TSQL Select element with only one value - sql

I have a project in which I need to save request for file. I have to save the state of the request with the date of each step.
I have two tables in my database :
FileRequest :
FileRequestStatus :
I would like to create a request to get each FileName from the table FileRequest having only the Status == 'NEW'. The desired output would be in this case C12345, LIVE.
If you have a better idea in order to build my database, I'll take it
I tried something like that :
SELECT [FileName] FROM [FileRequest]
INNER JOIN [FileRequestStatus] ON [FileRequestStatus].[RequestId] = [FileRequest].[RequestId]
GROUP BY [FileRequestStatus].[RequestId]
HAVING COUNT([FileRequestStatus].[RequestStatus]) < 2

FROM [FileRequest] FR
INNER JOIN [FileRequestStatus] FRS ON FRS.[RequestId] = FR.[RequestId]
HAVING COUNT(CASE WHEN FRS.RequestStatus <> 'New' THEN 1 END) = 0 --No statuses other than `NEW`
AND COUNT(CASE WHEN FRS.RequestStatus = 'New' THEN 1 END) >= 1 --Atleast one status `NEW`

I think the simplest method is aggregation:
select fr.FileName
from nep.FileRequest fr join
nep.FileRequestStatus] frs
on frs.RequestId = fr.RequestId
group by fr.FileName
having min(frs.RequestStatus) = max(frs.RequestStatus) and
min(frs.RequestStatus) = 'New';
Note: This assumes that the request status is never NULL (although that is easy to take into account).
What this does is aggregate by file name and then check that the statuses for a given file are all equal (the first condition) and equal to 'New' (the second condition).

You need to include [FileName] to your GROUP BY, then you can select it in result
SELECT [nep].[FileRequest].[FileName] FROM [nep].[FileRequest]
INNER JOIN [nep].[FileRequestStatus] ON [nep].[FileRequestStatus].[RequestId] = [nep].[FileRequest].[RequestId]
GROUP BY [nep].[FileRequestStatus].[RequestId], [nep].[FileRequest].[FileName]
HAVING COUNT([nep].[FileRequestStatus].[RequestStatus]) < 2


use distinct within case statement

I have a query that uses multiple left joins and trying to get a SUM of values from one of the joined columns.
SUM( case when session.usersessionrun =1 then 1 else 0 end) new_unique_session_user_count
FROM session
LEFT JOIN appuser ON appuser.appid = '6279df3bd2d3352aed591583'
AND appuser.userid = session.userid
LEFT JOIN userdevice ON userdevice.appid = '6279df3bd2d3352aed591583'
AND userdevice.userid = appuser.userid
WHERE session.appid = '6279df3bd2d3352aed591583'
AND (session.uploadedon BETWEEN '2022-04-18 08:31:26' AND '2022-05-18 08:31:26')
But this obviously gives a redundant session.usersessionrun=1 counts since it's a joined resultset.
Here the logic was to mark the user as new if the sessionrun for that record is 1.
I grouped by userid and usersessionrun and it shows that the records are repeated.
userid. sessionrun. count
628212 1 2
627a01 1 4
So what I was trying to do was something like
SUM(CASE distinct(session.userid) AND WHEN session.usersessionrun = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) new_unique_session_user_count
i.e. for every unique user count, session.usersessionrun = 1 should only be done once.
As you have discovered, JOIN operations can generate combinatorial explosions of data.
You need a subquery to count your sessions by userid. Then you can treat the subquery as a virtual table and JOIN it to the other tables to get the information you need in your result set.
The subquery (nothing in my answer is debugged):
SELECT COUNT(*) new_unique_session_user_count,
FROM session
WHERE session.appid = '6279df3bd2d3352aed591583'
AND session.uploadedon BETWEEN '2022-04-18 08:31:26'
AND '2022-05-18 08:31:26'
AND session.usersessionrun = 1
AND session.appid = '6279df3bd2d3352aed591583'
GROUP BY userid
This subquery summarizes your session table and has one row per userid. The trick to avoiding JOIN-created combinatorial explosions is using subqueries that generate results with only one row per data item mentioned in a JOIN's ON-clause.
Then, you join it with the other tables like this
SELECT summary.new_unique_session_user_count
SELECT COUNT(*) new_unique_session_user_count,
FROM session
WHERE session.appid = '6279df3bd2d3352aed591583'
AND session.uploadedon BETWEEN '2022-04-18 08:31:26'
AND '2022-05-18 08:31:26'
AND session.usersessionrun = 1
AND session.appid = '6279df3bd2d3352aed591583'
GROUP BY userid
) summary
JOIN appuser ON appuser.appid = '6279df3bd2d3352aed591583'
AND appuser.userid = summary.userid
JOIN userdevice ON userdevice.appid = '6279df3bd2d3352aed591583'
AND userdevice.userid = appuser.userid
There may be better ways to structure this query, but it's hard to guess at them without more information about your table definitions and business rules.

SQL query with GROUP BY and HAVING COUNT(condition) in ORACLE

I have three tables: temp, product and feed.
I'll show on example:
select ri.id from temp ri
inner join product i on ri.id = to_char(i.val)
inner join feed f on f.product_id = i.product_id
where i.status = 'Finished'
and f.type = 'Type'
group by f.feed_id, ri.id
having COUNT(f.status = 'SUCCESS') < 1;
so I tried to get all ids from temp that have f.type = 'Type'. Problem is that for one feed.feed_id can be many rows because I could retrigger it 5 times and let's say 4 times it crashed but at 5th attempt it was SUCCESS, so for one feed.feed_id I would have 5 rows and only one would be with f.status = SUCCESS.
Error which I receive for this query is ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis which makes me totally confused.
feed table:
feed_id, status, type
I am interested in all feed_id which don't have even one status='SUCCESS' for type='TYPE'
You can't COUNT a boolean expression in Oracle, you can use a CASE expression instead e.g.
This expression returns NULL when the condition is false, so it will only count the rows for which the condition is true (since COUNT of an expression ignores NULL values).
Note also (as #GordonLinoff points out in the comments) that since COUNT cannot return a negative number, it is cleaner (and would be more efficient) to simply compare the result for equality with 0, rather than being less than 1:

Joining a derived table postgres

I have 4 tables:
Competencies: a list of obviously competencies, static and a library
Competency Levels: refers to an associated group of competencies and has a number of competencies I am testing for
call_competency: a list of all 'calls' that have recorded the specified competency
competency_review_status: proving whether each call_competency was reviewed
Now I am trying to write this query to count a total and spit out the competency, id and whether a user has reached the limit. Everything works except for when I add the user. I am not sure what I am doing wrong, once I limit call competency by user in the where clause, I get a small subset that ONLY exists in call_competency returned when I want the entire list of competencies.
The competencies not reached should be false, ones recorded appropriate number true. A FULL list from the competency table.
I added the derived table, not sure if this is right, obviously it doesn't run properly, not sure what I'm doing wrong and I'm wasting time. Any help much appreciated.
SELECT comp.id, comp.shortname, comp.description,
CASE WHEN sum(CASE WHEN crs.grade = 'Pass' THEN 1 ELSE CASE WHEN crs.grade = 'Fail' THEN -1 ELSE 0 END END) >= comp_l.competency_break_level
FROM competencies comp
INNER JOIN competency_levels comp_l ON comp_l.competency_group = comp.competency_group
SELECT competency_id
FROM call_competency
WHERE call_competency.user_id IN (
SELECT users.id FROM users WHERE email= _studentemail
) call_c ON call_c.competency_id = comp.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN competency_review_status crs ON crs.id = call_competency.review_status_id
GROUP BY comp.id, comp.shortname, comp.description, comp_l.competency_break_level
ORDER BY comp.id;
(Shooting from the hip, no installation to test)
It looks like the below should do the trick. You apparently had some of the joins mixed up, with a column from a relation that was not referenced. Also, the CASE statement in the main query could be much cleaner.
SELECT comp.id, comp.shortname, comp.description,
(sum(CASE WHEN crs.grade = 'Pass' THEN 1 WHEN crs.grade = 'Fail' THEN -1 ELSE 0 END) >= comp_l.competency_break_level) AS reached_limit
FROM competencies comp
JOIN competency_levels comp_l USING (competency_group)
SELECT competency_id, review_status_id
FROM call_competency
JOIN users ON id = user_id
WHERE email = _studentemail
) call_c ON call_c.competency_id = comp.id
LEFT JOIN competency_review_status crs ON crs.id = call_c.review_status_id
GROUP BY comp.id, comp.shortname, comp.description
ORDER BY comp.id;

Is it possible to get several COUNT in one single SQL request?

I need help to write a simple procedure. Let me explain what I'm trying to do.
I have 3 tables
I would like to create a procedure that return me a list of tJobOffer with the statistics of different status of this tJobOffer. tApplicationStatus is linked to tApplication that is linked to tJobOffer. An application can be CANDIDATE / ACCEPTED / REFUSED / IGNORED / ...
I created this query :
COUNT([A].[ApplicationId]) AS [CandidateCount]
FROM [tJobOffer] AS [T]
LEFT JOIN [tApplication] AS [A]
INNER JOIN [tApplicationStatus] AS [S]
ON [S].[ApplicationStatusId] = [A].[ApplicationStatusId]
AND [S].[ApplicationStatusTechnicalName] = 'CANDIDATE'
ON [A].[JobOfferId] = [T].[JobOfferId]
ORDER BY [T].[JobOfferTitle] ;
The result is
> 52ED7C67-21E1-49BB-A1F8-0601E6EED1EA Announce a 0
> F26B228D-0C81-4DA8-A287-F8F997CC1F9C Announce b 0
> 9DA60B23-F113-4C7F-9707-2B90C1556D5D Announce c 2
> 258E11A7-79C1-47B6-8C61-413AA54E2360 Announce d 0
> DA582383-5DF4-4E1D-837C-382371BDEF57 Announce e 1
The result is correct. I get my tJoboffers with statistic on status candidate. I have 2 candidates for Announce c and 1 candidate for announce e. If I change my string 'CANDIDATE' to 'ACCEPTED' or 'REFUSED' I can get the statistic on these status. Is it possible to get everything in one request?
Something like
> 52ED7C67-21E1-49BB-A1F8-0601E6EED1EA Announce a 0 0 2
> F26B228D-0C81-4DA8-A287-F8F997CC1F9C Announce b 0 0 1
> 9DA60B23-F113-4C7F-9707-2B90C1556D5D Announce c 2 0 0
> 258E11A7-79C1-47B6-8C61-413AA54E2360 Announce d 0 0 0
> DA582383-5DF4-4E1D-837C-382371BDEF57 Announce e 1 1 0
use SUM and CASE
SUM(CASE WHEN [S].[ApplicationStatusTechnicalName] = 'CANDIDATE' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [CandidateCount],
SUM(CASE WHEN [S].[ApplicationStatusTechnicalName] = 'ACCEPTED' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [ACCEPTEDCount],
SUM(CASE WHEN [S].[ApplicationStatusTechnicalName] = 'REFUSED' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [REFUSEDCount]
FROM [tJobOffer] AS [T]
LEFT JOIN [tApplication] AS [A]
ON [A].[JobOfferId] = [T].[JobOfferId]
LEFT JOIN [tApplicationStatus] AS [S]
ON [S].[ApplicationStatusId] = [A].[ApplicationStatusId]
ORDER BY [T].[JobOfferTitle] ;
Yes, it is. One way to do that is to use the PIVOT function. The other way to do this would be to use LEFT OUTER JOIN each time you need a count of items, something like that:
FROM AllVacancies as a
(SELECT JobID from AllVacancies WHERE ApplicationStatus = 'CANDIDATE') as b
ON a.JobID = b.JobID
(SELECT JobID FROM AllVacancies WHERE ApplicationStatus = 'ACCEPTED') as c
ON a.JobID = cJobID
as many times as the categories that you need.
Yes you can carry as many counts as you want
try this
this will give you the count of no of rows in column 1 and column two
usually this will result the same count unless you have any null values allowesd and existing in any of the column.
If any column has any null value then its count may differ , so basically the idea is to apply count on the primary Key column .
Select count(*) from demoTable ;
this line also results in count values but it applies for the complete table , so performance wise applying count on any particular column is better .
again on the accuracy issue this must be applied on the column with primary key or not null constraint .
moving further , you need not to restrain to a single table
SELECT COUNT(1),COUNT(2) FROM ( joins or any selection from any no of table);
just be aware of the no of columns existing in the selection set

Logic for a specific Count

I want to fill a asp:GridView with a result of a query. My query, has to count the number of ocurrences of a specific status_id IF the column 'san_proposta.credenciada_id' is different of the value 10. If the column 'san_proposta.credenciada_id' is equals of the value 10 in anothers rows, I need count all ocurrences of a specific status_id that has the 'credenciada_id' equal 10.
I'm trying the follow code, but I don't know how to do with this specifics count.
SELECT DISTINCT San_Proposta.Imovel_Id, San_Logradouro.Descricao, San_Endereco.Logradouro, San_Imovel.Numero, San_TipoComplemento.Descricao AS Expr1,
San_Imovel.Complemento, San_Imovel.TipoDsc1, San_Transacao.TransacaoSigla, San_Credenciada.Apelido, San_Transacao.Transacao_ID, COUNT(San_Proposta.StatusProposta_Id) AS NumeroProposta
FROM San_Proposta
JOIN San_Imovel
ON San_Proposta.Imovel_Id = San_Imovel.Imovel_Id
JOIN San_Endereco
ON San_Imovel.Endereco_Id = San_Endereco.Endereco_Id
JOIN San_Logradouro
ON San_Endereco.Logradouro_Id = San_Logradouro.Logradouro_Id
JOIN San_TipoComplemento
ON San_Imovel.TipoComplemento_Id = San_TipoComplemento.TipoComplemento_Id
JOIN San_Transacao
ON San_Imovel.Transacao_ID = San_Transacao.Transacao_ID
JOIN San_Credenciada
ON San_Imovel.Credenciada_Id = San_Credenciada.Credenciada_Id
WHERE (San_Imovel.Credenciada_Id = 10 OR San_Proposta.Credenciada_Id = 10)
GROUP BY San_Proposta.Imovel_Id, San_Logradouro.Descricao, San_Endereco.Logradouro, San_Imovel.Numero,
San_TipoComplemento.Descricao, San_Imovel.Complemento, San_Imovel.TipoDsc1, San_Transacao.TransacaoSigla,
San_Credenciada.Apelido, San_Transacao.Transacao_ID, San_Proposta.StatusProposta_Id,
San_Proposta.Credenciada_Id, San_Imovel.Credenciada_Id
ORDER BY San_Proposta.Imovel_Id DESC
Based on what you're saying (if I'm interpreting you correctly) it looks like
COUNT(CASE WHEN San_Proposta.credenciada_id = 10 THEN San_Proposta.StatusProposta_Id ELSE NULL END)
would work for your count.