff to do and while I was learning variant I am stuck at this point deleting a complete row stored in variant
I have stored (A1:D11).value in variant
Now how can I delete the A6 element or row in variant so that I can avoid it while I copy the variant to some other sheet?
Can I also delete the C AND B columns in variant so that when i do transpose it wont copy the C and B columns?
I don't know what exactly a variant is - I was thinking to take a set of range and do operations like what we do for an excel sheet then take that variant and transpose it back to sheet.
Is that the right way of thinking or did I misunderstand the use of variants?
`variant(k,1)=text(x)` some array shows mismatch ? whats wrong?
If you are planning on using a varray to look at cells in each row to decide if you should delete the row or not, you should loop through your varray backwards, the same way you would if you did a for loop through the cell range. Since you are starting on row 1, the variable i will always equal the row number the element was located on, so you can use that to delete the proper row.
Here's a sample (more simple than what you are trying to do, though) that will delete each row in which the cells in columns A and B are the same.
Sub test()
Dim varray As Variant
varray = Range("A1:B11").Value
For i = UBound(varray, 1) To 1 Step -1
If varray(i, 1) = varray(i, 2) Then
Cells(i, 1).EntireRow.Delete
End If
End Sub
Notes of interest:
UBound(varray, 1) gives the count of the rows
UBound(varray, 2) gives the count of the columns
One workaround without a second array is to introduce a deliberate error into an element you want to replace, then use SpecialCells to delete the cell after dumping the variant array back over the range. This sample introduces an error into the array position corresponding to A6 (outside the loop as its an example), then when the range is dumped to E1, the SpecialCell error removal shifts F6:H6 into E6:G6. ie
pls save before testing - this code will overwrite E6:H11 in the first worksheet
Sub main()
Dim Vary As Variant
Dim rng1 As Range
Set rng1 = Sheets(1).Range("A1:D11")
Set rng2 = rng1.Offset(0, 4)
Vary = rng1.Value2
For i = 1 To UBound(Vary)
For j = i + 1 To UBound(Vary)
'your test here
Next j
Next i
Vary(6, 1) = "=(1 / 0)"
With rng2
.Value2 = Vary
On Error Resume Next
.SpecialCells(xlFormulas, xlErrors).Delete xlToLeft
End With
End Sub