Importing text files - Vb/Access - vba

What I am trying to do is map my button (import button on my form) to import text files (the text file would actually be on a network drive). These text files are fixed columns. I am confused on how to merge a form and module to work together. How does the button on the form, call out this module for execution? Also, if there is a more efficient way to import these fixed text files, I would appreciate it.
I currently have the following VBA code setup for my form (will be used to Import text files into my Access database):
Private Sub cmdImport_Click()
On Error GoTo Click_Err
reportDate = Format(txtReportDate, "YYMMDD")
reportGenDate = Format(textReportDate, "YYYYMMDD")
rDate = txtReportDate
If Nz(txtReportDate, "") = "" Then
MsgBox "NOTICE! Please enter the Report Month you wish to Import."
Exit Sub
End If
DoCmd.Hourglass True
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.Hourglass False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
MsgBox "Finished Importing!"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "query_Files_Loaded_CE", acViewNormal, acReadOnly
DoCmd.Hourglass False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
Exit Sub
DoCmd.Hourglass False
MsgBox "Error Detected: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error"
Resume click_Exit
End Sub
For my module (please excuse the notes):
Option Compare Database
Public reportDate As String
Public reportGenDate As String
Public rDate As Date
Public Function Import2010()
'Used to import a date range
Dim funcDate As Date '
funcDate = #2/1/2016#
reportDate = Format(funcDate, "YYMM")
rDate = funcDate
'Basically Do While is a loop so what your doing here as long as the value of the date does not EQUAL 3/1/2016
'excute the nexxt line of code other wise exit this loop
Do While funcDate <> #3/1/2016#
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
ImportFile "H3561"
'Msg Box reportDate
funcDate = DateAdd("m", 1, funcDate)
reportDate = Format(funcDate, "YYMM")
rDate = funcDate
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Function
Public Function ImportAll() ' Import button on FrmIMport
'A recordset is a selection of records from a table or query.
'Dim is short for the word Dimension and it allows you to declare variable names and their type.
'When you read data from the database in VBA, the result will be in a recordset (with the exception of scalar data).
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim sql As String
'This code loops through the recordset of all contracts and import files, as in it looks for
'Specific value based off a specific condition.
sql = "SELECT DISTINCT Contract FROM Contract_CE"
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sql)
rs.MoveLast 'This method is used to move to the last record in a Recordset object. It also makes the last record the current record.
rs.MoveFirst 'This method is used to move to the first record in a Recordset object. It also makes the first record the current record.
If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
Do While rs.EOF = False
ImportFile rs!contract
rs.MoveNext 'This method is used to move to the next record in a Recordset object. It also makes the "next" record the current record.
End If
End Function
Public Function ImportFile(contract As String)
Dim filepath As String
Dim tempPath As String
Dim zipFile As String
'Set paths
'tempPath =
'Find the file
zipFile = GetFile(filepath)
'check if file exists
If zipFile = "" Then
'DoCmd.Hourglass False
'MsgBox contract & " " & reportDate & " File could not be located."
'DoCmd.Hourglass True
LogFail (contract)
Exit Function
End If
'Clearing out existing Contract/ReportDate data from Table
DeleteContract (contract)
'Delete all files in temp folder
DeleteAllFiles (tempPath)
'UnzipFile txt to temp folder
UnZip filepath & zipFile, tempPath
'Get txt file namee
txtFile = Replace(zipFile, ".zip", ".txt")
Sleep 10000 'wait for file to unzip
'The TransferText method is used to import/export text between the current Access database or Access project and a text file located
'externally to your database. You can also use this command to link to data in a text file. Additionally, can import from, export to, and link to a table in an HTML file.
'Importing txt file
'Depcreated - Alec Johnson - 5/12/2016 - Created new import spec
'DoCMD.TransferText acImportFixed, "ImportSpec_COMPRPT", tempPath & txtfile, False
DoCmd.TransferText acImportFixed, "COMPRPT_2016", "COMPRPT_CE", filepath & txtFile, False '<--does path go here?
'Update FileName
UpdateFileName (zipFile)
'Delete txt file from location
DeleteAllFiles (tempPath)
'Delete any Null records added to main table
'Log to table if successful
LogSuccess (contract)
End Function
Public Function DeleteAllFiles(path As String)
'Delete all files in this folder
On Error Resume Next
Kill path & "*.*"
End Function
Function UnZip(filename As String, destinationPath As String)
'FileSystemObject also called as FSO, provides an easy object based model to access computer’s file system.
'You simply have to create an instance of FileSystemObject in VBA and then you can generate files, read files, delete files,
'iterate though folders and do many other operations on your computer’s file system.
'Unzip file (s) to destination
Dim app As Object
Dim zipFile As Variant, unzipTo As Variant
zipFile = filename
unzipTo = destinationPath
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not FSO.FolderExists(unzipTo) Then
FSO.CreateFolder (unzipTo)
End If
'If you want to extract only file you can use this:
'oApp.Namespace(FileNameFolder).CopyHere _
Set oApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
oApp.Namespace(unzipTo).CopyHere oApp.Namespace(zipFile).Items
Set FSO = Nothing
End Function
Public Function GetFile(filepath As String) As String
Dim fileNamePart As String
Dim fCheck
fileNamePart = "COMPRPT_" + reportDate
fCheck = ""
fFound = ""
Set oFolder = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject").GetFolder(filepath)
For Each aFile In oFolder.Files
Set fCheck = aFile
If InStr(fCheck.Name, fileNamePart) Then
Set fFound = aFile
End If
If fFound = "" Then
GetFile = ""
GetFile = fFound.Name
End If
End Function
Public Function DeleteContract(contract As String)
Dim sql As String
sql = "Delete * FROM COMPRPT WHERE ContractNumber = '" & contract & "' AND ReportGenerationDate = '" & reportGenDate & "'"
DoCmd.RunSQL sql
End Function
Public Function LogSuccess(contract As String)
Dim sql As String
sql = "INSERT INTO FilesLoaded (Contract, ReportDate, Loaded) VALUES ('" & contract & "', #" & rDate & "#, -1)"
DoCmd.RunSQL sql
End Function
Public Function DeleteNulls()
Dim sql As String
sql = "DELETE * FROM COMPRPT WHERE ContractNumber Is Null"
DoCmd.RunSQL sql
End Function
Public Function lksjdlaskjd()
ImportFile "H0351", #4/1/2009#
End Function
Here is an example of a text file:

If I understand it correctly, your problem lies here:
DoCmd.TransferText acImportFixed, "COMPRPT_2016", "COMPRPT_CE", filepath & txtFile, False '<--does path go here?
But you have unzipped to tempPath, so that should be
DoCmd.TransferText acImportFixed, "COMPRPT_2016", "COMPRPT_CE", tempPath & txtFile, False
Working with network files is generally slower than with local files, so I would make tempPath a local path.
Edit: Note that to make tempPath & txtFile work, tempPath must end with a \:
Additional problems with your code:
1 - First and foremost, use Option Explicit, see this question for details.
You have multiple undeclared or misspelled variables, e.g. fFound, and oApp vs. app.
2 - This is an error just waiting to happen:
reportDate = Format(txtReportDate, "YYMMDD")
reportGenDate = Format(textReportDate, "YYYYMMDD")
Name the second textbox txtReportGenDate, not textReportDate.
3 - In ImportAll(), all this isn't needed, since you don't use the RecordCount:
If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
4 - This is wrong syntax:
DeleteContract (contract)
It works for a single argument, but will fail for subs with >1 parameters.
DeleteContract contract
Call DeleteContract(contract)
retVal = DeleteContract(contract)

I am confused on how to merge a form and module to work together. How does the button on the form, call out this module for execution?
Objects and procedures can be considered public or private. For example: -
Private Sub Test
Msgbox "Hello World!"
End Sub
Is private, this means only its parent can call upon it. To elaborate on this, Lets create two modules Module1 and Module2 and place our private sub Test in Module1.
Also in Module1 we another private procedure: -
Private Sub Test2
Msgbox "Back at ya"
End Sub
Module1 is the parent of Test and Test2, as they have the same parent they can run each other: -
Private Sub Test
Msgbox "Hello World!"
Test2 'This will run the Test2 procedure
End Sub
Module2 can not run any of them because it has no view f them, its not involved.
Now if we change Test to be public (Public Sub Test), Module2 will be able to see it as it has been exposed.
In Module2 we have: -
Public Sub Test3
Module1.Test 'This will run as it is public
Module1.Test2 'This will fail as it is private
End Sub
There is also this way too call them from Module two: -
Public Sub Test3
Test 'This will run as it is public
Test2 'This will fail as it is private
End Sub
This is not explicit though and can cause error and confusion, you can have a procedure in Module2 that is also called Test, how would you know which test Test3 is running? To be safe you explicit write its location as Module1.Test.


MS Access: Upload multiple files from one button

I am trying to upload multiple files at once into an access database via the use of a button. However only one file will upload at a time.
When the button is clicked it calls a sub procedure. My code is below:
Private Sub btnImport_Click()
'Calls the procdure that imports raw files
Call Module1.ImportRawFiles
End Sub
Public Sub ImportRawFiles()
Dim oFileDiag As Office.FileDialog
Dim path As String: path = ""
Dim oFSO As New FileSystemObject
Dim FileSelected As Variant
Set oFileDiag = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker) ''Picks file to import
oFileDiag.AllowMultiSelect = True ''Allows multiple files to be selected
oFileDiag.Title = "Please select the reports to upload"
oFileDiag.Filters.Add "Excel Spreadsheets", "*.xlsx, *.xls" ''Only allows xlsx and xls file types to upload
If oFileDiag.Show Then
For Each FileSelected In oFileDiag.SelectedItems
Form_Homepage.txtFileName = FileSelected
End If
If Nz(Form_Homepage.txtFileName, "") = "" Then
MsgBox "No files selected please select a file"
Exit Sub
End If
If oFileDiag.SelectedItems.Count > 0 Then path = oFileDiag.SelectedItems(1)
If Len(path) > 0 Then
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12, oFSO.GetFileName(Form_Homepage.txtFileName), path, 1
MsgBox "The " & oFSO.GetFileName(Form_Homepage.txtFileName) & " file has been uploaded"
MsgBox "File not found"
End If
Does anyone know why only one file is uploading?
You are looping through all selected files to assign Form_Homepage.txtFileName but then not doing anything else in that same loop:
If oFileDiag.Show Then
For Each FileSelected In oFileDiag.SelectedItems
Form_Homepage.txtFileName = FileSelected
End If
So by end of the loop, the last selected file is assigned, ignoring all the others, then your later logic statements only perform on that one file.
One solution would be to move your action logic up to the same loop. So move your IF statements into the assignment loop, that way they operate on each iterative assignment of your variable.

Rename File on Different Drive Using VBA

I have a list of file names in a worksheet. I want to read a name, find the actual file, rename it and move on to the next name.
The 1st part, retrieving the name from the worksheet and modifying it to the new name is not a problem. The problem is assigning the new name to the file.
The Name function does not work because the files are on a different drive. I also tried Scripting.FileSystemObject.
The code runs but no change is made.
Here is the code I used...
Dim fso, f
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
On Error Resume Next
Set f = fso.GetFile(fOldName)
If Not Err = 53 Then 'File not found
'Rename file
f.Name = fNewName
End If
Did I make a code mistake I'm not seeing? Should I be using/doing something else?
Finding info on VBA and/or VB6 is getting pretty rare these days.
BTW. This is for Excel 2016.
If there was no misunderstanding...
FSO... it's bad in any case. It's just a bugsful API wrapper, written with a left chicken paw.
There are pure VB & API for more sophisticated cases.
No external libs & objects:
Public Sub sp_PrjFilMov()
Dim i As Byte
Dim sNam$, sExt$, sPthSrc$, sPthTgt$, sDir$
sPthSrc = "V:\"
sPthTgt = "R:\"
sNam = "Empty_"
sExt = ".dmy" ' dummy
For i = 1 To 5 ' create set of files for test
Call sx_CrtFil(i, sPthSrc, sNam, sExt)
sDir = Dir(sPthSrc & "*" & sExt, vbNormal) ' lookup for our files ..
'Debug.Print sDir
Select Case LenB(sDir)
Case 0
Exit Do ' *** EXIT DO
Case Else
Call sx_MovFil(sPthSrc, sDir, sPthTgt) ' .. & move them to another disk
sDir = Dir
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub sx_CrtFil(pNmb As Byte, pPth$, pNam$, pExt$)
Dim iFilNmb%
Dim sFilNam$
sFilNam = pPth & pNam & CStr(pNmb) & pExt
iFilNmb = FreeFile
Open sFilNam For Output As #iFilNmb
Close #iFilNmb
End Sub
Private Sub sx_MovFil(pPnmSrc$, pFnm$, pPthTgt$)
Dim sSrcPne$
sSrcPne = pPnmSrc & pFnm
'Debug.Print "Move " & sSrcPne & " --> " & pPthTgt
Call FileCopy(sSrcPne, pPthTgt & pFnm)
Call Kill(sSrcPne)
End Sub

Importing using VB not manual import

I currently know how to import these files manually, but I am looking to execute a vb code through my import button to do it automatically. There is a field linked to the import button which requires you to enter a date and click import. Once import is clicked, I would like it to grab a file based on the date that is on the files name.
These files are text files and the file names are written in two types of format:
1st Format - P.RR1234.ABCDEF.D160112.T123456
2nd Format - G1234.ABCDEF.D160112.T123456
Here is my vb code for my current form (I currently have it mapped to my desktop but there are 100's of files located on a network/shared path that are in the format):
Option Compare Database
Private Sub cmdImport_Click()
On Error GoTo Click_Err
If Nz(txtReportDate, "") = "" Then
MsgBox "NOTICE! Please enter the Report Month you wish to Import."
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim sql As String
'Loop through recordset of all Contracts and import files
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sql)
If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
Do While rs.EOF = False
ImportFile rs!DISTINCT
End If
DoCmd.Hourglass True
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.Hourglass False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
MsgBox "Finished Importing!"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "query_Files_Loaded_CE", acViewNormal, acReadOnly
DoCmd.Hourglass False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
Exit Sub
DoCmd.Hourglass False
MsgBox "Error Detected: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error"
Resume click_Exit
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Option Explicit
Option Compare Database
Public Function ImportFile(Contract As String)
DoCmd.TransferText acImportFixed, "123_Files", "AAAAB_CE", "C:\Users\123456\Desktop\TestingFolder\test.txt", False
End Function
I am trying to import these text files into one table. There are a lot of files, so manually would be insufficient.
Currently, if I put in a random date on the form text date and click import. It imports the file I select, but in a completely wrong format. Which is weird because the specification I saved was done in the correct format.
All in all I am trying to accomplish three things.
1) Import automatically by entering a date in a field on form (the date will be part of the file name) and clicking the import buton
2) Import the text file in the correct structure, fixed columns
3) If an incorrect date is entered, do not import anything.
I couldn't troubleshoot this code without knowing the date format used in the txt files and the files themselves, but this is how I would attack it:
use Dir to loop through the files at specified folder location searching for .txt files that contains the date,
then calling your ImportFile function (which is really a sub no?) by passing the filename.
Hopefully enough there for you to follow the logic..
Public Sub sampleSub()
Dim dirStr As String
Dim filePath As String
Dim fileDate As Date
filePath = "C:\Users\123456\Desktop\TestingFolder\"
On Error GoTo doNothing:
fileDate = DateValue(InputBox("NOTICE! Please enter the Report Month you wish to Import."))
dirStr = Dir(filePath & "\" & "*" * Format(fileDate, "FileDateFormat") & "*" & ".txt")
Do Until dirStr = ""
Call ImportFile(dirStr)
Exit Sub
Call MsgBox("Error Detected: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error")
End Sub
Public Sub ImportFile(fileName As String)
Call DoCmd.TransferText(acImportFixed, "123_Files", "AAAAB_CE", fileName, False)
End Sub
Hope this helps,

Save Outlook attachment in MS Access using VBA

I am running MS Access 2010. Using VBA I am trying to pull attachments out of MS Exchange 2013 and insert them into the Access table "TBL_APPT_ATTACHMENT".
The table "TBL_APPT_ATTACHMENT" looks like this:
Attachment_title Memo
Attachment_filename Memo
Attachment_blob OLE Object
Everything seems to work correctly except I can not figure out how to save the actual file into the column ATTACHMENT_BLOB. Here is my VBA function that I am calling (See question marks below).
Private Function createRecord(fItem As Outlook.AppointmentItem)
Set rsAtt = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("TBL_APPT_ATTACHMENT")
For Each Attachment In fItem.Attachments
Call MsgBox("FileName: " & Attachment.FileName, vbOKOnly, "Error")
Call MsgBox("DisplayName: " & Attachment.DisplayName, vbOKOnly, "Error")
Call MsgBox("Index: " & Attachment.Index, vbOKOnly, "Error")
rsAtt!APPT_FIELD_id = rsOl!ID
rsAtt!ATTACHMENT_TITLE = Attachment.DisplayName
rsAtt!ATTACHMENT_FILENAME = Attachment.FileName
rsAttID = rsAtt!ID
'Save file to harddrive.
filePath = "c:\temp\" + Attachment.FileName
Attachment.SaveAsFile (filePath)
Do While Not rsParent.EOF
'Load file into Database.
'??? This next statement gives me a "Type Mismatch" error. Why?????
Set rsChild = rsParent.Fields("ATTACHMENT_BLOB").Value
rsChild.Fields("FileData").LoadFromFile (filePath)
End Function
Remember that the attachment is really a file (whether its an OLE object or not). While it may be possible to perform a copy-paste of the object from Outlook into Access, my recommendation is to save the attachment as a file:
dim filepath as String
dim filename as String
filepath = "C:\appropriatefolder\"
filename = Attachment.FileName
Attachment.SaveAsFile filepath & filename
Now you're in a position to save the attachment in Access, but I seriously don't recommend using the Attachment field type. It can be rather tricky to use. So my solution to the same problem was to create a field of type Hyperlink. Then your statement in your macro will simply be:
rsAtt!ATTACHMENT_LINK = filename & "#" & filepath & filename
The hyperlink definition is important and uses the format:
displayString # fullPathToFile [ # optionalPositionInsideFile ]
EDIT: Using the Attachment Field Type in Access
The Attachment field type in an Access table can be understood if you consider it an embedded recordset within that single record. Therefore, every time you add a new record (or read an existing record), you have to handle the Attachment field a bit differently. In fact, the .Value of the Attachment field is the recordset itself.
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Sub test()
AddAttachment "C:\Temp\DepTree.txt"
End Sub
Sub AddAttachment(filename As String)
Dim tblAppointments As DAO.Recordset
Dim attachmentField As DAO.Recordset
Dim tblField As Field
Set tblAppointments = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("TBL_APPT_ATTACHMENT", dbOpenDynaset)
tblAppointments![APPT_ITEM_ID] = "new item id"
tblAppointments![APPT_FIELD_ID] = "new field id"
tblAppointments![ATTACHMENT_TITLE] = "new attachment"
tblAppointments![ATTACHMENT_FILENAME] = filename
'--- the attachment field itself is a recordset, because you can add multiple
' attachments to this single record. so connect to the recordset using the
' .Value of the parent record field, then use it like a recordset
Set attachmentField = tblAppointments![ATTACHMENT_BLOB].Value
attachmentField.Fields("FileData").LoadFromFile filename
Set tblAppointments = Nothing
End Sub
Here is what I ended up doing.
Private Function createRecord(fItem As Outlook.AppointmentItem)
Set rsAtt = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("TBL_APPT_ATTACHMENT")
For Each Attachment In fItem.Attachments
'Save file to harddrive.
filePath = "c:\temp\" + Attachment.FileName
Attachment.SaveAsFile (filePath)
rsAtt!APPT_FIELD_id = rsOl!ID
rsAtt!ATTACHMENT_TITLE = Attachment.DisplayName
rsAtt!ATTACHMENT_FILENAME = Attachment.FileName
Call FileToBlob(filePath, rsAtt!ATTACHMENT_BLOB)
rsAttID = rsAtt!ID
End Function
Public Function FileToBlob(strFile As String, ByRef Field As Object)
On Error GoTo FileToBlobError
If Len(Dir(strFile)) > 0 Then
Dim nFileNum As Integer
Dim byteData() As Byte
nFileNum = FreeFile()
Open strFile For Binary Access Read As nFileNum
If LOF(nFileNum) > 0 Then
ReDim byteData(1 To LOF(nFileNum))
Get #nFileNum, , byteData
Field = byteData
End If
MsgBox "Error: File not found", vbCritical, _
"Error reading file in FileToBlob"
End If
If nFileNum > 0 Then Close nFileNum
Exit Function
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbCritical, _
"Error reading file in FileToBlob"
Resume FileToBlobExit
End Function

VBA: Sub to Write to a Log File

I have a set of macros defined in my workbook, and I'd like to offer the user the option to log events related to those macros in a log file.
I initiate the log by creating the following in ThisWorkbook:
Public writeLog as Boolean
Public logWrite as Object
Public log as Object
Private Sub Worksheet_Open()
Dim prompt as Integer
prompt = MsgBox("Would you like to log events for this session?", vbYesNo, "Log Events?")
If prompt Then
writeLog = True
Set logWrite = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set log = logWrite.CreateTextFile("C:/TEST.txt", False)
writeLog = False
End If
End Sub
I then created a procedure that I can use to write an argument to this object, which I've stored in its own module:
Public Sub PrintLog(obj as Object, argument as String)
If writeLog = True Then
obj.WriteLine argument
End If
End Sub
Unfortunately, this doesn't work, and I'm not sure why: even if I don't include obj as an argument to the function (since log and logWrite were created as global variables), I'm not able to Call WriteLog("String here.") or Call WriteLog(log, "String here.") without an error (Compile Error: Argument Not Optional.)
Is it possible to get such a Sub() to work, so that I can call it from anywhere in the workbook (after a button is pressed in a userform, for example) without having to define a new Scripting.FileSystemObject in every module?
I think that you can solve your problem by making some minor changes to your code. I tried the following setup:
logger module:
Option Explicit
Private log As Object
Public Sub initLog()
Dim prompt As VbMsgBoxResult
Dim fso As Object
prompt = MsgBox("Would you like to log events for this session?", vbYesNo, "Log Events?")
If prompt = vbYes Then
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set log = fso.CreateTextFile("C:/TEST.txt", False)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub PrintLog(argument As String)
If Not log Is Nothing Then
log.WriteLine argument
End If
End Sub
Public Sub yadda()
PrintLog "yadda"
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
End Sub
This is my no-frills drop in replacement for Debug.Print(), that logs to "Log.txt" at your Workbook path.
To install : Just search and replace "Debug.Print" with "Log", and optionally call LogClear() at the start of your program.
Public Function Log(ByRef a_stringLogThis As String)
' send to TTY
Debug.Print (a_stringLogThis)
' append (not write) to disk
Open ThisWorkbook.path & "\Log.txt" For Append As #1
Print #1, a_stringLogThis
Close #1
End Function
OPTIONAL : And here's a helper you COULD call at the beginning of your to clear out the previous logs.
Public Function LogClear()
Debug.Print ("Erasing the previous logs.")
Open ThisWorkbook.path & "\Log.txt" For Output As #1
Print #1, ""
Close #1
End Function
OPTIONAL : Finally, if can't live without date and time in your logging, use this Log statement instead:
Public Function Log(ByRef a_stringLogThis As String)
' prepare date
l_stringDateTimeNow = Now
l_stringToday = Format(l_stringDateTimeNow, "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss")
' concatenate date and what the user wants logged
l_stringLogStatement = l_stringToday & " " & a_stringLogThis
' send to TTY
Debug.Print (l_stringLogStatement)
' append (not write) to disk
Open ThisWorkbook.path & "\Log.txt" For Append As #1
Print #1, l_stringLogStatement
Close #1
End Function
I believe you're having issues as writeLog already exists as a boolean. Error should be popping up "Ambiguous name detected"
Try the following,
Public bLog as Boolean
Public logWrite as Object
Public log as Object
Private Sub Worksheet_Open()
Dim prompt as Integer
prompt = MsgBox("Would you like to log events for this session?", vbYesNo, "Log Events?")
If prompt Then
bLog = True
Set logWrite = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set log = logWrite.CreateTextFile("C:/TEST.txt", False)
bLog = False
End If
End Sub
Public Sub WriteLog(Optional obj as Object, Optional argument as String)
If bLog = True Then
obj.WriteLine argument
End If
End Sub
Edit: made parameters optional in WriteLog (or PrintLog) for further testing
' Write to a log file using Separator and Array of variant Parameters
' Auto generate the file
' USE EndLog to close
' PrintLog vbtab, "one", 2, 3
' PrintLog vbtab, "Apple","Windows","Linux","Android","Commodore","Amiga","Spectrum"
' EndLog
' Generate a csv file:
' PrintLog ";", rst!ID, rst!Name
Private FileLog As Object
Private fso As Object
Const DEBUG_LOG_FILE = "C:\log.txt"
Public Sub PrintLog(ByVal Separator As String, ParamArray Arguments() As Variant)
Dim ele As Variant
Dim line As String
If FileLog Is Nothing Then
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set FileLog = fso.CreateTextFile(DEBUG_LOG_FILE, True, True)
End If
line = CStr(Now()) ' Print Timestamp
For Each ele In Arguments
If line > "" Then line = line & Separator
line = line & CStr(ele)
If line > "" Then FileLog.WriteLine line
End Sub
Public Sub EndLog()
On Error Resume Next
Set FileLog = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub