Scannning site in ZAP, by Login - zap

I'm testing scan site with login credentials.
In normal, from terminal using this command -cmd -quickurl
What is command for scan by login?

Unfortunately the command line options are limited so you cant use them for authenticated scans.
You will need to start ZAP as a daemon and control it via the API. We have various example scripts that do this.


How can I silently proceed with TeamCity First Start?

I have installed the TeamCity server on my infrastructure. I was e.g. able to silently configure the external database and some other stuff through the TeamCity configuration files. Now, when I start TeamCity, I am facing the "TeamCity First Start" web page, where I can choose if I want to restore my system from a backup or if I want to proceed with a First Start.
I would like to automate that installation as much as possible. Is there a reliable way, e.g. through the TeamCity API, to trigger the action underlying the "Proceed" button of that web page, other than writing a bot that browses the web page and clicks the button? I found no such thing in the API documentation, but I might have missed something.
I think something like this could be called on the server host:
curl -X POST http://localhost:8111/mnt/do/goNewInstallation
but I don't know what data to post and how to get the necessary authentication to be allowed to run that command. Indeed, running the above command yields the following error:
The session is not authenticated. Access denied.
At that time, the super user authentication token has not yet been displayed to the server log file.

ZAP API scan context file format

I'm running the ZAP API scan script on a REST API but I have to host the Open API spec file on my own web server. When I run the scan it logs alerts against the URL where the spec is hosted, I would like to exclude it from the context. I saw that you can provide a context file using the following command line flag
-n context_file context file which will be loaded prior to scanning the target
I was wondering where I could find the format of the context file?
Launch ZAP desktop, create the context with the details you want, export it and use it in your API scan.

Can I frontload user input, automating Google Cloud SDK gcloud init - interactive command?

I have a very similar question to this one. #cherba already gave a very rich and helpful dissection of the gcloud init command which has been very helpful.
So what I really want to do, automating gcloud init is:
Front load my interactive input: I want the users to supply all input at the beginning and not be prompted again.
Request a token, before gcloud is even installed, probably from a static perma-link, the resulting token should be usable only once, probably with a limited lifetime, maybe an hour. This is very similar to how gcloud init —-console-only already works, except with an unchanging initial URL.
I specifically want this to be for a user account, not a service account.
This would allow me to prompt the user, upfront, for all configuration input, and build the fully configured system automatically, over lunch or a long coffee break; not needing additional babysitting.
The goal here is distinct development environments, not deploying to an array of boxes.
How can I accomplish this?
This is not supported officially and is not recommended. Service accounts are meant for this kind of thing. You should use service accounts as explained in the earlier answer.
What the SDK is essentially doing is submitting a token request to with following scopes:
For this to succeed you need to provide the regular oauth parameters like client_id, client_secret. To generate these you will need to register your app as an oauth app in the developer console.
This may not work if third party authorizations are not supported. I have not tried it.
You said "Front load my interactive input:" and also "Request a token, before gcloud is even installed". The problem with your request above, is that you will need to install gcloud at some point in time and gcloud will use its own authentication methods to connect, meaning that authentication should happen after gcloud is installed because you will always use the command “gcloud ….” to somehow connect. The previous post that you linked explains this.
Due to this, I'm suspecting that you need a workflow where simultaneous gcloud commands will run on multiple users/projects at the same time, by running gcloud many times in parallel. As you know, Linux runs one command at a time and "front loading" the authentication (as you call it) can either be the "screen" command inside one SSH session or running multiple SSH sessions at the same time. If that's not what you need, then a simple shell script should do. The shell script will run commands one after the other rather than in parallel.
For example, let's say that you want to install a package that will take a long time and be able to run another command at the same time, then you could do the following:
$ screen
$ sudo apt-get install [package-name]
Press Ctrl-A” and “d“ to temporarily exit this session
$ … (do another process here)
$ screen -r (re-attaches screen to continue on previous process on line 2)
The example above is somewhat the equivalent of having multiple SSH sessions open at the same time. You could maybe open multiple “screens” and launch multiple authentications at the same time, thereby also controlling when you want to stop a session. Keep in mind that if you run things in parallel, you will definitely need to load the authentication file as mentioned in the post you linked. Otherwise, you can use simple shell scripting and pass arguments. Since i'm not sure of the process that comes before/after your authentication, it's hard for me to provide a more precise example. There's a lot to consider and many unknowns about your workflow. I've included references below that show all the possibilities.

How to authenticate with OWASP ZAP baseline scan

I'm trying to run baseline scan with OWASP ZAP on website that uses authentication. It uses JSON-based Authentication. But when I run it I see in the results that it is not logged in.
I run it like this:
docker run -v C:/ZAP/:/zap/wrk owasp/zap2docker-weekly -t -n somecontext.context -z "-config forcedUser.setForcedUserModeEnabled=true"
Here's the manual test I did.
Runned ZAP in GUI mode
Imported context
Turned on "Forced User Mode" by clicking the button
Runned automatic scan. And it worked, so i presume the context is ok
The docker mounting (-v) seems to be ok too. When I add -r report.xml I can see the report in C:/ZAP/ after zap finishes.
The baseline scan is exactly as described an limited feature baseline:
ICTU have a third party modification of the baseline scan that supports auth:

SSH on windows without storing password in clear

What I would do is using Putty (or other solution) on Windows to connect to a SAN switch and get results from a command with ssh.
I use Powershell as scripting language and it could be done easily but i don't want to save the password in the script.
I'm looking for a solution to use Putty from command line and set the password not stored in clear in the script.
What I thought is to launch the script with \RUNAS (through a Scheduled task) and pass the actual credentials directly to Putty. (The switch would have the same password as the account used with the Runas). Is that possible?
Or is there any solution using putty with a certificate or something like this?
You may want to consider using key authentication as opposed to a password.
People will say use a password in addition to the key, but if your alternative is storing the password on your PC in a file anyway, someone with access to your machine owns you in either case.. So you just need to generate the keys. The requirement is: no-one but you has access to that key file.
I'm in the same boat, have to use Windows, but for me which gives you a shell, and the basic *nix tools - extremely useful for SSH, connect to remote Linux VPS, etc.. Cygwin, of course which is similar, and has an easier tool (setup.exe if I recall) to install new apps. I actually use git-bash with is mingw with git. No-GUIs. I've found this easy to just drop to the mingw shell when I need to use ssh openssl cut awk etc..
So running any remote command using SSH from the command line without third-party programs like Putty, or those with GUIs, etc.. Using the key authentication and offing password auth completely in ssh on the remote device (at least on devices where you have control) is some additional lockdown for the remote device, especially if you're the only one need access it.
Which leaves, scheduling the script. There should be a way to do that via batch file and Windows or within the command line environment.
I'll suggest following options:
use password authentication. Store the text file with password in a file with limited access (some service account) and launch your script under this account's credentials
same as above, but instead of text file use certificate file
write a small program (C#) which uses DPAPI to store the certificate or password in service account-specific store.
combine any of the above with the use of BitLocker/EFS
No options are can protect you from an attacker having admin access to the server, but implementing them will give an increasing (in order of number) headache to someone who will be trying to break it.
The script will be a weak spot in any case, though.
This is probably not the answer you're looking for, but I wouldn't use Putty for this, and would rather communicate with the SSH server directly using SSH.NET library. It's available in both source and binary form, and you could use it from PowerShell too if you like.
Then you'd have a lot of options to store your login credentials securely.
I recommend setting up 2-factor authentication on the ssh machine that you have to communicate with IF you can't use key authentication.
Google's 2 factor authentication can be implemented for ssh and is relatively easy to set up as long as SE linux is disabled...if it isn't disabled, you can add an exception and that would essentially help reduce the risk of compromise and increase security.