subtracting values in one column based on another column - awk

I have input file as follows
100A 2000
100B 150
100C 800
100A 1000
100B 100
100C 300
I want to subtract values in column 2 for each uniq value in column 1
so the out put should look like
100A 1000
100B 50
100C 500
I have tried
awk '{if(!a[$1])a[$1]=$2; else a[$1]=$2-a[$1]}END{ for(i in a)print i" " a[i]}' file
but the out put is :
100A 0
100B 0
100C 0
please advise

So many (slight) variations on the same theme.
awk '
!($1 in a) {a[$1]=$2; next}
END {for (i in a) printf "%s %d\n",i,a[i]}
' input.txt
Stack it up as a one-liner if you like.
Remember that awk structure consists of multiple condition { statement } pairs, so you can sometimes express your requirements more elegantly than using an if..else. (Not saying that this is the case here - this is a simple enough awk script that it probably doesn't matter, unless you're a purist. :] )
Also, beware of testing for values the way you've done in the condition in your if in the question. Note that a[$1] both tests whether the value at that array index is non-zero and causes the index to exist with a null value if it didn't previously exist. If you want to check for index existence, use $1 in a.
Update based on a comment on your question...
If you want to subtract the last from the first entry, ignoring the ones in between, then you need to keep a record of both your firsts and your lasts. Something like this might suffice.
awk '
!($1 in a){a[$1]=$2;next}
END {for(i in b)if(i in a)print i,a[i]-b[i]}
' input.txt
Note that as Ed mentioned, this produces output in random order. If you want the output ordered, you'll need an additional array to track of the order. For example, this will use order that items are first seen:
awk '
!($1 in a) {
for (n=1;n<=length(o);n++)
print o[n],a[o[n]]-b[o[n]]
' i
Note that the length() function being used to determine the number of elements in an array is not universal amongst dialects of awk, but it does work in both gawk and one-true-awk (used in FreeBSD and others).

This awk one-liner does the job:
awk '{if($1 in a)a[$1]=a[$1]-$2;else a[$1]=$2}
END{for(x in a) print x, a[x]}' file

In awk. Using conditional operator for value placing/subtraction to keep it tight:
$ awk '{ a[$1]+=($1 in a?-$2:$2) } END{ for(i in a)print i, a[i] }' file
100A 1000
100B 50
100C 500
a[$1]+=($1 in a?-$2:$2) # if $1 in a already, subtract from it
# otherwise add value to it
for(i in a) # go thru all a
print i, a[i] # and print keys and values

Given the sample input you provided, all you need is:
$ awk '$1 in a{print $1, a[$1]-$2} {a[$1]=$2}' file
100A 1000
100B 50
100C 500
If that's not all you need then provide more truly representative sample input/output that includes the cases where that's not good enough.

You can use this awk:
awk 'a[$1]{a[$1]=a[$1]-$2; next} {a[$1]=$2} END{for(v in a){print v, a[v]}}' file


awk match pattern and convert number to different unit

I have a csv file that contains this kind of values:
The columns 3 and 4 are memoy values expressed either in bytes, or kibibytes. The problem is that the "Ki" string appears randomly through the CSV file, particularly in column3, it's inconsistent.
So to make the file consistent, I need to convert everything in bytes. So basically, any value matching a trailing "Ki" needs to have its numeric value multiplied by 1024, and then replace the corresponding XXXXXKi match.
The reason why I want to do it with awk is because I am already using awk to generate that csv format, but I am happy to do it with sed too.
This is my code so far but obviously it's wrong as it's multiplying any value in columns 3 and 4 by 1024 even though it does not match "Ki". I am not sure at this point how to ask awk "if you see Ki at the end, then multiply by 1024".
kubectl describe node --context=$context| sed -E '/Name:|cpu:|ephemeral-storage:|memory:/!d' | sed 's/\s//g' | awk '
BEGIN {FS = ":"; OFS = ","}
{record[$1] = $2}
$1 == "memory" {print record["Name"], record["cpu"], record["ephemeral-storage"], record["memory"]}
' | awk -F, '{print $1,$2,$3,$3*1024,$4,$4*1024}' >> describe_nodes.csv
Edit: I made a mistake, you need to multiply by 128 to convert KiB in bytes, not 1024.
"if you see Ki at the end, then multiply by 1024
You may use:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","} $3 ~ /Ki$/ {$3 *= 1024} $4 ~ /Ki$/ {$4 *= 1024} 1' file
Or a bit shorter:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","} {
for (i=3; i<=4; ++i) $i ~ /Ki$/ && $i *= 1024} 1' file
With your shown samples/attempts, please try following awk code. Simple explanation would be, traverse through fields from 3rd field onwards and look for if a value has Ki(ignore cased manner) then multiply it with 128, print all edited/non-edited lines at last.
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","} {for(i=3;i<=NF;i++){if($i~/[Kk][Ii]$/){$i *= 128}}} 1' Input_file
You could try numfmt:
$ numfmt -d, --field 3,4 --from=auto --to=none <<EOF

Awk Remove lines if one column matches another column, and keep line if max value from another column

I have a file of ~8,000 lines. I am trying to remove the lines where when the 5th column matches (in this case ga2016mldlzd), but keep only the line with the max value in the 6th column. For example, if given this:
remove all lines except the final line with 10 as the max value, to get this. I'm stumped as to how this could be done either in awk or sed?
If tried this:
awk -F, '!a[$5]++'
but I want to keep last column e.g., the column with '10', rather than the column with '6'. Thanks
Keep track of the max and line associated with that max and print at the end:
awk -F, '
if ($6>max[$5]) {
for (l in tl) print tl[l]
}' file
The order of the file will be lost; ie, the groups may be reordered compared to the original file.
If you are dealing with a file with many different keys for $5 and not all of them could fit in memory, you could sort into blocks grouped by the fifth field and then by the numeric value of the sixth. Then have awk print the last line every time the fifth field changes. Since it is sorted, that will be the max:
sort -t , -k 5,5 -k 6n file |
awk -F, '
lf!=$5{print ll}
{ll=$0; lf=$5}
END{print $0}'
# same print out
The second there will be way slower but way less memory for a large number of $5 uniq values.
If you want to maintain original order of lines then use this awk:
awk -F, 'NR==FNR {if ($6 > max[$5]) max[$5] = $6; next} $5 in max && max[$5] == $6' file file
If you want to filter for ga2016mldlzd while maintaining original order of lines then use this awk:
awk -F, '
if ($5 == "ga2016mldlzd" && $6 > max[$5]) {
max[$5] = $6
n = FNR
FNR == n' file file

Duplicate Lines 2 times and transpose from row to column

I will like to duplicate each line 2 times and print values of column 5 and 6 separated.( transpose values of column 5 and 6 from column to row ) for each line
I mean value on column 5 (first line) value in column 6 ( second line)
Input File
Desired Output
I use this code to duplicate the lines 2 times, but i cant'n figer out the condition with values of column 5 and 6
awk '{print;print}' file
Thanks in advance
To repeatedly print the start of a line for each of the last N fields where N is 2 in this case:
$ awk -v n=2 '
BEGIN { FS=OFS="," }
base = $0
for (i=NF-n+1; i<=NF; i++) {
print base, $i
' file
In this simple case where the last field has to be removed and placed on the last line, you can do
awk -F , -v OFS=, '{ x = $6; NF = 5; print; $5 = x; print }'
Here -F , and -v OFS=, will set the input and output field separators to a comma, respectively, and the code does
x = $6 # remember sixth field
NF = 5 # Set field number to 5, so the last one won't be printed
print # print those first five fields
$5 = x # replace value of fifth field with remembered value of sixth
print # print modified line
This approach can be extended to handle fields in the middle with a function like the one in the accepted answer of this question.
EDIT: As Ed notes in the comments, writing to NF is not explicitly defined to trigger a rebuild of $0 (the whole-line record that print prints) in the POSIX standard. The above code works with GNU awk and mawk, but with BSD awk (as found on *BSD and probably Mac OS X) it fails to do anything.
So to be standards-compliant, we have to be a little more explicit and force awk to rebuild $0 from the modified field state. This can be done by assigning to any of the field variables $1...$NF, and it's common to use $1=$1 when this problem pops up in other contexts (for example: when only the field separator needs to be changed but not any of the data):
awk -F , -v OFS=, '{ x = $6; NF = 5; $1 = $1; print; $5 = x; print }'
I've tested this with GNU awk, mawk and BSD awk (which are all the awks I can lay my hands on), and I believe this to be covered by the awk bit in POSIX where it says "setting any other field causes the re-evaluation of $0" right at the top. Mind you, the spec could be more explicit on this point, and I'd be interested to test if more exotic awks behave the same way.
Could you please try following(considering that your Input_file always is same as shown and you need to print every time 1st four fields and then rest of the fields(one by one printing along with 1st four)).
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","}{for(i=5;i<=NF;i++){print $1,$2,$3,$4,$i}}' Input_file
This might work for you (GNU awk):
awk '{print gensub(/((.*,).*),/,"\\1\n\\2",1)}' file
Replace the last comma by a newline and the previous fields less the penultimate.

awk: split a column of delimited text in a row into lines

I have a file with five columns and the second column has delimited text. I want to split that delimited text dedup it and print into lines. I'm able to do it with the commands below. I want to make a awk script. Can anyone help me.
awk -F"\t" 'NR>1{print $2}' <input file> | awk -F\| '{for (i = 0; ++i <= NF;) print $i}' | awk '!x[$0]++'
Input file:
test hello|good|this|will|be 23421 test 4543
test2 good|would|may|can 43234 test2 3421
You could use this single awk one-liner:
$ awk '{split($2,a,"|");for(i in a)if(!seen[a[i]]++)print a[i]}' file
The second field is split into the array a on the | character. Each element of a is printed if it isn't already in seen, which will only be true on the first occurrence.
Note that the order of the keys is undefined.
To preserve the order, you can use this:
$ awk '{n=split($2,a,"|");for(i=1;i<=n;++i)if(!seen[a[i]]++)print a[i]}' file
split returns the number of elements in the array a, which you can use to loop through them in the order they appeared.
I wrote exactly Tom's answer before I saw it. If you want to maintain the order of the words as they are seen, it's a little more work:
awk '
n = split($2, a, "|")
for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
if (!(a[i] in seen)) {
# the hash to store the unique keys
seen[a[i]] = 1
# the array to store the keys in order
words[++count] = a[i]
END {for (i=1; i<=count; i++) print words[i]}
' file
Here is how I would have done it:
awk '{n=split($2,a,"|");for (i=1;i<=n;i++) print a[i]}' file
Or this way (this may change the order of the outdata, but for some reason I am not sure about, it works fine here):
awk '{split($2,a,"|");for(i in a) print a[i]}' file
Or if you do not like duplicate output:
awk '{split($2,a,"|");for(i in a) if (!f[a[i]]++) print a[i]}' file

awk script for finding smallest value from column

I am beginner in AWK, so please help me to learn it. I have a text file with name snd and it values are
1 0 141
1 2 223
1 3 250
1 4 280
I want to print the entire row when the third column value is minimu
This should do it:
awk 'NR == 1 {line = $0; min = $3}
NR > 1 && $3 < min {line = $0; min = $3}
END{print line}' file.txt
What this does is:
Remember the 1st line and its 3rd field.
For the other lines, if the 3rd field is smaller than the min found so far, remember the line and its 3rd field.
At the end of the script, print the line.
Note that the test NR > 1 can be skipped, as for the 1st line, $3 < min will be false. If you know that the 3rd column is always positive (not negative), you can also skip the NR == 1 ... test as min's value at the beginning of the script is zero.
This is shorter:
awk 'NR == 1 || $3 < min {line = $0; min = $3}END{print line}' file.txt
You don't need awk to do what you want. Use sort
sort -nk 3 file.txt | head -n 1
1 0 141
I think sort is an excellent answer, unless for some reason what you're looking for is the awk logic to do this in a larger script, or you want to avoid the extra pipes, or the purpose of this question is to learn more about awk.
$ awk 'NR==1{x=$3;line=$0} $3<x{line=$0} END{print line}' snd
Broken out into pieces, this is:
NR==1 {x=$3;line=$0} -- On the first line, set an initial value for comparison and store the line.
$3<x{line=$0} - On each line, compare the third field against our stored value, and if the condition is true, store the line. (We could make this run only on NR>1, but it doesn't matter.
END{print line} -- At the end of our input, print whatever line we've stored.
You should read man awk to learn about any parts of this that don't make sense.
a short answer for this would be:
sort -k3,3n temp|head -1
since you have asked for awk:
awk '{if(min>$3||NR==1){min=$3;a[$3]=$0}}END{print a[min]}' your_file
But i prefer the shorter one always.
For calculating the smallest value in any column , let say last column
awk '(FNR==1){a=$NF} {a=$NF < a?$NF:a} END {print a}'
this will only print the smallest value of the column.
In case if complete line is needed better to use sort:
sort -r -n -t [delimiter] -k[column] [file name]
awk -F ";" '(NR==1){a=$NF;b=$0} {a=$NF<a?$NF:a;b=$NF>a?b:$0} END {print b}' filename
this will print the line with smallest value which is encountered first.
awk 'BEGIN {OFS=FS=","}{if ( a[$1]>$2 || a[$1]=="") {a[$1]=$2;} if (b[$1]<$2) {b[$1]=$2;} } END {for (i in a) {print i,a[i],b[i]}}' input_file
We use || a[$1]=="" because when 1st value of field 1 is encountered it will have null in a[$1].