Find Last cell from Range VBA - vba

How to find location of last cell from defined Range? Cell does not have to contain any data but must be most right and most down located cell from certain Range.
Set rngOrigin = wksOrigin.Cells(IntFirstRow, IntFirstColumn).CurrentRegion
I wish to receive

Perhaps this is what you want:
Dim rngLastCell As Range
Set rngLastCell = rngOrigin(rngOrigin.Count)

maybe you're after this:
'absolute indexes from cell A1
With rngOrigin
i = .Rows(.Rows.count).row
j = .Columns(.Columns.count).Column
End With
'relative indexes from rngOrigin upleftmost cell
With rngOrigin
i = .Rows(.Rows.count).row - .Rows(1).row + 1
j = .Columns(.Columns.count).Column - .Columns(1).Column + 1
End With

I handled it in below code but your remarks were helpful. Thank you.
intLastRow = rngOrigin.Cells(1, 1).Row + rngOrigin.Rows.Count - 1
intLastCol = rngOrigin.Cells(1, 1).Column + rngOrigin.Columns.Count - 1

The answers given by others mostly work, but not if the region is a union of non-contiguous cells. Here is a version that works consistently for single and multi-area regions, contiguous and non-contiguous.
Function LastCellOfRange(rng As Excel.Range) As Excel.Range
Dim area As Excel.Range
Dim rowNum As Long
Dim maxRow As Long
Dim colNum As Long
Dim maxCol As Long
Dim areaIdx As Integer
Set LastCellOfRange = Nothing
maxRow = 0
maxCol = 0
For areaIdx = 1 To rng.Areas.Count
Set area = rng.Areas(areaIdx)
rowNum = area.Cells(area.Cells.Count).row
If (rowNum > maxRow) Then
maxRow = rowNum
End If
colNum = area.Cells(area.Cells.Count).Column
If (colNum > maxCol) Then
maxCol = colNum
End If
Next areaIdx
Set LastCellOfRange = rng.Worksheet.Cells(maxRow, maxCol)
Set area = Nothing
End Function

Use this to code find the last cell in a given range
Sub GetLastCellFromRange()
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Range("$C$10:$E$20")
'Set rng = Range(Selection.Address) ' Use this line to select the range in worksheet
MsgBox "Last Cell of given range is : " & rng.Cells(rng.Rows.Count, rng.Columns.Count).Address
End Sub
I hope it will help you

you could try the following but it relies upon cells always being populated
or you could use the CurrentRegion and count the rows and columns and use Offset
Alternatively, you could use this construct which works even with ranges based on entire rows or entire columns.
Sub Test()
Dim rngOrigin As Excel.Range
Set rngOrigin = Range("$A$1:$D$6")
Dim rngLast As Excel.Range
Set rngLast = rngOrigin.Cells(rngOrigin.Cells.Count)
Debug.Print rngLast.Address
End Sub
Finally, for ranges with multiple areas you'll have to script against a range's Areas collection ...
Sub Test()
Dim rngOrigin As Excel.Range
Set rngOrigin = Range("$A$1:$D$6,$F$1:$G$6")
Debug.Print rngOrigin.Areas(1).Cells(rngOrigin.Areas(1).Cells.Count).Address
Debug.Print rngOrigin.Areas(2).Cells(rngOrigin.Areas(2).Cells.Count).Address
End Sub

Many answers here will work as long as the given range is continuous. This is what I would use for a range that you are absolutely sure is going to be continuous:
Sub test()
Dim myRng As Range, lastCell As Range
Set myRng = Range("A1:D4")
Set lastCell = myRng.Cells(myRng.Rows.Count, myRng.Columns.Count)
Debug.Print lastCell.Address 'returns $D$4
End Sub
For non-continuous, DB user10082797 gave a great solution, however their function fails when the ranges are positioned diagonal-up (for example, if you pass rng=A3:B4,C1:D2 in you will get D4 as the output which was not part of the original range.)
So the question becomes, what is the last cell in the range A3:B4,C1:D2? Is it B4 or D2? That's a decision for the programmer. Here is a function I wrote with the help of DB user10082797's function:
Function LastCellOfRange(rng As Range, Optional returnLastRow As Boolean = True) As Range
'returns the last cell in #rng.
'if #returnLastRow is TRUE, then the output will always be in the right most cell of the last row of #rng
'if #returnLastRow is FALSE, then the output will always be in the bottom most cell of the last column of #rng
'(#returnLastRow only matters for non-contiguous ranges under certain circumstances.)
'initialize variables
Dim area As Range, areaIdx As Long
Dim lastCellInArea As Range
'loop thru each area in the selection
For areaIdx = 1 To rng.Areas.Count
Set area = rng.Areas(areaIdx) 'get next area
Set lastCellInArea = area.Cells(area.Rows.Count, area.Columns.Count) 'get the last cell in the area
' the return is empty
' OR if the last row needs to be returned and this row is larger than the last area's
' OR if the last row needs to be returned and this row is the same as the last area's but has a larger column
' OR if the last column needs to be returned and this column is larger than the last area's
' OR if the last column needs to be returned and this column is the same as the last area's but has a larger row
' make this cell the return range
If LastCellOfRange Is Nothing Then
Set LastCellOfRange = lastCellInArea '(must be seperate from the other statment when its not set to anything)
ElseIf _
returnLastRow = True And lastCellInArea.Row > LastCellOfRange.Row _
Or returnLastRow = True And lastCellInArea.Row = LastCellOfRange.Row And lastCellInArea.Column > LastCellOfRange.Column _
Or returnLastRow = False And lastCellInArea.Column > LastCellOfRange.Column _
Or returnLastRow = False And lastCellInArea.Column = LastCellOfRange.Column And lastCellInArea.Row > LastCellOfRange.Row _
Set LastCellOfRange = lastCellInArea
End If
Next areaIdx
End Function
You can use the function like this:
Sub test()
Dim myRng As Range
Set myRng = Range("A3:B4,C1:D2")
Debug.Print LastCellOfRange(myRng).Address 'returns $B$4
Debug.Print LastCellOfRange(myRng, False).Address 'returns $D$2
End Sub

In your case, since you want to find the cell to the most right and down in your wksOrigin (defined as Worksheet), you could use the SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell) to get the last cell Row and Column.
i = wksOrigin.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row ' <-- get last row number
j = wksOrigin.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Column ' <-- get last column number
If you want to debug your result, you can add:
MsgBox "Last row at " & i & ", last column at " & j

If you want the absolute last cell of a defined range, regardless of whether it has any content, here is a simple solution
Dim InputRng As Range 'define a range for the test'
Set InputRng = Range("$F$3:$F$15")
MsgBox InputRng(1).Address & ":" & InputRng(InputRng.Cells.Count).Address 'This would output the absolute address of defined range'


VBA Macro to assess cells in a variable range of columns and rows and output a binary number in a new worksheet

I currently have the following code:
Dim TrimThreshold As Integer
Dim Counter As Integer
Dim CurrentColumn As String
Set ws1 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Data HUB")
Set ws2 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("sheet2")
TrimThreshold = Sheets("sheet2").Range("B3").Value
Counter = 0
CurrentColumn = "B2"
Sheets("Data HUB").Activate
For Each cell In Range(CurrentColumn, Range(CurrentColumn).End(xlDown))
If cell.Value >= TrimThreshold Then
Sheets("sheet2").Range("C3").Offset(Counter, 0).Value = 1
Counter = Counter + 1
Sheets("sheet2").Range("C3").Offset(Counter, 0).Value = 0
Counter = Counter + 1
End If
Next cell
This code successfully works for 1 column but is there anyway to assess for a variable range of both columns and rows? For instance, my data may look like the attached picture:
but the columns and rows may be variable between data worksheets (the columns and rows will always be equal within a single worksheet though!)
The final output will be a binary number (either 1 or 0) in the next tab of the worksheet determined if the value of the cell is greather than the threshold value entered in a cell (sheet2.cell"B3" in this case).
Thank you!
Should be self-explaining:
Option Explicit
Sub Macro1()
With Sheets("Data HUB")
Dim inRange As Range
Set inRange = .Range("B2")
Set inRange = .Range(inRange.End(xlToRight), inRange.End(xlDown))
Dim wsOut As Worksheet
Set wsOut = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("sheet2")
Dim TrimThreshold As Long
TrimThreshold = wsOut.Range("B3").Value
Dim outRange As Range
Set outRange = wsOut.Range("C3").Resize(inRange.Rows.Count, inRange.Columns.Count)
outRange.Value = .Evaluate("(" & inRange.Address & ">=" & TrimThreshold & ")*1")
End With
End Sub
If you still have any questions, just ask :)

Excel vba - multiple conditions and multiple statements

I am very new to VBA coding and need some help. I'm looking for a code that selects ranges based on the value of differet cells.
In my sheet i have 7 cells that have a formula which give the cell a "X" if i want an range is to be selected:
If I33 = "X" then select A1: S31 (I33 has a formula)
If I34 = "X" then select T1: AH31 (I33 has a formula)
I have 7 of these ....
What I'm looking for; if one or more of I33, I34, i35, I36, I37, I38 or I39 has an "X", the respective area (example A1:S31, there are 7 different ranges) should be selected.
Thanks for any help :-)
you can try this
Option Explicit
Sub main()
Dim xRangeAdress As Range, rangesAddress() As Range, rangeToSelect As Range, cell As Range
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("X-Sheet") '<== change it as per your actual sheet name
Set xRangeAdress = ws.Range("I33:I39") '<== set the range with "X" formulas: change "I33:I39" as per your actual needs
Call SetRangeAddresses(rangesAddress(), ws) ' call the sub you demand the addresses settings to
For Each cell In xRangeAdress 'loop through "X" cells
If UCase(cell.Value) = "X" Then Set rangeToSelect = MyUnion(rangeToSelect, rangesAddress(cell.Row - 33 + 1)) ' if there's an "X" then update 'rangeToSelect' range with corresponding range
Next cell
End Sub
Sub SetRangeAddresses(rangeArray() As Range, ws As Worksheet)
ReDim rangeArray(1 To 7) As Range '<== resize the array to as many rows as cells with "X" formula
With ws ' type in as many statements as cells with "X" formula
Set rangeArray(1) = .Range("A1:S31") '<== adjust range #1 as per your actual needs
Set rangeArray(2) = .Range("T1:AH31") '<== adjust range #2 as per your actual needs
Set rangeArray(3) = .Range("AI1:AU31") '<== adjust range #3 as per your actual needs
Set rangeArray(4) = .Range("AU1:BK31") '<== adjust range #4 as per your actual needs
Set rangeArray(5) = .Range("BL1:BT31") '<== adjust range #5 as per your actual needs
Set rangeArray(6) = .Range("BU1:CD31") '<== adjust range #6 as per your actual needs
Set rangeArray(7) = .Range("CE1:CJ31") '<== adjust range #7 as per your actual needs
End With
End Sub
Function MyUnion(rng1 As Range, rng2 As Range) As Range
If rng1 Is Nothing Then
Set MyUnion = rng2
Set MyUnion = Union(rng1, rng2)
End If
End Function
I added comments to let you study and develop his code for your further knowledge
Just to have a different solution (regarding what you need choose one of them):
Option Explicit
Function MainFull(Optional WS As Variant) As Range
If VarType(WS) = 0 Then
Set WS = ActiveSheet
ElseIf VarType(WS) <> 9 Then
Set WS = Sheets(WS)
End If
With WS
Dim getRng As Variant, outRng As Range, i As Long
getRng = WS.Range("I33:I39").Value
For i = 1 To 7
If getRng(i, 1) = "x" Then
If MainFull Is Nothing Then
Set MainFull = .Range(Array("A1:S31", "T1:AL31", "AM1:BE31", "BF1:BX31", "BY1:CQ31", "CR1:DJ31", "DK1:EC31")(i - 1)) '<- change it to fit your needs
Set MainFull = Union(MainFull, .Range(Array("A1:S31", "T1:AL31", "AM1:BE31", "BF1:BX31", "BY1:CQ31", "CR1:DJ31", "DK1:EC31")(i - 1))) '<- change it to fit your needs
End If
End If
End With
End Function
Function MainArray(Optional WS As Variant) As Variant
If VarType(WS) = 0 Then
Set WS = ActiveSheet
ElseIf VarType(WS) <> 9 Then
Set WS = Sheets(WS)
End If
With WS
Dim getRng As Variant, outArr() As Variant, i As Long, j As Long
getRng = WS.Range("I33:I39").Value
i = Application.CountIf(WS.Range("I33:I39"), "x")
If i = 0 Then Exit Function
ReDim outArr(1 To i)
For i = 1 To 7
If getRng(i, 1) = "x" Then
j = j + 1
Set outArr(j) = .Range(Array("A1:S31", "T1:AL31", "AM1:BE31", "BF1:BX31", "BY1:CQ31", "CR1:DJ31", "DK1:EC31")(i - 1)) '<- change it to fit your needs
End If
End With
MainArray = outArr
End Function
MainFull returns the whole range for all marked ranges while MainArray returns an array which holds all ranges which are marked with "x".
How to use it:
For MainFull you can simply set the range via Set myRange = MainFull("Sheet1"). This way it can easily used within another macro (sub) to copy/paste it somewhere.
But if you need to repeat this process for every set range (which is marked by "x") then the second sub is needed like:
Dim myRange As Variant
For Each myRange In MainArray("Sheet1")
Then do all the stuff via myRange. If you still have any questions, just ask ;)

Create various ranges if cell is found or not found in another workbook

I have been struggling for a day and a half with my code. I have a spreadsheet with over 50 columns 18000 rows. I have been able to identify a smaller range of cells in column A defined by "AllEntRg" based on blank cells in column H(OpsCol). I'm stuck with my loops towards the bottom. For EntityRg, I am looping through each cell in "AllEntRg" and if it is Not found in Range CCRg which was defined in BudWb Wk4 Then I want to create a range of all of those cells. The next option, CostCRg, I want to define a range for all cells that ARE FOUND in CCrg.
I have tested this by selecting individual cells and it provides the results I'm looking for but when I have this in the loops I'm getting the following two results: For EntityRg, the range.address defined is the same as AllEntRg (this shouldn't be the case). For CostCRg, I'm getting an error. I'm not sure what I'm not defining correctly. I've been stuck here for quite a while and I have tried using Match Function as well. Again, individually it works but in the loop I'm getting these results which are not expected. I'm interested on the feedback I may receive. Thanks.
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim BudWkb As Workbook
Dim Wk2 As Worksheet
Dim PNLWkb As Workbook
Dim fpath As String
Dim fname As String
Set BudWkb = Workbooks("SubModel Forecast_Other Admin v4.xlsm")
Set Wk2 = BudWkb.Sheets("By PM")
fname = "Feb15 PNL"
'fname = InputBox("Enter PNL File Name")
Dim Wk4 As Worksheet
Set Wk4 = BudWkb.Sheets("Validation")
With Wk4
Dim CCCol As Long
Dim fRowCC As Long
Dim lRowCC As Long
CCCol = Wk4.Cells.Find("Cost Center", lookat:=xlWhole).Column
fRowCC = Wk4.Cells.Find("Cost Center", lookat:=xlWhole).Offset(1, 0).row
lRowCC = Wk4.Cells.Find("Cost Center", lookat:=xlWhole).End(xlDown).row
Dim CCRg As Range
Set CCRg = Wk4.Range(Wk4.Cells(fRowCC, CCCol), Wk4.Cells(lRowCC, CCCol))
'MsgBox (CCRg.Address)
End With
Set PNLWkb = Workbooks("Feb15 PNL.xlsx")
Dim Wk1 As Worksheet
Set Wk1 = PNLWkb.Sheets("det")
With Wk1
If Left(Wk2.Name, 5) = "By PM" Then
Dim OpsCol As Long
OpsCol = Wk1.Cells.Find("Property Manager", lookat:=xlWhole).Column
OpsCol = Wk1.Cells.Find("Submarket", lookat:=xlWhole).Column
End If
Dim FRow As Long
Dim lRow As Long
Dim ExpCol As Long
Dim PropCodeCol As Long
Dim Expense As String
Expense = InputBox("Enter Expense GL")
'to locate begining and ending row of data on PNL report
'Identifies the column where the SubMarket names are located for lookup purposes
'Defines the expense GL column to lookup based on the inputbox above
FRow = Wk1.Cells.Find("66990000", lookat:=xlPart).Offset(2, 0).row
lRow = Wk1.Cells.Find("66990000", lookat:=xlPart).End(xlDown).Offset(-1, 0).row
ExpCol = Wk1.Cells.Find(Expense, lookat:=xlPart).Column
PropCodeCol = Wk1.Cells.Find("Property Code", lookat:=xlWhole).Column
'Defines the Range of the PM or Sub-Market Names
Dim OpsRg As Range
Set OpsRg = Wk1.Range(Wk1.Cells(FRow, OpsCol), Wk1.Cells(lRow, OpsCol))
'Defines the Range of the Property Codes
Dim PropCodeRg As Range
Set PropCodeRg = Wk1.Range(Wk1.Cells(FRow, PropCodeCol), Wk1.Cells(lRow, PropCodeCol))
'Defines the exact range of the expense column being analyzed
Dim ExpRg As Range
Set ExpRg = Wk1.Range(Wk1.Cells(FRow, ExpCol), Wk1.Cells(lRow, ExpCol))
End With
Dim AllEntRg As Range
For Each Cell In OpsRg
If Cell = "" Then
If AllEntRg Is Nothing Then
Set AllEntRg = Cells(Cell.row, PropCodeCol)
Set AllEntRg = Union(AllEntRg, Cells(Cell.row, PropCodeCol))
End If
'End If
End If
MsgBox (AllEntRg.Address)
'MsgBox (Application.Match(Wk1.Cells(59, 1), CCRg, 0))
'Dim y
'y = Application.Match(Wk1.Cells(10, 1), CCRg, 0)
'If IsError(y) Then
'MsgBox ("pooopy error")
'End If
Dim EntityRg As Range
'Dim c As Range
For Each c In AllEntRg
'Dim z
'z = Application.Match(c, CCRg, 0)
If CCRg.Find(c.Value, lookat:=xlPart) Is Nothing Then
If EntityRg Is Nothing Then
Set EntityRg = c
Set EntityRg = Union(EntityRg, c)
End If
End If
MsgBox (EntityRg.Address)
Dim CostCRg As Range
Dim r As Range
For Each r In AllEntRg
If Not CCRg.Find(r.Value, lookat:=xlPart) Is Nothing Then
If CostCRg Is Nothing Then
Set CostCRg = r
Set CostCRg = Union(CostCRg, r)
End If
End If
MsgBox (CostCRg.Address)
Dim v As Double
v = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(EntityRg)
'SendKeys "{F9}"
MsgBox (v)
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
I have no means of running your code but I have reviewed it and have noticed some possible problems.
lRowCC = Wk4.Cells.Find("Cost Center", lookat:=xlWhole).End(xlDown).row
`.End(xlDown) is not a reliable method of finding the last row of a column. Read this answer of mine for an explanation: Excel vba – xlDown
You say: “For EntityRg, the range.address defined is the same as AllEntRg (this shouldn't be the case).”
Do you believe they are the same because EntityRg.Address = AllEntRg.Address?
EntityRg .Address will be a string of absolute cell and range addresses separated by commas. You may not be aware that this string has a maximum length of about 255. I cannot find any documentation but from my own experimentation, EntityRg .Address will be truncated to less than 256 such that there is no partial cell or range address.
Are you being fooled by the first 255 characters of these addresses matching?
Another possibility is that every use of CCRg.Find(c.Value, lookat:=xlPart) returns Nothing so EntityRgand AllEntRg are equal. You say CostCRg gives an error; is this because it is Nothing?
You have two loops searching CCRg for values in AllEntRg. One loop records the successes and one records the failures. Why not combine the loops into something like:
If CCRg.Find(c.Value, lookat:=xlPart) Is Nothing Then
If EntityRg Is Nothing Then
Set EntityRg = c
Set EntityRg = Union(EntityRg, c)
End If
If CostCRg Is Nothing Then
Set CostCRg = r
Set CostCRg = Union(CostCRg, r)
End If
End If
I am concerned that For Each c In AllEntRg is not giving you what you expect. If you combine ranges with Union, it will tidy them up. So Union(Range("A2"), Range("A3", Range("A5"), Range("A6"), Range("A7")).Address is
"$A$2:$A$3,$A$5:$A$7" not "$A$2,$A$3,$A$5,$A$6,$A$7". My recollection is that For Each c In AllEntRg would not split "$A$2:$A$3" into separate cells.
Please use F8 to step through this loop to check that it is performing as you expect.
Hope this helps
Answer to problem described in comment
Your problem is you are not being consistent in you use of Withs and, in particular, you are not identifying which workbook you want to operate on.
Wk4 is explicitly specified to be within workbook BufdWkb and Wk1 is specified to be within PNLWkb.
However, in
Set AllEntRg = Cells(Cell.row, PropCodeCol)
you do not specify a worksheet or workbook for Cells. This is the equivalent of
Set AllEntRg = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells(Cell.row, PropCodeCol)`
You need to write Set AllEntRg = .Cells(Cell.row, PropCodeCol) (note period before Cells) and include this code within the With Wk1 Block.

show range in message box VBA

I have a function that selects a range based on a whole bunch of criteria from Sheet2. I'm trying to copy this range and to show/paste on Sheet1 or have it show in a message box.
Public Function findrulepos(target As Range, destination As Range) As String
Dim ruleStart As Range
Dim ruleEnd, ruleEnd2 As String
Dim Xcell, PasteRangeIndexCell As Range
Dim RuleRange As Range
Dim LastCell As Range
Dim FirstCell, IndexCell As Range
Dim WholeRule As Range
MaxRule = 100000
MaxRow = 100000
For i = 2 To MaxRow
If CStr(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("ResRules").Range("A" & i).Value) = CStr(target.Value) Then
Set ruleStart = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("ResRules").Range("B" & i) '.offset(0, 1)
Exit For
End If
Next i
'MsgBox (ruleStart.address)
Set FirstCell = ruleStart.offset(1, -1)
Set IndexCell = FirstCell
Do Until IndexCell.Value <> "" Or IndexCell.Row >= MaxRow
Set IndexCell = IndexCell.offset(1, 0)
If IndexCell.Value <> "" Then
Set LastCell = IndexCell.offset(-1, 1)
MsgBox (LastCell.Value)
Set LastCell = Nothing
End If
Set WholeRule = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("ResRules").Range("" & ruleStart.address & ":" & LastCell.address & "")
End Function
This is the whole code to give me the range I require
I have added a watch and can see I am getting the correct range i.e. $B$3:$B$6 but cant copy this range to Sheet 1
If your function is being called from a worksheet cell, then copy/paste won't work since that type of function can only return a value to the cell in which it resides. You need a function called from a Sub.
Use the following to get the address:
Sheet1.Range("A1").value = WholeRule.address
or, if you want to copy the actual content in the cells:
WholeRule.copy Sheet1.Range("A1")
thanks guys
worked it out
changed it to a Sub then
Public Sub ReturnRuleButton()
Call findrulepos(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Main").Cells(2, 5), ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Main").Cells(2, 6))
End Sub

Finding first blank row, then writing to it

I need to find the first blank row in a workbook and write information to (row, 1) and (row, 2). I think I'm currently pretty stuck...
Function WriteToMaster(num, path) As Boolean
'Declare variables
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim infoLoc As Integer
Set xlApp = New Excel.Application
Set wb = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("PATH OF THE DOC")
Set ws = wb.Worksheets("Sheet1")
'Loop through cells, looking for an empty one, and set that to the Num
Cells(1, 1).Select
For Each Cell In ws.UsedRange.Cells
If Cell.Value = "" Then Cell = Num
MsgBox "Checking cell " & Cell & " for value."
'Save, close, and quit
'Resets the variables
Set ws = Nothing
Set wb = Nothing
Set xlApp = Nothing
Thanks so much for any help.
If you mean the row number after the last row that is used, you can find it with this:
Dim unusedRow As Long
unusedRow = Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Offset(1, 0).Row
If you mean a row that happens to be blank with data after it... it gets more complicated.
Here's a function I wrote which will give you the actual row number of the first row that is blank for the provided worksheet.
Function firstBlankRow(ws As Worksheet) As Long
'returns the row # of the row after the last used row
'Or the first row with no data in it
Dim rw As Range
For Each rw In ws.UsedRange.Rows
If rw.Address = ws.Range(rw.Address).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks). _
Address Then
firstBlankRow = rw.Row
Exit For
End If
If firstBlankRow = 0 Then
firstBlankRow = ws.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell). _
Offset(1, 0).Row
End If
End Function
Usage example: firstblankRow(thisworkbook.Sheets(1)) or pass any worksheet.
Edit: As ooo pointed out, this will error if there are no blank cells in your used range.
I would have done it like this. Short and sweet :)
Sub test()
Dim rngToSearch As Range
Dim FirstBlankCell As Range
Dim firstEmptyRow As Long
Set rngToSearch = Sheet1.Range("A:A")
'Check first cell isn't empty
If IsEmpty(rngToSearch.Cells(1, 1)) Then
firstEmptyRow = rngToSearch.Cells(1, 1).Row
Set FirstBlankCell = rngToSearch.FindNext(After:=rngToSearch.Cells(1, 1))
If Not FirstBlankCell Is Nothing Then
firstEmptyRow = FirstBlankCell.Row
'no empty cell in range searched
End If
End If
End Sub
Updated to check if first row is empty.
Edit: Update to include check if entire row is empty
Option Explicit
Sub test()
Dim rngToSearch As Range
Dim firstblankrownumber As Long
Set rngToSearch = Sheet1.Range("A1:C200")
firstblankrownumber = FirstBlankRow(rngToSearch)
Debug.Print firstblankrownumber
End Sub
Function FirstBlankRow(ByVal rngToSearch As Range, Optional activeCell As Range) As Long
Dim FirstBlankCell As Range
If activeCell Is Nothing Then Set activeCell = rngToSearch.Cells(1, 1)
'Check first cell isn't empty
If WorksheetFunction.CountA(rngToSearch.Cells(1, 1).EntireRow) = 0 Then
FirstBlankRow = rngToSearch.Cells(1, 1).Row
Set FirstBlankCell = rngToSearch.FindNext(After:=activeCell)
If Not FirstBlankCell Is Nothing Then
If WorksheetFunction.CountA(FirstBlankCell.EntireRow) = 0 Then
FirstBlankRow = FirstBlankCell.Row
Set activeCell = FirstBlankCell
FirstBlankRow = FirstBlankRow(rngToSearch, activeCell)
End If
'no empty cell in range searched
End If
End If
End Function
Inspired by Daniel's code above and the fact that this is WAY! more interesting to me now then the actual work I have to do, i created a hopefully full-proof function to find the first blank row in a sheet. Improvements welcome! Otherwise, this is going to my library :)
Hopefully others benefit as well.
Function firstBlankRow(ws As Worksheet) As Long
'returns the row # of the row after the last used row
'Or the first row with no data in it
Dim rngSearch As Range, cel As Range
With ws
Set rngSearch = .UsedRange.Columns(1).Find("") '-> does blank exist in the first column of usedRange
If Not rngSearch Is Nothing Then
Set rngSearch = .UsedRange.Columns(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks)
For Each cel In rngSearch
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(cel.EntireRow) = 0 Then
firstBlankRow = cel.Row
Exit For
End If
Else '-> no blanks in first column of used range
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).EntireRow) = 0 Then '-> is the last row of the sheet blank?
'-> yeap!, then no blank rows!
MsgBox "Whoa! All rows in sheet are used. No blank rows exist!"
'-> okay, blank row exists
firstBlankRow = .UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).Row + 1
End If
End If
End With
End Function
Original Answer
To find the first blank in a sheet, replace this part of your code:
Cells(1, 1).Select
For Each Cell In ws.UsedRange.Cells
If Cell.Value = "" Then Cell = Num
MsgBox "Checking cell " & Cell & " for value."
With this code:
With ws
Dim rngBlanks As Range, cel As Range
Set rngBlanks = Intersect(.UsedRange, .Columns(1)).Find("")
If Not rngBlanks Is Nothing Then '-> make sure blank cell exists in first column of usedrange
'-> find all blank rows in column A within the used range
Set rngBlanks = Intersect(.UsedRange, .Columns(1)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks)
For Each cel In rngBlanks '-> loop through blanks in column A
'-> do a countA on the entire row, if it's 0, there is nothing in the row
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(cel.EntireRow) = 0 Then
num = cel.Row
Exit For
End If
num = usedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Offset(1).Row
End If
End With
I know this is an older thread however I needed to write a function that returned the first blank row WITHIN a range. All of the code I found online actually searches the entire row (even the cells outside of the range) for a blank row. Data in ranges outside the search range was triggering a used row. This seemed to me to be a simple solution:
Function FirstBlankRow(ByVal rngToSearch As Range) As Long
Dim R As Range
Dim C As Range
Dim RowIsBlank As Boolean
For Each R In rngToSearch.Rows
RowIsBlank = True
For Each C In R.Cells
If IsEmpty(C.Value) = False Then RowIsBlank = False
Next C
If RowIsBlank Then
FirstBlankRow = R.Row
Exit For
End If
Next R
End Function
very old thread but .. i was lookin for an "easier"... a smaller code
i honestly dont understand any of the answers above :D
- i´m a noob
but this should do the job. (for smaller sheets)
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
reads every cell in col 1 from bottom up and stops at first empty cell
intRow = 1
Do until objExcel.Cells(intRow, 1).Value = ""
intRow = intRow + 1
then you can write your info like this
objExcel.Cells(intRow, 1).Value = "first emtpy row, col 1"
objExcel.Cells(intRow, 2).Value = "first emtpy row, col 2"
and then i recognize its an vba thread ... lol
Very old thread but a simpler take :)
Sub firstBlank(c) 'as letter
MsgBox (c & Split(Range(c & ":" & c).Find("", LookIn:=xlValues).address, "$")(2))
End Sub
Sub firstBlank(c) 'as number
cLet = Split(Cells(1, c).address, "$")(1)
MsgBox (cLet & Split(Range(cLet & ":" & cLet).Find("", LookIn:=xlValues).address, "$")(2))
End Sub
Function firstBlankRow() As Long
Dim emptyCells As Boolean
For Each rowinC In Sheet7.Range("A" & currentEmptyRow & ":A5000") ' (row,col)
If rowinC.Value = "" Then
currentEmptyRow = rowinC.row
'firstBlankRow = rowinC.row 'define class variable to simplify computing complexity for other functions i.e. no need to call function again
Exit Function
End If
End Function