Power Pivot relationships - powerpivot

Trying to create relationships (joins) between tables in power pivot.
Got 2 tables I wold like to join together, connected with a common column = CustomerID.
One is a Fact Table the other Dim table (look up).
I have run the "remove duplicates" on both tables without any problem.
But I still get an error saying : "the relationship cannot be created because each column contains duplicate values. Select at least one column that contains only unique values".
The Fact Table contains duplicates (as it should?) and the Dim Table do not, why do I get this error?
Help much appreciated

Created an appended table with both columns "CustomerID". After the columns where appended together I could "remove duplicates" and connect the tables together through the newly created appended table.
Don't know if this causes another problem later however.

You can also check for duplicate id values in a column by using the group by feature.
Remove all columns except ID, add a column that consists only of the number 1.
Group by ID, summing the content of the added column and filter out IDs whose total equals 1. What's left are duplicated IDs.


Why isn't "union all" doing what I expect?

I created 2 summary tables form the same source data for different date ranges.
Now that I have these multiple summary tables, I want to put those tables together
so that I will be able to run a summary on the combined table.
It's creating the summary table that is presenting the problem.
scratch.table_1 has 809,598 records.
scratch.table_2 has 1,228,176 records.
They both have the same set of fields from the source table,
plus a "record_number" field I created on each table using count(1).
The code I used to put these two tables together was:
create table scratch.table_1_and_2
select * from scratch.table_1
union all
select * from scratch.table_2
I assumed that there would be 809,598 + 1,228,176 records in the new table (2,037,774 records).
But there are only 1,960,769 records in the new table.
What am i doing wrong?
One way to troubleshoot would be to identify some of the missing records and see what might be different about the data in those that would cause them to be left out. A UNION ALL should include duplicate records so duplicates shouldn't be the issue. Maybe there is some data issue that's causing those records to be dropped. Also I'm assuming there isn't any funny business with Views going on in the underlying tables and that no data loads are affecting your record counts.

rearrange two columns into single unique rows

I have a table that has two ID fields:
This table is the only place where this link between IDs is recorded. An ID_issued will show up with a match in these ID_expired column when a new ID_issued occurs (e.g. z234, g123). There are some exact duplicate rows. There are also instances where there is a duplicate ID_issued but no ID_expired listed (e.g. b111).
My objective is to connect all the IDs into a single row so I can refer to the ID history of an individual.
You can create a View and add the table to the view for as many times as there are ID's and join it on itself as many times as well.

Building queries in Access 2007?

I'm trying to build a query where I'm able to get names of clients. So I have two tables, the 1st table has a column AppointmentNO, and this field is a number (there are other columns but they're irrelevant). In the 2nd table I have an ID as primary key, FirstName, LastName. ID is what matches the AppointmentNO in the first table.
Basically what I'm trying to do is link the two tables so that when I have an AppointmentNO in one column, I can see the LASTNAME associated with it in the 2nd column (need to include this in my report). I'm trying to link the AppointmentNO to ID and on JOIN PROPERTIES -> include all records from left table (1st table) and only those from right table (2nd table) where the joined fields are equal.
If I try to run the query it gives me a MISMATCH error. What am I doing wrong?
The type mismatch error could be happening:
because the two fields that you're trying to join aren't set as the same data type (e.g. one is Number and the other is Text) - check this in the Properties tabs for the relevant fields in each table;
it could be that Access has a join between the tables involving other fields (it will sometimes do this with AutoIDs) - you can check the relationships (and establish them) in the Tools -> Relationships window (where this is located might depend on your version). You can also use this tool to explicitly build the relationship, by connecting your 'ID' to 'AppointNO' - though you should still ensure that the fields are of the same data type.
Based on what you're describing, I think this is the situation (correct me if I'm wrong, though):
Three tables - Client, AppointmentNO, Children
In each table, there is a 'MemberID' - this is primary key in Client Table, and is Foreign Key in the other tables.
The Children and AppointmentNO tables are linked to Client table by one-to-many relationships (a client can have >1 children and >1 appointment).
I'd set this up so that the Member ID is the same datatype in each table, and join all tables on that field. Then, when set up a query that gives you MemberID, ClientName, ClientDOB (and anything else you want from the client table), ChildName, and AppointmentID. Once the query is working and giving you the desired output, you can build a report and group the output by Client and Client Description, so you'll get "Client A" followed by list of appointments and children, then "Client B" etc.
Hope that's clear-ish.

Merge or Union tables in Access

I have two tables that I would like to combine into an unduplicated list. I have a 'SUB' table that has a 1 column named 'ID' containing a unique identifier for 11,000 some records. I also have another table with 75,000 rows called 'MASTER'. It contains two columns, 'ID' which has the same unique identifier and 'CODE' which contains a unique code for each ID. I want to create a new table that has the 11,000 IDs from the 'SUB' table with the corresponding 'CODE's that match the 'SUB' IDs from the 'MASTER' table. I have used a basic UNION Query, but the results had duplication in the 'ID' column. I tried to consolidate the table produced by that query using Excel, but the list was too long to crunch. Any help? I know this is a basic, but I am not a database person... What would the SQL code look like to achieve this?
You should use JOIN instead of UNION to achieve what you want.
Something like that should work:
In general, JOIN allows you to match some rows from one table to the rows from other table according to the value(s) in these rows (think of it as "gluing" rows together along the vertical axis to form longer rows), while what UNION does is just adding all rows from one table below other table (i.e. appends one table to the end of other table along the horizontal axis).

T-SQL - Using Column Name in where condition without any references when having multiple tables that are engaged using multiple joins

I am a newbie for T-Sql, I came across a SP where multiple tables are engaged using multiple joins but the where clause contain a column field without any table reference and assigned for an incoming variable,like
where 'UserId = #UserId'
instead - no table reference like
'a.UserId = #Userid'`
Can any please do refer to me any material that clears my mind regarding such issue.
If the query works it means that there is only one Column with the name UserId, if there are multiple columns with the same name you have to reference the table too.
If you don't specify the table reference you will get
Ambiguous column name 'UserId'. error
Which means there are more then 2 tables with a column name UserId.
Anyway, always try and use the reference table.