How to run with t3 service in WebLogic in order to work with WLST - weblogic

When started my WLST (Weblogic Scripting Tool) after setting JAVA_HOME, I am able to get into WLST, but as part my startup work I tried connect() command which in turn needs t3 protocol binding for the weblogic server which I try with WLST.
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM warning: ignoring option UseSpinning; support was rem
oved in 7.0_40
Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ...
Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell
Type help() for help on available commands
wls:/offline> connect()
Please enter your username :system
Please enter your password :
Please enter your server URL [t3://localhost:7001] :
Connecting to t3://localhost:7001 with userid system ...
Traceback (innermost last):
File "<console>", line 1, in ?
File "<iostream>", line 19, in connect
File "<iostream>", line 520, in raiseWLSTException
WLSTException: Error occurred while performing connect : Error getting the initi
al context. There is no server running at t3://localhost:7001
Use dumpStack() to view the full stacktrace :
wls:/offline> connect()
Please enter your username :system
Please enter your password :
Please enter your server URL [t3://localhost:7001] :
How I can run t3 service for my weblogic instance.


weblogic errors in wls EncryptionServiceException: com.rsa.jsafe.JSAFE_PaddingException: Invalid padding

sorry for the delay.
to update to the question:
weblogic version is 12c. our installs are a bit different as we do not manually create a domain. we used a piece of software called maintenix that gets installed on top of the weblogic base install and it creates a domain the app runs under admin server
thank you
Hi everybody I am trying to decrypt the login and password for my WebLogic console
So I researched and seems this should work but i get the error below:
here are more details:
[webmstr#Ready4Use Oracle_Home]$ cd oracle_common/common/bin/
[webmstr#Ready4Use bin]$ ./
Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ...
Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell
Type help() for help on available commands
wls:/offline> domain = "/webapps/maint/maint35_install/domain/"
wls:/offline> service =
wls:/offline> encryption =
wls:/offline> print encryption.decrypt("{AES}WDhZb5/IP95P4eM8jwYITiZs01kawSeliV59aFog1jE=")
Traceback (innermost last):
File "<console>", line 1, in ?
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( com.rsa.jsafe.JSAFE_PaddingException: Invalid padding.
I am suspecting some env item is not set properly but for the life of me I cannot see it (I did run before hand.

ldap server unreachable cause plone/zope server down

I have a plone installation (4.2.5) with add-on. There is a site with plone-ldap enabled and our ldap server was changed to another domain/IP. So on, zope server downs on plone-ldap retrieving ldap information. Nothing more works even root ZMI.
Any request to server doesn't load anything few seconds after plone restart. Therefore I can't reconfigure our new ldap server neither by our site or ZMI interface.
In such case, How can I proceed to reconfigure the new ldap server on plone-ldap component? Is there some script application similar to ZMI to do this? Is it a known bug?
Some logs:
1) Zeoserver.log
2016-06-06T15:52:04 new connection ('', 40051): <ManagedServerConnection ('', 40051)>
2016-06-06T15:52:04 ( received handshake 'Z3101'
2016-06-06T15:52:04 (unconnected) disconnected
2016-06-06T15:52:04 (unconnected) disconnected
2016-06-06T15:52:08 new connection ('', 40052): <ManagedServerConnection ('', 40052)>
2016-06-06T15:52:08 new connection ('', 40053): <ManagedServerConnection ('', 40053)>
2016-06-06T15:52:08 new connection ('', 40054): **<ManagedServerConnection ('', 40054)>
2016-06-06T15:52:08 ( received handshake 'Z3101'
2016-06-06T15:52:08 (unconnected) disconnected
2016-06-06T15:52:08 (unconnected) disconnected**
2) client1/event.log
2016-06-06T15:53:12 ERROR event.LDAPDelegate {'desc': "Can't contact LDAP server"}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/Plone/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.LDAPUserFolder-2.26-py2.7.egg/Products/LDAPUserFolder/", line 366, in search
connection = self.connect(bind_dn=bind_dn, bind_pwd=bind_pwd)
File "/usr/local/Plone/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.LDAPUserFolder-2.26-py2.7.egg/Products/LDAPUserFolder/", line 265, in connect
raise e
**SERVER_DOWN: {'desc': "Can't contact LDAP server"}**
Backup first
Disclaimer - I never seen before an LDAP configuration that freeze also the root-level admin ZMI access to the Plone site.
What I can quickly suggest you is to delete the ldap plugin from the site's acl_users and starts from scratch.
As ZMI is not usable you must use the console access.
For doing this run a zope instance as follow:
$ bin/instance debug
(where "instance" is one of your instances)
The you can delete the ldap plugin:
del app.Plone.acl_users['ldap-plugin-id']
Where Plone is the is of your site and ldap-plugin-id the is of the LDAP plugin.
If you don't remember it, look for it in this set:
Finally you must persist your changes:
import transaction;transaction.commit()
...then exit using CTRL+D
Now you must be able to access ZMI and you must create and reconfigure a new plugin.
Please note: when configuring an LDAP or AD plugin always set a "Connection timout" and an "Operation timeout". This is probably why your access attempt totally freeze the instance.

OpenDJ Multi-master replication fails(Hangs at Initializing registration information step):: javax.naming.AuthenticationException

I am using OpenDJ-2.4.6 along with Oracle JDK 7.80 and I want to run Multi-master replication on 2 of my servers, the OS for these servers is Amazon Linux.
The OpenDJ setup runs perfectly fine; I can start the server too without any errors.
It is when I run the "dsreplication" script as follows:
./dsreplication enable --host1 server1.example,com --port1 4444 --bindDN1 "cn=Directory Manager" --bindPassword1 "Passw0rd" --replicationPort1 1388 --host2 server2.example,com --port2 4444 --bindDN2 "cn=Directory Manager" --bindPassword2 "Passw0rd" --replicationPort2 1388 --adminUID admin --adminPassword "Passw0rd" --baseDN "dc=example,dc=com"
the script hangs on the following step:
Initializing registration information on server with the contents of server .....
And on checking the logs, there is no error reported in there.
But, when I run the following command:
./dsreplication status -h localhost -p 4444 --adminUID admin --adminPassword "Passw0rd" -X
it throws the following error:
The displayed information might not be complete because the following
errors were encountered reading the configuration of the existing
servers: Error on An error occurred
connecting to the server. Details:
javax.naming.AuthenticationException: [LDAP: error code 49 - Invalid
Credentials] Error on server:4444: An error occurred connecting to the
server. Details: javax.naming.AuthenticationException: [LDAP: error
code 49 - Invalid Credentials]
Please help me.
Thanks in advance.
The error could not be more explicit: "Invalid Credentials" on server 2.
Check the bindDN and bindPassword are valid against server 2.
When doing replication with OpenDJ, the hostnames must be resolved and addressable from either machines. Have you checked that this is the case with your Amazon Linux servers ?

Weblogic Admin Server Start issue - DataSource passwords got exparied

We are trying to use one of the existing weblogic 12c domain and It's DataSource passwords been expired.
Since AdminServer is not responding correctly I tried to re-start AdminServer as well, Now I have changed the DB passwords and wanted to set the new passwords starting the AdminServer, but I cant start AdminServer it's failing complaining passwords are expired. (I could have get a way with this issue if i keep the admin server running and set the new passwords)
I can see DataSources are targeted to Admin Server and I thought if I untarget DS from AdminServer I could start AdminServer correctly. hence I removed the AdminServer as a target from config.xml and tried o start the Admin but it's still failing complaining passwords are expired. Is Config cached anywhere , looks like I am Admin is still using the old config file ? by the way I have tried removing the tmp folder as well.
Also, I tried encrypting the new password and placing on JDBC config files, Probably the way I encrypted was wrong. These are the steps I used to encrypt
1. Connect to WLST offline ( because Admin is not up)
2. Read domain
3. Call encrypt function for new password
4. Print the encrypt password
Anything wrong ? Appreciate any suggestion to resolve this issue.
Error is starting like this ,
Jun 22, 2015 4:38:04 PM start
INFO: Jps initializing.
Jun 22, 2015 4:38:07 PM org.hibernate.validator.util.Version <clinit>
INFO: Hibernate Validator
Jun 22, 2015 4:38:07 PM org.hibernate.validator.engine.resolver.DefaultTraversableResolver detectJPA
INFO: Instantiated an instance of org.hibernate.validator.engine.resolver.JPATraversableResolver.
[EL Severe]: ejb: 2015-06-22 16:38:11.173--ServerSession(143991231)--Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.5.2.v20140319-9ad6abd): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException
Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
Error Code: 1017
Jun 22, 2015 4:38:11 PM getSecurityStoreVersion
WARNING: Unable to get the Version from Store returning the default javax.persistence.PersistenceException: Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.5.2.v20140319-9ad6abd): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException
Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
Error Code: 1017
First take backup of complete config folder inside domain.It looks like you are using rdbms policy store inside domain.So check for security-realm tag in config.xml there you will able to find encrypted password change the same using newly encrypted password and your admin server should start.

Raven.Server.exe Failed to grant rights for listening to http

I have installed RavenDB 2.5.0 as Windows Service.
When I try to run Raven.Server.exe as Administrator or not I receive this:
Trying to revoke rights for http.sys
runas netsh http delete urlacl url=https://+:8080/
Trying to grant rights for http.sys
runas netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:8080/ user="Endri-PC\Endri"
Failed to grant rights for listening to http, exit codes: (1 and 1)
A critical error occurred while starting the server. Please see the exception de
tails bellow for more details:
System.InvalidOperationException: Could not write to location: C:\RavenDB\Databa
se\System. Make sure you have read/write permissions for this path. ---> Microso
ft.Isam.Esent.Interop.EsentFileAccessDeniedException: Cannot access file, the fi
le is locked or in use
at Raven.Storage.Esent.TransactionalStorage.Initialize(IUuidGenerator uuidGen
erator, OrderedPartCollection`1 documentCodecs)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Raven.Storage.Esent.TransactionalStorage.Initialize(IUuidGenerator uuidGen
erator, OrderedPartCollection`1 documentCodecs)
at Raven.Database.DocumentDatabase..ctor(InMemoryRavenConfiguration configura
tion, TransportState transportState)
at Raven.Server.RavenDbServer..ctor(InMemoryRavenConfiguration settings)
at Raven.Server.Program.RunServerInDebugMode(RavenConfiguration ravenConfigur
ation, Boolean launchBrowser)
at Raven.Server.Program.RunInDebugMode(Nullable`1 anonymousUserAccessMode, Ra
venConfiguration ravenConfiguration, Boolean launchBrowser, Boolean noLog)
at Raven.Server.Program.<>c__DisplayClass34.<InteractiveRun>b__1b()
at Raven.Server.Program.InteractiveRun(String[] args)
at Raven.Server.Program.Main(String[] args)
Press any key to continue...
Any idea what to do ?
I just had this same problem while I was following the "Basic Concepts" section of the RavenDB documentation, with the following output:
Trying to grant rights for http.sys
runas netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:8080/ user="User-PC\User"
Failed to grant rights for listening to http, exit codes: (0 and 1)
A critical error occurred while starting the server. Please see the exception details bellow for more details:
System.InvalidOperationException: Could not write to location: C:\RavenDB\Data.
Make sure you have read/write permissions for this path. ---> Microsoft.Isam.Esent.Interop.EsentFileAccessDeniedException: Cannot access file, the file is locked or in use
<stack trace follows>
The issue was that the RavenDB installer had automatically started the RavenDB Server as a Windows Service, preventing the command-line Raven.Server.exe from being able to access the right directory. I just opened the Services control panel (Start menu -> services.msc) and stopped the RavenDB service. After that, starting Raven.Server.exe from the command line worked as demonstrated in the documentation.
Note that this is running on a Windows 7 x64 Professional machine in Development mode with RavenDB 2.5.2851.
You have neither the permission to access port 8080 nor the database folder. If you want to run RavenDB on your account, give yourself permissions for the folder C:\RavenDB\Database\System and run this command in an elevated console:
netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:8080/