AWS Cognito Mobile Hub - authentication

I need to login users via Instagram for my mobile application so I can make calls to Instagram API and get some information from the Instagram. Simply, my application will ask user to authorize Instagram access and able to get access token for API calls. Application should not ask user to login again once the user is authorized. I already setup my Instagram client-app to implement server-side authentication flow.
My challenge is I want to do this on by using AWS mobile services. I already setup custom authentication from MobileHub and came to point where I need to define my custom authentication flow (in this case it is Instagram authentication flow). Under AWS Cognito app when I go to Triggers tab, I see different options for defining lambda functions associated with my authentication (such as pre/post auth or define / create / verify auth challenge). I am not sure how to align Instagram Authentication flow with these functions. Or should I use something else. Also I am not clear how does AWS Cognito manages authentication flow: I don't want my users to go through authorization process every time they start my application. I believe AWS Cognito link users from my custom flow to some Cognito identity and able to authenticate when they use my application. I really appreciate any suggestions, or even code sample (if available).

Check this Document for Cognito Identity. Instagram is not there by default. So you have to use External Identity Provider, most probably using Open ID Connect Providers.


How to login into Google workspace using OIDC with my own identity provider

I am building an SSO system for android where I am the identity provider. And I want users to sign in from my app that will automatically log them in to google workspace (or any other enterprise application e.g salesforce). I cannot figure out what and how to send identity values from my Idp to Google workspace.
This can't be done this way round. When a user signs in to your app she can't be automatically signed in to any other application. The options that you have are:
When a user signs in to your application you can ask Google for an access token. As part of your sign-in process, you can run an OAuth flow against Google Authorization Servers and ask for proper permissions. This will allow the user to additionally log in to their Google account, consent to release information to your app and you will then get an access token that will enable you to call Google's APIs. This way your users will have to log in twice (both to your app and to Google).
You can rely on Google to log users into your app. So, Google will be the OIDC Provider and your app will only be the client. People will log in to their Google account, and you will get an ID token in return. You can use the data from the ID token to create user accounts and sessions in your app.
In the first case, you will want to have a look at OAuth flows, like the code flow. In the latter, you will need OIDC flow, e.g. the OIDC code flow.

Custom Authentication flow with aws amplify cognito

I want to create a custom signup Authentication Flow in aws amplify cognito service
What i Have
1.Enter Username
2.Enter Password
3.Verify user with Otp (Phone Number)/Confirmation Code (email)
What i want
1.Enter Username
2.Enter Otp/Confirmation Code
3.Enter Password
How to achieve this SignUp flow using aws amplify cognito service,Else what is the best service or approach
The scenario you want is possible to do with a custom auth flow but this has some caveats:
You can't use Cognito's MFA with a custom auth flow. It's just not possible. I have an enterprise account with AWS and have raised this with our rep and it was not even in their backlog. This means you need to implement your own SMS OTP or use twilio's API for it ($).
the cognito hosted UI does not support custom auth, you will need to redo ALL the UI yourself (think reset password links etc, not just login).
since you will be making API calls, not using the hosted UI, you will lose all oauth benefits, no code grant or oauth scopes. This means you need to do a heap of extra work to get it working securely in a mobile auth session, essentially you will need to reimplement code grant with PKCE somehow.
If you want to do this you can use the custom auth flow, it's pretty complex but here is an article that helped me out when I was doing it:
My advice would be to stick with the Hosted UI if possible, or don't use Cognito. The feature set of Cognito is a lot less than other auth providers (but it's cheaper).

Securing REST API Using AWS Cognito

I am exploring options for securing a REST based API being called from end-user applications across a variety of platforms, including mobile, web and OTT applications.
The applications have their own optional login process, though users can also use the application anonymously.
We are an AWS shop, and I'm looking for a more general solution using Cognito and Lambda#Edge, likely using a JWT token.
However, I can't quite piece together the options for issuing the JWT token from Cognito, especially given that we are not requiring any form of login. Is there an option using a rotating secret of some form? Any other options?
In API Gateway you can secure your API with cognito token.
Create an Authorization method and select the user pool you want to
Attach this method to the API you want to secure.
Now you will need to pass ID TOKEN in header of every call.
If token is incorrect or expired the API call will fail.
You can read more here.

AWS Cognito use custom auth flow with external identity provider

is it possible to use AWS Cognito that has a custom authentication flow enabled, while also using an external identity provider like Facebook or Google? I've tried this with Facebook and the Cognito Hosted UI, but my DefineAuthChallenge-trigger was not hit.
I contacted AWS Support and they pointed me to the Cognito documentation here where a note says that
The Amazon Cognito hosted sign-in web page does not support the custom authentication flow.
As an alternative, this solution was proposed:
Alternatively, if you would like to use custom authentication flow with an external identity provider, you will have to write your own custom login flow using one of Cognito's SDKs and use Facebook as a way of login.
My idea is that you can probably do this by defining a custom challenge, that asks, which identity provider you want to use, as the first, initial challenge. If Cognito is chosen, the user needs to provide their SRP-stuff or username and password, if that is enabled. If Facebook is chosen for example, you would probably need to send an auth challenge to the client saying that you want a token or code from them, which can only be gotten, if the client shows the website with the Facebook login. The challenge response to the server would then be the gotten auth token from Facebook or code or some other answer that the server can then use to authenticate the user within Cognito, where the Facebook app is connected and is registered as an external identity provider
This is my idea of how I would go about to do this, but I haven't actually implemented this. I hope this helps someone trying to do this though.

Which is the better way to implement authentication using login/password AND other social networks?

I'm gonna try to explain my problem :
I'd like to allow users to connect to my api via their own accounts (login/password) or via a social network (Facebook at first).
Then, I would allow any application to use my api, with the user authenticated.
My first thought when to auth the user via his/her login/password and return a token used as the session for the next requests.
But OAuth would seems to be the better implementations, except I don't know how to do this :
One of my applications will have to connect via login/password, like twitter web (I have to implement an login/password auth somewhere if I wan't my user to login :p)
Will I also have to register my applications to the oauth system (did twitter added their web app to their oauth ?)
How to merge the auth via others social networks. Concretely, the user will have to OAuth to my api that will auth to the social network.
I'm a bit lost on how to do this, if someone could help me, I would really appreciate !
Update 1:
Flickr and Lastfm seems to not use OAuth but an alternative auth system that looks like this :
The user is redirected to Flickr/Lastfm
The user auth himself and accept to use the application
Flickr/Lastfm return to the Callback url with a temporary frob (for flickr) or token (for lastfm)
The app must call the provider with the temporary frob/token (among with the api_key and the api_sig, as always) and get in return the session token to use for the next calls.
Update 2:
In fact, StackApps is the concrete case of my problem : you can login through their login/password system OR openId, and you can use their API.
OAuth is only needed to make others use your API on other services, i.e. authorize services to use your API without users of the intermediary service explicitly having to log in into your service by giving user's login credentials to a third party.
What I think you need is OpenID, the cross-application authentication mechanism. You just need to implement an OpenID client, accepting third-party OpenIDs to authenticate users, to subsequently identify them, when they use your service's API. This would have to be supplemented with a normal 'local' user authentication mechanism (i.e. login/password entry page)
You will need OAuth to provide an ability to use your API on other sites, though.